The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1789: missing one

Chapter 1789 is a difference

Ruedes was very cooperative and stood there motionless.

He didn't know how to get into this assassin.

But the other's skills are beyond imagination.

At least, among the people he knows, it is almost unique.

Of course, this does not mean that he will really cooperate.

He is just superficial obedience.

In the dark, forces that are not humans begin to converge.

Very embarrassing.

The perception of ordinary people is simply undetectable.

Even the demon hunter is extremely difficult to find, except that it is really good at tracking talent.

However, according to Rudes, the well-known ‘traveler’ of the demon hunter has already become a dead man. Simply put, he does not need to worry.

He can safely let this guy who thinks he has control everything, and die without a place to die.

He is eager to see this scene.

And this requires the other party to cooperate.

Ruedes began to use his brain to think about the problem that the assassin would ask.

He is ready for a half-truth answer.

He believes his answer will convince the other party.

Even, he is ready to use what kind of expression to use.

Yes, the next moment.

Rudes felt a spurt from the palm of his neck, and surrounded him straight.

Pain, let him open his mouth and want to lick.

But the flame burned his vocal cords at the moment before.

Ha, ha.

It seems to be a broken bellows. After only two convulsions, Ruedes is completely transformed into ashes.

When he died, the Honourable Member did not understand, how did Qin Ran suddenly shoot?

According to the normal process, shouldn't it be an interrogation?

Could it be that he found his change?

But even if it is discovered, shouldn’t it be more oppressive to him, completely gain the upper hand, get the initiative, and get more answers?

"Is it clear?"

Qin Ran asked the shadow of one side.


"See it clearly."

In the shadow, the upper evil spirit came out.

When the upper evil spirit completely separated from the shadow, it has become the appearance of Rudes.

This is not difficult for the upper evil spirits.

What's more, there are Boss for it to delay the time to observe.

For the enemy, Qin Ran always thought that the enemy who died was the best.

When I suddenly shot, my hand was only for the better observation of the evil spirits.

As for torture?

Torture is just one of the ways to destroy the enemy.

When there is a more direct way, Qin Ran chooses more direct.

Even if you get more additional messages.

Qin Ran still insisted on his own opinion.

Because he does not think that the means of torture he has mastered can ask what is the real secret message.

His torture methods are not bad for ordinary people.

To deal with the members of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society'?

Really not enough to see.

Of course, this is in the normal state, if he is fully armed and equipped, Qin Ran will choose a simpler way instead of continuing to use the upper evil spirits.

In the heart of Qin Ran, the occasion where the evil spirits can be played is more important than this.

"Colipo and I have already agreed to the ‘Members’ meeting.’”

"Now we need to unite the rest..."


The upper evil spirit quickly entered the character and then removed the illusion that was shrouded in the room.


"Contact each other as soon as possible."

Qin Ran said.

Adventure into the other side of the site, or invite the other party to their own site to start, as long as it is not a fool know how to choose.

However, if you want to let the other party enter their own territory, it also needs some means.

This is not difficult for the upper evil spirits.

Almost looking at the memory of Corribo and Holleka, it is clear how to invite this 'old opponent'.

Pushing open the door of the study, the upper evil spirit went straight down.

Qin Ran was sitting in the chair of the study.

He pulled out [The Lord of the Mist].

The crystal of the palm of the hand is shining.

When he had just killed Rudes, the Lord of the Mist changed again.

It is no longer a simple range of effects and notes, but a further round of enhancement.

