The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1767: mutual

Chapter 1767 Mutual

Holleka slightly decapitated, it was a greeting, very cold.

For the ‘provocative’ in front of him, Holleka never had any good feelings.

In the eyes of Hollerka, the other party is the typical ‘quiet night’ member, not only harming others, but also eating people without spitting bones. If you can, it is the best choice to kill each other directly after meeting.

However, not now.

He has cooperation with the other party.

If you want to gain a foothold in the ‘quiet night essay conference, the strength is naturally the first. In addition, you need to have a good news.

As the subordinates of Koripo and Geersack, respectively, Karkar and he have information that ordinary people do not know.

For mutual convenience, the cooperation of 'mutual benefit' is inevitable.

Of course, what he hopes is to find more ‘hunter people’ through the other side.

After all, the member of the Colombo has been responsible for the punishment of the ‘quiet night clerk’.

"Members don't want to see you out of the limelight!"

"So, I am going to let me use the remaining ‘hunter man’ to destroy.”

Already used to ‘the undead’, the proud singer Karl walked and whispered.

The sound is low, but make sure Hollera can hear it.

Holleka’s heart trembled, but it was quiet.

"Members are joining other people and are preparing to impeach Corippo."

"You will be treated as a focus."

He whispered.

Then, the two passed by, each in a different direction in the shadow.

Very short meeting.

But whether it is for Hollerka or Rocca, it is enough.

Carl knows that he is likely to have trouble next.

Hollerka got the message of the surviving ‘hunter’s.

I am very satisfied with the two people who have enough to harvest.

Especially the round Carl.

He wants to 'further' and he begins to think about how to deal with it next, and how to get the corresponding opportunity.

With this kind of thinking, Lukal walked into a secret stronghold.

This is near the market in Central Second Ring Road.

There is no day noise.

There is only one silence at night.

A team of patrols holding the torches moved back and forth.

In the high place, there is a **** shooter patrol.

In the shadow of the round, Karl glanced at the market direction, but did not continue to move forward, but sneaked into the room next to him, where the members of the 'Queen Night Secret Society' prepared to leave, opened underground Secret passages.

From here, there will be a direct pass to the 'Quiet Night Secrets', which belongs to the prison of Councillor.

Entering the secret road, the round Karl was slightly relieved.

The previous few marksmans, the pressure on the round Carl is really too big.

In fact, every time you come to the 'prison,' you are worried.

He did not understand why Mr. Corit Board wanted to put the 'prison' here.

Although those marksmans are enough to deter everyone, they will also be exposed.

As for the purchase of those marksman?

I know that the loyalty of the royal **** will not think about it.

Just like the demon hunter in prison.

They are all hard bones.

"How about the three hunters?"

Carol asked the members waiting in the secret road.

"same as before."

"A crazy, a fool, a coma."

"They are already dead people."

The other party replied.

The tone is very disdainful and sarcasm.

"Waste people?"

"There can be used for waste."

"Not to mention people?"

Wheel Karl said with a smile.

On the following road, Lukal was talking to the Guardian and the guards here.

The content of the conversation is boundless.

But in general, it is to collect information.

This is very inefficient.

There is no way for Karen.

Not everyone is like his ‘undead,’ and can be his collaborator.

Like these insignificant little people, once they become his collaborators, they will only bring him to the top.

He is sure that the other person will sell him when he turns around.

As for the service?

Forget it, here, in this 'prison', everyone knows who the boss is.

It is a member of the Colope.

Instead of his round Carl.


"Just now!"

Carol said secretly.

Soon, when the current side had an iron gate, the conversation between the two stopped.

The jailer took out the key and opened the door.

Immediately, a dark, dull, tidal corridor was revealed.

On one side is the wall with a lot of torture tools hanging on it.

On one side is the cell.

There are a total of eleven in the cell, and the enemies who have been filled with the ‘quiet night retreat’ are not all hunters, but at this time, only the demon hunters are left.

In the first cell, on a pile of dirty weeds, there was a person who seemed to be a corpse.

Breathing is extremely weak, and if you don't look at it carefully, you can't see it at all.

When Carl passed through here, he couldn’t help but pause.

Who is the other party, he does not know.

I only know that this is a very strange guy. Since I was captured, I fell into such a deep sleep. I have been eating and drinking for decades.

From a rich female appearance to a current dry corpse.

Moreover, the other party is very obvious and can't stop.

It is estimated that there will be death in a few weeks.

It is precisely because of this that the 'dark guardian' who has been holding the other side has left here.

The dead are not worthy of care, aren't they?

Can't play as a task!

Thinking of this, Karkar continues to move forward.

When I came to the fifth cell, there was a silly laugh inside.

This is a guy who is more reassuring than the dead corpse that was about to die.

In the experiments of several Members, there has been no original memory, and the wisdom is even more vague. Like a child of two or three years old, I know that I have enough to sleep, wake up and eat, and not eat.

If they were not worried that the few members would think that such a test material was not easy to explain, the jailers had already dealt with him.

Standing in front of the iron gate, Karl was looking through the mouth of the visitor and watching the prisoners inside.

"Eat and eat."

"I want to be good and delicious."

The prisoner who was contaminated with a urinary urinary rushed when he saw the round of Karl.

A stench came along, and Karkar immediately stepped back and shut the visit.

Obviously, this is not appropriate.

Round Carl continues to move forward.

In the last cell, he saw the madman.

The same is because of the experiments of the lawmakers.

However, compared to the previous one, this is full of aggressiveness.

When the wheel Carl just opened the visitor's mouth, it rushed over.

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

The other party who needs to send a piece of hair, red eyes, the murderous in the eyes is like the essence.

But right away -


"do not come!"

