The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1791: Counterattack

Chapter 1791 counterattack

The importance of equipment for a player is self-evident.

Even for some extreme players, equipment needs to take up half of the power, or more.

Qin Ran is not such a player.

His character is destined to choose a more balanced development.

On the premise of all-round development, Qin Ran would not mind.

But this does not mean that Qin Ran will give up equipment items.

Because, you never know what you are going to face.

In times of danger, charcoal is sent in the snow.

When it's booming, it's a icing on the cake.

This is Qin Ran's understanding of the equipment props, and this time the rush of the copy world, so that Qin Ran temporarily lost all equipment, even in the previous copy of the world's efforts to collect, only got a few pieces of equipment, props.

Among them, [the trick of swindling], as it is noted, is really a 'toy'.

[Canine's Ring] is a good legendary level prop, whether it is in peacetime or at a critical moment, it can play a considerable role.

[Wounds of entanglement] The props of attack and defense are considered to be indispensable items for him at this time.

Like the "wound of the entanglement", [the light of the field of vision] [the skin of the ghost] These two items from the treasure house of the Three Kings are also the props that Qin Ran currently needs.

The [questioning stick] and [the gun of the dark medicine] are props that make him conform to the status of the 'snake'.

As for [The Lord of the Mist]?

That is the most important harvest of this copy of the world.

In this regard, Qin Ran is convinced.

This is Qin Ran all the equipment props at this time.

It’s still too far away from the fact that he’s habitually ‘armed to the teeth’.

Therefore, when there were four legendary equipment items at once, Qin Ran was delighted.

He took the long dagger and the slender sword in the first place.

[Name: Short teeth of Winktown]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Legend]

[attack power: powerful]

[Attributes: 1, silent strike; 2, night shelter; 3, soul slavery]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: Constitution A+]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: Winktown is a monster under the night in the South. It can not only sneak into the prey by silent, but also can drive the soul of the prey after using the teeth to bite the neck of the prey.]


[Silent Strike: When wielding the short teeth of Winkton, there is no sound.]

[Night shelter: at night, in the shadows, sneak level +1]

[Soul slavery: When short teeth and long teeth are ready, you can open this special effect, the soul of the prey that has been killed, can continue to serve you (seeing the strength of the front, the ghost, the evil spirit, the evil spirit, etc. Automatically dissipated when exposed to the first sunlight.)


[Name: Long teeth of Winktown]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Legend]

[attack power: ordinary]

[defensive power: extremely strong]

[Attribute: 1, block; 2, long tooth protection; 3, soul protection]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: Constitution A+]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Note: Winktown is an excellent hunter with excellent combat skills. It is not afraid of encounters, and its long teeth will protect it. 】


[Glock: When blocking with long teeth, your block skill +1, 3 times / day]

[Long tooth protection: After completing an accurate block, you will receive a powerful level of force field shield for 5 seconds. 】

[Soul Protection: Control the enslaved soul, charge the force field shield (the length of time depends on the soul quality)]


Qin Ran looked at the narrow dagger and slender sword in his hand.

Some of them did not think that the two props turned out to be one set.

Moreover, the attributes are quite strong, and one attack and one defense are complementary short points.

Only need to apply well, these two items are enough to exert a very powerful power.

Unceremonious, Qin Ran hangs two props around his waist.

Then he looked at the leather armor and boots.

[name: Gerwson's residue]

[Type: Leather]

[Quality: Legend]

[defensive power: extremely strong]

[Attributes: 1, Gerwson's blackmail; 2, Gerwson's tyranny;]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: swallowing the flesh and blood of a complete adult (including internal organs)]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: Gil Watson was a sinister wandering outside of Aitinburg before the black disaster. In that era, evil was not common and would be far from human gathering place, but Gulwson was different, it was black and white. It’s also tyrannical, hunting humans until it ignorantly kills a team of 'quiet night secrets'...]


[Gerwson's Blackmail: Every time you dodge an enemy's attack, your strength and agility will gain +1 effects, up to three times.]

[Gerwson's tyranny: When killing an enemy and smearing the skin with blood, your next attack will gain +1 effects (up to no more than II).


