The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1768: Helping hand

Chapter 1768 Helping Hands

Crazy hunting demon glimpse.

The less clear mind makes it impossible for him to distinguish the meaning of the speaker.

However, the anger of the bottom of the heart, the killing that was born, did not weaken a point.

The next moment, he rushed into the carriage.

The dagger with venom in his hand stabbed the speaker.

The dagger went straight into the other's chest.

The surprise smile on the other side was a stagnation, but then it seemed to have put down countless burdens.


"This blow is what I owe you."

"I should take it for me."

The other person said this, and then, with the relieved smile, hugged the mad hunting demon in front of him.

It is the kind of hug that belongs to Hokuriku.

Tightly apply force and pat the other's back.

The extremely rhythmic beat is very heavy.

But no malicious.

The mad hunter instinct can detect this.

In particular, with the recent blow, his anger in his heart seems to be more rational and start thinking.

who am I?

where am I?

What am I doing?

However, without waiting for him to understand, the ear is filled with the voice of the hug, enthusiasm and joy.

"Welcome back."

"my brother."

In such a voice, the mad hunter can't help but open his mouth.

"Brother, brother?"

The sound is dry and vague.

Not at a close distance is simply not heard.

"Yes, brother."

"The wolf's brother!"

"I know that you will not be completely destroyed in that battle, and there must be remnants, but please forgive us for our incompetence. We have tried our best and have not found out where you were after being captured."

“Ultimately, Colin had to take risks and behave as a bait, which led to the back of ‘Quiet Night’.”

"Those guys are as sinister as ever, and they want to let us kill each other."

"But they underestimated the will of our hunter!"

The upper evil spirit kept talking in the ear of the mad hunter.

Some of the illusions that are unique to evil spirits are quietly and silently displayed at this time.

The heart of the mad hunter has calmed down.

Although he hadn't known who he was for a long time, he confirmed the person who gave him a hug and was not malicious.

and also……

Sitting opposite, the face is indifferent.

Although there is no expression on the other side of the face, but the breath of the other party... is very familiar.


He should be like this too.

Qin Ran, who was replaced by the title of "Evil Hunter", sat quietly, looking at the look of the mad hunter, he could not help but sigh.

The welt that emerged from under the placket.

Less fingernails.

The gap on the ear.

The knife on the face, etc., all of which were cleaned up in a short period of time, but these details are enough to make Qin Ran understand what happened to the people in front of him.

Non-human suffering.

Otherwise, it will not be tortured to a mental breakdown.

Do not!

Not a mental breakdown!

Instead, it’s a mess!

It seems to be a kind of experiment, stuffing the ‘soul’ that is not part of the other's body into this body.

With the upper evil spirit as the investigation, Qin Ran got more certain information.

Study the soul?

Qin Ran secretly frowned.

He knows very little about the ‘quiet night retreat,’ but from the perspective of the existence of ‘Ms. Evangelion’, the strength of the other side is unquestionable, and now?

The degree of danger of the other party has once again increased by one level.

Anything related to the 'soul' cannot be underestimated.

When the spiritual attribute broke through to the V-order and began to counter-complement itself, Qin Ran had such a clear understanding, not to mention the pre-existing mental power and the benefits he brought.

Through the power of the contract, it is indicated to the upper evil spirit.

The latter's open channel.

"my brother."

"The suffering will pass."

"Give me everything left, okay?"

Released the opponent's upper evil spirits, and looked at the crazy hunter.

"no need to worry."

"I can assure you."

"With me, you will not suffer any harm."


"I'm dead!"

The mad hunter who has been affected by the illusion of the evil spirits is almost without any secret under the evil spirits of the upper evil spirits.

The last words resolved the worries of the mad hunter.

Then, the mad hunter looked at the dagger of the evil spirit chest.

The dagger, full of venom, was still there.

Under the gaze of the mad hunter, the evil spirits smiled and pulled the dagger out.

"It still hurts me."

Throwing the dagger on the table, the upper evil spirit took the mad hunting demon to sit down. Its voice softly said: "After a while, you will fall asleep, but don't worry, I just use this way to help you find Go back to yourself."

Looking at the mad hunting demon who quickly fell asleep under the comfort of evil spirits.

Qin Ran did not have any accidents.

For the evil spirits who are good at confusing people, it is too simple to confuse a person, even if it is a crazy person.

After all, it is not ordinary evil spirits to confuse this madman.

Qin Ran consciously kept quiet.

Upon entering the gate of the city gate, he was given a hint of Qin Ran, and quietly got off the bus. Bohr, who was sitting with Ashkano, did not say a word. Although he did not know what Qin Ran was doing, he kept quiet.

