The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1788: sneak into

Chapter 1788 sneak

The sound fell.

Qin Ran and the old hunting demon at the same time got up.

However, compared to the old hunter who rushed directly to the bedroom, Qin Ran looked at the outside.

In the bedroom.

Cleaned and replaced with a clean clothes, Tantek fell from the bed to the ground at this time, and the impact of the once-famous demon hunter was like a child, bursting into tears.

Especially when I saw Edelson rushing in, I even cried even louder, and my nose also flowed out, making the clothes just dirty.

"It's okay, Tandec."

"It's okay, Tandec."

"Everything will pass, you will eventually remember your name, Tandek, ‘the giant beast, Tandeck.’

The old hunt demon whispered comfortably, and he recited the name and name of his old friend.

Under the comfort of the old demon hunter, Tandek, who is like a child, calms down and looks at the friend who has climbed into the bed again. The old hunter is full of helplessness, and when he sees another person who seems to be a corpse When you are a good friend, the old hunter is even more angry with helplessness.

However, very quickly, he converges on these emotions - he won't forget it, he will get everything for himself and his old friends.

Turned around, the old hunter went out.

"What did you find?"

The old demon hunter asked Qin Ran.


"Someone is peeping here, full of malicious kind!"

"He should feel it."

Qin Ran pointed out that the hunter who climbed into the bed, said very simply

The companion brought by the old demon hunter, he has a considerable understanding from the upper evil spirits.

The corpse is called the honey bait.

The one whose heart is damaged is called Tandke.

Both of them were former ‘title’ hunters.

Any one of the hunters who won the ‘title’ is the strongest among the hunters.

Even if the mind is damaged, it is also malicious.

Of course, it is also possible that...


Resist control.

Obviously, the old hunter also thought of this.

He nodded to Qin Ran.

"Reassured, I did enough protection."

"He has no problems there."

"But it is hard to recover the true mind."

"Damn ‘quiet night clerk'!”

The old hunter demon whispered a curse.

Qin Ran did not make more comments on the ‘Queen Night Secret Service’, just like his trust in the professional ability of the old hunting demon.

Everything is so obvious.

As an enemy, the ‘quiet night essay will be different and powerful. There is no doubt about it.

Not only is Qin Ran aware of this.

The old hunter is also acknowledging this.

"They are very strong. We never realized this before. What we are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. Under the surface of the sea, what is hidden is the most frightening."

The old demon hunter said as he subconsciously searched for the wine cabinet.

He used to come to a cup when he said some heavy topics.

Most of the Hokuriku people are like this.

The demon hunter is no exception.

Qin Ran does not like drinking, but likes to observe.

He looked at the expression of the old hunter, and he knew what the old hunter wanted, but he just handed over a glass of water.

"Thank you."

"Good habits."

The old hunter demon greeted Qin Ran with a tribute.

"Horoff said that there was a spy in the wolf."

After Qin Ran’s beheading, he once again brought the topic back.


The old hunter took a deep breath and continued: "And, it was an unexpected person, so I gave up the training base, heritage, etc. left by the hunters."

"Because that might be a trap!"

"Can you talk to me about that person?"

Qin Ran asked.

He was very interested in the darkness of the ‘quiet night retreat’.

"of course."

"We are a group."

The old demon slayer drank his mouth, and the light taste made him frown, but it did not affect his organization of language.

"The other person is an ordinary person, at least at the beginning when we saved him from the evil mouth."

"But it has an extraordinary talent."

“It’s only three months to complete, the average young person’s three years of training, and excellent results.”

"And, not only in terms of learning, he is also extremely good at accomplishing his tasks. His skills are unique and he can organize his team. At that time, many people are willing to team up with him."

"In his body, there seems to be a charm that makes people happy to stand with him."

“The most amazing thing is this.”

"These are just disguise!"

"The other party's disguise is to introduce us into the trap of the "Quiet Night Secret Society."

The old hunter describes the other side.

This description makes Qin Ran feel familiar.

Very like a ‘player’!

A world of the same copy, but a 'player' at different times.

"Do you remember his appearance?"

Qin Ran continued to ask.

"Remember some, but it is very vague, my memory has also been damaged. I just remember his voice, but my face is blurred."

The old hunter devil laughed.

Qin Ran brows.

This is not good news.


It's a bit too coincidental.

However, Qin Ran is not a person who believes in coincidence.

He subconsciously looked at the direction of the bedroom.

"I promise that they are not two."

"And, that guy won't put himself in such a dangerous place."

I immediately understood that Qin Ran was thinking about what the old hunters would immediately guarantee.

"So, then we need to beware of the daggers from the shadows when dealing with those evils?"

Qin Ran

"It should be a 'black gun'."

"The arquebus is more powerful than the dagger, in the eyes of ordinary people."

The old hunter demon emphasized.

Then, the old demon hunter pulled the dagger from his boots.

"I promised you before."

"The trick of some daggers."

The old hunter said.

"Let's go later."

"I need to deal with it, just the thing."

Qin Ran pointed out the window.

"They are too far away, and there is absolutely no clue. If the bait is sober, there is still the possibility of finding something, but..."

The words of the old demon hunter did not finish, and shrugged straight, and the meaning was no longer obvious.

“She is good at tracking?”

Qin Ran suddenly stopped.

"The ‘seekers’ honey bait, you should have heard her name.”

"Anything can't escape her eyes."

When the old demon hunter said the name of his old friend, his eyes were full of pride.

"is it?"

Qin Ran said nothing.

The meaning of the words, the old hunting demon immediately understood.

"The trace is not the heart."

"Even if the honey bait can see all the traces, you can't look directly at the heart, just as you can't look directly at the sun."