[Name: Boots of the Thief]

[Type: Boots]

[Quality: Legend]

[defensive power: powerful]

[Attribute: 1, mute; 2, concealed]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirements: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It used to be a favorite of a big thief. When the thief stared at the warehouse of the 'Quiet Night Secrets', it changed the owner.]


[Mute: When you stand and walk slowly, there is almost no sound. When you walk at normal speed, the sound is reduced by 50%. When you run, the sound is reduced by 20%. When you run at full speed, Can't weaken the sound (it can only blame the sound of your own, not including backpacks, carry-on items)

[Hidden: Standing in the shadows, walking slowly, your sneak level +1]


Qin Ran’s gaze swept away in [the thief’s boots], and his attention was completely attracted by [Gerwson’s Remnants].

After ‘reading’ part of Gersac’s memory, Qin Ran had a fairly deep understanding of ‘residue’.

After the evil is dead, there will be some items left behind.

And these legacy items carry some special power.

Similar to the player's prop equipment.

But the difference is that if you want to use these 'legacy items', they are more demanding and need to meet one or more conditions. The more powerful remnants, the more conditions you need.

For example [Gerwson's residue]!

In terms of very objective evaluation, it is a powerful prop equipment.

However, the conditions of use are unacceptable to Qin.

He loves to eat without error.

Yes, the recipe does not include people.

It is [Gerwson's residue] looks... tastes good.

The bottom of the heart, 'gluttony,' is constantly coming to the sound of swallowing saliva.

"Brother, brother."

‘Overeating’ stuttered.

This stuttering is not because of any defects, not because of fear, but because of the strangeness caused by the opening of the mouth when swallowing.

Knowing what ‘gluttony’ wants to do, Qin Ran nodded.

Suddenly, a force belonging to the original sin began to appear in the hands of Qin Ran's leather armor.

It seems that the catastrophe was discovered, and an illusory shadow emerged from the [Gerwson's Remnant] and began to embarrass.

This is a monster that looks like a tiger's body and a monkey's head. Every time it's in the middle of it, it will reveal the mouthful of fangs.

Oh, horror.

Any ordinary person who sees such a scene will be scared to the ground.

There is no ordinary person present at the scene.

Qin Ran, the experience of countless copies, coupled with a strong spirit, has already allowed him to face everything with water.

The upper evil spirits, relying on their own immortality and ever-changing characteristics, are even more ordinary creatures of the shadows, and even if they are devastating, there will be no surprise.

And ‘gluttony’?


In his eyes, that is, the elder brother let the brother and the elder brother refuse to eat.

Let's eat, it is delicious.

If you don't let it eat, it is not good.

The ‘gluttony’, with such a simple belief, faced the illusion of ‘Gerwerson’, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The thick power was once again turned into the body of the five forces into Qin Ran, as a fuel to dispel the chaos of the soul.

And some of the features are entered into the "Mist of the Mist" according to the characteristics of the current copy world.

Soon [the Lord of the Mist] has seen new changes.

However, Qin Ran did not have the first time to check.

He is relishing the chocolate flavor on the taste buds.

Rich cocoa flavor, mixed with sugar and cream.

Very delicious.

After swallowing the illusion of ‘Gerwson’ in the ‘gluttony’, this taste began to spread on the taste buds and lasted for half a minute before it gradually dissipated.


Qin Ran smiled and commented.

Then, turning his head and pointing at the evil spirits, he said: "Using the three identities you have now can help me collect food... ‘residues’.”

"Okay, Boss."

"What do I need to pay attention to in the next plan?"

The upper evil spirit nodded and continued to ask.

"Do not."

"You believe in yourself."

"Because you are the best in the audience on the stage."

Qin Ran said with certainty.

Who can change and be able to make a difference?

In addition to the upper evil spirits, Qin Ran could not think of anything else.

After walking to the desk, Qin Ran sat in the chair.

He glanced at the change of the Lord of the Mist, the foundation did not change, only the changes in [Blessing] and [Cheat Contract].

