The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1786: Active

Chapter 1786 has merit

A sword swept and the air solidified.

Everyone was sluggish and looked at the scene in front of him.

Even the old hunter, Sivarka is no exception.


More powerful than all the dark priests he has ever seen!

This is the most direct impression of Sivarka.

The old hunting devil is different.

He saw more.

Close to the half god?

The old hunter demon whispered, but his expression quickly returned to normal.

Because he has seen the strong close to the half god.

Moreover, there is more than one.

His teacher, once a few partners, can achieve this level, even if he can achieve a similar level if he doesn't care.


The snakes are stronger than you think!

The old hunter looked at Qin Ran’s young face and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the age is not absolute among the demon hunters, the more powerful young people, apart from the talents, the more they explain the strength of the other teacher and family.

This is good news for the current old hunter.

The demon hunter needs more power at the moment!

Whether this power comes from the wolf, or from the... snakes.

The old hunter’s eyes looked a little more gentle.

Qin Ran was keenly aware of such changes, but there was no more expression. Just after a slight bow, he walked to one side.

Most of the monsters in the shantytown were just smashed by him.

Those sinful sins are disappearing.

However, in the corner, there are still many omissions in the infected monsters.

He needs to clean it up.

This is in line with his current status as a snake-hunter.

As for the change of the old hunting devil?

This is expected.

Just step by step.

The old hunter looked at Qin Ran, who started cleaning up, and immediately joined it. He couldn’t help but observe Qin Ran. When he saw the crisp and neat way and the way of handling the first machine, he nodded again.

"Received the skills of a complete demon hunter, or you can't be so familiar with the habits of monsters."

"It is so calm and simple to handle, obviously the test of 'Qingcao' and 'Xiazhi' is also passed with excellent results."

"Good young people."

The old hunting demon is so appreciative.

However, Sivarka did not pay attention to the two people at all. He walked into the crowd and looked at Ellie, who was shrinking behind his sister. After seeing Sivarka, the little girl with a quiet face finally had a touch of color. .

"Uncle, are you okay?"

The little girl asked.


"I am going to do something, not directly into the hotel."

Sivarka nodded and explained.

"That's good, that's good."

The little girl whispered like this.

The tears in the eyelids are no longer able to stop flowing.

She thought of her mother.

She thought of other people who would never appear again.

Perhaps she is very young.

She doesn't know too much, but this lost feeling is more and more pure, without any trade-offs.

However, she did not feel crying.

Because, she still remembers that when her father died, she burst into tears, her mother screamed at her and told her not to cry, and now the mother is gone.

But she remembered it.

One hand raised and wiped the tears of the little girl.

Ellie looked at her sister.

"There are many people now, can't cry."

"When you wait for no one, cry again."

"I am with you."

Irene lowered her voice and said.

Just the response of the gods, Irene felt a miracle.


This miracle did not make Eileen feel good about herself. She thought she was unusual. She still felt uncomfortable and sad, missing her mother and those familiar.

Of course, she will not hate such a miracle.

She is very grateful for such a miracle.

Because she survived on such a miracle.

Therefore, she believes she needs to repay her.

Even though the **** does not need to repay, she still believes that it is what she should do.

Her mother also said that there must be grace.

“Hello, are you the messenger of ‘Mist?’

Irene asked Sivalka.


"I have heard his reputation."

"but I am not."

Sivarka shook his head very honestly. Although he wanted to admit it very much, as a deacon, he knew very well what the consequences would be if he spoke a messenger of a god, especially this god. At the height of the day.

Despite the career of the secret deacon, there is nothing to miss in Sivarka.

However, he was told some knowledge that ordinary people did not know.

And immediately, Sivarka was glad.

"Excuse me, are you looking for me?"

A touch of voice came from behind the crowd.

The upper evil spirit came out with the appearance of 'Simon'. It was smiling with a sly smile, and the eyes were full of gentleness. Anyone who looked at it would be like a spring breeze.

Anyone who sees this ‘Simon’ will be subconsciously relaxed.

Like a textbook-like missionary!

Sivarka is such an evaluation.

In the dark hall, Sivarka did not see the missionaries.

But none of them can compare with this one.

Whether it is appearance or tolerance, it is too far apart.

When the other party came to the front, Sivarka couldn’t help but bow.

This is entirely a subconscious behavior developed in the dark.

When he returned to God, the upper evil spirit had raised his hand on top of his head.

"Thank you for everything you have done for the church."

It is almost the same language as the missionaries he knows, but this time he spoke from the mouth of the evil spirits, but made Sivarka feel different.

That is sincere!

He has never felt sincere!

Sivarka looked up at the evil spirit.

The upper evil spirit refers to two little girls.

Sivarka was at a loss.

Then, worry about it right away.

The ‘fog’ church values ​​Alice and Irene so much, what bad things will happen?

Knowing the inside of the dark hall, Sivarka clenched his fist involuntarily.

"do not worry."

"Not to worry."

“The ‘fog’ is born for asylum and there is no other.”

As if to know what Sivarka was thinking, the upper evil spirit said with a smile, and then went straight to Irene.

A rush in the evening.

It is enough for the upper evil spirit to remember this keen little girl.

Although there are still many incompatibility, the other party deserves its shot.

Whether it is because of the other party itself, or because it needs to open the scene of Aitenburg in front of its own Boss.

"Hello there."

"Lord of the Messenger."

"I am Irene."

The little girl took her sister and introduced herself.

"You can call me Simon."

"Of course, everyone is the same."

According to the established plan, the upper evil spirit began his own performance.

Everything is familiar.

