The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1757: good mood

Chapter 1757 Good mood

Kagu’s body twisted stiffly.

He looked shocked and watched when he did not know when Qin Qian and the calm-looking Bohr stood behind him.

At this time, Bohr had no previous politeness and enthusiasm.

All that has is a slightly sarcasm.

The other party has already discovered everything?

Is it acting with it?

After such an idea rose from the bottom of his heart, Kagu shook his head violently.


My plan is seamless!

Even if the initial plan fails, the backup plan is enough to make up for everything!

They just happen to be!

Yes, it’s all right!

Thinking of this, Kagu took a deep breath.

"Don't think that it happened to destroy my plan, you can..."


Still thinking that Kagu, who controls the whole situation, slowly opened, but did not wait for the other party to finish, Qin Ran raised his hand is a shot.

Kagu’s eyes showed disdain.

The props in the other hand are really good.

However, even the best props need to stop the talent line.

Can't beat the target's arquebus?

That really is no different from burning a fire stick!

Just as Kagu was ready to move and dodge, a hollow, dark tentacles spread from the void around his body.

[Wounds of entanglement]!

Legendary items from the Three Kings Treasury.

After this weird death, the equipment processed by alchemy, with the will of Qin Ran, stretched the tentacles and wrapped around Kagu.

Although in the next moment, Kagu broke away from such entanglement, but the projectile that flew out of the muzzle of the gun of the dark medicine had already hit the head of Kagu.

It is no longer an air bomb, but a live ammunition after loading. It has a live ammunition with a strong level of attack and a strong level of fire damage.

The arquebus that can't beat the target is a fire stick.

The arquebus that accurately hits the target is the big killer.


Kagu’s head was directly blown up, and the headless body fell to the ground with a splash.

An invisible force emerges from this body.

Then, it poured into the [Mist of the Mist] in the pocket of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran did not worry about viewing [the Lord of the Mist], but his eyes swept over the dead body of Kagu.

The other person's body has not changed.

It is still the appearance of human beings.

However, it is similar in appearance.

Neri has already been replaced by ‘fragrity’.

In the perspective of [Tracking], any nuances can't be seen in Qin, especially in the world that has been occupied by the misty and evil atmosphere. A guy with a similar breath is really Too conspicuous.

After all, true human beings are incompatible with these breaths.

However, for these guys attacking the team, Qin Ran did not have any accidents.

Because this is normal.

Compared to the seemingly weak defensive and defensive city, the former is definitely easier to start.

Even if the number of the former is a little smaller, it is the same.

According to Qin Ran's expectation, it should attract a lot of similar ‘wild branches' ‘sleeping deer’, but the quantity is somewhat beyond Qin Ran’s expectation.

Not much.

But less!

In Qin Ran's prediction, there are three or five similar evils.

And now?

The only evil is ‘kagu’!

Those who change after death are just the monsters that have been corrupted by the other side.

“Is this the pathfinder stone that was launched?”

"I still can't wait to jump out and want to start as a strong guy?"

In the thought, Qin Ran saw the caravans who were once again surrounded by the people. They immediately made a gesture of 'give you to you' and headed straight toward the carriage.

Qin Ran always has vigilance against strangers.

He knows that such a self is not a suitable object of dealing with.

If he is single, he has to bite his head.

However, now with Bohr, it is not the same.

Boer bowed slightly to the back of Qin Ran.

He knows what he should do.

For the 'devil of inflammation' to deal with things that the other party does not want to pay attention to, this is the basic principle of mutual assistance and reciprocity.

"do not panic!"

"Cago, like the people before him, is no longer a companion you are familiar with. They, no, they have been corrupted by evil..."

When Bohr explained, his eyes swept through the body of ‘Kagu’.

Really a smart guy!

Since the top of the Kate caravan has changed in a different way, as a survivor of the ‘only’, you are far more conspicuous than you think!

Bohr does not have the special skills of [tracking].

However, he has basic judgments.

If you want to hide a leaf, you will naturally put the leaves into the forest, but when the forest is withered yellow leaves, you throw in a green leaf, it is really a dead end.

After a slight sigh in the bottom of his heart, Bohr began talking to the temporary head of the Kate caravan.

After Bohr told everything in full and was willing to sign a contract under ‘God’s Witness’ to prove that he was telling the truth, the temporary responsible person could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I am sorry, Mr. Bohr."

"It’s too unprepared."

"We have prepared enough, but there is still an accident."

The temporary person in charge, named Aite, smiled bitterly, and there were many more gullies on the face full of pleats.

Alto, who is really a middle-aged person, looks much older than the actual age. The clothes are not too clean. It is able to keep warm, and it has a difference with the previous Kagu and the representative. do not.

However, such talent is an important part of the caravan.

Boer’s role was one of them.

Therefore, he is very clear about what such people are thinking.

Or, how to deal with such people.

"Yeah, after the 'black disaster,' the accident is everywhere."

"But believe me, Colin is stronger than we think."

"Of course, we still need to check the team. The best way to prepare for you is to let me know. I don't want to have unnecessary trouble because of mutual understanding."

Bohr gave a guarantee.

Immediately, Aite was relieved.

"Of course, please come with me."

Aite nodded in agreement.

Then, it was very straightforward to turn around and lead the way, without a little delay.

Although Aite became the temporary person in charge because of his age and experience in the caravan, he would never want to be the person in charge if he could.

Aite, who has been on the road from Aitenburg to the border of Moorsa for ten years, has never been as fearful as it is today.

Although there have been various dangers in the past, it has never been erupted from the team.

To know……

There is an ‘absolute’ guarantee within the team.