[Blessing: Within the scope of Sika collar and Aitenburg, when your followers pray to you, you can consume physical strength and give a foggy blessing (fog blessing: clearly visible in the fog, and able to withstand toxins, Cold, acid) or give a partner a blessing (short-time communication, plants or animals) or a bloodthirsty blessing (in a short period of time (depending on the devoutness of the believer), the power of the blessed person increases by 105% , the damage reduced by 60%, and can absorb the enemy's blood, to supplement their own life), or hidden blessing (depending on the believer's piety, the sneak level will be increased by 1-2)

[Fraud contract: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the 'Mist of the fog' to accept the large offerings of believers, and then give a little reward (the type of reward is not limited to the real thing, when choosing the real thing, You can keep a defensive level +1 attribute, you need to consume a lot of your physical strength)


Among them, [Blessing], the bloodthirsty blessing has become a bloodthirsty iron wall blessing. The strength of the blessed person is from 100% to 105%, and the damage is from 50% to 60%.

Perhaps only 5-10 percentage points increase.

However, Qin Ran never underestimated this mode of percentage improvement.

He is very clear, if the foundation is enough, such a promotion will be terrible.

If it is really a strong believer, I am afraid that his physical exertion has become extremely terrible.

"Be careful."

Qin Ran told himself this way.

When looking at the [fraud contract], it is much easier.

There is a premise of consuming a lot of physical strength, which is enough for Qin Ran to clarify the information.

As for the physical reward given to the defense level +1?

That's just to get more rewards.

Where is the harvest of sweetness?

For the small and big means, Qin Ran is really too clear.

"Maybe you can try it."

After Qin Ran's careful thinking, he had some ideas.

At this time, the first dawn on the horizon appeared.

The Sun Also Rises.

Breakfast is naturally essential.

Although the tea is a bit cold, the meals on the table are delicious enough, just like the dawn of this time, although not the warmest, but it is the most pleasant.

Because it represents the beginning of the day.

Think about it, sleep for a night, when you wake up, bathe in the morning sun, pick up a bowl of sweet soy milk, pick up two fritters, and then feel the little pickles.


Of course, it is ok to switch to mutton soup and shortbread.

Tofu brain and cockroaches are also OK.

The important thing is that feeling.

Qin Ran quietly experienced this feeling.

The evil spirits have quietly left.

It knows that Boss doesn't like to be bothered while eating.

What's more, it has important things to do.

After going downstairs as Rudes, it directly commanded: "There are guests upstairs, don't bother."

The waiters are all there.

They are well aware of who they are.

That is the same Gersak MP as his own adult.

The evil spirits walked out of the building. When passing through the Third Ring Road, the whole person has become a Gossac.

With the face of ‘Gerssac’, the upper evil spirits easily entered the lower four rings and belonged to each other’s shops.

The folks of the two shops are naturally members of the ‘Staying Night Secrets’.

After seeing Gersac, they saluted.

In the habit of Gersac, after the upper evil spirit responded, he returned to the bedroom.

Here he began to write a secret letter agreeing with the ‘Members’ meeting.

When a member of the Silent Night Secret Society took a secret letter to ‘Quie Night Town’, it began to summon its own ‘Friendly Army’.

A moment later, ‘the undead’ Carrellho came in.

The undead looked at Gersac in amazement.

He just received a message from the mentor.

Let him go directly to the merchants in Gersac.

Although the bottom of my heart is full of doubts, Hollerka is still coming out of trust in the mentor.

However, when I did not see the mentor, I saw that Halleska’s alert was raised to the extreme.

Did the mentor be killed?

After such an idea appeared, Hollerka’s eyes appeared to be killing.

For Holleka, the upper evil spirit is the mentor of life, the light in the darkness, and the faith.

Someone hurt the evil spirit.

That is naturally not dead.

Looking at the performance of Holleka, the upper evil spirit smiled and waved.

"Let's relax."

"It's me, Holleka."

The evil spirits dispelled the disguise and said it in the form of Simon.


Holleka was pleasantly surprised to see the evil spirit. The next moment, the evil spirit became Guisak again. It said one word at a time: "I have already approved the 'Members' meeting." When midnight comes, I need Someone is ringing 'clock', Carlisle, are you willing to take on this responsibility?"

"my pleasure."

Holleka, who quickly responded, immediately bowed.

In his heart, it is extremely exciting and exciting.

Our snakes are finally going to counterattack!

(End of this chapter)

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