Qin Ran looked at it from afar and was not paying attention.

He knows that no one can do better than the evil spirits.


He can't do the freedom of the upper evil spirits.

Every creature has its own characteristics, and Qin Ran will never deny it. Just like after having many followers, he will not be intimate.

It is what he should do to put followers who are good at different fields in the corresponding fields.

Just like this time, he stared at the ‘God of War’ ‘Mr.

This is what he should do.

Soldiers against the soldiers.

Will be right.

And Wang?

Nature is against the king!

It’s just that the reaction of the ‘God of War’ ‘Mr.

The two are still squatting.

There have been no changes with before.

This situation is very strange. According to Qin Ran's understanding of the 'God', even if it is shackled, it can't be moved. At this time, it should be said.

After all, he invaded the two sites.

"Is there anything I don't know?"

"still is……"

“They don’t care about Aitinburg at all?”

Qin Ran’s thinking began to diverge.

Naturally, from Aitinburg, Qin Ran associates with the Edindin VI.

It is a fact that the lower seven rings are far enough away from the seven rings. But now, no soldier has appeared, but it is strange.

Coupled with the inaction of the ‘God of War’ ‘Mr.

All of this, it instantly becomes interesting.

"What else do I not know?"

Qin Ran frowned slightly.

Unknown circumstances will always make Qin Ran become more cautious.

In particular, there is a time when there is a hacker.

Qin Ran always felt that there are still some other things hidden in the copy world.

"According to the habit of ‘hacker’.”

"As a cover, there must be at least two goals, one bright and one dark, on the bright side. It is clear that it is straightforward. The secret is that he makes others think that it is his goal."

"And then, it is the real goal."

"Now the goal on the bright side is ‘Bol’.”

"Using Bohr to infer, this goal in the dark can be expanded into 'fog' and even Sika."


"What is the real goal?"

“Using ‘fog’ to compete for Fort Adenburg?”

Qin Ran stood in the habitual angle of ‘hacker’ and thought about it.

Soon, he shook his head.

The ‘fog’ fight for Aitinburg is an inevitable trend. Simply put, as long as the ‘hacker’ becomes a ‘fog’, then this will happen.

and many more!

Just when Qin Ran was ready to put aside this idea, he suddenly thought of something.

The ‘hacker’ habitually hides the real goal.

So what better is better than hiding the real goal in a bright or dark target?

Subconsciously, Qin Ran touched the hidden ‘fog Lord’.

This is a guess.

And another guess?

Nature is...Bol.

Or to be precise, people like ‘Bol’.

What if ‘hacker’ designed another ‘springboard’?

Or does it simply hide a 'springboard'?

Thinking of this, Qin Ran could not help but set his eyes.

At this time, the old hunting demon came over.

"Itandin VI is more cold-blooded than it seems."

"Completely the same as his ancestors."

"It’s not surprising that such a guy, what to do."

The old hunter is obviously misunderstood.

However, Qin Ran did not explain.

"How are you going to resettle these people?"

The old hunter continued to ask.

"The people of the "Mist" church will make proper arrangements. I am not good at these things."

Qin Ran answered like this.

The old demon hunter nodded undecidedly.

He is an activist, good at the enemy, and the same is not good at arranging logistics. In fact, during the heyday of the wolf, there were special people to arrange these.

And now?

Almost alone, he can't afford it.

At the same time, the idea appeared more strongly in his heart.

Rebuild the wolf!

Of course, the old hunter knows that this is a long-term and a long-term thing, not simply saying two sentences.

at least……

He needs some Kimpton.

There is also a need for a safe place.

It is just that these are all owned by the snakes.

"Young people, I hope we can talk about it."

“Talk openly and honestly.”

The old hunter said this.


"but not now."

Qin Ran said.

"of course."

The old hunter devil grinned.

Both of them are very clear. Next, they need to face the anger of Aidin VI.

Although for the sake of his own reputation, such ‘retaliation’ will not be fair, but it still needs to be prepared.

At the very least, you need to transfer the two old demon hunters in the ‘radish’ hotel.

The old demon hunter and Qin Ran walk side by side.

The former is for those old friends.

Qin Ran?

He needs to tell Boer something.

This is the basis for cooperation between the two parties.


In the palace, Aitantin VI quietly listened to his report on the squatter area of ​​the Seventh Ring, and waved his hand in silence.

The subordinate immediately stepped back.

When the king was left alone in the hall, the other stood up.

The king has a tall, strong body of the Hokuriku. Even if his face is old, his back is still straight. He stands in the hall and looks up at the ceiling of the hall.

After a few minutes, a footstep sounded.

No pass.

Marquis Wharton walked in directly

"His Majesty."

Old Wharton greetings.

"Our plan has failed."

Aitantin VI said bluntly.

“It’s just a plan for early temptations, it’s not a big deal.”

"In fact, seriously, we have not failed."

"As long as this happens, we are successful."

Old Wharton said with a smile.

"Yeah, as long as we happen, we will be successful."


"I can't do it all."

Aitante VI sighed with regret.

"Yeah, it's a pity."

"Those hunters are always out of date."

"Your Majesty, need me..."

"No need to."

"The demon hunter is not our enemy."

"On the contrary, they are our natural allies."

Aitandin VI waved his hand.

"What are you saying?"

Old Wharton looked up and immediately saw the smile of Aitandin VI.

Subsequently, the old Wharton left the parliament hall.

Just half an hour later, a royal **** appeared outside the ‘radish’ hotel.

A servant brought the king’s will-

"The 'Snake Party' hunting demon, Colin, kills evil and has merits, and the book is a baron."

(End of this chapter)

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