The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1756: Kagu

Chapter 1756 Kagu

Representatives of Kate’s business bank flew straight out and squatted on the two guards behind them.

The huge impact made the other and the two guards behind him a gourd, and even the other two representatives from the merchants of Aitenburg were affected.

Everyone fell to the ground.

The snoring of the pain sounded, but it stopped abruptly.

Because, in the hands of Qin Ran, the "gun of dark medicine" sparked.


After a second of charge, the guns of the Dark Medicine Gun spurted six of the largest number of air bombs.

These attacks determine that a powerful air bomb is excited by a fan shape at an angle of 120°, which instantly covers and penetrates the body of the creature in front of Qin Ran.

From Qin Ran’s foot to shooting, it’s just a little more than a second.

The people present did not respond at all.

After the gunshots fell for a few seconds, these talents exclaimed.


"who are you?"

"Why shoot?"

"Put the gun down!"

Such shouts come and go.

The guards who rushed back in the distance were scabbarded one by one, and the muzzle of the arquebus was also aimed at Qin Ran. Boer, standing behind Qin Ran, took out the arquebus without hesitation, pointing back to these The guards did not have the slightest concession.

Boer did not know why Qin Ran shot.

But this does not hinder, Boer chose to stand in the camp of Qin Ran.

He thinks this is correct.

In fact...

is also like this.

The next moment, the bodies were screaming.

It should have been a lifeless corpse, and it actually swelled up, and each of them became a monster with a height of two or three meters, gray skin, and sharp teeth.

However, the nature of the body has not changed.

There is no change in the wounds on them.

Death has long shrouded them.

"what happened?"

"How come the adults?"

The exclamation reappeared. However, this time, every guard had put down the weapon. They looked at Qin Ran with incomprehension and asked for an answer.

Qin Ran looked at the remaining representatives in the previous negotiations.

It was swept by Qin Ran’s eyes, and the representatives of those businessmen fought back in fear.

They have not forgotten, just Qin Ran did not say a direct shot.

However, just as they stepped back, a scream rang.


The man in the cloth coat and the cotton coat, which was chosen by the merchants, suddenly burst into a painful snoring.

Then, something that scared everyone was happening.

The other person's body began to disappear!

Starting from the limbs, it is like swallowing something that cannot be seen.

A little bit.

Everyone even heard the sound of flesh and blood and chewed bones.

"Save, save me!"

The other party felt the coming of death and began to ask for help.

But immediately, the tongue in the other's mouth began to disappear.

As the tongue disappeared, the other's head was swallowed quickly.

Soon, the other side, including the skull, disappeared all four limbs, leaving only one torso falling to the ground.

Everyone looked at the torso that was constantly overflowing with blood, and his face was white and panic.

"What is going on?"

The head of the guard from Kate’s firm couldn’t help but ask.

However, no one answered him.


More screams have appeared.

Those merchants who had previously delivered the 'cost' rolled down one by one.

They are also being swallowed.

However, the direction and extent of swallowing are different.

Some are from the hand, some are from the foot, then, some hands and feet are finished after being swallowed, and some are swallowed a small half of the body, it is the end.

Naturally, the latter simply cannot survive.

As for the former?

The screams are coming and going.

"Come, come and bandage them."


Kate’s **** leader shouted loudly at his hand.

Then he went straight to Qin Ran and Bohr.

After a slight examination, it is judged who is the leader of the principal's guard and bows to Qin Ran.

"Hello, I am sorry for the recklessness before, please forgive me."

"I am the car leader of the caravan, Kagu."

"If you can, can you tell me what happened here?"

The head of the guard named Kagu was very polite to ask.

Being able to become the head of the Kate firm responsible for the safety of the Fort Austin to the border Moorish caravan, Kagu’s ability is naturally beyond doubt, but the most important thing is Kagu’s insight and reaction.

On the way to running for more than ten years, Kagu saw too many things.

Taking these things as a experience, Kagu has already understood that what should be done when he encounters an unknown thing.

Sometimes, more etiquette is not a bad thing.

"There is a mixture of evil."

"And, using some of its own characteristics, some contracts have been developed."

"They are all people who have signed the contract voluntarily."

Qin Ran simply described the general situation of the matter and walked directly to the jungle on one side.

Boer wants to follow, but the speed of Qin Ran is too fast. Bohr has just stepped out of two steps, and there is no Qin Ran figure.

Frustrated and shook his head, Bohr turned back.

"Are you Mr. Bohr?"

“Can you explain it to me in detail?”

"Or, how should we prevent such things from happening again?"

Kagu quickly and accurately called out the name of Bohr.

In the bottom of my heart, Kagu is thinking about the details of Bohr.

A businessman who eats at the border of Molza.

Good ability.

Very brave.

Has broken the routine.

But they will not take the initiative to make a living.

It is a safe ‘guest’.

As the head of the Kate firm, who can join the team, and who needs attention, Kagu is naturally clear.

And Bohr is not surprised.

If the other party does not have such ability, he will doubt that the other party is relying on what is mixed into this position.

By the face?

Certainly not.

When the other party is young, it may be okay, but the running wave of the perennial running business has already made the other side's face full of wind and frost, and the hair is also bald, and the head is reflected in the moonlight and the fire.

Good looking people, once bald.

That really didn't save.

Not only is it old, but it also makes people feel wretched.

It's better not to be shaved.

Touching his thick hair, Bohr said slowly.

"What happened, I am not sure about it for the time being."

"But we are safe."

"After all, we have Lord Colin."

Bohr said confidently.

"Lord Colin?"

Kaguro frowned with a hesitation.

"Trust me, here, nothing is safer than the one around Colin!"

Bohr stressed.

Kagu seems to be convinced, nodded, and then turned to prepare to appease his subordinates and others.

However, just as he turned around, Kagu lowered his head slightly, but his face leaked a hazy smile, and he muttered from his throat.

"is it?"

This kind of voice can only be heard by himself. He does not worry about being heard, but at this time, a faint response sound suddenly came from behind him.


PS fat dragon friends gathering, this chapter is a little less, all kinds of gatherings in the New Year, really sorry! Wait until the fat dragon is busy these days, give everyone a wave of it~

(End of this chapter)

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