The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1766: Last night

Chapter 1766, the night before

The wind of the night blew through the thick long hair of Holleka.

Compared to the time spent by the team, Hollerka, who is alone, almost doubled, and he returned to Aitinburg one day in advance.

Did not take the gate.

Instead, sneak into the hidden secret road under one side of the city wall.

This secret road does not lead directly to Aitinburg, but down the stairs.

Naturally, the secret road that belongs to the ‘quiet night secret society’ must be guarded.

When Holleka just stepped down the steps -


A low drink sounded from the shadows.

Holleka did not open his mouth and threw a token directly.

After a while, the token was handed out with respect.

"Please slow down, ‘I am not dead’.”

The guard said respectfully.

In the 'Quiet Night Secrets', in addition to the high-level members of the House of Representatives, the name of the 'undead' Carrellho is absolutely loud, and even to some extent beyond the members.

After all, the seventeen members are high on the top, and it is difficult for the bottom people to get in touch with them. Instead, they are more in contact with the field personnel such as Holleka and Karkar.

In the face of such respectful voice, Holleka maintains its former posture.

The towering cheekbones are full of arrogance, but there is a hint of fineness in the narrow eyes.

He did not forget his identity as a 'snake.'

If it weren't for the mentor's repeated sorrows, he couldn't wait to burn a fire to avenge the dead hunters.

The wolf is in the Ming.

The snakes are dark.

For safety, the two sides rarely communicate, but this does not mean indifference.

According to Hollerka, the snakes secretly helped the wolf school many times, and the former leader of the wolf school also gave the snakes corresponding support many times.


After the catastrophe, with the death of the leader of the wolf, the relationship between the two sides was suddenly broken.

Of course, this is not the only way.

‘The wolf school hides the wrong person! ’

Thinking of the mentor's words, Holleka was in a tight heart.

Obviously, the ‘quiet night clerk’ is doing the same thing as the snakes.

And his task this time is to find the possible "dark".

This is not a simple matter.

In particular, he must ensure that he is safe.

However, Hollera did not have any retreat.

"Snake, hidden in the fog."

"Snake, line and shadow."

"I am professional in the lurking exploration, then we are more professional than anyone now!"

Holleka said silently in his heart.

Then he strode forward.

This is a corridor, after the corridor, it is the stairs that continue down.

This was repeated several times, and when it came to a position hundreds of meters deep underground, a town appeared.

Plan a reasonable house.

Pubs, stables and blacksmith shops are available.

‘Quiet Night Town’!

This is the largest base of Hollyka's ‘quiet night retreat.’ It is home to the members of the 'Queen Nights Secret Society' and their families.

Not the kind of the periphery.

Those people don’t know it at all.

Those who can appear here are those who have been tested and approved, and belong to the backbone of the lower level of the 静静秘秘.

Of course, Hollera does not live here.

He has a better and more suitable place.

It’s just for the ‘delivery mission’.

The person in charge here is the head of the field staff. There are rumors that the other party will compete for the next ‘members’.

For this rumor, Holleka simply did not believe it.

Because, he knows, what is the so-called 'Members' of the 'Quiet Night Secrets', which is beyond the limits of human beings and towards the existence of the gods.

Obviously, this is nothing more than a smoke bomb that the other party released in order to better manage the town.

Holleka did not mean to break.

All the people who saw Hollerka have been bowed.

Holleka looked indifferent and walked into the other's office.

This is a thin and thin middle-aged man. The robes woven with gold thread are worn on the other's body, just like hanging on a bamboo pole. As the other party stands up, it becomes swaying.

"Welcome back, Carlisle."

"How about Sika City?"

"Is there any worms hidden in the shadows in the rumors?"

"They won't be so poor and helpless as the dogs we hunted?"

The other party’s tone of enthusiasm, when it comes to the snakes, just shows off their disdain.



Holleka said coldly.

