The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1792: hostility

Chapter 1792: Hostility

The Sun Also Rises.

Aitenburg has once again restored its vitality.

It seems that the chaos of last night was just a nightmare. After the sun appeared, it melted like ice and snow.

The merchants began to enter and exit the third ring.

The soldiers began routine attendance.

The civilians began to work again.

There is no difference except for the blocked seven-ring shanty town.

Old Wharton stood at the door of the blockade area and listened to the words of the temporary responsible person here. Although the other party was very young, the old Marquis did not have any scorn.

Because, he knows who the other party represents.

Not just ‘fog’.

There is also a snake-hunter.

Especially the latter, at this moment has become a part of the plan of Aitandin VI.

He is not allowed to make any mistakes.

"We will follow the arrangement of the Lord and go to the temporary rest."

“But before that, we needed some food and water, and some tents.”

Irene made her own request.

The statement is stable and the words are clear.

She forced herself to remain calm when faced with a Marquis. In the bottom of her heart, she meditated on the slogan of ‘Mist.’

Obviously, this is useful.

At least, Sivarka, who is hidden in the crowd, has a sigh of relief.

He could see that the old Marquis was not malicious. As long as Eileen did not make a mistake, they would be able to get the food, water and tents that they need most now.

Especially the latter!

To know that the winter in Hokuriku is really terrible.

You can still stay for a few days without food or water.

There is no tent to keep out the cold, and you will have your life in one night.


"At noon, food, water, and tents will be delivered."

"I promise you that."

"Please take me to the sire."

The old Marquis showed a kind smile.

Irene nodded lightly.

“Thank you for everything you have done for us.”

The little girl said that she had walked back to the crowd and told the people waiting for the good news.

Suddenly, people made cheers.

“Thanks to ‘fog’, thank you Lord!”

“Thanks to ‘fog’, thank you Lord!”


Such sounds come and go.

The old Marquis smiled and looked at it, but turned around.

The smile on the face of the old Marquis instantly converges.

He expected the development of things and prepared for everything that happened in front of him.

It was only when I saw it with my own eyes that I discovered that the existence of the influence on ordinary people far exceeded his imagination.

"You never know that the king is the most important in a country!"

"As for the other?"

"It’s all affiliated and it’s secondary."



Looking at this scene, the old Marquis became more and more determined.

Theocracy overpowered the king and did not know when it appeared.

Maybe after the assassination of the world?

Maybe after the reform of the Second World?

he does not know.

But he knows that the talent of the first generation is great and the prosperity of the second is prosperous.

Only a truly wise monarch is everything of the king, not a god.

"Another greedy guy like a wild dog appears in Aitinburg!"

"I hope you don't be obscured by ambition and do something bad!"

"Otherwise, you will only fall into regret!"

The old Marquis silently finished his heart and walked toward the gate.

There, a team of royal guards has been waiting for a long time.

After the old Marquis returned to the team, the team began to cross the gate of the city gate and came outside of Aitinburg. On the horse, the old Marquis looked into the distance and saw a team appearing on the horizon, especially the one. After the team’s flag was revealed, the old Marquis’s face was naturally more smiling.

Not just that kind of disguise.

It is from the bottom of my heart.

That is a long sword banner.

In Aitantin, it is well known that this belongs to the Viscount's family emblem.

However, the difference is that there is no long sword badge on the banner.

There is only one sharp sword.

The long-sword of blood-stained fire has always belonged to the badge of the Temple of War, and it has always been above the emblem of the Viscount of Sika, which is also well known. After all, the Viscount is a devout believer in the Temple of War.

but now?

The old Marquis smiled again.

"Let's meet the new lord of Sika!"

The old Marquis said this, he took the horse.

The royal **** immediately followed.

The Sika leader in the distance had already seen the royal escorts coming. However, the team did not stop. They continued to follow the orders of their own adults.

In the biggest carriage, Irene Sika was a little nervous.

When she came to Aitinburg last time, she followed her brother to attend the dance party.

It’s been ten years since the distance.

