The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1787: Night talk

Chapter 1787 Night Talk

Dressed in red loose dress with gold rim, his face was covered with a layer of powdered servant, and a charming smile appeared to Qin Ran. The yellow and black teeth were clearly visible under the torch in front of the hotel.

"Gregory, this is your book."

The insider handed the book to Qin, and immediately reminded him.

“There is a recognition of your title here, as well as proof of the land that belongs to you – it is a town not far from Aitenburg, it is quite rich.”

"And now, you only need to choose a family logo, you can."

"You choose it yourself?"

“Or looking for someone to design?”

"Is there a difference?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Of course there is."

"If you choose, it will be the glory of the 'home emblem' once on this land. Although they have fallen, they still deserve respect, so you need to pay some Kimpton..."

"The second one, I designed it myself."

Without waiting for the words of the internal service, Qin Ran said very simply.

It is impossible to pay for Kimpton.

No one, no one.

Qin Ran is very clear about what Edantine VI wants to do.

He is also happy to do the other.

But this does not mean that he will pay more for the workforce.

The premise of trading is fairness, isn't it?

As for the land?

That is his labor income.

The waiter leaked a large yellow and black worm, and the smile was somewhat far-fetched.

He knows that the demon hunter is a group of mavericks.

But he never knew that the demon hunter would buckle like this.

It is important to know that most of his extra income from this servant is to sell those who are going to Sunlight's ‘family emblem’ and ‘family emblem’.

Now, Qin Ran wants to design his own, and his extra income will be lost in an instant.

This makes the insiders somewhat unwilling.

He wants to encourage his lips and recommend it.

It is a pity that Qin Ran simply did not give the other party the opportunity to directly push the door into the hotel.

Looking at the hotel closed, the smile of the insider was completely stiff.

He really wants to give each other a good look.

But thinking about the temper and character of the demon hunters, he carefully hid the real thoughts, and after a slap in the face, he turned and left.

After all, he still doesn't want to die.

Sitting in the room of 203, looking at the king's indoor waiter who was sitting on the far away, Boer looked envious of Qin Ran who pushed in the door.

If he didn't do anything, he got the progress of his main task completion. What else is more worthy of Boer's envy?

Naturally, this progress has been elevated to a new level.

You know, his main line mission is nothing but aristocratic status and a piece of territory.

The nobility can be the Lord.

The territory can make a village.

This is the basic requirement.

Qin Ran was easily completed.

And what about him?

Still working hard.

Even a little bit not smooth.

Because there are quite a few more competitors, more than he imagined.

His 3000 Kimpton is not enough.

Some plans must be advanced.

However, before that, we still need to discuss with Qin Ran.

This is the basis of cooperation.

"Lord Colin, no, Sir Alex, congratulations."

Bohr is making a good joke.

As the contact time has become longer, Bohr has gradually understood the character of Qin Ran. As long as it does not touch the bottom line, this does not mind the innocuous jokes and jealousy.

It’s not the imagination that is moody and murderous.

"You need to pay attention to some of them recently."

Qin Ran said very simply.

Immediately, Bohr’s look was serious.

"You mean?"

Although Qin Ran did not say it, Bohr had speculation.


"As you think."

"It's best to let Ash follow you 24 hours a day, and... the runes, and carry them with you."

Qin Ran nodded.


"Thanks to Father Chena, it helped me more than once."

As he said, Boer took out the ‘Blessing Rune’ and put a piece of pebbles like a cobblestone with a lot of lines in his hands, and he was grateful.

At the moment when ‘Blessing Rune’ appeared, Qin Ran’s discomfort reappeared.

He moved backwards in a quiet manner. If he had not waited for Bohr to report his situation, he would definitely turn and leave.

Fortunately, Bohr quickly returned to God.

"I have had some trouble."

"But still in control, I need to make some Kimpton to accomplish my original purpose."

“More competitors always mean higher prices.”

"And the seller is not a gentleman. It is inevitable to sit on the ground."

Bohr sighed.

For the sigh of Bohr, Qin Ran did not ask more questions.

After the two exchanged their information, Qin Ran got up and walked toward 205.