Now, this guarantee of ‘absolute’ has actually failed!

Aite doesn't know why it is invalid.

But Aite knows that they are in desperate need of a presence that guarantees security.

Therefore, after obtaining the basic guarantee, Aite did not hesitate to take Bohr to the front of the Kate caravan's biggest ‘secret.

A pair of horse-drawn carriages.

From the outside, it is no different from other carriages in the caravan. There is no abnormality in the driver's car, but after the car was opened in Aitra, I saw a ‘hero emblem’!

God of War's ‘God Emblem’!

It is not the kind of carving on the ornaments, but an independent, three-dimensional, carved out of blood red rocks, full of ‘God emblem’.

When you see this emblem, Bohr is a glimpse.

Although the **** of war is not as unique as before the black disaster, it is not something that can be used by anyone, let alone a separate ‘hero’.

According to information known to Bol, this separate ‘hero emblem’ may only be given by the Temple of War.

This is not easy, even if the former lord of Sika, the well-known devout goddess believers have not been obtained.

In fact, from the beginning of Aitante I, the total number of such ‘heroes’ given is no more than ten.

Most of them were obtained from the royal family of Aitantin.

The rest are the great aristocrats of Aitenburg.


Which one is standing behind Kate?

Search for information in Bol's mind.

Although there are just a few big aristocrats in Aitenburg, but when you want to determine which one is, Bohr needs time to distinguish and collect information.

No doubt, now is not the time.

"It turned out to be a **** emblem!"

“It’s no wonder that Kate has become one of the largest businesses in Aitandin.”

Boer’s pretense was amazed.

Aite on the side was first proud.

This is the pride of being a member of Kate's business, but immediately thought that this biggest guarantee is losing its magical effect, and Aite's face was replaced by bleak again.

Then, I was looking forward to watching Bohr.

"Mr. Aite, I am just a businessman."

“I don’t know what’s wrong with the ‘God’.’”

"It is even more impossible to solve."

"These things can only be asked about the priests."

Borcia had the advantage of spreading his hands, revealing a helpless look.

"Yeah, how can we solve such a thing."

Boer's helplessness, close to the good feelings of Aite, the other person immediately nodded, then, after the other party closed the compartment door, the two talked for a while, until the team started again, Bohr Only return to your own carriage.

As soon as he entered the carriage, Bohr saw Qin Ran, whose mouth was slightly upturned.

good mood?

Bohr is awkward.

Later, Boer blinked in the middle of consciousness.

When the vision was clear again, Bohr saw Qin Ran as indifferent as memory.

Suddenly, Bool sighed.

To be honest, I used to be indifferent to Qin, and suddenly changed it. He really didn't adapt. It was like a confession. He already had the preparation to be a friend. The result turned out to be successful!

It’s a shame that even the friends didn’t even have to do it.

"Colin, I found the 'God' emblem in the carriage of the Kate caravan!"

After Boer sat down, he immediately said everything he had seen before, and then Boer began to express his opinions.

"God of War is weaker than we have seen."

"Before facing the 'fog', it was just a projection, and now even the 'God' emblem can't suppress the evils. I think... He will have reached the limit."

At the end of the day, Bohr lowered his voice.

If it were not because of the ‘god emblem’ in the team, Bohr would prefer to use the word “fallen”.

In this regard, Qin Ran is not okay.

Judging from the information he received, the God of War is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, but who can guarantee that this is not a disguise?

Or, to be more precise, a **** in the copy world that has long been worthy of the ‘hacker’ layout, is really as “weak and deceivable” as it seems?

Qin Ran is not convinced.

Therefore, Qin Ran answered Bol very cautiously.


"But it is unlikely."

In the face of Qin Ran's answer, after slightly thinking about it, Boll nodded solemnly.

He has never met a god.

Qin Ran’s opinion is naturally worthy of reference.

Then, when I thought of myself as a 'novice', I began to think about the gods, and Boer couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"I should consider my next plan more, not what you should consider in Colin!"

"For the next few days, Aitenburg will surely be the starting point for all vortexes."

"I hope it won't affect me too much!"

Bohr said hopefully.

Qin Ran remained silent.

No one can say clearly about the future.

In the existence he knows, except for the ‘the **** of the earth’, Nikelle, even the “Mrs. Thorns” who have the function of “destiny” are just a glimpse of the future.

Moreover, this corner will be changed at will.

Maybe one day he can also peep into this corner.

Compared with these, Qin Ran believes that it is better to master the present.

Unable, Qin Ran reached out and touched the "Mist of the Mist" in his arms.

At this time, the "Mist of the Mist" has made new changes.

Under the premise of keeping the original item level and basic attributes unchanged, there is a more [fraud contract] in terms of special effects.

[Fraud contract: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the ‘fog Lord’ to accept the large offerings of believers, and then give a little reward (the type of reward is not limited to the real thing)】


A special effect that looks very good in Qin Ran.

Although the current 'fog' church is still in the development stage, this special effect should not be used, but when the 'fog' church continues to grow and develop, it has reached the level of 'war temple', 'vangerous woman', even when it exceeds this level. The value of this special effect will show up.

It’s not an empty talk about how powerful people are.

Perhaps Qin Ran can easily break the army of thousands of people.

However, when people are helping, looking for and making something, Qin Ran is not as good as himself.

Quantitative changes can always cause qualitative changes.

Qin Ran firmly believes in this sentence.

Because of this, his mood will be good.

Even, it has been maintained until now.

However, right away, Qin Ran’s mood...

It is more and more enjoyable.

PS Valentine's Day, fat dragon is determined to keep on! This is the insistence of a code dog!

(End of this chapter)

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