The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1771: Provocation

Chapter 1771 Provocation

Open the 'Members' Meeting? !

Although I have known it for a long time, I also realized that I was crazy about the front wheel, but Hollerka was shocked.

As far as he knows, the 'Members' Meeting of the 'Quiet Night Secrets' has never been held since the appearance of the 'Quiet Night Secrets'.

Whether it is facing the decisive battle of the ‘hunting man’ or the ‘black disaster’, it has never been.

Because this does not make the ‘quiet night retreat’ have a life and death crisis.

As a lurker of the snakes, Hollera does not want to admit it, but it does.

But now, Karkar actually wants to hold a ‘Members’ meeting...


Maybe this is our chance for the snakes!

Holleka, who thought of the situation of the demon hunter at the moment, looked at Lukar.

“First of all, the ‘Members’ Meeting’ has never been held.”

"Secondly, if you want to hold a ‘Members’ meeting, you must have the status of a member.”

"Finally, at least three of the seventeen members must agree to be able to convene."

Holleka said slowly.

"It’s the best situation since it was never held."

"There are certainly seventeen members of parliament who are on our side."

"not to mention……"

"We don't need to come out personally."

When Carl said this, he couldn’t help laughing.

Holleka frowned slightly, and his eyes were puzzled.

"Believe me, someone will be more active than us."

"All we have to do is tell the other party."

The round of Carl's victory is in the grip.

Holleka did not ask again.

At this time, he has begun to think about how to pass this information to the mentor.


Milne sat in the office and flipped through the documents.

This is not the underground town of 'Quiet Nights', but a shop in the business district of the Third Ring Road in Aitinburg, belonging to the ‘Mirn Business Bank’, and this is Milien’s apparent identity.

Unlike the ‘the undead’ ‘provider’ and other field attendants, Milne, who is in charge of his duties, needs such an identity because he stays in Fort Aitinburg all the year round.

Although he does not like it.

Not only because 'Milne Business Bank' belongs to a small kind of business organization, even the caravans need to be attached to the big business associations such as 'Kate Chamber of Commerce', and because he stays here, he feels more and more away from the quiet night. The center of the secret society.

He does not know the exclusive skills of the ‘Queen Night Secrets’.

Those simple skills are all learned through formal channels.

Not to mention, some of the secrets of the ‘Queen Night Secrets’.

He has only heard of it, but he has not seen it.

He believes that this is why he is not respected.

Even those people have an excuse for being fair: the boss of a business does not need to be too strong, but the stronger it is more conspicuous.

For this excuse, Milne is recognized.


Why not others.

But he?

At first he thought it was just a test. As long as he did it well enough, he could gain trust and get the secrets he wanted.

In fact, a member of parliament also gave him a promise.

Just three years!

In three years, he will manage the ‘Milne Business Bank’ and give him a secret technique.

But one year has passed.

Another three years have passed.

Another three years have passed.

Three years later, and then three years later, ‘Milne’s business bank’ has already entered the orbit. The promises he has received have been slow.

As for the title of the head of ‘Quiet Night Town’?

That is compensation.

But he doesn't care at all.

Because this, in the view of Milne, is completely a replica of ‘Milne’s business.’

It will only distract his energy!

But Milne did not show any complaints.

He, don't dare.

The style of the ‘quiet night retreat’ made him very clear that what he should do is correct.

It’s just that the bottom of my heart is unwilling, more and more.

This made him start some attempts.

Be careful and patiently try.

From the current results, it is still pretty good.

Putting the documents in hand, Milne began to think about the reply from the big man.

The other party needs more secret information.

But this will undoubtedly touch the interests of the ‘quiet night retreat.’

Once he found out that he leaked out...

He will inevitably die without a place of burial.

However, the alchemy pharmacy that can increase physical fitness makes Milne's heart hot.

A lot of time wasted, so that Milne had already understood that even if he was talented, he needed more supplementary measures to reach the level of ‘undead’ ‘provocative’.

Among these aids, alchemicals are indispensable.

In the same way, alchemy pharmacies are firmly in control at the top, and the people don’t want to buy them at all.

Even if you are rich.

This is one of the most important reasons why he secretly contacted the big man.

It is only possible to have these alchemy pharmacies if they reach the other side.

But the threat of death made Milne stunned.


Just as Milne hesitated, the window of his office was suddenly pushed open, and two figures flashed in.

Milne subconsciously opened the drawer and took out the short squat.

However, when he saw that the two figures were just standing there and there was no excessive act, Milne raised his hand and let it go.

Of course, more importantly, two people are acquaintances.

‘Undead’ Carrellho.

‘Provocate’ is Carl.

Two of the field personnel, the famous presence, is also the extent he has always wanted to reach.

Almost subconscious, Milne's face appeared a charming smile.

"Welcome to the two people."

"Do you need something?"

"Tea or wine?"

Milne said as he stood up and walked towards the wine cabinet.

"No need for this."

"We are here today, there is something important, and Milne is in charge of you."

"It is related to the survival of the organization."

Carol said with a serious look.

Milne looked at Carl and confirmed that the other person was not joking and immediately went to the bookshelf.

Behind the bookshelf, there is a meeting room.

Safe and reliable.

After the two men walked into here, the round Carl closed the ‘door’.

"what happened?"

He whispered.

"There are snakes in the organization!"

Wheel Carl opened the door.


Milne was shocked.

He widened his eyes and looked at the wheel Carl. Then, the neck turned stiff and looked at Holleka.

In the face of Milne’s gaze, Holleka nodded.

"How could this be?"

Milne whispered in his mouth, but Milne, who quickly thought of something, suddenly raised his head.

"You didn't go to Corribo and Gersac because they..."