[Name: Lord of the Mist]

[Type: strange things]

[Quality: IV]

[attack power: no]

[defensive power: IV]

[Properties: 1, fog control; 2, toxic fog invasion; 3, freezing gas invasion; 4, rain and snow invasion; 5, plant communication; 6, animal appeal; 7, concealment]

[Special effects: 1, the leader of Sika; 2 the border of Aitinburg; 3, response; 4, blessing; 5 fraudulent contract;

[Requirement: You have made the perfect hunting]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: When the black disaster occurs, the accidental birth is different from the rough use of the former. It is in your hands, it has already shown its ability, a perfect 'hunting', let it start to be thoroughly Take control, and in the perfect 'hunting' after that, it becomes your only one. When you use it, you will become like an arm, and you will feel the respect of it. And now, after starting to expand into new territories, it has become unable to leave you]


[Fog Control: Summons a fog with a radius of 600 meters, covering the position within the field of view; 3 times / day]

[Toxic Invasion: In the fog, the spread of the body is judged as a Class A poison fog, which requires three judgments. Those who fail three times will be dealt a fatal toxin. Two losers will suffer a strong level of toxin. Attack, a loser will be subjected to a strong level of toxin attack, three times pass, will be protected from poisonous fog, but still in the fog]

[Frozen gas attack: In the fog, you can launch a weak, general, strong, strong level of freezing air attack, the frozen gas can not leave the fog range]

[Rain and snow invasion: In the fog, you can lower the ordinary rain and snow, or the weak, general, strong, strong level of acid rain, hail, acid rain, hail can not leave the fog range]

[Plant communication: In the fog, you can communicate and control plants, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of grades is 75, each increase of first order +25)]

[Animal Inspiration: In the fog, you can communicate and control animals, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of the order is small 100, medium 50, large 15, super large 2, each increase of first-order small +25, medium +10 , large +5, super large +1) (small class, such as mice are considered small 3 times the number)

[Hidden: In the fog, your trace will be invisible; effect: sneak level +2, sneak class advanced skills +1]


[The leader of Sika: In the scope of Sika collar, the name of 'Mist' has become a unique existence, and you who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can arbitrarily mobilize the fog that appears in the Sika collar, and Add poisonous fog, freezing gas, acid rain, control plants, animals (not to exceed toxic fog, freezing gas, rain and snow damage, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】

[Aitinburg: In the border of Aitinburg, the name of 'Mist' has begun to be recognized. You who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can move the fog at will and add poisonous fog, freezing gas and acid rain. Control plants, animals (not beyond the scope of toxic fog, freezing gas, rain and snow, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】

[Response: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the ‘Mist Lord’ to respond in detail to the prayers of believers, which will consume your physical strength】

[Blessing: Within the scope of Sika collar and Aitenburg, when your followers pray to you, you can consume physical strength and give a foggy blessing (fog blessing: clearly visible in the fog, and able to withstand toxins, Cold, acid) or give a partner a blessing (short-time communication, plant or animal) or a bloodthirsty blessing (in a short period of time (depending on the devoutness of the believer), the power of the blessed person increases by 100%. Reduced damage by 50%, and can absorb the enemy's blood, supplement your own life), or hidden blessing (depending on the believer's piety, the sneak level will be increased by 1-2)

[Fraud contract: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the ‘fog Lord’ to accept the large offerings of believers, and then give a little reward (the type of reward is not limited to the real thing)】


The change in quality has caused a new increase in [Mist of the Mist].

However, the most important thing for Qin Ran is the appearance of [hidden].

There is no doubt that this happened after he killed Congressman Rudes.

It is recalled that when the devil's inflammation burned, ‘overeating food’ swallowed the other side and conveyed the taste.


Almost like evil!

Recalling the so-called "evil riots", Qin Ran slightly raised his eyes.

"the remains……"

"Not just the dark hall of the Temple of War is doing this."

"Is this the same?"

"Do not!"

“The 静夜秘修会 is going to be more thorough.”

"This is not just the so-called "capture", but in a sense it should be integrated."

"So, is Corribo also?"

Thinking of this, Qin Ran felt a little distressed.

Judging from the feedback of the Lord of the Mist, this kind of fusion monster seems to be able to get more benefits than the simple evil monster.

It was like an ordinary biscuit, suddenly turned into Oreo, or 3+2.

Satisfaction is almost doubled.

"There are seventeen members of the ‘quiet night retreat’.”

"In addition to Corribo and Rudes, there are still ... fifteen."

