The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1758: food

Chapter 1758 Food

Sika collar border, post.

Two six-meter-tall towers are inconspicuous in this mountain, plus a little camouflage, enough for any sloppy guy to ignore the two towers.

However, the sharpshooter standing on the whistle tower is able to easily see everything about the avenue and the inner mountain.

Moreover, the angle of the two towers is enough to allow the archers on the tower to pay attention to each other and reduce the accident.


The north wind in winter is whizzing past.

Luka narrowed his neck and subconsciously wrapped the sheepskin outside, but the wind continued to plung into the neck collar and stabbed into his body, making him shudder.

"Damn ghost weather."

"This year is even colder than last year!"

"The only thing that keeps going is that I can go back soon!"

Luka whispered to the companion around him.

Sika has a military service system. There are more than two adult males in the territory. Every three years, one of them must be elected for one year.

Most of the time of service is from the winter of one year to the winter of the next year.

Of course, this is not an obligation, but a certain subsidy.

Among them, the most important thing for the people to pay attention to is tax cuts.

When there is a male in the family, the tax can be reduced by a quarter or more.

Therefore, many people have chosen the path of professional soldiers.

However, this is not easy.

If you want to get the identity of a professional soldier in the hands of Sika's lord of the Belief, the first thing is to be able to fight, at least to have the reputation of brave.

If there is any special talent, it is even better.

This is the case with Ebreu, who is on duty with Luka.

Compared to Ruka's ordinary body, Ebru is not only strong, but his eyes are still slightly light in the cold night, it seems that the darkness of the night can not stop him.

In fact, the same is true.

Ebour as the only five archers in the post, these eyes are notoriously sharp.

Of course, what is more famous is his instinct for danger.

As a result, Ebru received half the salary of the other four and took on the night's post inspection mission.

"What is wrong with the military camp?"

Ebru responded with a low smile.

Because both of them are from the same town, the relationship between the two sides is not bad, and they are willing to work together.

"No wine."

"No woman."

"There is no warm fireplace yet."

"Do you want me to say more?"

Luca twisted and shrugged.

"At least the food is good."

Ebreu smiled as he glanced around.

Obviously, the marksman did not forget his duties.

"Yeah, yeah, the food is good."

"But that is you, not me."

"I can only eat two baked potatoes a day. Occasionally, if you get some mustard, it's rich. If you can bake a garlic, it's a holiday."

Luka complained.

The semi-duty service soldiers are different from the real soldiers.

Not only strength, but also treatment.

The most direct thing is food.

Half-duty service soldiers have only two meals a day, mostly omnivorous and brown bread.

The professional soldiers are three meals a day, in addition to white bread, as well as ham, eggs and other supplies.

"The next night, I will bring you an egg."

Ebreu is committed.

For the fellow country, Ebru is very caring.

More importantly, the two have a deeper relationship.

"I am waiting for your eggs."

"Ebru, do you have a holiday right away?"

Luka smiled and hammered the partner's chest. Then, he looked very seriously: "You haven't forgotten Jenny? I am poor, I have been waiting for your sister."


"After the cold winter, I have a 22-day vacation in the spring, I want to go back to get married."

"Jenny has been waiting for me for two years and can't wait any longer."

Ebru said with certainty.

"Well, you get married when you go back, and then try to let Jenny have a child."

"Hope is a boy who has inherited your talent and my sister's looks."

"My parents and I will take care of him and make him a man."

"As soon as I think someone called me, I can't wait to leave."

Luca took a deep breath.

Then, he looked at his future brother-in-law, inexplicable, always felt that there was something wrong.

Or to be precise, there is a sense of strangeness.

It is clearly a person in memory, but it seems to be ignorant.

This strange illusion made Luka could not help but twist his head and looked at Ebreu.

In the dark night, Ebour's body stood straight on the whistle tower, even if the cold wind did not let him have a trace of shaking and squatting, eyes looked like an eagle looking at the distant night, wearing a gloved palm in the package On the long bow of the leather cloth, a slightly thick finger gently clicked on the bow.

Everything looks like it used to be, it’s no different.

"I am bored and started thinking about it?"

Luka laughed at himself and turned his head.

But at this time, Luka, who thought of something, was trembled.


From the beginning of the meeting, I did not see Ebourne breathing!

On a cold night, the breath is breathable with white, which is clearly visible.

No one will be an exception.


It is dead!

Suddenly, Luka’s scalp was numb and took a step back without control.

At this time, Ebour raised his head, and there was a strange blush in his sharp eyes.

"You found out?"

Ebru sighed.

"No, I didn't..."


Luka denied it, but Ebour’s dagger flashed Luka’s throat.

There was no blood in the throat, and Ebour did not have any dodge. He allowed the blood to be poured on his body. It was like a bath. He looked good.

Moreover, what is even more bizarre is that no drop of blood falls on the ground.

It was absorbed by Ebreu.

When Luka saw this scene, he finally confirmed that Ebour in front of him was definitely no longer the person he knew.

Zhang Dazui, Luka wants to shout.

But in the split throat, only the inhalation of the hazel and the haw is left.

Then there is the endless darkness.

Luka’s body fell to the ground.

Eblu didn't look at it, ‘he’ turned his head and looked at the sentry on the other side.

As long as the tower is taken down, the entire military camp is the prey of ‘he’.

The ‘he’ who had been trapped there for a long time, but had not had a meal for a long time.

However, just as ‘he’ was about to move, ‘he’’’s eyes looked behind him.

On the boulevard there, at the end of the road, there was a fleet.

"Unexpected meal?"

‘He’ said this, then suddenly laughed.

Because, ‘he’ saw a similar cockroach around the team.

A weak, untouched kind!

It's a perfect food!