Speaking of this, Milne did not dare to say anything.


"I can confirm that there is a problem with the Honourable Corypo and I doubt the Gulsacks!"

"Before, I accepted a task..."

Carol nodded and began to elaborate on the ‘catty’ in his previous mission.

Not false.

It is true.

Even in the memory of Karkar, there is a similar memory.

It was Coriolis who suddenly wanted to hunt the demon for the snakes, but did not send a member of the 'Quiet Night Secrets', but explicitly let him release the crazy demon hunter as a temptation.

The disciple of the suspicion of the sin is in cautious, doing a little bit of hands and feet on the mad hunter.

Then, the mad hunter disappeared.

And he suffered a counterattack.

But when he was in the midst of rebellion, he saw that he knew the face of the mad hunter, that is, the member of the Colombo.


There was a similar assassination around him.

The tone of Karl's voice was very excited, and the whole person showed the kind of anger that was betrayed.

At the end of the day, Milne completely believed when Karel struck the table.

"It turned out to be like this!"

"No wonder it will give up such a great opportunity."

"It turned out that we were mixed into the traitor."

Milne whispered.

Then, subconsciously, the field supervisor asked: "What do we do next?"

"We want to start the 'Members' meeting!'"

"And we can't reach out to members of Parliament who are apart from Corribo and Gersac."

"So, we need to get your help."

Carol explained the intention.


Milne promised to come down, but in the bottom of his heart he was rapidly turning.

He thinks this is an opportunity!

A chance to win in one fell swoop!

The ‘Members’ Meeting’ is naturally the top secret of the ‘Secret Night Secrets’. With this news, I will be able to get the appreciation of the big man.

At the same time, he ‘exposing’ the behavior of the Curie MP is a lurker, and will make other high-level officials of the 静静秘秘会 look at each other.

Maybe you can get a real secret.

However, some of these key points need to be considered.


The two people in front of me.

If the name of the newspaper has two people, even if his name is in it, it will become dispensable. Everyone will think that he is just lucky and has the light of two people.

Therefore, the names of these two individuals must not appear.

It can only be him alone!

Thinking of this, Milne showed a smile.

"You have to take a break first."

"I will convey the message immediately."

After that, Milne waited for the two to open and walked out.

No block.

Did not ask.

This gave Milne a slight sigh of relief.

The excuses he had originally prepared could not be used.

The famous ‘undead’ and ‘provocative’ are just that!

With such thoughts, Milne left.

Carol has been watching the back of the other side.

When the 'door' was closed again, the round Karl couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Our supervisor is more ambitious than I thought!"

"However, at this time, we need such a 'helper'."


"This cooperation has not happened next time."

Say, Karkar laughed.

He can fully imagine what happens when the message appears in front of the various members of the House of Secrets.

He did not forget the words that the other party said when he exchanged messages with his collaborators yesterday.

‘Members are uniting with others to prepare to impeach Corippo. ’

This member of Parliament is naturally Gersac.

It is also the most crucial reason for him to veto the collaborators and directly look for the Gersak MP.

Because he did not have the confidence to face the Golsacks, he still kept no flaws.

It can be different when someone ‘transfer’.

Milne is a witness to the ‘really true’.

As for the way to examine witnesses?

Nature is a bit cruel.

What about him?

He is just a repeater and has not challenged anyone.

Smiling again, Carl turned his head and looked at his collaborators.

"Next, we still need to do one thing!"

Said Carl.

"Going to the "prison" of the Corit Board Member?"

Holleka guessed.


"We need to 'face up' the normal hunting demon, prove that he is still alive, and still live very well..."

"Sorry, I won't go."

"I know the means of hunting the devil, and the ‘prison’ will definitely be a network.”

Holleka interrupted the words of Karl.

Although in his heart, he would like to see the Wolf Demon Hunter. After all, he did not forget his identity as a disguise.

"But you are ‘not dead’!”

“Who else is more suitable than you?”

Asked Karl Karl.

“Do you think that my ‘not dead’ is not consumed?”

Holleka also emphasized.

"So, I have prepared the corresponding compensation for you."

Say, Karkar took out three Kimpton drafts with a face value of 1,000 and handed them to Holleka.

"not enough!"

Holleka glanced at it and didn't pick it up.

"Of course not enough, this is just your deposit."

"I will give you at least 10,000 Kimpton compensation afterwards."

Carl said with confidence.

The two have worked together many times, and he is very clear that the ‘undead’ is valued by Kimpton.

It is not greed, but the secret of the other party requires great expense.

Through some clues, he is enough to judge this.

Moreover, his secret technique is the same.

The kind of auxiliary medicine, one will cost 500 Kimpton.

But the difference is that he gets a lot of money every time.

And the other party?

The courage is too small.

Some of the things that should be given up are given up.

Some are too stupid, but he doesn't mind working with such a partner.

Because such people are too good to control.

As Carr Carl expected, the ‘undead’ in front of him hesitated for a while and took the money order.

"Remember, not less than 10,000 Kimpton afterwards!"

Holleka emphasized.

"of course."

Round Carl smiled and nodded.

Nothing more to say, Holleka got up and walked away.

He needs to tell the instructor about these things right away.

The round Carl sent the collaborators to leave.

After confirming the other party’s true departure, the ‘provocative’ stood up.

He stretched out.

The smile on his face became more and more splendid, and he said in a low-pitched manner.

"After many years, in Fort Aitinburg, the battle of the loyalty of the Hokuriku, the Demon Hunter, and the Silent Night Secret Society started again."


"How can the ‘God Temple’ as the host be able to stay out of the way?”

PS for a while, there is a chapter ~~~

(End of this chapter)

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