The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1760: visitor

Chapter 1760 visitors

"What? The post is martial?"

The temporary head of the Kate caravan, Aite stood in front of the Sika post and was stopped by the soldiers. After hearing the words explained by the soldiers, Aite could not help but look at Boer.

Although Aite served in the Kate caravan for ten years, most of the time he was obeying his actions, and suddenly he became the leader. Aite was not used to it.

Especially after the incident happened, Aite was really frightened.

Now, the planned temporary break has been unexpectedly changed, and Aite is even more confused.

The confused Aite did not hide his emotions.

Bohr saw it at a glance.

However, Boer did not laugh at the other side.

In order to complete the task of his main line, Boer is now spared no effort to draw anyone who can win.

And Aite is a good choice.

In other words, the appearance of the God of War independent emblem in the Kate Chamber of Commerce team made Bohr understand that the people in front of him are worth investing.

Imagine that the team had an accident. Under the accidental death of the team's leader and guard leader, Aite independently supported the entire caravan and safely brought the entire caravan back to Aitinburg.

As long as the boss of the Chamber of Commerce is not a fool, it will reuse Aite.

In the same way, he who is working during the period can naturally enter the other's field of vision.

In an instant, Boer, who made up his mind in his heart, immediately said.

"We have enough food. Although the post can't get in, we can temporarily rest outside the post."

"Good, good."

"I will arrange it right away."

Aite nodded and went to arrange it.

It is no different from the past.

Bohr thought for a moment and stopped the other party.

"What is it, Mr. Bohr?"

Aite looked at Bohr inexplicably.

"Mr. Aite, you are now the head of the caravan, even if it is a temporary person in charge, you should have your own momentum, you don't need that kind of loyalty."

“Not to mention, a leader will affect the entire team.”

"Know that we have a day and a night."

Bohr reminds the other party.

Some things still have to be said right now, otherwise they will be counterproductive.

Bohr knows that he needs an ally, but not an enemy.

Aite stunned.

"I know."

"There is some habit, I really can't change it."

"Thank you, Mr. Bohr."

Aite smiled twice and then thanked him sincerely.

In the face of such sincere gratitude, Pol smiled.

His purpose has been achieved.


Naturally, it is cooking and cooking.

The requirement for food is not low.

Under the command of Aite, the caravan came to the side of the post in an orderly manner and began to take a break. He had already seen the Ashcono of Bol, checked and checked the carriage, and untied the horse that ran for one night. Pull to the side to rest and feed the forage.

A piece of bean cake was chopped by Ashkano and placed in a forage bag.

The bodyguard turned to look at Bohr while he was touching the horse's mane.

To be precise, the big iron pot in front of Bohr.

Two large stones form a simple fire pit, the firewood inside is burning, and the bacon, potatoes, radishes and onions in the pot roll up and down with the soup.

Several eggs wrapped in mud were thrown into the fire pit by Bohr, and several large cakes were placed sideways next to the iron pot. Soon, the smell of wheat floated away.

Ashkano's nose kept twitching and the saliva kept swallowing.

However, knowing who is the boss of the team, immediately turned to knock on the door.

Hey, hey.

"Lord Colin, have a meal."

Ashkano said loudly.


Qin Ran pushed the door down.

For food, Qin Ran will not refuse, even if the taste is general, but the food made with heart, Qin Ran will still accept.

There is no doubt that Bohr really did it again.

Although...the craft is average.

"I have never learned cooking."

"You understand, I pay more attention to how to survive."

Boer was very honest in carrying the bowl and handed it to Qin Ran.


Qin Ran understood the head and took the bowl.

Players, especially rookie players, enter the copy world, where they will pay attention to skills such as cooking, and skills and props that can quickly increase their strength are everything.

This situation, even if it is a step-by-step player, will not change.

As for mimosa?

That is special, not counting.

Thinking of the mimosa, Qin Ran took the bowl and took a sip.

The taste of bacon has been thoroughly integrated into the soup. The potatoes are boiled, the radishes are soft, the pancakes are crisp, and the baked eggs are also quite normal. Just like other foods, there is no conflict, but there is nothing bright. .



Therefore, Qin Ran did not think more, and began to eat his own breakfast.

Boer looked at Qin Ran's appearance, and could not help but feel a long sigh of relief.

For him, Qin Ran, who has no change of look, is the best thing.

As for more?

He made up his mind to return to the huge city and learn to cook.

But that is after that.

just now?

"Ash, eat."

Bohr greeted his bodyguard.

The bodyguard, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately joined the breakfast.

Not only Qin Rang three, the entire team is eating breakfast.

Some are simple, that is, black bread and hot water.

Some, like Bohr, buried the pot for cooking.

From the rising sun to the time when the sun rises to the center of the sky, it is the rest time of the team.

In the afternoon, they will continue on the road.

Of course, not all.

Some of the caravans that experienced the last night will stay around the post for a while, after a full day of rest, choose to go on the road at dawn, because that will feel the next post before the dark, the Fort Aitinburg post.

But this is not destined to be the choice of the Kate Caravan and some of the caravans that must be rushed to the Fort Aventinburg as soon as possible.

They don't want to take such an adventure if they can.

But they didn't have to choose.

Most of them are due to contracts.

Caravans also have time to transport goods.

After this time, the merchant will pay a large amount of Kimpton.

This is enough for most businessmen to return to liberation overnight, or even simply point, so bankrupt.

People who have already lived a life that is not too decent, but rich enough to live, do not want to return to the poor.

So, they choose to take risks.

After the breakfast, in addition to the necessary security personnel, the entire team fell into silence, most people have entered the dream, experienced a night of trepidation, relying on the merchants of the post, finally can rest well.

However, this definitely does not include Qin Ran.