In the face of unexpected losses, Qin Ran began to divert attention.

I think of these fifteen members.

His breath could not help but two points faster.

Now the [Mist of the Mist] is already the IV stage, there is no doubt that the V-order will have a qualitative change!

In Qin Ran’s original idea, this required more time for him to complete.

Even he is ready to hunt for evil plans.

Hunting devils hunting evil, isn’t it just natural?

Can it be now?

It seems to be sitting at the table and waiting for the food.

Members of the fifteen ‘quiet night retreats’ are just around the corner.

No need to look for it.

No need to take a chance.

This is really a good news for Qin Ran.

The only thing that needs to be vigilant is how to safely hunt and kill these members.

Qin Ran quietly thought.

After a while, his mouth was upturned.

He has a less mature idea.

There is no doubt that the identity of the demon hunter is the key point.

Work when you slay evil.

Hunting these members is naturally for revenge.

No one will say anything.

Completely reasonable and reasonable, it is logical.

"More than one identity, it's really easy to use!"

Qin Ran thought this way.


"More than one identity, it's really tired!"

Going downstairs, the upper evil spirit thinks this way.

"grown ups."

The members of the Guardian's Secret Night Club, who saw the returning members, immediately went to salute.

Although I don't know why the member of the parliament went and returned, there is nothing wrong with maintaining etiquette.

From the beginning to the end, this member did not find any abnormalities.

Whether it is the previous illusion or the performance of the upper evil spirits, it is perfect.

It's a natural spy.

In order to make myself feel better, after the evil spirits themselves boasted about themselves, this was in accordance with Rudes’s tone: “I need you to convey a message to Carlisle and let him tell Gersac.”

Hearing the name of the ‘undead person’ and another member of parliament, the singularity of the slumbering night’s members became more serious and more serious.

"Would you like to know the secrets of Corriba?"

"If you want to know, come here and look for me."

"I will wait for you before sunrise."

The upper evil spirit slowly said.

"Okay, grown up."

"I will communicate immediately."

The member relayed it again and, after confirming it was correct, immediately turned and walked out.

When the member left, the upper evil spirit told another member.

“Prepare some tea and refreshments.”

"I have to wait for the old friend to come."


The next four rings.

It is still a civilian area of ​​Fort Aitenburg.

However, compared with the next seven rings, it is much better here.

The streets have become neat, the houses are no longer free to build, but neatly in accordance with the planning of the streets, and the civilians who can live here have become small assets.

They are at least a shop buddy, able to bring three or five apprentices, but not the kind of master.

Or, it is like a military officer in a military camp.

However, there are not many people who literate.

The preciousness of knowledge is applicable everywhere.

This is even more true of Aitenburg.

As long as you recognize the word and know how to count, it is not difficult to find a decent job in the Third Ring Road. The rich salary is enough to support the family to live in the Third Ring and the Second Ring.

Therefore, Old Sack is very famous and respected in the Lower Fourth Ring.

Because, he not only literate, but also knows how to count.

And here he has two shops.

Not comparable to the big shops of the Third Ring Road, but it is enough to make everyone envious.

I spit out a nail and wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth.

The old Sack, who had just finished eating, walked slowly to the bedroom.

Eating late at night.

But every month, he is forced to suppress the incitement in the body.

However, this time eating is not because you can't suppress it.

But for the rest.

“There is one less reserve grain.”

"Before the winter is over, you have to find two more."

"Fortunately, here is the lower ring."

Old Sack smiled.

As one of the members of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society', he can live in a better place, but why choose the lower ring area, is it not convenient to find food?

In the lower ring, missing one or two people is really normal.

No one will go after it.

Because, there will be more people coming in here soon.

Of course, no one will doubt him.

He is an old Sack with two shops.

Lying in bed, Gersac closed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the ring on his finger shook slightly.

Suddenly, Gersak opened his eyes and showed a long-awaited smile on his face.

"Is it finally here?"

(End of this chapter)

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