The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1769: 'radish'

Chapter 1769 ‘Radish’

Big counterattack?

There was a ripple in Edson’s expression.

When he woke up from the dungeon, he had thought about such a thing.

But as time went by, everything changed.

Especially when his body began to be filled with evil spirits, the last glimmer of hope disappeared.


just now?

Edson sat up straight.

His eyes looked at Qin Ran.

On the other side, he has a familiar atmosphere.

That is the breath that only ‘Hunter’ will have.

On the contrary, the guy with a smile, giving him the feeling, very uncomfortable.

If it is not confirmed that it is a camp, he would like to give each other a knife.

"I will participate in the big counterattack!"

"But I need a little time, I am going to save two friends in my prison."

"Honey bait and Tandek."

"They should not suffer that kind of insult."

Edson looked at Qin Ran's promise.

At the same time, the requirements were put forward.

Very reasonable request.

Therefore, Qin Ran nodded.


"But please as soon as possible."

"My people can help you."

Qin Ran said that the upper evil spirit immediately looked at Edson with a smile, but the old hunting demon shook his head.

"I am used to acting alone."

"When I rescue them, I will go to you."

After that, the old hunter will leave.

Qin Ran did not mean anything to stop.

The upper evil spirit sent a blessing.

"I wish you a smooth trip."

In the moment when the carriage was about to pass through the gate of the city gate, Edson got out of the carriage and blended into the shadow of the side. He looked at the carriage that was drifting away and he was relieved.

There is no blocking.

It is quite credible to prove what the other party said.

Plus one of the ‘hunter’s breaths that belong to...

"Snake party?"

Edson’s heart was silent, and then the whole person rushed toward the Central Third Ring Road, and his eyes were hidden.

Some things have to be settled.


The carriage continued to move forward, and Qin Ran sat face to face with the evil spirits summoned by the contract.

"Boss, have I just been targeted?"

The evil spirit looked at Qin Ran innocently.


Qin Ran nodded.

"But I woke him up!"

"I am his savior!"

"How can he do this to me?"

The evil spirit said indignantly.

"you are not human."

Qin Ran said plainly and clearly.


There is nothing to say about the evil spirits facing the facts, but there are thousands of words in the bottom of my heart.

"Don't underestimate the real hunters."

"Even if they have been imprisoned for a long time, their instinct is still there."

"At least you can distinguish some essence."

Qin Ran reminded his followers.

With the development of some plans, his role in this role has become more and more important. He does not want to delay the whole plan because of some side events.

"The guy who pulls the enemy and goes to the end is of course terrible!"

Thinking of the memory that I just saw belongs to each other, the upper evil spirit can not help but frown.

The stubborn and tough counterpart, pouring kerosene on himself and rushing to the stove, it will never be forgotten.

Similarly, the ‘quiet night retreat’ that is able to compete with the other party and win the victory must pay more attention.

"Boss, I need to return to the team."

"Although I have already passed the post at Aitenburg, I am worried about what the Sixth World will play."

Qin Ran nodded directly to the proposal of the evil spirit.

After the ceremony to Qin Ran, the upper evil spirit was directly invisible, integrated into the ground, and flew outside of Fort Aitin.

After perceiving the evil spirits to leave Aitinburg, Qin Ran changed his position and raised his eyes.

He is remembering the memory of Edson just now.

What the evil spirits saw, Qin Ran saw through the power of the contract.

Moreover, it is still more objective.

Qin Ran, who has the talent of [Memory Palace], can be said to have never forgotten. After one time, he has a fairly clear understanding and understanding of the big force of this copy world, the hunter.

The demon hunter usually exists in the form of a family or a mentor.

The former is a teamwork model and the latter is a lone ranger.

This also makes the latter's strength far better than the former, of course, not absolute.

According to Edson's memories, the winners of the title are not all lone rangers, and about 40% of them are from one of the team's hunters.

Or a certain demon hunter with a title, formed a family, changed the behavior pattern.

Then, the Demon Hunter had a branch in various places.

