The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1785: cut

Chapter 1785

In the shantytown, the moment before the explosion occurred in the hotel.

Qin Ran put down the cake in his hand.

I didn't care about the gaze of the people around me, just put my fingers in my mouth and clean it.

For Qin Ran, this is the least waste of food.

As for hygiene?

For ordinary people, it is a bit unsanitary.

to him?

Really nothing.

With his current stomach, most of the creatures are able to digest.

Nothing is that he is willing or not willing to eat.

Culw Wharton also wanted to learn the role of Qin Ran, but his eyes touched his father, he wisely picked up a handkerchief.

"Let's go to the garden?"

Coul Walton asked as he wiped his palm.


Qin Ran nodded.

The food has already been eaten, and he does not want to face the inexplicable gaze of a stranger.

Staying away from nature is a good choice.

The garden of the Marquis of Wharton, like the other's mansion, pays more attention to exquisiteness than to luxury.

Evergreen is the main plant in the garden.

"In the summer, there will be a lot of flowers here."

"But I don't know much."

“Most of them are housekeepers to take care of.”

Culw Wharton said frankly.

In this regard, he does not think there is anything to hide.

In the upper circles of Aitenburg, he knows that he is good at swordsmanship, shooting and military, and others?

very sorry.

He is not a versatile.

He has not figured out the difference between hyacinth and snake grass.

"Professional things, let the professionals do it."

Qin Ran said his point of view.

Such a discourse immediately caused the young Marquis heir to take a hand.

"It’s my friend."

Culw Wharton smiled and then pointed to the corner of the garden.

There is a gazebo there.

In the midsummer, there will undoubtedly be a nice place.

It’s cool and comfortable.

And in the winter?

It is not bad either.

A heater, and a sheltered diagonal wall, is enough for people to stop and rest for a while.

Obviously, the craftsmen who built the garden had already thought about everything, and the craftsmen knew who would use it here, so they were ingenious in the design of the stove.

Qin Ran just got close to the pavilion and felt the heat.

When I walked in, there was a warm feeling on my sole.


Qin Ran asked.


"It was the earliest style, built around the end of Aitante IV."

"However, even if it is placed now, it will not be out of date."

Little Wharton nodded and gestured to Qin Ran to sit down.

When both sides sat down, Little Wharton indulged for a moment.

"Colin, I am sorry."

"There were some things before, I hid you."

"There should be no concealment between friends, so I intend to tell..."


The words of the young Marquis heirs were interrupted by the far-reaching explosion.

When he looked at it there, Qin Ran had disappeared from his seat.

"very sorry."

"Some things, I need to leave."

The voice of Qin Ran came from far away.

"Good, good."

The young Marquis heir nodded and looked at the place where Qin Ran’s voice came.

He did not realize that Qin Ran had left for a while.

Even if Qin Ran didn't speak, he didn't even know where Qin went.

“Is the gap so big?”

The young Marquis heir whispered to himself.

Then there is a sigh.

He just had the courage to tell his friends secretly.

I did not expect that there was an accident.

Next time.

next time……

I am afraid I can't say it?

The young Marquis heir had a wry smile, but after hearing the footsteps of the attendant, he immediately converges, and when the attendant came to the front, he asked very simply.

"Just the explosion, what happened?"

“It’s a shantytown...”

The attendant explained it immediately.



"Call people immediately, I want to..."

"and many more!"

The words of the young Marquis heirs were interrupted by the old Marquis.

The old Marquis, who didn't know when to walk into the garden, waved his hand at the attendant, and the attendant immediately took the lead and sneaked out of the garden.

"Father, do you have anything?"

"The shanty towns of the Lower Seventh Ring are suffering..."

"I know."

The old Marquis responded with a simple response.

"You know?"

"Since you know, why don't you send troops?"

The young Marquis heirs glimpsed and then questioned his father.

"Chur, I am very disappointed."

"At the moment, you have not become a true heir."

"Even, not a qualified superior."

"At this time, you should think about why I did this, not why I didn't do it."

The old Marquis was stunned and his face was full of disappointment.

In the face of his father's disappointment, the young heirs did not have any annoyance.

His voice was not consciously excited.

"Is it a fight again?"

"Who is this time?"

"Old traditional aristocrats?"

"Is it still a new aristocrat who splits from your father?"

"Or maybe that..."


The old Marquis's slap in the face interrupted his son's excited words. He did not give his son a chance to speak. He turned and chose to leave.

At the same time, a figure walked out of the shadows.

"Master Chur."

"please follow me."

Said this figure.

The young heirs were silent, followed by the figure and walked to their own courtyard.

He is very aware of his father's arrangements.

In order to protect him.

Also in order not to let him be bad.

Temporary bans are a must.

As for how many will lift the ban?

It depends on how long this incident lasted.

But according to his father’s reaction, the incident may be long-lasting and... dangerous.

The bad thing is that his friend has gone in.

I hope Colin is fine!

Sitting in the chair of the study, the young heirs prayed silently.

This is the only thing he can do now.

Also willing to do it.

Because, he is very clear, only his friends are fine, this thing will be better resolved.

after all……

That is the 'snake pie'.


The three figures walked toward the next seven rings.

Not walking fast or not slow.

Even with a little sloshing.

They have a big head and they seem to be fighting.

A long, long arm has long been mopped.

One is a slender leg with two meters.

The reason why the swaying is because the arms are long on the slender legs, while the heads are as big as the ones sitting on the shoulders of the arms. Every step, they must be shaken twice.

"Hunting the devil is really troublesome."

"Spleen smells."

"The bones are hard."

"Without the number of gifts, you won't bend over and see people, you will only follow the rules of the dog's unreasonable."

"Having experienced the 'black disaster' trap, it has not been extinct for so many years, it is really a miracle."