Moreover, everything was in charge of her old housekeeper and elder brother. She only needs to sit quietly, but now the old housekeeper has passed away, and her brother is also alive.

Fortunately, Simon is still around her.

Subconsciously, the Baroness grabbed the palm of ‘Simon’.

She needs comfort.

The upper evil spirit can clearly perceive this.

"Do not worry, everything has me."

The upper evil spirit said with confidence.

It completed the previous layout according to Boss' instructions.

Whether it is ‘fog’ or the ‘snake’ is completed.

What is waiting now is that ‘Sika’ is leading the line.

Or to be precise...

That Aitandin VI!

The other party's ill-conceived, its Boss has confirmed.

In fact, this is thanks to Gersac.

The memory and imagination of the other party helped a lot.

At the very least, make up for quite a few things they don't know, and make their next move more clear.

"What do I need to do?"

Hearing the comfort of the evil spirits, the baroness was relieved, but still hoped to get more guidance. It seems that only this can make her feel at ease.

"You can do it normally."

"If you can answer, answer."

"If you can't answer, give it to me."

The upper evil spirit said.


The baroness nodded.

At this time, the team stopped, and Rogette's rough voice sounded.

"Adult, the Baroness, the ambassador who greeted us."


After the evil spirit rushed to the Baroness, he pushed the door and walked down the carriage.

At the same time, the old Marquis also jumped out of the war.

The two sides are 10 meters apart and look at each other.

The face is ordinary, but the eyes are gentle.

The messenger of the gods?

It really is deceptive.

I hope that you can have such a gesture in a while.

The old Marquis looked at the face of the evil spirit at the moment, and his heart secretly thought.

The upper evil spirits are much more direct.

The evil feelings of the evil spirits give it more information.

There is a malice and gloating in the calm?

Is it a good show to watch ‘fog’ and ‘God of War’?

I am afraid you are going to be disappointed.

I know about the state of the ‘God of War’ ‘the catastrophic woman’, and the sneer’s heart sneered, but the gentle smile on her face has not changed.

"Hello, Marquis Wharton."

The upper evil spirit took a ritual.

It is not the etiquette of the Hokuriku nobility, but the etiquette of the ‘fog’ church.

Hands folded in front of the hand, one hand extended five fingers, one hand extended two fingers, made up a number seven, slightly stunned.

"Hello, Simon messenger."

After the meticulous Northland aristocratic etiquette, the old Marquis of Warton straightened up.

No matter whether it is the upper evil spirit or the old marquis, there is no naive question about why the other party knows his identity.

Just as the two sides deliberately ignored the fact that Aitandin VI had sent a royal escort.

After they smiled at each other, they began a conversation like a normal process.

"What about the Baroness?"

The old Marquis asked.

"Sika leads the new lord in the car."

"Continuous rushing makes the Lord's adults exhausted."

"And the cold wind last night, it is even more uncomfortable for the Lord's adult, so it is not convenient to see."

The upper evil spirit smiled and answered.

"is it?"

"There are many good doctors in the royal family. Do you need me to arrange?"

The old Marquis asked again.

"That's really better."

The upper evil spirit responded.

"What are we waiting for?"

The old Marquis gestured to his horse. After the evil spirit nodded, he immediately re-started, and the evil spirit returned to his carriage.

When you can't see each other's figure, both sides are in the bottom of your heart -

Oh, tui.

The old Marquis has already known the details of what happened in the Sika collar.

He hopes to win the Sika collar as a help for Aitante VI.

It is a pity that the recent temptation has already explained that the new lord does not prefer Aitante VI.

The other party is no different from those who are old-fashioned.

What I care about is my own title and territory.

Never stand to a higher height to look at things.

"what a pity."

The old Marquis sent such a sigh.

The same sigh is also the upper evil spirit.

"The Aitantine VI is more ambitious than you think."

The upper-class evil spirit looked at the incomprehensible Baroness and explained it immediately.

“The 'new order’ is just the beginning.”

"The new aristocrat is nothing but the temptation of the King."

“Once it is successful, it is time for the other party to truly integrate the land into its own control.”