It exists in the form of hotels, pubs, etc.

Of course, there is also a headquarters.

Just outside Fort Aitenburg, in a jungle leading to the ‘Yuwen Avenue’ in the south.

However, it should be down.

Of course, the most important thing for Qin Ran is the strength of some demon hunters.

For example, Edson's teacher, the remnant, retired old demon hunter, undoubtedly the advanced level of the strong, also has a secret, a momentary explosion is enough to make people look.

The rest is the top of the demon hunter.

From the advanced stage to the fourth stage.

Among them, the number of IV orders exceeds five.

The number of advanced orders is as many as 20.

This is only in the memory of Edson, and there is no hidden one that I don't know.

Because Qin Ran can clearly feel that Edson's memory is incomplete.

The most crucial point is the ‘man’s voice’.

Whether he heard it or saw it.

The other party is subject to some kind of 'restriction'.

So that I have to change.

"Is the darkness of the ‘quiet night retreat?’

Qin Ran thought.

The appearance of the other party and the memory fragments of Edson are enough to tell Qin Ran that the ‘Queen Night Secrets’ is not a temporary intention to target the ‘hunter’, but has been planning for a long time.

As for what?


The ‘Secure Night Secret Society’ has many ‘Xie’s’, and even experiments are being conducted using ‘Xie’s.’

Of course, there are human living experiments.

This is undoubtedly contrary to the belief of the ‘hunter man.’

One party protects and one party destroys.

The two sides can really be said to be enemies.

It’s not surprising to start early in the ‘quiet night retreat’.

The strange thing is that after eradicating the enemy of the hunter, the ‘quiet night retreat’ that won the victory has also become dying.

You know, ‘quiet night essays’ is not a terrible victory, but a real victory!

There is no need to recuperate.

According to the other party's model, it should be straightforward to accept the fruits of victory.

Instead of this continue to crouch.


“‘Ms. Evangelion’?”

Qin Ran’s index finger tapped the armrests of the two chairs, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

There is no doubt that the ‘Mr. Disaster’ is the key point of the whole incident.

Whether it is the Aitantin royal family, the demon hunter, or the quiet night esoteric meeting, they are all around each other.

However, his understanding of the other side is pitiful.

The identity of ‘fog’ is too much.

The identity of the snake-hunting demon is too sensitive.

Maybe you should find a better, more gentle entry point?

When Qin Ran thought, the carriage slowly stopped.

Bool knocked on the window.

"Colin, we are here."

Qin Ran opened the door.

After looking around for four weeks, he confirmed where he was.

It should be the 'passage' between the Third Ring and the Lower Seven.

There are a total of seventeen rings from the bottom to the top of the city. The lower seventh ring is the civilian area, the third ring is the commercial area, the upper seven ring is the aristocratic area, and the military camp is every ring, the patrol It is always there, especially at the entrance to each ring, there are more than 30 soldiers stationed for a long time, and at the entrance to the upper seven rings, this number has reached 50.

Standing here, Qin Ran looked at the former city gate.

Here you can clearly see the city gate corridor, where there is still a crowd of people, but you can't see the real gate.

Moreover, with Qin Ran's gaze, he was keenly aware that several of the soldiers at the entrance to the Third Ring Road looked at him.

"Is the **** shooter hidden in it?"

Qin Ran’s heart secretly retracted his eyes and began to look at his next few days, and even the place to live in a week or two.

A three-story building.

The door is double-opened. You can see the spacious lobby inside through the door seam. There are five windows on the first floor and four windows on the first floor. There are twelve windows on the second floor. There are terraces on the third floor. There are only six windows on the left side. They are all left to the terrace, standing in the Qinran position, and can clearly see the pine needle trees planted on the terrace.

The dark green pine needle tree is very cold-resistant and can survive even in the winter in the Hokuriku, bringing a touch of color to others.

Especially in front of the hotel, the main body of stone and wood, accompanied by the faded orange-red tiles, dotted with a touch of green, can not help but make people comfortable.

Moreover, the signboard is impressive.

