The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1784: snake

Chapter 1784 Snake

The sound is clear and there is no ambiguity.

I heard that this sound, Irene, who had already fallen into despair, did not hesitate.


She almost smashed out, because of the desperate and pale cheeks, there was another excited blush.

And just as the voice fell, a message came to the girl's mind.

From the initial flame, to the gold coin that flashed from the flame, and then the shining number ‘7’ on the gold coin.

When the wings covered the sky, the black towel blocked the eyes, and the figure holding the white flowers emerged from the mind, the girl had already fallen to the ground with her knees.

"The Lord of Supreme!"

"I will listen to your teachings, I will follow your will, despise your greatness, hold your name, will shine in the world, and everything we give you..."

Prayer God began to ring from the girl's mouth.

The giant hand that had caught it had already been stiff in midair.

And when the prayer sounded, the giant hand disappeared.

Do not!

Not disappearing!

It is broken!

The broken flesh covered the ground.

The chaotic shanty town is quiet for one.


"The Lord of Supreme!"

"I will listen to your teachings, I will follow your will, despise your greatness, hold your name, will shine in the world, and everything we give you..."

More high-pitched prayers appeared.

This time is no longer Irene.

It is other people in the shantytown.

These people who did not die in the first time under the sinister attack, they were like the fallen water caught the last straw, and were slightly guided by the evil spirits, and they voluntarily joined the ‘fog’ church.

Then, under the guidance of the evil spirits, these civilians began to gather.

They used the explosion center as a point and quickly gathered hundreds of people.

Arrived early in the morning, Edson, who entered the battle, heard the contents of the prayer and couldn't help but pick an eyebrow.

However, he did not stop.

The snake-hunter demon has a seemingly inextricable relationship with ‘fog’.

He knows this.

As a wolf-hunter, he can't say anything.

Just as he does not force ordinary people.

He will not take the initiative to target the 'fog' church.

As long as the ‘fog’ church does not blend into the evil, he will not do anything.

As for the blending in?

Thinking of the ‘Queen Night Secrets’ and the ‘God Temple’, the old hunter’s eyes were cold.


The cold breath makes the old hunting demon raise his hand.


Another dagger flew out.

After directly piercing the throat of a strange wolf, the head was smashed and picked up.

And a one-eyed bird that had just rushed to the back of the old hunter, had not swooped down, and was wearing a dagger hole.

The two daggers are like the best hunters under the control of the old demon hunters, harvesting nearby evils.

However, the amount of evil around is really too much.

Or to be precise, there are too many monsters infected by evil.

As a hunter, Edson is very clear that if you don't find the source, these monsters will come out inexhaustible.

However, these evils are too hidden.

They have been planning for a long time.

Of course it will not be so simple to expose.


This should be a bait!

Released so many infected people.

Wanting is not to destroy a shanty town, but to use the destruction of the shanty town as a bait to print the two existences.

‘God of War’!


There is no doubt that these two are.

Knowing the old demon hunter, control the two daggers, flying up and down, left and right.

The speed of the dagger flight is getting faster and faster.

He knows that the two existences do not care about civilians.

These civilians are the same as grass mustard in his eyes.

Live or die.

it's the same.

A group of people died, and another batch is there.

‘The most praiseworthy thing about mankind is the speed of reproduction and the instinct to forget the past! ’

This is what the idiots say.

Edson doesn't want to admit it.

But I have to admit that most of the time this sentence is correct.

He can protect these civilians right or wrong.


He is a hunter.


A low drink.

The two daggers are like meteors, and they have crossed the entire shanty town.

Dozens of dodge monsters are divided into two.

The old hunting demon stood in front of the civilians.

He fulfilled his beliefs with his actions.

Is it lonely?

A little.


There is also a point.



"Alice, where are you?"


Outside the shantytown, the voice of Sivarka came from far away. When the panicked and rapid figure found the little girl being guarded in the middle of the crowd, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

That figure, stood by the old hunting demon.

The old devil's mouth is slightly tilted.

How can you be lonely?

Walking wild, squatting in the dark, hunting monsters, swimming and dying.

How can you not be uncomfortable?

No one understands, no praise, no praise, only suspicion.


worth it!

Really worth it!

He is about to give up every time.

But every time there is such a fool around.

Therefore, he persisted.

"His Lord Edson, what do we do now?"

"How to do?"


Facing the question of Sivarka, the old hunter showed a smile and said faintly.

The next moment, the two daggers flew out again.

After a glimpse of Sivarka, he rushed out.

He doesn't know what's going on.

When the brain is hot, it rushes here.

But when I saw that Elean was innocent, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe it's the hot water, is it too warm?

It made my brain very hot now.

It’s hot.

It’s better than cold.

The cold is dead, he is alive, he is hot.

Moreover, in order to live longer and heat longer, he is now desperate.


The dagger made a scar on the back of a giant. When the giant reached out and grabbed it, Sivalka drilled and came to the giant's leg. The dagger in his hand passed directly over the ligaments and bare feet of the giant's legs. Directly rushed to the next one.

There is no direct killing.

But it creates effective obstacles.

Let the two daggers flying, it is easier to harvest the evil life.

"Not bad."

The old hunter demon praised.

It is a sincere praise. He can see that the skills of the other party are working hard. Although there is no gorgeous feeling, it is simple and effective.

Then, the old hunter's eyes swept to the military camp in the distance.

The shanty town has been overturned.

But there is still silence.

Even the patrols did not appear.


The old hunter who thought of something snorted.

Undoubtedly, this is related to the two.

The king is not a good person.

Or, every king is not a good person.

This one?

I have a little more heart and soul.

Perceived the evil spirit that is approaching, the old hunting demon looks dull.

Not a general evil.

It is the guy who finished the ‘falling’.

And not one, yes...


Is this time to use that trick?

The old hunter is somewhat reluctant to think about it.

But right away, the face of the old hunting devil is a change.

Because the three scentes of completing the ‘falling’ disappeared.

The rest is -


PS fat dragon is not a lot of winter lamb, this toothache is not good! It’s really painful, it’s so much today, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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