To this end, he specifically indicated that Ashkano should try to be slower and steady, and not to make too much movement.

The carriage slowly moved forward.

This did not attract the attention of others.

Because, in Aitinburg, the carriage itself is going to slow down, especially near the gates of many people.

Similarly, the illusion of the upper evil spirit did not attract anyone's attention.

There is a change, just the heart of the mad hunter.



"Because daggers and long swords are different, daggers are not suitable for slashing, only for thorns, and when you use slashing, when you are in a desperate situation, this time you are more prepared to squat, it will be more suitable than daggers."

"Of course, the arm is also good."

"But that requires you to make money yourself. I don't have extra Kimpton."

On the open space of a wooden house, two straw people, a wooden man, were groomed.

Edson, who was only twelve years old, listened to his teacher's explanation and couldn't help but lick his mouth.

He prefers a long sword.


His teacher, who is not good at using swords, is only good at beheading.

Therefore, he can only blame learning daggers.

However, in the bottom of his heart, Edson has vowed that when he independently kills monsters, he will definitely find someone to learn long sword skills.

Of course, he will not tell the teacher.


"Edson, your dagger is really bad."

"It's not a flying knife."

"When you hold it, don't think about abandoning it."

"You want to be the best partner, the most reliable comrade!"

One less leg, the bottle, the drunken teacher, once again pointed to the 16-year-old Edson.

Edson, who was a little bit younger, didn't pay attention to his teacher.

Still doing my own thing.

He likes to throw the dagger out and insert it in the throat of the prey.


A crack in the metal and wood.

The trained wooden man was shot by the dagger, and the metal blade of the dagger was almost halved.

Edson looked at this scene with satisfaction.

Then, smugly looked at his teacher.

He can be sure that this is something his teacher can't do.

The old demon hunter who lacked a leg saw this scene, shook his head, poured a large sip of wine, looked up at the moon in the sky, and did not know what he was thinking.


Another successful hunting.

The 22-year-old Edson became a famous member of the demon hunter.

The long sword, the arrow, the most praiseworthy is the ‘flying knife’ stunt.

Take the bounty, change a barrel of good wine, licking two deer legs, Edson is ready to go home to see the teacher.

"It’s a long hunting!"

At the thought of the process of hunting, Edson couldn't help but feel the tide.

He couldn't help but tell the whole process of his teacher.

In fact, from the age of eighteen, after each hunting mission is completed, he will tell his teacher that at first his teacher will say a few words, then he will drink and listen to him quietly.

He thinks this is his performance beyond the teacher.


At the age of twenty-five, Edson’s fame grew.

However, there is no name that everyone recognizes.

To this end, Edson is very distressed, he once again asked the teacher to talk, ready to make a big vote.

He discovered a deeply hidden ‘organization’.

He is prepared to smash the organization in one fell swoop.

Doing so will definitely give him the title.


The process of tracking this organization is too difficult, and there are almost no clues. It can only be a chance.

For a whole year, he did not go to see the teacher.

However, every two weeks he will send money back.

I hope the teacher has nothing to do.

wait for me!

I will go back with the real title, which is the point that you didn't do it that year.


Another year!

Hard work pays off!

He finally found the whereabouts of the 'organization'!

He can't wait to attack.

Then, fell into the trap!

A trap for him!

He was seriously injured.

He thinks he is dead.

Then his teacher appeared.

Holding a cane and licking the bottle, the sudden and sudden appearance suddenly appeared.

Do not!

Not suddenly!

Instead, follow him behind him.

He looked at the traces of grass mustard, dust, etc. on the teacher, and was very sure... his teacher had been behind him.


He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but only the title was left.

His teacher turned his head and looked at him. There was no turbidity in his eyes, only one piece was clear.

"The kid, the dagger is not so useful."

As he spoke, his teacher bent down and took out the dagger he had hidden on his side.

The dagger turned at his fingertips and his teacher turned and threw the crutches.

"Look at it."

"I will teach you again."

"the last time."

When the voice fell, his teacher lost his mark, and the thirty people on the opposite side of the organization were almost instantly in a pool of blood.

Cough, cough.

He was awakened by the teacher's cough.

He rushed over.

But it was stopped by his teacher.

The dagger was thrown back.

"You are still a long way to go."

With such words, his teacher disappeared.

It turned into a faint mist and disappeared.


At the age of thirty, he got the recognized title ‘Hunting Blade’.

There is no long sword.

Only daggers.

One handle was left to him by his teacher.

One handle was built by him personally.

There is also a handcuff and an arm.

The arquebus has already been there, but he doesn't like it, it's too much trouble.

And the treasures?

too expensive.

He can't afford it.