The appearance of a carrot.

The name is also ‘radish’.

"Don't worry, although the name of this hotel is a bit weird, it is very reliable."

"The beef inside is even better."

Bohr introduced.

"Radish stewed sirloin?"

Qin Ran asked.

Then, push the door directly and go inside.

When he pushed in the door, Qin Ran was keenly aware that the sight that had been placed on him disappeared.

However, Qin Ran was a bit disappointed.

There is a taste of steak here, but there is no beef stew.

However, very quickly, the collision of black pepper and hot butter has attracted Qin Ran's attention.

When Boer and the innkeeper arranged accommodation and settled the carriage, Qin Ran had already ordered a signature black pepper steak recommended by the hotel waiter.

Beef selection is not the best, but it is quite weighty.

The edge of the steak is just right, both the juice and the burnt.

The side dish is carrot.

Slice the plate, half cooked and half cooked, and the sauce dug out in the spoon, and draw a beautiful arc in the rest of the plate.

Qin Ran's fork put a little sauce in his mouth.

The scent of the mushrooms began to emerge.

"Not bad."

Qin Ran’s evaluation.

Can you taste the food made by a chef with a very good skill in a random hotel? Is there anything more enjoyable than this?

Naturally... eat ten!

When Bolten settled down, when he returned to the restaurant, he looked at the plate in front of Qin Ran, and his heart beat vigorously.

Although there is a hunch that will be like this, but I really saw it, Bohr still can't stand it.

The consumption of Aitenburg is very different from that of Sika.

The food is more beautiful and delicious, which means it is more expensive.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the ‘radish’ hotel he chose is the ‘aisle’ in the civilian and commercial districts, not the ‘passing’ in the commercial and aristocratic districts.


I am afraid that it will go bankrupt directly?

With the feeling of the rest of his life, Boer also ordered two signature steaks from the waiter.

Before his bodyguard, Ashkano, asked for ten copies, Boer placed one of them in front of the other.

“Here is Aitinburg, not the border Morse, nor the transit city of Sika.”

"The consumption here is beyond your imagination. I hired your salary. You let go of it. About three or five days, you have to borrow."

"If you don't want to eat dark bread in the future, save some points."

Bohr told his bodyguards.

The bodyguard is watching the high-pitched dishes in front of Qin Ran.

"Colin is different from us."

Bohr explained.

Does he dare to reject Qin Ran?

Take a look, ‘The Devil of the Fire’!

He doesn't want to be used as a humanoid torch, and then, the ash is annihilated!

In the face of death, choose from the heart.

This is the way to survive.

Bohr remembers it.

As for Ashkano?

Mr. Bodyguard, who is very easy to convince, has no complaints. After eating another steak, he started to buy black bread.

He is not full.

More money was sent back to the adoptive father of Mora.

Can only choose the most basic food.

"8 copper grams?"

"Not 7?"

"Are you cheating on me?"

Ashkano keeps in mind some of the prices Bohr told him before. When the price is not met, the bodyguard has started to look like all the Moorish people in the border, clenching his fists, if you don’t give me an explanation, I'll beat you up.

"Two weeks ago, it was still a whole piece of black bread."

"But that was two weeks ago."

"Now it is 8 copper grams. If you are not living in my shop, it should be 8 and a half copper."

A short, sloppy goat, the old man with white hair came out and stood in front of his nephew, who was scared and white, explaining to Ashkano.

"Is that right?"

Mr. Bodyguard subconsciously turned his head to see Bohr.

Boll nodded.

This is the owner of the ‘radish’ hotel, the old Hank, who is surrounded by the nephew Xiao Hanke from the country. When he was talking, he had already explored everything.

At the same time, it is confirmed that there is also the old Hank, which is very good as rumored.

He is definitely not because the other party gave him a 155% discount on his accommodation expenses, so he would compliment each other.

"very sorry."

"My bodyguard is very reckless."

"But he is not a bad person."

Bohr walked over and smiled and explained, and also reached for a few shots on the shoulders of young Han Hank.

