The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1761: Different

Chapter 1761

Evil spirits are genderless.

Even in a sense, evil spirits have no ideas.

All that exists is similar to the aversion of the undead to the creatures.

Of course, evil spirits do not belong to the undead.

They are much smarter than the undead, and they are more difficult to entangle.

Not only because of being good at hiding, but also because of strength and character.

The undead nature of evil spirits is enough to make anyone a headache.

The upper evil spirit is a special existence in evil spirits.

From the beginning, it is [heterogeneous]!

The undead character that has been strengthened several times than the ordinary evil spirits, and the extremely high wisdom, the corresponding mysterious knowledge, make it incompatible with ordinary evil spirits.

In particular, with the devour of [the doll's chess (incomplete)] [blood chess pieces] two pieces of advanced props and [Voodoo's column] [broken voodoo soul crystal] two pieces of III-order props, the upper evil spirits are There have been changes that it does not understand.

It has a little memory.

That should be the memory before it became.

In the broken, intermittent memory, it can confirm that he is an assassin.

An assassin who has no feelings and is extremely cold-blooded.


and also……

it is……

she was.

That's right, it's her.

Although she does not want to admit it.

Still habitually claiming it, but it is her in memory.

It does not admit that it is affected by this intermittent memory.

But when the baroness took the hand, the awkward feeling was really uncomfortable.


“How could I be affected?”

"I am **** Mary... No, I am an evil spirit."

"I don't have feelings and serve the evil spirits of Boss!"

"Simon, what's wrong with you?"

The baroness was keenly aware of the difference in the upper evil spirits.


"Just thinking about how to deal with the royal escorts."

The evil spirit smiled and shook his head, and it converges on the inner thoughts. It is natural to stagger the topic.

The simple baroness was not suspicious and immediately attracted attention.

"The guards of the Aidin royal family are very strong."

"According to some hidden books I have read, the reason why the Aitante royal family can survive the annihilation crisis several times during the Second World, the Fifth World and the Sixth World has an inseparable relationship with this royal escort."

The baroness said softly.

"II? V? VI?"

The upper evil spirit asked Boss instead of himself.

"The second time is the decree of sacred and inviolable land."

"The second time was to restrict his uncle, the Lord Regent who almost rewrote history."

"Unfortunately, with the promulgation of the decree, the Lord of the Regent chose the wrong court coup, and was directly beheaded by the royal **** in the palace of Aitenburg."

"The fifth and sixth worlds are...the black disaster!"

Speaking of this, the face of the baroness has a feeling of lingering feelings.

She had to take a deep breath and adjust her emotions.

"Sorry, Simon."

"I was really scared by the 'black disaster.'"

The baroness was sorry, then he said indulging.

"In the years after the outbreak of 'black disaster', the whole of the Northland was full of people's hearts. The Sika collar I was in was no exception. Although I did not really experience the terrible 'black disaster', I was affected by the black disaster. 'The spread of - at that time, she saw the frowning father and the worried mother, and more and more guards every day."

"But no matter how many people, there are always people who will die inexplicably!"

"In the lord's house, first the attendant, then the cook, then our steward, the guard, and finally... and my mother."

"I saw the appearance of my mother when I died. My father was holding a sword and his mother's head was cut down, but his body was still standing..."

"From that time on, I didn't like to stay there, and I didn't want to go to the party."

"And my brother is praying to God of War."

At the end of the day, the Baroness really can't say it.

The upper evil spirits endured the discomfort brought by the fragmentary memory and explored the body. It wanted to gently tap the baroness's shoulder to show comfort.

However, just as the upper evil spirit had just explored the body, the baroness directly plunged into his arms.

The body is stiff in an instant.

There are countless strange awkward feelings in my heart.

The evil spirits endured the idea of ​​piercing the Baroness. They could only sit there like a clay sculpture, and the raised arms were set in the air.

The baroness crawled on the chest of the evil spirit and cried softly.

Simply venting emotions.

After a full ten seconds, the baroness returned to God.

She looked up and looked at the evil spirits on her chest. Her face was red, like a red glow of a girl.

"Yes, sorry."

"Hold, sorry."

"I, I didn't mean it."

The baroness stuttered and explained.


"The people who believe in my Lord are my brothers and sisters."

"I will deal with those who are the royal guards."

"you do not need to worry."

After a difficult squeeze out of a smile, the upper evil spirits directly pushed the door and walked down the carriage.

"grown ups?"

On the driver's side, a tall, strong, bear-like young man jumped.

The inner lining armor, with a sheepskin coat and a furry opponent to the upper evil spirit, is really bear-like, but quite dexterous, even if it is carrying a double-edged tomahawk, it is as light as a dancer.

Like Sergei and Hoff, he was the original guard of the 'Mist' church.

Naturally, it is also the most outstanding force.

In fact, this young man can be said to be the one with the strongest fighting power in the ‘fog’ church guard, not only with outstanding strength, but also with good skills.

"Rogert, hindering our enemies from appearing."

The upper evil spirit looks as usual.

Although the Baroness is very troublesome, but with the order of Boss, it can stand it.

"Where is the enemy?"

"Adult, please give it to me!"

The young people talked snoring and attracted the attention of more people around them. The young people hidden in the escorts and the preachers carefully selected in the carriage behind them, they were all fanatical and could not wait. To tear the enemy apart.

"Do not."

"Rogert, your mission is to protect everyone."

"The road to the thorns of Aitenburg is supposed to be opened up by me."

The evil spirit smiled and shook his head. It was pious and had a strong sense of self-sacrifice in the words.

As for how to disguise, the upper evil spirit is too familiar.

It was almost instantaneous that I once again entered the role of the oracle.

The young people and the preachers who have already become honest believers are convinced and convinced to the upper evil spirits, and the upper evil spirits are willing to enjoy the glory of this moment.

Even if it knows that this is false.

Because, it is very clear that such glory is from its Boss.

And it?

Just a silent performer.

However, it is a moment to live alive!

Can enjoy a second, that is also a second!

why not?

The upper evil spirits brew emotions and are ready to continue to say something.

At this time, in the carriage behind it, the words of the Baroness came from -

"Simon, you must be careful!"

Full of concern.

One heart care.

and also……

That is awkward.

Suddenly, the upper evil spirit secretly made a nap.


It walked forward without looking back.

PSSorry, Fat Dragon has overslept this nap, this chapter is late, and there is still less, I am sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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