The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1790: easy

Chapter 1790

Gersac immediately stood up from the bed.

He began to sort out his equipment - although it was only something that might be used, he was still careful.

A long narrow sword and a slender sword.

A leather armor that can be completely hidden under the robes, and a pair of boots with ordinary cowhide.

As one of the 17 members of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society'.

He knows exactly what his old rival, Colombo, knows.

Hey, mercenary is the picture.

This can describe each other, as long as the benefits are sufficient, the other party will sell.

loyalty? glory?

There is no such relationship between the vocabulary and the other party.

Therefore, if the other party is hooked up with the snake-hunter, it is not surprising that Gersac is.

And Rudes?

For this member of the House who has stayed in Fort Attenin, but there is a sense of utmost, Gelsack is equally well aware.

Be cautious and proud.

Be careful with everything, but be proud of your ability.

It’s a good grasp.

Because the other party's ambition is well known.

Therefore, Gersack is very certain that as long as there is an opportunity, the other party will definitely take part in this incident.

And everything is as he expected.

Rudes couldn’t help it.

I agreed to the ‘Members’ Meeting.’

just now……

He also sent a secret letter to him.

There is no secret in Corribo, he does not know.

He only knows that if he wants to know the secrets of Corypo, he will inevitably need to approve the order of Rudes to open the 'Members' Meeting.'

Rudes wants to push Colombo to the road.

He does not mind doing this.

However, some places still need to be considered.

Therefore, Gersac went to the appointment.


Instead of riding a carriage, he took his own confidant Carlisle and went straight to the Upper Seven Rings, the residence of Rudes.

"Wait here."

Gersac told him.

"Yes, adults."

After Holleka was in the back, he walked to the shadow of the side, hiding his body shape.

Then, under the watchful eye of ‘the undead,’ Gersack stepped into the room.

"Adult, good evening."

"please follow me."

The close friend of Rudes had long waited for a long time, and immediately greeted him. After the ceremony, he took Gossac directly to the study of Rudes.

Push the door of the study.

The rich tea and the sweet aroma of the pastries come directly to the surface.

Gersack smiled and his eyes swept over the refreshments in the porcelain plate.

Rudes is more than imaginable.

“The candy from the ‘Snow Candy House’ and the ‘Deer Dessert’’ are really good.”

"Unfortunately, I am too old."

"The teeth are not good, there is no way to eat them."

Gersak said in a relaxed tone.

He hopes to use this relaxed tone to make this inevitable conversation.

You know, the purpose of both of them is the same.

What is needed is a small part of the split.

He believes that Ruedes will accommodate him at this point.

After all, the other party is asking for him, he took the initiative, isn't it?

Gersak was keenly aware that after he had finished speaking this sentence, Ruedes seemed to be relieved.

Suddenly, Gersac confirmed his guess.

In addition, Gersac did not think too much.

It wasn't his ‘moderate’ attitude that made Rudes feel goodwill. Could it be that he didn’t move the tea on the table, and the other person was relieved?

Do not make jokes.


"Yes, that's a shame."

"Let's talk about Corypo."

"what are you thinking?"

The heart of the heart, ‘Rudes’, went straight to the point.

"I want 70%!"

Gersac reported the number he had long thought of.


"this is impossible!"

The upper evil spirit shook his head, and the tone of emphasis represented his determination.

There is no accident in this Gersac.

If he reported 70%, and Ruedes agreed, he would have to think about it. Is this the other party and the Colombo partnership to hang him?

You must know that this '70%' represents not only the property of Corrip, but also the authority of ... power.

The latter is especially important!

Whether it is for him or for Rudes.

It's all like this!

It is impossible to give up.

Therefore, this figure is only a temptation.

Of course, it also includes the following words.

"I think I have to get 70% is very suitable."

“Not only because you need me to agree to the ‘Members’ meeting.’”

"Also because..."

"I will face Corribo!"

Gersack spoke of his own reasons, while observing Rudes.

When I saw the other side instantly calming down from the excited emotions, I couldn’t help laughing.

Anyone will pretend.

He is like this.

The same is true of Rudes.

Just excitedly shouting, but only after seeking greater interests, now when he explained the 'essence', the other party's calm is real.

"think about it."

"You can do almost nothing, you can get 30%."

“What else is better than this?”

Gersack asked.

"Are you sure you can get Corippo by yourself?"

The upper evil spirit asked quietly.

"I don't know anyone else."

"But Corribo?"

"I have full confidence that I only need a one-on-one chance, and I can let him die without a place to die."

Gersack smiled and was full of confidence.

The upper evil spirits have narrowed their eyes and seem to be thinking about the true and false of the other's words.

Is Coripo strong?

Very powerful.

The ability to freeze is really a strange anomaly.

However, the weakness is also very obvious.

It is not the ability to freeze itself, but the other party itself.

The other person's mind has a huge loophole.

Even if you only need to grasp it, you can hit the commandment.

The evil spirit is the best at finding the existence of a spiritual loophole.

Not to mention the upper evil spirit.

It not only found the soul hole of Corribo, but also found more memories of each other.

Among them is the Geer Sark in front of you.

Corribo has always regarded each other as a deadly enemy.

The same is true of the other party.

The enemy is the one who knows you the most.

This sentence is very convinced by the evil spirits.

Therefore, Gersac believes that he can kill Korippo.

In fact, Corribo is waiting for this opportunity.

Corribo is also sure to do something similar.

If you really put two people together, the upper evil spirits have great confidence that the two sides will die together.