Bite the bottle stopper, drink the teacher's favorite inferior wine, transparent wine into the mouth, almost no other fragrance, the taste is fierce, rushing into the nose, as if burning in the fire.

However, he likes this feeling.

A half bottle.

The remaining half of the bottle, he dumped in front of the teacher's tombstone.

"I found clues about those guys."

“They call themselves ‘the night clerics’.”

"I have already killed 137 of them."

"The next step is the one hundred and thirty-eight."



"This is a trap!"

"I have dealt with them, they won't be caught in the tail so easily!"

Edson said loudly.

"Do not worry, I am sure!"

This is a male voice, very sure, very attractive, affecting everyone.


A failed decisive battle.

Looking at the scarred companion, watching the tragic companion, Edson played the teacher's dagger, he was very hurt, just a 'parliament' sneak attack, almost cut off his ribs, but the other side is not good, The heart suffered his fatal blow.

Not dead, but also abolished.

But what is the use of this?

The failure has been irreparable.


"Leave with the last fire."

Edson stood up and said to the partners who could move.

Those who could not move, this time, is full of energy, and they stand side by side with Edson.

No words.

Nothing wrong.

They stayed and strive for life for their partners.

There is no resentment.

Because, if they are exchanged, their partners will do the same.


The dying resistance is far longer than the decisive battle.

During this period of time, Edson did not know who had successfully left.

I don't know how many partners died.

But he found that goal.

That trustworthy goal.

He wants to kill and question each other.

And just as he rushed to the other side, the other party disappeared.

It disappeared out of thin air.

His murder was defeated.

He lost his last strength.

When he fell on his back, the ‘Members’ who had been stabbed by him and became a waste person appeared with a cruel smile.

He knows what the other party wants to do.

Therefore, he needs to gather strength and give the other party a final blow.



Countless experiments!

His body has become riddled with holes!

His mind began to blur!

He knows that his time is running out.

The **** stuffed too many evils into his body, and he couldn't support it anymore.

Then the opportunity came.

His fake death was successful, and the guy finally relaxed his vigilance.

That wants to smash him.

However, his sudden attack, before this, broke the other's throat.

It’s ridiculous.

In the end, he borrowed the power of evil.

The evil began to compete for his body.

How can he make these evils do?

The stove next to it was burning.

The kerosene lamp is on the table.

After breaking the kerosene lamp and pouring kerosene on his body, he rushed to the stove.

"We are not part of the light, we are not dark, we walk on the edge."

"There is no glory of praise, no sacred songs, only inner pride."


He and a group of evil alienated in order to ashes.


He woke up again.

His mind is a bit fuzzy.

What is his name?

The jailer in front of him kept tortured him.

Some guys in the heart are also tortured him.

They are even more anxious than him.

Because they also forget who they are.


Everything has become fragmented.

He was tortured and beaten.

He resented, he was angry.

He wants to kill the people in front of him.

His anger, combined with them in the body, made him more and more arrogant, but when he thundered, he was even weaker.

This weakness was discovered by the jailers.

These hateful guys changed the way to torture him.

The power that has just merged into one is once again fragmented.

Broken to the point where there is no value.

Imprisonment became his treatment.

He is asking himself who he is every day.


No answer.

Until the young man appeared, the young man who was not good.


In the darkness of nothingness, the mad hunter, no, is Edson whispering to himself.

He looked down at himself.

I looked at the ‘companion’ standing in front of myself.

The other side is worried and his eyes are sincere.

It is different from the one who does not care for him.

"very sorry."

"I didn't find you soon."

"my brother."

The other party whispered.

Edson looked at each other and shook his head slowly.

"Wolf, Edson."

He said this.

"Snake, Simon."

The upper evil spirit held out his hand, and Edson was not used to it, but he still extended his hand. After the two sides gripped, the smile of the evil spirit became more and more enthusiastic.

"I am very happy to see a wolf again."

"To be honest, you are more in line with Horrow's impression of the wolf."

The upper evil spirit said that he had scored the fat body of Horuf.


He is still alive.

Edson was in a much better mood when he heard the long-lost names.

"Is he alright?"

Asked Edson.

"Good, you will know when you see him next time."

"he is currently……"


The upper evil spirit seems to be a post-information and looks at Edson.

Under the gaze of the upper evil spirits, Edson’s body showed a **** imprint.

Edson looked down at the marks and waved at the evil spirits.

"do not worry."

"Just a few parting gifts."

"I will give him a gift."

When Edson raised his hand, he erased these **** imprints, and then continued to ask: "What did you say about Horuff?"

The upper evil spirit that sensed everything laughed. He returned to the carriage with Edson and said very seriously -

"He is calling the rest of the demon hunters!"

"We want to come once..."

"Great counterattack!"

(End of this chapter)

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