The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1762: Rat path

Chapter 1762 Rat Road

The horses gallop, the golden swallowtail flag flutters in the wind.

The eagle on the flag is as vivid as if it really wants to vacate.

In its possession, the hundred cavalry guards of the Aidin royal family guarded the uniform and uniform end of the battle, the ups and downs, and even the rhythm of the horses are exactly the same.

Anyone who sees this cavalry will admire its elite and terrible.

One hundred people are like one person.

It is not arbitrarily achievable.

What is needed is the supply of huge money and the long training.

What's more, this team is not illusory.

The faint suffocation will only appear on some of the veterans of the battlefield.

Therefore, as the leader of this team, Felix is ​​very proud and proud.

As a confidant of the Sixth World, he secretly helped the underarm to clear the obstacles.

And this time?

Nature is no exception.

What's more, this mission is really too simple.

Not assassination.

Not a strike.

It is not even a battle.

It’s just an escort.

Escort the new Sika leader to safely arrive in Fort Aitenburg.

At the thought of the content of this mission, Felix couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Felix, who was born into a nobleman, understood the meaning of his majesty: the baroness was firmly controlled in his own hands, otherwise he would not send him the youngest and handsome captain.

In fact, he had heard about the widowed widow of the early widowhood.

It doesn't fit in with the nobility's circle.

Like reading, knowledgeable.

Of course, when I was young, I was also a famous woman who was famous for being a young woman. If it wasn’t because the character was too weird and insisted on rejecting the royal family, I am afraid that I would have become the wife of a member of the royal family.

And now?

The other party is only thirty years old.

The appearance will never change too much.

I want to come to have both the beauty of a girl and the beauty of a young woman.

He likes this woman very much.

Not to mention the huge legacy of the other party.

"If I can really win this widow, maybe I will not be a team leader anymore!"

"And my family must be promoted because of my promotion."

"Even... I can rebuild a house in Aitenburg."

Felix, who fell into the imagination of the future, felt full of strength.

He couldn't wait to appear in front of the baroness, and then show his grace and charm, capturing the hearts of the other.

As for his fiancee?

He can't take care of that much.

If the other party is willing to follow him when he has completed this important step, he is willing to accept the other party, if the other party minds?

Sorry, just a fiancee, how could it be more important than his future and the whole family?

Felix, who made up his mind, was extraordinarily determined.

At this time, even if there is a lion blocking him in front of him, he will probably have the courage to fight.

However, the animal such as the lion does not appear in the Sika collar.

The snow and ice here can only breed cold-resistant and highly adaptable creatures.



These rodents, accompanied by a large fog, appear silently in the jungle on both sides of the boulevard. They are very good at hiding their own, and quietly squinting at the slow fog in front of them. The speed of the Aiddin royal escort.

No order.

Naturally there is no attack.

They are like bystanders, watching all of this.

The sudden fog made the whole team slowly move forward a little and then stopped.

Sitting on the battlefield of Felix, looking at the fog in front of a dozen meters, could not help but sneer a few times.

He accepted this task and of course he paid close attention to everything that happened to Sika.

Of course, he knows the so-called 'fog' church.

However, Felix is ​​not on the mind.

Because... behind him is the Aidin royal family!

"A district has just completed the advent of the demigod, do you really think you can be unscrupulous?"

"If you can't even deal with one and a half gods..."

"The Aitante royal family has already been destroyed!"

With a sneer in my heart, the captain raised his right hand.

Suddenly, the subordinate cavalry came out of the sword.

The blade is cold and the same pattern is filled with the broad ridge of the sword. In the morning light, these lines bloom with their own brilliance.

Magic weapon!

Moreover, it is not a single magic weapon.

It is a hundred pieces of magic weapons!

These magical weapons resonate with each other and bless each other.

In the end, they all gathered on Felix.

A sigh of breath appeared on Felix.

Feeling the power of hundreds of people, Felix couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although it was not the first time to feel such power, Felix was still admired by himself at this time.


Unbeatable and powerful!

In the face of this power, what do those evils count?

Don't say that those who have not finished coming, even if they are finished, he killed two in this state.

And half god?

Involuntarily, Felix's face once again revealed a sneer of ridicule and killing.

He picked up the golden swallowtail flag tied behind him.

Perhaps he is a little bit worse at the moment, but he comes with a ‘flag.’

Without hesitation, Felix will pour all the power into it.


An eagle smashing the golden stone rang through the sky.

The eagle eagle on the golden swallowtail flag is alive!

It first moved the neck and turned to look at the fog. The sharp eyes seemed to pierce the fog and saw everything in the fog.


It flies directly from the battle flag.

Without the eagle's flag, the golden color was bleak, but in the next moment, the more intense gold appeared on the eagle.

Just like a slowly rising sun, the eagle can't keep flying toward the sky.

The sun is absorbed by it.

The light and heat brought by the sun converge on it. Just after two breaths, the golden figure becomes invisible.

Glorious, warm.

Brilliant, glaring.

It is exactly like the second rising sun.

It is still climbing.

Not only the body, but also the momentum.

When it came to the apex of the naked eye, the eagle seemed to be a bomber. It dipped straight down from the sky and straight into the fog.


The strong wind that was brought up, blowing the cheeks of Felix and others, let them involuntarily squint, and then trained horses, and at this time can not help but retreat.

And the fog that is in front of them is rolling up, just like the water is boiling.

next moment--


A huge explosion skyrocketed.

The golden brilliance sweeps around.

The ground trembled for a few seconds before stopping.

When the shaking of the ground stops, the fog is dissipated.

There is also a figure that dissipates together.