204 of his room.

205 is the room rented by the old hunter.

Hey, hey.

"Please come in."

In the affirmative answer of the old hunter, Qin Ran pushed in.

At the moment when the door was opened, a strong herbal scent came from the nose. Qin Ran glanced over the secret text on the inside of the door frame. The expert-level [mysterious knowledge] made him accurately judge that this is the secret method of isolating the taste. Text, however, the spell that started and runs, Qin Ran still can not reach the degree of deduction.

After entering the door, in order not to let the smell drift, and attracted the attention of the innkeeper, Qin Ran quickly closed the door.

Old Hank is a nice person.

Qin Ran does not want the other party involved in any trouble.

Absolutely not because the other party left him a nightingale.

Standing at the door of the door, Qin Ran looked at 205.

No different from other rooms.

A small suite with separate washroom and small living room and bedroom.

At this time, the old demon hunter is sitting in the small living room.

The short coffee table is full of bottles and cans.

The old hunter put a gecko into a flask containing a black liquid. When the gecko entered it, it began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. The old hunter’s wrist swayed this dexterously. The flask, when everything stopped, the dark liquid had turned into a dark blue, with silk crystals, a very beautiful feeling.

Then, the old demon hunter poured his neck into the mouth and swallowed it.

According to the facial expression of the old demon hunter, Qin Ran can be sure that the liquid looks good, but the taste is absolutely not good.

"I suffered some inhuman torture there."

"Need some special things to treat my body."


"Some of the foundations come from the system of the demon hunters, most of which are my accidental income."

The old hunter explained.

However, the other party obviously did not want to say anything more about the "accidental income" and immediately shifted the topic.

"Is that squatting?"

Asked the old hunter.

"Well, I was booked as a baron because I was killed by evil."

"The land is not far from Aitenburg, it is a town, quite rich."

When Qin Ran said, he put his book on the short coffee table.

The old demon hunter stared at the book and was silent for a long time.

In the end, he asked.

"what do you want?"

What does Qin Ran mean? The old hunter is very clear.

He believes that Qin Ran sees his dilemma.

The wolf school needs to recuperate, so a territory of its own is indispensable.

He originally planned to find near Sika City.

And now there is a territory near Fort Aitin...


No one can deny the prosperity of Aitenburg.

Even a maverick hunter will not.

They are just mavericks, not blind.

Here, they can more easily purchase the weapons, drugs and other materials they want, and then establish corresponding positions, maybe five years, no, three years can restore some anger.

And if it goes well, ten years later, when a new generation of wolf-hunter demon people have an accident, they may restore the prosperity of the wolves in the past.

However, there is no free lunch in the world.

The old hunter is more aware of this.

Therefore, he asked very simply.

"what do you have?"

Qin Ran asked.

The old hunter is a glimpse.

Yeah, what does he have?

He is no longer the famous ‘hunting blade’.

He has no glory, no savings, and even his previous collections are gone.

Under such a premise, what else does he have?

Helping the other party to sweep away the evils of Aitinburg?

Do not!

The old hunter devil shook his head.

He has not fallen to the exchange of his own job.

What else does he have?

Subconscious, the old hunter devil bowed his head and he looked at his boots.

To be precise, the dagger inserted on one side of the boot.

“Do you want to learn some dagger skills?”

Asked the old hunter.


"Outside the town, I can divide a piece of land and give it to you."

After thinking about it, Qin Ran nodded.

He has seen the skills of the old demon hunter using daggers, different from the general skills, has already been promoted to another level.

For Qin Ran, who has perfected and improved his attack skills, this is a very good bargaining chip, especially when this skill is used, it is still not worth the cost.

The old hunter devil grinned.

He did not ask what he was doing in the town.

Not to mention the original inhabitants, those who are simply ‘fog’ churches, are enough to make the old hunters understand that the town will become a new stronghold for the ‘fog’ church.

As for the king, will there be any man in the town?

He thinks he doesn't need to worry about this.

Those who are in the 'fog' church can certainly do everything.

What is the best thing about a church with ‘God’?

Find ‘alternative’ that doesn’t belong to you.

Among them, it includes traitors.