"do not come!"

The miserable snoring sounded, and the jailer put away the palm on the iron door. On his finger, an iron ring flashed a layer of electric sparks.

"Good electric shock ring!"

The round Karl praised.

"Every time."

"He is the least worrying one."

"If you don't have electricity, you can't deliver food at all."

"The only thing that is fortunate is that it will be sent only once in two days."

The jailer showed a humble smile at the wheel.

Then, under the direction of Karl, the iron gate was opened.

Just opened the iron gate, the crazy demon hunter will rush up.

However, when the electric shock ring began to bloom, the other party immediately mourned and shrank into the corner of the cell.

"Oh, that's pathetic!"

"Although I don't know who you are, once the demon hunter, like a dog, is really regrettable."

"No, no."

"It's not like a dog."

"If a dog is sloppy, he will only be kicked, and you?"

"It will be electricity!"

Carol sighed.

In the corner, the mad demon hunter did not care about the words of Carl.

Facing the electric spark, he curled up his body and held his head, only to tremble.

In this regard, Carl is extremely satisfied.

In the temptation just now, he has confirmed that the other party is not disguised, but that the mind is really confused.

Although the lawmakers will definitely make a test, they only believe in themselves.

If he doesn't verify it himself, he is not at ease, let the other party implement the next plan.

With a sleeve, a test tube appeared in the hands of Karkar.

He gently pulled the oak plug.

A strong fragrance spreads.

In the cell, the unpleasant smell was swept away.

The mad hunting demon who was trembling, calmed down in an instant.

At this time, the jailer who was holding his mouth and nose quickly withdrew from the cell, and then ran directly outside the big iron gate, and then he gasped and looked at him with a lingering look.

He knows the name of the 'Provocate'.

Therefore, he does not want to be the other person's embarrassment.

That is simply not a life to die!

And that crazy hunter?

It is naturally irrelevant to have the command of the grown-up.

Besides, is it not waste utilization?

Thinking of this, the jailer once again showed a sardonic smile.

However, when his nose showed a faint scent, the jailer immediately changed his face and began to retreat to a farther place.

Carol quietly listened to footsteps.

He only showed a smile when he confirmed that the other party had withdrawn far enough and could no longer hear the voice here.

He naturally obeys the members of the parliament and wants to complete the instructions.

At the same time, he doesn't mind doing something he wants to do.

Thinking of this, the round Karl opened.

"Hunter, you know?"

"I originally thought that except for the three of you, the rest of the demon hunters are lingering, not a big one."

"Or it can be said that it has already perished."


"What I didn't think of is that you still have a backhand."

The sound of Carl's voice became thick, his hands were wide open, his hands were rhythmically shaking in front of the mad hunting demon. At first, the mad hunter was indifferent, but after a dozen seconds, the other party became stimulated by drugs. The eyes of the wood are involuntarily followed by the palm of the wheel.

Seeing this scene, Volk’s eyes are proud of it.

Don't say it is an unconscious madman.

Even a determined tough guy has no resistance under his words and gestures.

What's more, in order to be on the safe side, he also used drugs.

"Snake Pie!"

"The snakes hidden in the shadows!"

"Different from the directness of your wolf faction, they are more accustomed to hiding in the corners and bushes, and they are indifferent to your death."


"Only you are dead."

"They are qualified to appear."

Talking about the huge lie of the loophole, Karkar’s gestures became swift.

He did not worry about his lie being exposed.

Not to despise the intelligence of a madman.

However, he believes that the secret of the snakes is that the wolves have removed a few people, and the rest do not know.

Even, only one person may know the snakes.

And that person?

I have long since died and can no longer die.

The soul is broken down into the best nutrients.

Not just that one.

The rest of the famous ones are no exception.

Therefore, the words of Karkar are getting more and more excessive.



"You are not as good as a dog."

"They are enjoying peace."

"And now, there is an opportunity to appear in front of you!"

"kill him!"

"Kill the ‘snake pie’ that is about to enter Fort Aitenburg!”

"Only you can calm down!"

"You can get relief!"

"You will..."

"Recover your true self!"

The speed of Carl's speech is getting faster and faster.

At the beginning, I was able to hear the meaning of the words, but then, when the words were connected, only the sound of ‘嗡嗡’ was left.

His hands are waving with a phantom, and the face is the flush of the month.



A blood, just sprayed on the mad hunter.

Looking at the blood and fog, was absorbed by the mad hunter, and Carl again laughed.

all the best!

Now the other party is full of anger and will definitely kill the snake-hunter.


The other party will become his jealousy.

The true meaning of embarrassment.

As for retrieving the true self?

He, deceiving.

"follow me."

This is what Karkar said.

The mad hunter slowly stood up and followed the wheel and walked outside the prison.

Turning to look at the very obedient and obedient mad hunting demon, Lu Kar began to plan, how to arm the other side, so that the other party can recover to the peak fighting power in a short time.

Otherwise, this appearance is just going to die.

For his own embarrassment, Kart has always been cherished.

Under the sneer of the jailer, Lukal left with the mad hunter.


The gates of the prison were heavily closed.

The corpse-like demon hunter in the first cell, slowly breathing, as if nothing had changed.

In the fifth cell, the silly devil who was covered with urine, flashed a glimmer of clarity.

But then, it was replaced by shackles.



The whisper rang in the hallway of the city gate.

The mad hunter has found his goal.

A dagger with sharp edges and poison was in his hands, and replaced the prisoner’s suit that had already been cloth. He was wearing a dark gray cloak and he was like a shadow, silently coming to the carriage. .

Just as he was about to open the door, the door was opened first.

A faint surprise sounded.

"Are you finally here?"

"The wolf's brother."

(End of this chapter)

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