"I am lucky!"

‘Ebreu’ couldn’t help but whisper.


The team's detective rides passed by the team, holding the torches and swaying the flames. They didn't find out, and a snowball was quietly following the team.

This snow group is not big, only the size of an adult fist. Although it is on the snow, it is silent, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find it through the protection of the same color.

And this is also the most proud of the 'sucking snow'.

Different from other evils in the Sika collar.

It is not a long time for ‘born’.

It’s only a decade or so.

However, it is rapidly becoming stronger by its natural ability.

It believes that if it is the same as ‘fog’, ‘wild branch’ or ‘sleeping deer’, after ‘black disaster’, it will be the strongest in Sika’s collar.

Rather than preying on Tibet like Tibet.

Even, I have to do so-called alliances with some guys.

When I think of the idiot who thinks she is smart, but she is stupid, the ‘sucking snow’ can’t help but sneer.

The other party thought that it would look at the other party and would not wait to get it. Then, in the name of the plan, it would be opened.

In this regard, it really does not mind.

If the other party succeeds, it does not mind being the last hunter.

If it fails?

At least give it a wake up.

Thinking of his own double-edged practice, ‘the snow of smoking’ is not slightly proud.

"‘The swearing oath?'”

"It’s a real guy."

"However, this team..."

In order to be true enough, it has just left the team in the true sense. Until the time has come, after returning, it is discovered that the swearing oath has died.

The perception of evil in evil is incomparably clear.

It can clearly perceive the other's overflow.

Do not!

Accurately speaking...

Be hunted!

The hunting between evil and evil is too common. After the initial 'black disaster', Sika collar directly 'born' dozens of evils, but when it is 'born', the number of evils only The remaining ten are not.

Among them, a small part was destroyed by the ‘God Temple’.

Most of them are hunting each other and disappearing.

For hunting the same kind, there is no lack of fun between evils.

After all, swallowing a similar kind will directly boost their own power.

Even, there are rumors that if you swallow enough of the same kind, you can come directly.

For this rumor, ‘the snow of smoking’ is not believed at all.

Because it has swallowed the same kind.

That was when it was born, a similar person used it as a target, but it was killed and swallowed by it, letting it pass the weakest day, but the strength grew little, no exaggeration as rumored. ,

However, because of this self-confirmation, it was recognized by many evils in Sika.

Of course, it is still not eligible to travel to Sika City.

Sika City has long been occupied by the same kind of ‘wild branch’ ‘sleeping deer’.

It tries to sneak in, but it is impossible.

Therefore, it became more and more fearful of the ‘fog’ that eventually occupied Sika City.

Unknown is always fearful.

What's more, ‘fog’ shows its own strength.

That day's 'fog giant' it was seen.

That is the power that it can't resist at all.

Therefore, when it was discovered that ‘fog’ might leave Sika City and expand its territory, it did not want to go to Sika City to join in the fun.

‘Mist’ is only possible to leave.

There is no real departure.

Even if you really leave, you will come back.

If you find that your city is occupied, what will the occupier end?

As for the extent to which it meets the ‘fog’ in the short term?

That is simply impossible.

Of course, it is also possible that ‘fog’ has fallen.

But the same, the odds are too small.

Although the rumored ‘the God of War’ ‘the catastrophic lady’ confrontation of Aitinburg is terrible, the ‘fog’ is already a demigod. If you are careful, there will be nothing at all.

The heart is very clear about all the 'sucking snow', it is natural to focus on the only target that can be started: the team!

For the team, ‘the snow of smoking’ is no stranger.

In the days after its birth, the team has been its main target.

However, it does not leave room for others like some guys.

Most of it is to choose a small number of caravans, and shoot a shot for a place.

It knows how many of its kind have been annihilated by the ‘God Temple’ because they don’t know what to do.

But this time it is different.

The weakness of ‘God of War’ is obvious to all.

Moreover, because of the martial law in the city, the fleet that has accumulated for several days all appeared at once, and if it is swallowed, its strength will inevitably be one step further.

At that time, if you can’t catch the opportunity, you will really be condemned.

However, the ‘sucking snow’ was completely unthinkable, and there would be a similar kind of squad that was mixed into the team ahead of it and the “swearing oath”.


"Is it..."


The ‘sucking snow’ was shocked.

Subconsciously, I want to leave, but that is different from the eyes of ordinary people. When I look at the team, I still show a lot of sadness.

However, it is really ready to give up.

The power of ‘fog’ is unquestionable.

Don't say it is a swearing oath, even if it is added, it has no effect.

Moreover, the other party who swallowed the "swearing oath" will certainly be stronger.

This is the other side of the demigod, it is already unable to fight, and then strong?

Do not make jokes!

It does not want to be a prey to be swallowed.

Thinking of this, ‘the snow of smoking’ stopped.

It is no longer ready to follow the team, return to the vicinity of Sika City to see if there is any delicious prey, but when it is reluctant to look at the direction of the team, the ‘sucking snow’ suddenly flashes.

"After the Sika post, the team is about to enter the range of Fort Aden."


“The ‘fog’ will definitely be noticed by the ‘God of War’ ‘Mr.

"Even, a battle broke out!"

"I won't be involved in such a battle."

"But it should be no problem to swallow this team?"

Thinking of this, ‘the snow of smoking’ stopped.

It was greedy and followed the team again.

From beginning to end, it was not found, and a figure appeared behind it.

‘Ebreu’ quietly looked at ‘the snow of smoking’, ‘he’ couldn’t help but lick his lips, and the saliva began to be involuntarily secreted.



Unspeakable sound of swallowing mouth sounds.

‘Ebreu’ stopped.


That is not what ‘he’ sent.

(End of this chapter)

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