This is not because of the anger of the other party's sarcasm and wolf school, but when Hollerka usually treats other people in the ‘quiet night retreat, it is such an attitude.

"Don't be so cold."

"Are we acquaintances?"

"What about the 'fog' church?"

"What did you hear?"

The other person asked with a smile, and was not angry because of Hollerka’s attitude.

"Mirn, we are not familiar."

“‘Mist’ is already a god!”

"He has a very close relationship with the snakes."

Hollera emphasized one sentence and said truthfully.

This information cannot be hidden.

Even if he doesn't say it, he will be able to investigate some tricks when he is going to investigate. In contrast, it is better to say it in a more generous way.

Holleka knows the strength of the ‘quiet night retreat’.

"Is that right?"

"Okay, I know."

"This is a bounty for your mission. If you need any special services, I can help you solve it."

Milne nodded and then handed a bag of Kimpton to Holleka.

"No need."

Holleka took Kimpton and left.

Looking at each other's back, Milne suddenly smiled.


"I really don't know the good guys."

"One day, one day, you will regret it."

Milne licked his teeth and said very fiercely. Then he showed a smile again and walked behind the office.

Here, there are two falcons.

Milne picked up the secret letter he had just written, tied it to one of the falcon's legs, and directly released the falcon's bondage. Immediately, the falcon plunged into the flight path and disappeared.

There is no faster way.

Just, not safe!

The use of the secrets of communication in Aitinburg is highly likely to be discovered by the Temple of War.

And he has no ability to cover everything.

Therefore, the communication of the Falcon has become a must.

Then he tied another secret letter to the remaining falcon's lap and released it.

Of course, the two Falcons will not go to one place.

Naturally, a person who receives a secret letter cannot be one.

Listening to the passage, after the Falcon's voice disappeared, Milne quickly returned to his studio. He sat in the chair again, and his face was covered with a smile.

But the stock is excited, but it can't be concealed.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

"I must catch it!"

Milne is in the bottom of his heart, thinking like this.


The wheel in a comfortable robe sits in a chair.

In front of him was a small round coffee table with white porcelain teapots and teacups.

This is from the East and is of high value. It is also one of the favorite tea sets of the wheel.

Similarly, tea is also an expensive item equivalent to gold.

At this moment, it was cut by a silver tea knife, and it was placed on the porcelain plate in an orderly manner. The dark green tea bricks and the milky white porcelain plates formed a beautiful picture.

This is a special study by Karkar to entertain the coming big man.

Just like the porcelain tea set, most of the time, he will not come out. Since it is brought out to entertain guests, it must be perfect.

Time passed by.

When the door knocked, Lukar almost flew to the front of the door and opened the door.

"Good evening, Councillor Col."

The round Karl was respectful and respected, wearing a cloak in front of him, and covering all the looks with a big hood.

The other person slightly decapitated, and after entering the room, he took off his hood and revealed a smile.

The old face, with this smile, the more points and gullies.

However, a pair of bright eyes, but the other party's age does not look so big.

"Good evening, round Carl."

“Is this tea from Jishu?”

"I really can't wait to try it out."

Corribo looked at the tea set and tea on the table, a look that could not wait.

"please wait."

Lukal wants to flatter the member of the parliament and express his humbleness. However, he still remembers the teachings of the tea teacher and tries to keep it as humble as possible.

However, the waist is quite straightforward.

I can only shrink my shoulders and make myself look like an upright, like an ostrich.

However, the posture of the tea set is very standard.

This is also the hard work that Carl has learned.

‘If you can’t cover up the shortcomings, use your strengths to attract attention! ’

He remembered the words of the tea teacher.

Step by step from boiling water and tea is meticulous.

When the hot water was thrown high and entered the teacup, the tea was filled with it, and Milne held the cup with both hands, half-bent and handed the cup to the front of Corribo.


According to the tea teacher, this sound should be clear.

It’s time to get to Karl, but there’s only a clear charm.