However, what are the two **** doing again?

Why are such obvious rebellions not found and prevented in advance?

They are guarding each other.

Can you have six?

As a king, he remained indifferent.

Is it because of the shock of the two?

No, no!

If it is shocked, it should be installed as a scorpion, dumb, and will not be enshrined in Colin.

Not to mention the so-called ‘killing evil’, it’s all about putting the faces of the two on the ground.

Losing face is a cause of anger for people.

Not to mention the gods.

According to his understanding of them, some time ‘face’ is enough to trigger a war of God.

But still quiet now.

Is it...

Does the six world really have any power that I don't know?

After the initial plan was completed, the thinking of the old hunter couldn't help but diverge. Qin Ran did not bother the other party, so he sat quietly waiting.

Until the old hunter demonized the mind.


"The sequelae left in the prison of those jerk."

"What do you think about that six?"

The old hunter detested to Qin Ran and went straight to the subject.

Qin Ran really likes this way of talking.

The other party does not like to cover up.

He also doesn't like to cover up.

"It's weird."

"Be able to maintain a balance between the two."

“At first we thought it was a trick.”

"But the scene just told me... that is far more than just looking."

“So, I am very interested in his ‘new order’.”

Qin Ran said truthfully.

In Qin Ran's original thoughts, Aitantin VI was supposed to be in the ‘God of War’ and ‘Mr. Evangelion’, maintaining the last decent of a king and maintaining a delicate balance.

However, the enactment that just happened has given Qin Ran some other ideas.

Aitinburg is not a two-way opposition!


The three sides are opposite!

‘God of War’, ‘Ms. Evangelion’ and Aitantine VI.

Use mortals to fight against the gods.

It is natural for Qin Ran to have the guess that Aidin VI will be the hacker.

But then it was denied.

If ‘hacker’ really has a dark child like Aitandin VI, it will not need Pol.

Therefore, Aitantin VI will not be.

But it is still worth pondering.

"I am also very interested."

After the old hunter smiled and looked at Qin Ran, he continued: "I don’t know much about this sixth world. In the era when I was active, most people pay more attention to that person. Aitandin V."

"Aitantine V?"

"What kind of person is he?"

Qin Ran didn't mind going through the side-by-side festival to learn more about Aitantin VI. The other's father is obviously a good entry point.

"Greed and shrewd."

“It’s great and good, but it’s powerful.”

“I like Chinese clothes and food, but not close to women.”

"After the death of the queen, there was no close contact with any woman."

The old hunter said after thinking about it.

“Strong strength?”

“How much has it reached?”

Qin Ran asked about the key points.

"And the sword you just swiped is almost the same."

The old devil replied.


Qin Ran picked up his eyes.

"I remember that this monarch is ill?"

"Even, so died."

Qin Ran continued to ask.


"It is ill, but what really brings death is the 'Quiet Night Secrets'. They use the evil to plunder the king's life - and because of this, we will pursue the 'Quiet Night Secret Society'. 'And then... It can be said that it is the prelude to the 'black disaster', and you will probably know what happened after that."

After the old hunter’s words, he took a deep breath and continued.

On the face of the old demon hunter, with complex and difficult emotions.

Resentment, heartache.

Qin Ran looked at the other person's expression.

When he saw that everything was calm, Qin Ran then began to speak.

"What is the hunt for the hunter to give the catastrophe?"

Once upon a time, Horuf frankly told him that the reason why ‘Ms. Evangelion’ did not really become a **** was the design of the hunters.

However, Koruff did not finish.

Qin Ran hopes to know the answer from the old hunter in front of him. For the sake of safety, he did not read the full name of ‘Ms. Er’s, but only mentioned the word ‘disaster’.

What disappointed Qin Ran was that the other party shook his head.

"I do not know."

"I was a participant in the battle, but I didn't experience the end. After I left it, when I woke up, I was in the prison. I didn't know everything that happened after that."

The old hunter is full of apologies.


Qin Ran disappointed and whispered to himself.

Just as the two were ready to continue talking, the direction of the bedroom suddenly came aloud.


That is the sound of heavy objects landing.

(End of this chapter)

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