Very unclear.

Very vague.

But Felix saw it.

Several marksmen in his subordinates also saw it.

In this regard, whether it is Felix, or these several marksman did not feel the accident.

This is normal!

After all, this battle flag is prepared for the so-called 'half gods'.

The sun once again spread across the earth.

All members of the Aitantin Royal Guards were able to clearly see a huge deep pit with a diameter of tens of meters in front of the ground.

Not only the avenues of the peers, but even the jungles on both sides are smashed and pond fish.



Felix issued a new order.

A hole that is two meters deep is not a war horse that can cross the past.

Even if their horses are carefully selected.

All the guards of the Aidin royal family jumped off the horses, took their own horses, and carefully walked past the edge of the pit.

In order to speed up, Felix split the whole team into two strands, which were wounded from both sides of the pit.

Although not crowded, the team was chaotic.

In this regard, Felix did not have any drink.

Because, he is very clear, the elite team, at this time, it is impossible to maintain uniformity.

Besides, the biggest enemy has already been killed.


Nature is the time to receive the spoils.

Once again, the Ferris, who thought of the Baroness, began to make plans.

As a young man born of a nobleman, there are many ways to chase the girl, and he also knows which means to use is the most suitable.

Thinking of certain situations, the captain of the Aidin Royal Guard, his face could not help but smile.

What he did not notice was that some small, gray-black figures were quietly approaching.

Then, Felix was attracted to the bad road.

Because of the high temperature brought by the explosion, the surrounding frozen soil has completely softened, and the snow has been mixed. At this moment, the road under the foot of Felix is ​​like mud.

Looking at the mud on his clean boots, Felix frowned, but in order not to let himself fall, he had to concentrate on the edge of the pit.

Not only is Felix, but his subordinates are the same.

Even the most alert veterans are no exception.

After all, their biggest enemy has been eliminated, isn't it?

Moreover, none of them wants to fall into the mud and become the laughing stock of their peers.



A sudden scream rang from the team.

All members of the **** team pulled out the long sword for the first time and looked at the place where the screams sounded.

A member of the **** is holding his wrist, and at his feet is a rat that has been flattened.

"Damn, mouse!"

The member cursed in a low voice, then gestured to his neighbors to signal that he was fine.

"You must have touched the candy on your wrist, or how will the mouse bite you?"


Then there was a burst of laughter.

Listening to such laughter, Felix did not care.

However, the sense of crisis in the bottom of my heart, but he could not help but look around.

Then, the visionary leader was found to be wrong.

His face changed dramatically.


He loudly reminded his subordinates.

Yes, it’s late.

The hordes of mice rushed up.

One hundred and fifty mice were divided into two teams and the division of labor was clear.

Each will rush to a member of the Royal Guard, and the remaining fifty will go straight to the horse.

唏 Law!

A mouse showed his sharp teeth, biting the neck and hips of the horse, biting a few mouthfuls, and changing it.

The body that the pain makes the horses keep twisting, the ones most directly affected are their masters.

The members of the **** standing on the side of the war horse were so confused by the sudden mouse. At this time, they were either hit by their own horses or hit the ground or brought to the ground.

Originally, the strength of these **** members is not so unbearable.

But the relaxation after the destruction of the enemy made them not vigilant.

Coupled with the mud on the ground, their strength is greatly limited.

Therefore, there is such a strange picture -

A group of mice made a short victory in the face of the most elite troops in the Kingdom of Aitante.

The reason is a short-term victory.

Naturally, the rat's teeth can't cause any fatal damage to this team.

Unless it is biting the neck and the like.

And this chance is really too small.

Basically, it can be said to be negligible.

But what is happening at the moment is not just a mouse.

Felix, who knows this, shouted loudly.



The mouse has already been pinched to death.

However, Felix did not relax his vigilance. He knew that the mouse was just a tool for the enemy to disrupt the rhythm. The real killing trick was still behind.

At this time, it is natural to gather the team and gather strength again.

But before the team gathered, the shadow at the foot of Felix was a distortion, and the upper evil spirit came out of the picture, and the palm passed over the other's neck.


The blood spattered, and Felix licked his throat and fell to the ground with incredulity.

From the appearance of the mouse, Felix, who was very alert, could not believe it, and the enemy was hidden in his shadow.

Looking at the fallen Felix, hiding for a long time, using the illusion to create a fog of the upper evil spirits licked the corners.

It's much easier than it thinks.

These guys are well prepared.

And the goal is clear.

For most people, this is not good news, but it is good news for the evil spirits.

It is prepared and naturally targeted.

Simply put, it is much easier to deal with a group of preconceived people than to deal with the enemy.

However, the ability of the other party is still beyond the expectations of the evil spirits.

"The ability to build a kingdom on a land with a **** is really not a simple guy."

The upper evil spirit whispered to himself.

The kind of power that brings together everyone, and the way of fighting one person, the evil spirits will not be underestimated.

It has the same view as its own Boss: quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes.

This is just a hundred people.

If it is a thousand people?

I am afraid that even with its undead characteristics, it will suffer an irreversible blow.

And what about 10,000 people?

It is estimated that the **** of war, the lady of the disaster, and so on, must avoid its edge.

Of course, the weakness is also very obvious.

That ‘one person’ is not randomly selected.

Not only people, but also sabre.

The superior evil spirits with enough equivalent mysterious knowledge did not hesitate to pick up the sword of Felix, and smiled at the members of the royal **** who rushed to it, waved their hands, and disappeared into place. .


The fog appeared again.

The angry shouts turned into horror at random.


Gradually silent.

(End of this chapter)

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