"Now it's going to die!"

The three kinds of humanoid-like ‘singularity’, while walking, said nothing.

They already knew what happened in the shantytown.

A messy demon hunter.

A hunter, but a messy demon hunter... really looking for death!

"However, I don't think we should do this."

The longest legs, the smallest evil in the head.


"We should crouch."

"Get the final victory fruit."

Said with a slender arm.

"But we have no choice!"

"Those **** guys!"

"I have to eat them sooner or later!"

The sinister sin of the big head is said to be sinister.

Speaking of eating.

The sin of the big head is like a bit of a hungry.

I haven't tasted the flesh and blood for a long time.

Every day, I can only rely on the leftovers to mix the days. If it is not for the so-called plan, it has already ran.

There was a guy who couldn’t help but run before.

Do you not know the extent of leaving Aitenburg?

I heard that there was no breath in the post to Sika Castle in Fort Aitenburg.

Is it estimated that it is hidden after a meal?

Maybe I still want to come back and grab the food.


How can I come back when I leave?

It has already been divided here.

The old guy is getting older, and he has no courage of the year. The rest is the intimidation of the guilty.

It is also like the performance of his performance.

Frightened us for so long.

just now?

It’s the moment we turn over.

Start from tonight!

Thinking in the evil heart of the big head, and then -


The sound of a loud belly rang.

The wickedness of the big head is not to smile and look at the two evils underneath.

"How, can't help?"

Because of the special reasons at birth, the three are almost one.

Remove without the same body.

The mind is the same.

Many times ideas will affect each other.

Especially the intense emotions.

For example: hunger.

However, when the sinister heads of the big head looked down at the evils of the two classes of 'brothers', they discovered that these two evils were looking at themselves.

The head is as big as a fight.

"Not you?"

"Not you?"

Two evils ask each other.

Then, three pairs of big or small eyes scorn each other.

They all saw surprises from each other's eyes. Then, this strangeness became their final solidification in the human world.

A shadow shrouded them.

Next, thick saliva, bind them.

The huge suction came from the black hole.

Hey, hey!

Three sounds in no particular order.

Three evils were swallowed into the mouth.

I remember the gluttony of the elder brother's ‘chewing slowly’, and chewed it before swallowing it.


‘Overeating’ gave a fairly high rating for three foods.

That taste, just like eating a piece of skeletal meat with three crisp bones and fat and thin.

The power to fill the ‘original sin’ is transformed into the complement of the other four original forces, which is the best seasoning.

Of course, some features are still absorbed by [Mist of the Mist].

Like the crystal of the Lord of the Mist, after three consecutive ‘falling’ levels of evil, they changed again.

The quality is still unchanged at the III+ level.

The properties have not changed.

But the special effect of the [Etining border] has no post-notes on the border.

It became -

[Aitinburg: In the border of Aitinburg, the name of 'Mist' has begun to be recognized. You who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can move the fog at will and add poisonous fog, freezing gas and acid rain. Control plants, animals (not beyond the scope of toxic fog, freezing gas, rain and snow, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】


And the notes have changed.

[Remarks: When the black disaster occurs, the accidental birth is different from the rough use of the former. It is in your hands, it has already shown its ability, a perfect 'hunting', let it start to be thoroughly Take control, and in the perfect 'hunting' after that, it becomes your only one. When you use it, you will become like an arm, and you will feel the respect of it. And now, after starting to expand into new territories, it has become unable to leave you]


"It's not just the border."

"Before Irene’s prayers, combined with the local ‘sin’’ hunting, did the bonus effect appear?”

Qin Ran thought silently.

He has some understanding of this strange world in front of him.




Can be roughly divided into these three categories.

The first two are high above.

Everyone struggles and can become the food of the first two at any time.

The first two seem to be able to 'interchange their identity'.

At the same time, it is also restricted by mortals.

Just like this time, ‘fog’ is a place where believers can enter the territory of Aitenburg.

According to the information that Qin Ran came into contact with, such inferences are correct.

On this accurate basis, Qin Ran is increasingly puzzled by the 'God of War' ‘Mr.

In his vision, the two are still confrontational.

It seems that he does not put his ‘invasion’ in his eyes.

Or is it……

Innocent to take care of?

Thinking of this, Qin Ran picked up his eyes, and after a slight indifference, his body shape suddenly accelerated.

The infected monsters along the way are all raised.

It is like two pythons that are out of the hole. Not only are they powerful and powerful, but they also bring a lot of blood and rain.


A group of air that is enough to split the air, raging on the streets, forming a burst of snakes, as if thousands of pieces are together for the moon.

The monsters in the shantytown stopped and they turned to look at the end of the street.

Those who prayed also raised their heads in vain.

Under the watch, a figure appeared quietly.

At the last moment, it was still at the end of the street.

The next step is to stand in front of you.

When the figure is close at hand, the figure at the end of the street has not completely disappeared from the horizon.

The illusion on the retina makes the monsters watching uncomfortable.

What is more uncomfortable is the breath of this figure.

They are extremely disgusting.

They are extremely annoying.

They are incomparable...


The buzz began to appear.

Then, it is boiling.

These monsters rushed up again and again.

However, it is different from before.

They used to be delicious flesh and blood.

Now it is to engulf strong enemies.

In the hustle and bustle of the sound, a faint sound sounded.


The sound is not high.

Not enough for everyone to hear.

Only the old hunting demon, Sivalka heard it.

The rest of the people did not hear it.

However, the next moment, everyone has widened their eyes.

As the man waved his arm, the original empty hand, suddenly gathered a hundred meters long lightsaber.

With the glimpse of the man, the 100-meter light sword swept straight ahead.

There is no stagnation.

There is no more blocking.

Whether it is a monster or a building, it is divided into two.

(End of this chapter)

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