It is a pity that Corribo is dead.

But fortunately, that method he knew.

Although it can't be applied like Coripo, but... as a breakthrough, it is enough.

Time passes by one minute.

Gersack waited patiently.

He must have no reason to fail.

Sure enough, everything is as he expected.

After about half a minute, Ruedes nodded.

"If everything is as you said, I can agree."

"But it must be what you said, if someone else intervenes..."

When the words were not finished, Gersac understood immediately.

"other people?"

"Do not worry."

"In Aitenburg, those guys have more than enough thoughts."


"There is more danger than you think."

Gersack smiled.

"So... deal!"

Rudes stretched out his right hand.

Gersac shook hands with the other side.

Next, things went very smoothly.

The bell of Jingyue Town was ringing.

The ‘Members’ Meeting’ was held normally.

Corribo is dying.

But it is useless!

Everything is in his expectation.

He successfully ruined Coripo and won the power of the other side. His strength increased rapidly and reached the strength of those 'Southern Congressmen'.

The only pity is that 30% of the points were gone.

Let him not surpass those ‘Southern Congressmen’ at one time.

However, this is nothing.

Rudes, a collaborator, needs to be used to attract the attention of others.

It is not yet time to gain the authority of the other party.

But it is also fast.

Time is like a shuttle.

Three years.

He finally completed the final layout, quietly controlled the entire quiet night town, began to penetrate all aspects of Fort Aden, and Ruedes died in the hands of Aitandin VI because of the ‘accident.

At this time, he completely surpassed the ‘Southern Congressmen’.

Although I lost the opportunity, the ultimate winner will still be me!

Gersack thought so, and he did the same.

He started to take action on those 'Southbound MPs'.

This is very difficult.

It took him nearly twenty years to complete half of it.

At this time, those ‘Southern Congressmen’ have already reacted.

However, it is already late.

He has already surpassed them, and the reason why he is acting low-key is that he wants to do it all smoothly.

Can be found, then no need to disguise.

A war that spread across the South began.

Less than three months later, the entire South has completely become a quagmire of war. The fields are deserted, the ports are broken, and the bones are tiring.

And he became the last winner.

All the members of the council, all powers of power come down to him.


It was the battle with the two ‘monsters’.

This time the war is the real war.

Compared with the previous war, it was a pediatrics.

The sky is broken.

The earth collapsed.

Sea water is poured.

Just like God's punishment, the whole world must begin to be destroyed.

He still won.

He became the supreme one!

The remnants of humans and creatures were saved by him. They, they bowed to him, no, it was Him.

The flood receded.

The earth has returned to life.

The city began to build.

In the center of the city, the temple that belongs to him rises.

He is praying daily.

From sunrise to sunset.

When the moon rises, He will walk his country.

I don’t know how many years have passed in such a day.


He has long forgotten.

For the supreme He, time cannot be used as a yardstick.

The only thing that can be used as a yardstick is something that will interest him.

For example: some enemies that are not self-sufficient.

He never found out that the enemy would be so cute.

He carefully trained them.

Just for more excitement.

It is a pity that even the strongest one is just to excite him for three seconds.

Not that they are weak.

In fact, the strongest one has reached the level of the first two monsters.

But what about it?

He is too strong!

Strong enough to go beyond everything.

Even He himself does not know how strong he is.

Everything can't hold him, everything becomes boring.

He began to sleep.

Occasionally wake up for a moment.

But after that, it is a longer sleep.

Because He found that every time he woke up, the world in which He lived would undergo earth-shaking changes, so He didn't mind sleeping longer, so that he had expectations.

Even though, his temple has long since disappeared.

But his strength has long since no need for a temple.

The fresh world makes him more excited.

Look at the iron birds flying in the sky.

Look at the iron box that runs on a wide road that is wider than the most wide road in Fort Adam.

Look at the big ship made of steel.

He is full of interest.

Especially when discovering that mortals began to explore the world outside the world, He could not wait to join.

In just a few days, He learned the knowledge of these mortals.

And he has achieved great success. He became a member of the field of exploration as a mortal and became the first member to explore the world outside the world.

When he came to outer space by a spaceship.

He looked back at his own world.

too small!

It is too small!

Fortunately, He got out of there!



In the exclamation of the people around him, He suddenly widened his eyes.

He saw a sight that could not be believed in this life.

A huge black figure stands in space.

The deep figure absorbed the light of the universe, the open wings covered with thousands of stars, and the black cloth shining on the eyes of the figure, but still made him feel stinging.

It is like facing the radiance of the sun.

But the other party has no movement at all.

Only there is a small white flower.


like a statue.


Who is this?

I should recognize Him!

He is...

Gersack seems to be remembering something.

But the neck hurts.

everything is over.

He is still in the study.

No, it should still be him.

Looking at Rudes sitting there, he lowered his arm weakly.

"well done."

"It’s better than last time."

Qin Ran evaluated the evil spirits.

As the superior of the contract, he used the eyes of the evil spirits to watch the history of Gössack's growth, and some doubts became clear.

There are still some omissions.

But for Qin Ran, it is enough.

He knew some information he wanted to know.

Therefore, he does not praise.

Oral praise, anyway, do not spend money, boast more than two sentences.

Of course, more importantly, Gersac brought him spoils.

The next moment, Qin Ran looked at the long dagger and the slender sword, as well as the leather armor and boots.

The golden brilliance, under the watchful eyes of Qin Ran, suddenly rises and shines.

(End of this chapter)

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