After picking up the teacup, there was no such thing as Koribo, who did not despise the tea soup. After drinking it, he picked up his eyes and seemed to be relishing the tea. After a few seconds, he laughed: "Not bad."

After hearing this compliment, Karkar finally let go of his heart.

Obviously, the investigation of the ‘undead’ should be similar to his statement.

There may be some differences, but what about that?

Obviously, his ‘provider’ is not as clear as the ‘undead’ investigation.

If they are all the same, how can ‘undead’ become the trump card among the field staff?

"His Honourable Member, can you have another drink?"

"In the rumor, the tea of ​​Jishu is getting more and more fragrant."

Said Carl.

"Have you not drunk?"

Corribo put the teacup over and asked.

"of course not."

"It is really rare to know the tea of ​​Jishu. In Aitinburg, there is basically no price."

"Most of the people who want to drink Jishu tea have to book from Cheka Bay in the south, and it takes at least five months for a boat to travel to the East. It is too long."

"Take your blessing, I only drank it."

Telling the difficulty of getting the tea, Lukar’s face showed a slightly exaggerated smile.

In fact, Karkar can't wait to exaggerate the hardships of the former ten times.

Because the more difficult it is, the more he appears to be humble, the more he looks noble.

However, I don’t dare to come to know who the other person is.

The truth is that it is too late to know.

If there is another deception?

Then he really can only wait to die.

Mr. Corypo was obviously satisfied with the unbridled honesty of Carl, and nodded with satisfaction.

He sipped the tea in the cup again and said.

"Carlisle is back."

Although she already knew the result, she did sit up straight and looked at her.

"He confirmed the existence of the 'snake.'"

“It also confirmed the relationship between the 'snakes’ and the 'fog'.”


"There is no more."

Corribo sounded a meal and looked at the wheel Carl.

He is very aware of what the member of the Colombo wants to do.

The power of the ‘quiet night retreat’ is unquestionable.

Especially after the ‘black disaster’, this power has almost reached a peak.

Things must be reversed!

When the peak appears, there will inevitably be a short downhill road – the 17 members who once fought together seem to have some problems because of the 'black disaster.'

Carl does not know what it is.

However, he knows that the Honourable Corit Board and the other Member of the Council, Geer Sark, are **** for tat.

Coincidentally, the ‘undead’ can be regarded as the direct field of the Gersak MP, just as he did with Corriba.

Their status is no longer controlled by Milne, a so-called field supervisor.

In the same way, their status is closely related to the loyal members.

Therefore, Karkar took a deep breath.

"With the ability of the ‘not dead,’ the investigation must be more detailed than me.”

"At this point, I am hard to exceed each other."

“But we also have our strengths.”

"Do you remember the prisoners we were in prison?"

Wheel Carl bent and asked, in front of Mr. Corypo, whispered.

When Karen mentioned those prisoners, Colleburk immediately guessed what the subordinate wanted to do, and immediately revealed a smile.

"Do what you want."

"I don't want Gersac to make a splash at the next meeting of parliamentarians, understand?"

Mr. Corypo said.


The answer was Karl’s answer.


Councillor Koribo stood up and patted Karl's shoulder. In the latter's flattered expression, he slowly left the house in Central Second Ring.

The door slowly closed and was respected. Karen stood in front of the window and watched the member of the parliament leave.

Until the other person hides in the shadow, he picks up his coat, puts on his cloak, and walks quickly toward an extremely secret place.

Here and the prison are on the way.

It was carefully selected by Carl.

Walking along the shadows, Karkar did not reveal any traces of flaws, but when he passed the back window of a house, he knocked three times, one long and two short.

Then, Karl seems to be the same as anyone else, and move on.

But after only a dozen seconds, a person appeared in the shadow of the front.

Looking at the figure in front, Karkar showed a smile, and he greeted softly -

"Good evening, ‘not dead’.”

(End of this chapter)

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