When he saw that his face was getting better, Bohr immediately proposed to the old Hank to invite the other party to have a drink.

Looking at the still empty hotel lobby, the old Hank did not refuse.

Naturally, Bohr and the old Hank returned to the table where Qin Ran was. Ashkano and Xiao Hanke went to the kitchen to take the black bread.

"The price this year is really amazing."

"The black bread has actually increased in price."

Boer picked up the glass and touched the old Hank. After drinking it, he complained in a low voice.

Old Hank did not hesitate, but also a drink.

Suddenly, the old man’s face had a touch of redness.

The wine of Aitenburg is naturally a traditional spirit of Hokuriku.

This kind of spirits fermented with potatoes and grains, it is a nose, a hot throat, but it is loved by all the people living in the cold and cold in the north.

Old Hank is no exception.

"No way."

"The nobles of this time in the past have already gone to the South for the winter."

"With a waiter, a servant, and those who are completely parasitic on the nobility, Atitenburg will be at least a quarter less, but this year is different."

"Your Majesty has issued a 'new order' to be able to buy a knight, and to order all nobles to have to 'watch.'"

"So, these migratory birds heading to the south are left behind, and they are still very fine."

"With the price, the price has become more expensive."

"However, there are also a lot of work."

"Not bad, not bad."

The old Hank, who was born and raised, apparently knew enough about the situation in Fort Aden.

Moreover, the thinking is very clear and has conversations that no other small locals have.

This is what Bohr needs.

He invited the old Hank again.

"What do you think of the ‘new order’?”

Bohr asked.

"The King has no money."

Old Hank laughed. He put the empty glass on the table again. This time, he did not wait for Boer to ask him. He took the initiative to go back to the bar and took a whole bottle of wine.

"I invite you."

Old Hank said that he had fallen to Bohr.

Then, after you pour yourself, you will drink it again.

The three consecutive glasses of spirits made the old man completely open his voice.

He said very quietly to Bohr.

"Do you know? We won in the war against the South, but the benefits are far from being as big as we imagined, and our majesty can't wait to look at the southern islands."

"We are very happy and hope to achieve the achievements of the ancestors in his lifetime."

"And every war requires a lot of money."

“Especially when we don’t have time to recuperate.”

"Money is especially important."

“Do you ask me what I think about the ‘new order’?”

"What can I think?"

"I can't afford it."

Speaking of the old man, his body was shaken and fell on the table.

The reddish Bohr confirmed that the old man was really drunk and immediately supported the other person to the kitchen.

Then, it was another burst of trouble.

Qin Ran was listening from beginning to end.

He does not mind Bohr's small means.

In fact, the biggest gain in exchange for the least price has always been Qin Ran's favorite.

Of course, Qin Han has reservations about the evaluation of the old Hank’s ‘good big success’ of Aitandin VI.

The other person’s forbearance when he was young, the other party is definitely not a good person.

However, it is difficult to guarantee that people will not change over time.

But there are other speculations in Qin Ran’s heart.

"In the case of the war temple and the situation of Ms. Kuai, the situation is to attack the southern islands and get rid of the real 'war center', so as to better develop their own power!"

With such a guess, Qin Ran silently thought about the opportunities contained therein.

At this time, a well-dressed attendant came in from the outside.

When I saw Qin, the other party immediately lit up and bowed.

"Hello, is it Colin?"


In the face of strangers' inquiries, Qin Ran responded coldly and briefly.

"I am the messenger of the Wharton family, Master Chur, who invites you to the banquet tonight."

The other party said with respect and respect.

Qin Ran brow slightly wrinkled.

Subconscious will refuse.

He doesn't like to go to a stranger's party, especially when he meets a group of strangers.

However, very quickly, Qin Ran changed his mind.


"Master Coul invited the chefs of the 'Snow Candy House', 'The Deer's Dim Sum' and the 'Gray Bear Restaurant' to host a banquet."

In the face of such a sincere invitation, Qin Ran thinks that he should go.

"it is good."

He gave a positive answer.

(End of this chapter)

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