The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1770: From the sky... ‘pot’!

Chapter 1770 is descending from the sky... ‘pot’!

Edson walked slowly in Fort Aitenburg.

He did not come to Aitenburg. In his memory, Aitinburg has always been bustling and lively. It was a few days in the winter, and it was a crowd of people.

And now, decades have passed.

Aitinburg is even more lively.


But there are no familiar people.

He looked at the hotel in the civilian area on the roadside.

In his memory, this is a tavern opened by a partner, many people are happy to come here.

It was a very funny guy. He was not very old at the time, but his ability was very strong. He would take off and run when he drank too much.

Then he...

It should be dead in the battle.

The guy will laugh when he is dead.

Because, the guy said, crying and death is better than laughing and dying.

A very free and easy guy.

He can't compare.

His present heart is full of hatred.

He can't wait to rush into the 'prison' to get rid of the bastards.

However, he can't just go there.

That will kill the snake!

He still needs to wait a little.

Only then will there be more prey.


Sitting in the middle of the third ring home, Kart holds a book.

However, the lack of a field of view is enough to show that he is pretending to be a master.

"How come still?"

"Is there an accident?"


"My plan is perfect!"

The uneasiness in my heart made the round Karl shake his head quickly. This time, unlike before, he does not allow failure to appear!

Wheel Karl pressed the bad feeling down.

However, the feeling of getting more and more irritated made him unable to carry it down.


After throwing the book on the table, he was ready to go out.

Just opened the door, a pain spread from the heart.


After an ups and downs in the chest, it bursts directly.

Karkar fell to the ground like this.

His heart was blown up.

The minced meat was mixed with some yellow fat granules and sprayed on the door.

The room was in a deadlock.

After about ten minutes, Karkar climbed up again.

His face is gloomy.

Without cleaning up the scene, I turned and walked toward the basement.

The entrance to the basement was in the kitchen, pushing open the cabinet as a cover, and he quickly rushed in and rushed to the body prepared in advance.

After a bit of biting and chewing, the round of Karl regained normal.

A piece of clothing that was pulled down with blood.

Take out new clothes from the cabinet on one side.

In this cabinet, not only brand new clothes, boots, but also wigs, fake beards, three unrecognizable Kimpton drafts and scattered coins, and a brand new arquebus, bullets and daggers.

Wheel Carl wore a wig and a beard.

Then, hesitated, and put three 1000 unnamed Kimpton money orders in the inner pocket, money will be useful at any time.

Then, after the change was put into the outer pocket, the weapon prepared in advance was picked up. For the strong, these weapons may not be useful, but they can definitely solve unnecessary troubles.

There is no doubt that his plan has failed.

That cockroach was killed, or something else.

But he was discovered but it is an indisputable fact.


What will happen next?

The Carl who just dreamed of success was really unwilling to think about it, but he had to force himself to think about it, which made his temples swell.

First of all, it is to leave here.

It is already not safe here.

Secondly, contact Mr. Corit Board.

Finally, think of a reason enough to convince each other... No, this time is different from the past.

He has no reason to convince the other party.

He is difficult to deal with in detail when he knows the truth, he will definitely kill him.

Otherwise, after torture, kill him.

Since things have reached the worst step.

Well, it’s not as good as...


In the heart of the round of Karl, suddenly felt a needle-like pain from the depths of the brain, suddenly, he took a breath.

He knew that this was his secret trick.

The secret technique of manipulating others is not a little trick, but a really dangerous thing.

Forcing the pain, Turn Carl turned and walked to the cupboard.

In the dark compartment of the cabinet, he took out the hidden potion.

In order to cope with the possible dangers, Lukal has been here for a long time.

Unfortunately, it can only be used once.

With a sigh, he took a drink in a test tube and relieved the pain in his brain. He went straight to the secret path.

This is a secret road leading to the next block.

The end of the secret road is in a private house.

This is the foothold of a foreign businessman when he came to Aitinburg. Without any problems, the Carl's secret road was excavated without the other's knowledge.

Pushing the modified back door, Karl was drilled out from under the bed of the servant's room.

Then he pushed open the window, jumped into the yard, bypassed the servant in the front yard, and went to the street.

The whole process is silent and unobtrusive.

Karkar glanced around and found no abnormalities and walked straight toward the civilian area.

He will never go to the prison.

He has great confidence that there will be ambushes there.

He knew too clearly about the set of means of hunting the devil.

Therefore, he must return to the "quiet night town"!

There he had a chance to breathe.

However, in order to have a possible watcher, he kept using anti-reconnaissance techniques, and from time to time left a little 'imprint' of his own.

This is not confusing.

This is attractive.

Only then will the watchers who may exist be staring at him.


Find ‘Quiet Night Town’!

At the moment when ‘Quiet Night Town’ was found, he was safe.

Because, he believes that those monitors will be attracted to the ‘quiet night town’.

Of course, time must be grasped.

Can't be early.

It is too early, he can't run.

It can't be late either.

It’s late, it’s useless, and his plan will fall again.

Strolling in the streets of Karl, feeling the cold wind of the Northland, the pain of the brain slowly recovered and disappeared under the potion, he could not help but put a long breath to speed up the recovery process.

At this time, he began to think more.


"This plan is too rudimentary."

"It’s a lot of loopholes, and... the strength of my side is too weak. Even, it can be said that there is no guarantee! I need a little protection! At least the person who can make me safe now!"

Wheel Karl shook his head.

However, he does not reject his own plan before, he just, I hope this plan is more insurance,

So, he thought of a person: ‘not dead’ Carrell!