After habitually checking around, Qin Ran looked at the distance, the direction of Aitinburg.

After about ten minutes -


The hooves sounded like a thunder.

The merchants who were sleeping were awakened, and the subconsciously they picked up the weapons they were carrying, and the caravans of the caravans were scabbarded and ignited the ropes of the arquebuses.

The soldiers of the Sika post went to the wooden fortifications of the post and watched the direction of Fort Aitinburg one by one.

Until the 100-person cavalry team appeared and watched the golden swallowtail flag held by the leading knight, all the talents were relieved.

The golden swallowtail flag floats in the wind.

The eagle pattern above has made a flying look.

This is the badge of the Aidin royal family.

When the team came to the front of the Sika post, they even grabbed the horses. One of them, wearing a leather armor, jumped off the horse and headed straight to the Sika post.

After a while, when the soldier returned, the 100-person cavalry ran towards Sika City again.

Throughout the process, this team did not have any communication with the merchant team, and even did not even look at it.

The merchants did not cooperate with each other very loudly, only after the cavalry team left, this whispered.

"This is the royal **** cavalry."

"It is the elite army that was founded by the one who once created the entire Aitantin."

"How can they appear here in the Fort Aitenburg?"

"Is it to meet the new lord of Sika?"

"It seems that the Sixth World is really valued by the new lord!"

"That is of course!"

"The whole of Aitantin, no, is the entire Hokuriku, who has the new lord ‘being eye-catching’ – knowing that she is an extremely wealthy widow.”

"And our treasury under the Sixth World can be less generous, otherwise it will not be issued."

"So, you know."


The news of the businessmen is undoubtedly well-informed.

Soon, some rumors of true and false identities appeared in the caravan.

After hearing the news, Bohr quietly observed the expression of Qin Ran.

In Boer’s thoughts, what happened in Sika’s collar could not be separated from Qin Ran. To put it simply, Qin Ran used a series of unexpected events to control the entire Sika collar in his hands.

Now suddenly someone came out, and to compete for the fruits of victory, I have to pick the peaches.

According to the rumored character of the ‘Inflammatory Devil’, this royal **** should be a place to die.

However, what Bohr expected was that Qin Ran did not have any expression, so he leaned back in the chair of the carriage, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Qin Ran did not have any expression, and Boer was afraid to ask.

He is doing what he should do -

Fill the heater with carbon to make the entire car warmer.

The sound of charcoal filled into the heater was continuously introduced into the ears of Qin Ran. Just Bohr thought that the hidden observation eyes did not escape the intuition of Qin Ran.

But Qin Ran did not have more explanations.

Just as he would never tell the other person, he has already arranged everything.

Otherwise, why did he send an evil spirit to the baroness?

Just looking at the evil spirit in order to see the baroness girl?

He is not so boring.

He also occasionally pays attention to the evil spirits.


Sitting across from the Baroness, it seems that the sleeping evil spirit suddenly opened his eyes.

Its mouth is not tilted.

"Everything is the same as Boss expected."

"Even if a king faces a large piece of land, it will not be unmoving."

The situation in Sika is extremely special now.

After the prince died, especially the other's son was also unaccounted for. After a large group of relatives were also executed, the true heir was left with the baroness.

Even if the other party has not officially inherited the territory of the Sika collar.

However, the value of the other party has already been different.

Even, it can be said that it is extremely sought after.

Because no one wouldn't mind ‘娶’ the widow, and then, through the other side, inherit the vast amount of land that the entire Sika has received.

The land is sacred and inviolable!

This is the fact that the whole of Aitantin, and even North and South, are recognized.

However, the joint property of the husband and wife is also recognized.

Especially after one party is at a 'disadvantage', such recognition is more obvious.

In this regard, in order to better serve their own Boss upper evil spirits are understood.

At the same time, the upper evil spirits are more clear of a sentence ‘never overestimate the bottom line when a person faces temptation. ’

Therefore, it looked at the baroness.

"How is Simon?"

The sensitive Baroness noticed when the evil spirits blinked. When the upper evil spirit looked at himself, the new Sika leader asked immediately.

However, it is not a question, but a weak tone.

"Irene, my Lord told me that there is trouble."

The upper evil spirit did not hide.



The baroness did not say the exact vocabulary, but raised her finger to the direction of Aitinburg.

The upper evil spirit nodded.

The baroness sighed softly and her face was sad.

As the baroness born of the nobles, although the house is fearful and social, it does not mean that she is stupid. On the contrary, a lot of reading makes her have the knowledge that ordinary people do not have.

Therefore, the baroness is very aware of her situation.

Otherwise, when her brother died, she would not want to go to Fort Aitin for the first time.

Because, she is very clear, only where she went can she be able to get a glimmer of life among a group of greedy people.

However, the situation is different now.

The internal greedy is completely emptied.

this is a good news.

There is still a bad news.

The bad news is that she has to face the external greedy.

A group of more fierce, awkward guys.

Moreover, the leader of the other party must be the one of Aidin VI.

To make matters worse, she is heading to the other's lair: Aitinburg.

At the thought of this, the Baroness immediately became the Lord of the Six Gods.

A lot of reading gave the Baroness a different opinion of ordinary people, but did not let it get the corresponding ability.

Talking on paper.

Perhaps the best adjective of the Baroness.

But fortunately, she is not alone.

Without any hesitation, the baroness pulled up the hand of the evil spirit, held it in his own hands, and placed it in front of the chin. The posture seemed to be a prayer, but it was emerging in her eyes. A touch of prayer.

"Simon, help me."

"Of course, my wife."

"This is what I am going with."

The upper evil spirit smiled and daggered, then, quietly, pulled out his hand, and wiped it behind his body while the baroness was not watching.

(End of this chapter)

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