"How can this be?"

"The decree of the Second World, even under the Sixth World, it is impossible to change!"

The baroness said with surprise.

"Not a change!"


"After no one inherits, it will naturally become his."

The upper evil spirit reminded me.

"You mean... the southern islands?"

Not a stupid baroness immediately thought of something.

Aitandin’s layout of the southern islands is not a secret thing.

As long as people who know a little about the national conditions know that the southern islands have become the strategic goal of the next kingdom under the premise that the south has been settled.

The war is almost always erupting.

But Aitantin has nothing to do with the clouds.

On the contrary, the entire Aitantine is excited.

Whether it is the upcoming new aristocracy, or the old aristocrats are the same.

Because breaking the ground, it will be the most anticipated and the fastest way for each nobility to be promoted.

As for failure?

I am afraid no one will think about it.

After all, the southern islands are too small compared to the entire Northland.

Although there are a large number of islands, there is only a group of indigenous people and pirates. It is completely vulnerable to the regular army of Aitantin.

Therefore, all the nobles are eager to try.

But what if the war failed?

Even worse, when the war failed, the death of a large number of nobles?

Thinking of this, the Baroness shuddered.

Because, she can think of it, the dead, no heirs will become heroes, and the aristocrats who survive or have heirs will be... sinners!

The sinner who failed this war!

Moreover, the crimes are readily available.

For example: delaying warplanes, robbing military power, framing peers, and so on.

Call and scream!

The baroness’s breathing is rushing.

She shook her head and wanted to throw the picture out of her mind.

Because, she knows, if everything is as she thinks, the Sika collar must become the nail in the eyes of the six worlds, and the thorns in the flesh. Then, naturally, it will be targeted everywhere.

Even if the six-year-old squatting is holding the idea of ​​being inside, the Sika collar will soon be hit hard.

And this is not difficult.

The easiest thing is to kill her.

Then kill her son again.

The Sika collar without the heirs naturally became Aitantine VI.

The baroness, whose face changed, changed her hand to Simon's hand.

She is thinking about how to change her situation.

It can guarantee its own safety and guarantee the land of Sika.

If it doesn't work...

It is not impossible to exchange the latter for the former.

The baroness who is born to understand the heart is not a persistent person.

She understands what is most important.

Otherwise, she would not be ready to go to Fort Aitin immediately after her brother was killed. At that time, she was holding the idea of ​​using Sika collars for peace.

Feeling the fierce thoughts of the Baroness, the upper evil spirit could not help but put the palm of his hand on the palm of the baronet.

"I said it before."

"Things are not as bad as you think."


"In some ways, it is still good for us."

"Don't forget your identity."

"You are both an aristocrat and a believer in the 'fog'."

The upper evil spirit reminded the baroness.

"My Lord will help us?"

Asked the baroness.

"of course."

"In fact, my Lord has begun to help us."

The upper evil spirit said, whispering his Boss to a territory, and the news of the presence of the demon hunter informed the baroness.

The baroness immediately brightened her eyes.

The power of the demon hunter, she read in the book.

If there are more demon hunters to help her, even the six-year-old can't help.

Because the other party's means can never get on the table.

It can only be done in private.

Looking at the baroness with a smile of relief, the evil spirits took out their palms without any traces, and then quietly put them behind them.

It is still not used to it.

Still awkward.

Even if it is reasonable to say that evil spirits have no gender.

But its memory comes from ‘Mary’.

This memory makes it feel like sitting on a needle felt. If it is not for your own Boss, it has already turned the knife in the palm of your hand and gave the other party a happy heart.


Unable, the upper evil spirit sighed.

Because, it knows that the difficulty ahead is only the first one.

The second and third will come soon.

Moreover, it is much harder than the first one.

It’s not that you can confuse the past.

I hope not to hurt too much.

The upper evil spirit prayed.

At the moment, at the gates of Fort Aitenburg, a team of people appeared.

They are extraordinary and full of war.

Dressed in...

Temple of War Temple costumes.

One by one, looking at the slow-moving team, the eyes are full of hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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