The other party is a good candidate.

Not only the strength of the other party, but also the member of the party behind him, I will be very happy to see my plan.

Of course, the rhetoric must be better.

Thinking of this, Luke turned around.

He returned to the business district of Central Third Ring Road from the civilian area and headed for a merchant's place of residence.

The houses in one building are long.

Each house is a three-storey independent building with a garden but no fountains or sculptures.

Compared to the dilapidated civilians, it looks very expensive.

However, compared with the history of the nobles, it is slightly superficial and not big enough.

This is the address left by ‘the undead’ Carlele.

You can contact each other as a last resort.

When Karkar knocked on the door, he saw the frowning ‘Undead’ Carrellho.

"I said it, don't come to me when you are forced to do so!"

Holleka looked at the ‘provocative’ in front of him, and the tone could not be said to be cold.

But in my heart, I was very surprised.

Why did the other party come to him?

According to his speculation, this time, the other party who failed the assassination should go to the Colombo MP to cry, and sigh and pity.

As for the mentor failed?

Holleka has never thought of it.

Don't say it's a 'provocative'.

Even those ‘Members’ shots are impossible.

His tutor is not an ordinary person.

Is it...

Quickly, Hollera thought of something, he was shocked by this idea, because the idea is really crazy, but only this explanation can explain why the other party came.

Surprised in the heart under pressure.

Holleka remained indifferent.

"It’s really a last resort."

"My previous mission failed."

"Can you let me in?"

"I don't want my words to be heard by some people."

"Although I think I have already opened them, and I don't want you to be scared by my next words."

There was a realistic smile on the face of Karkar.

"You, **** it!"

Holleka snorted, but let the road open.

Looking at Hollera to let the road open, Lukal immediately walked in. At the moment of passing the other side, there was a smug smile in the bitter smile. He knew his collaborator too well.

Although the ability is magical, it is extremely cautious.

Will not take risks, nor will you seek greater benefits.

More often, just obeying.

It is too appropriate to deal with such people and use danger to intimidate.

The triumph was fleeting, and when Holleka came to the side, Karkar turned and said: "I found the snakes hidden among us!"

Ok? !

I was discovered? !

Subconsciously, Hollera blinked and the killing began to emerge.

But then he converges to kill.

If he is really discovered, then it is not a ‘provocative’.

At least, there should be a member of Parliament.

Is the other party swindling him?


Before I rushed to use the 'fog' to contact the mentor, some were rash.

However, I can make up!

Holleka’s heart is dark.

And Karl, who was immersed in his own performance, did not find the same thing about Holleka.

He still said there.


"It is because of this snake faction that my mission has failed!"

"Fortunately, I left some means to let me know the identity of the snake!"

Said, Karkar looked at Holleka.

He is waiting for Holleka's questioning.

However, what disappoints Karkar is that this ‘undead’ has remained calm.

At least, on the surface, it is indeed calm.

Damn it!

Is greed afraid of death to such an extent?

Worried about knowing too much, and getting into trouble?

Even a little bit of danger doesn't want to take it?

Karkar’s heart was awkward, but on the surface he asked: “Don’t you be curious about his identity?”

"You should go to Milne!"

"Or Mr. Corypo!"

"They will be interested."

Holleka’s voice calmly said, and his right hand behind him was already clenched.

Ready to prepare, Thunder hit.

"Do not!"

"I can't go to see the Colombo."


"He is a member of the Snake School lurking in the 'Quiet Night Secret Society'!"

Wheel Karl shook his head and said with a voice.


Holleka could no longer remain calm, and even the palms that were hidden behind the fists shook.


"Believe me, when you know the news, you are more surprised than you think."

“I never thought of the people who had been involved in the serpent party in the 静静夜秘会.”

"However, you think about it, are you very surprised when you organize your performance in recent years or even in the past ten years?"

“It’s definitely an absolute advantage, but it’s always inexplicable failure.”

"I had some doubts before, so I will pay attention to every action."

"And this time, I finally caught the ‘latent person’!”

Turner looked at the astonished Halleka, and his heart became more and more proud. He was admiring his wit. His speed was getting faster and faster. When it came to the end, Lukal had completely believed everything he said. .

There are lurkers in the ‘quiet night clerk’!

This lurker is the member of the Colombo!

At this time, Holleka had completely calmed down. He looked at the more excited Wheel Karl, and his heart flashed a bit of doubt.

What made Karkar mistakenly put his ‘char work’ on the body of Corribo?

In this regard, Hollerka is deeply puzzled.

But very happy.

He is happy to have someone back for himself.

Is there anything better than this?

Nature is this back pot, a person with sufficient strength and power.

Holleka is completely imaginable, and if everything goes well, what will happen next.

One of the seventeen members of the parliament will be the hunter of the snakes!

There will be a major earthquake in the ‘Staying Night Secrets’.

Thinking of this, Holleka did not hesitate to speak.

"Go, see the Golsacks."

Hollerka said.

"Do not!"

"can not go!"


"We don't know if the Gersac is a snake!"

Carol said seriously.

Holleka was stunned. He looked at Lukar. If he was not a snake-hunter, he confirmed that he had no companions. If he looked at such a round, he would probably doubt it.

"What do we do then?"

Holleka asked quietly.

Then he is ready to look for opportunities to use the power of ‘fog’ to pass the message to his mentor.

At this time, Lukal stood up straight, and he looked at Holleka, saying it word by word.

"Knocking ‘the quiet night bell’!”

"Call to stop everyone!"

"Open the 'Members' Meeting!'"

(End of this chapter)

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