"And, the traitor's blow to the honey bait is absolutely not small."

"Otherwise she won't be this look."

The old hunter explained.

"They have a good relationship?"

This time, the old hunter did not answer the question of Qin Ran, but just waved his hand, apparently did not want to talk.

Qin Ran did not have a front, and directly drilled out the window.

However, in the bottom of my heart, I remembered the ‘hunter’s honey bait.

A ‘hunger’ honey bait that has a good relationship with the traitor.

This is more doubtful than the mentally impaired demon hunter.

Not a malicious suspicion.

Instead, habitual suspicion.

For any stranger, Qin Ran is always so vigilant.

Therefore, he always has not many friends.

The only good news is that the only friends are trustworthy.

And the old hunter?


Not in it.

After the old hunter took out the window in Qinran, he quickly closed the window.

The night winds in the Northland winter are terrible.

He has no problem.

However, his two friends can't stand it.

Turning around, he sat down again in front of the short coffee table, and he began to think about and sort out the knowledge that should not exist in his mind.

He resisted these knowledge from ‘evil’.

Not only because he is a hunter, but naturally against the hostile position of ‘fraternity, and because every contact with this knowledge makes him think of his days of torture in prison.

but now?

He can't manage that much.

Because, he is very sure, ordinary methods can not cure his two friends.

You can only rely on knowledge that these ordinary people don't know.

Do not give up hope.

He wants to try.


In a sullen sigh of pain, the face of the old hunter was red, and the forehead was swelled.

A strange whistle leaped over the ears and rang directly in his heart.

He relied on a strong will to fight against these whispers.

Then, start sorting out the knowledge hidden in the body.

very slow.

Very difficult.

He must concentrate on it.

Therefore, he did not notice the return and returned, Qinran hidden in the shadows.

What you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true.

But 90% of the hearsay is fake.

Until the old hunting demon is about to adapt, Qin Ran is completely hidden in the shadows.

Some things have been confirmed for the time being.

As for more?

With the old hunter, Qin Ran is very clear, he can not do silently sneak into.


He can't.

It doesn't mean that it doesn't mean other people.

For example, his loyalty, hard work, no regrets, no death will call for everlasting followers.

Of course, this requires an opportunity.

just now?

Still not.

Qin Ran, who turned on the [tracking] field of view, looked at the traces left in the air.

These traces dissipate at a rapid rate.

Obviously, the other party not only did the processing, but also professional.

If you use normal means, you will definitely get nothing.

However, in the face of this special, but also by Qin Ran all the way to the extraordinary level of [tracking] skills, but can not cover everything.

At the last moment before the trace disappears.

Qin Ran found the ‘spot’ where the other party is located.

A two-story and half-ocean building in the Upper Seventh Ring Road, even in the winter, the gardens of the foreign buildings are full of cold-resistant green plants, and the snow in the yard is cleaned, obviously Some people take care of it from time to time.

This should be a fixed base for the other party.

Qin Ran judged.

The other party is confident that it will not be discovered.

So, go back directly here.

And this gave Qin Ran an opportunity.


"Those **** hunters!"

Ruedes cursed loudly in the study.

He is not worried that his words will be heard.

As a result, his study was specially made and the sound insulation was very good.

Second, all the people in this building are their own people, don't worry.

Therefore, Ruedes released his anger.

For so many years, he was discovered for the first time without a close sense in the true sense.

This is a shame for him.

He can already imagine how the **** will laugh at him.

Especially the two jerkes of Gersac and Corriba.

These years have been particularly restless.

What they want, Ruedes understands.

As one of the 'Members', he also wants greater rights.

Of course, it is not the right that people understand in the conventional sense.

Or, the right to say exactly the ‘quiet night retreat’ is long more than just the so-called power.


The power of power!

Therefore, he will participate in it.

Otherwise, he will not pay attention to this.

Is the honest accumulation of strength not good?

However, the accident just made the Honourable Member resentful.

That's right, it's an accident!

How could he be discovered by a group of hunters who were almost all destroyed?

He just cares about it.

Carelessness has caused such a result.

"A group of people who are resurgent and similar to wild grass."

Rudes whispered in his mouth.

Then he pulled the drawer and pulled out a piece of parchment.

The ink-colored quill pen began to write on it.

When the last word fell, Rudes blew a paper surface and revealed a smug smile.

"Since these guys like weeds have to hold a ‘Members’ meeting, how can I not agree?”

"This time, we must eradicate them."

"The very thorough kind!"

Rudes thought about it and stood up.

Unlike the tall and strong people of the Hokuriku, Roods is not only thin, but also very short. Although not as gnome, his height is far lower than ordinary people.

But no one will scorn each other.

One of the seventeen members who can become a 'quiet night confinement' is enough to explain everything.

And if this is impossible to explain, Rudes is also happy to carry out some cruel exchanges with the other side.

Cruelty has always been the label of the Honourable Member.

Therefore, members of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society' ordered by the Honourable Member did not dare to neglect and took the secret order directly to the ‘Quie Night Town’.

Ruedes turned and returned to the study.

He needs to think quietly.

How to get more benefits in the next meeting.

He is very clear about his opponent.

Every one is a wolf-like guy.

If you are a little careless, you will be swallowed up with bone residue.

With such thoughts, Ruedes walked into the study.

He did not turn around.

The door shaft slowly closed with the door of the study.

And a figure gradually emerged.

The figure slowly raised his hand and quietly approached Rudes' neck.

When the finger was about to touch himself, Rudes was shocked.



A palm of his hand had pinched his neck, and the cold voice rang.

"do not move."

(End of this chapter)

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