The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1793: Bishop Simon boarded the stage

Chapter 1793 Bishop Simon boarded the stage

On top of the horse, the old Marquis of Wharton saw a smile on his face when he saw the guards belonging to the Temple of War.

Everything is as he expected.

In the face of ‘outsiders’, ‘Ms. Evangelion’ may not care when they are not in contact with their immediate interests, but the ‘God of War’, which is known as 'Iron Blood', is not.

He will certainly react.

This is true even when confronted with ‘Mr.

Looking at the team that was obviously composed of the elite corps of the Temple of War, the old Marquis could not help but sigh.

He thought of himself.

Except for the royal escort, almost no team can achieve this level.

As for the soldiers in the military camp in Aitenburg?

Even the strongest one will not be the opponent of the elite warrior in front of the temple.

Even a trick can't resist it.

They are born of civilians, and some things are doomed by nature!

No, just can't!

Even if you work hard again, don't use it!

On the contrary, those aristocratic private forces have some look.

However, except for some sergeants who are made by strange means, the rest are hard to resist such elite.

But this is also a good thing.

At the very least, it is easier to deal with them.


Subconscious, the old Marquis glanced at the team behind him.

"We were able to stand in the same camp."


"You made the wrong choice."

The old Marquis, who whispered to the bottom of his heart, gestured silently toward the surrounding royal guards. Immediately, the royal escorts who had been guarding the Sika collar and the line changed their camps and became one after another.

Everything is done quietly.

But the situation has become completely different.

At this moment, the elite warriors of the Temple of War can directly face the Sika collar, and no longer need to jump over the royal escort.

It seems like a bear-like Rogette driving the carriage of the messenger and the baroness.

The young man looked at the scene and his eyes flashed a sneer.

Things that have been expected for a long time, do not need to panic.

When they set off, they knew what to face.

On the contrary, it was the attitude of the big aristocrat who just made the young man feel a false feeling.

It is different from the former Sika Viscount.

The viscount, although aristocratic, is very pure.

The rules that have been formulated are also practiced and will never be an exception.

The big aristocrat who just got, but revealed a sense of hypocrisy from the inside out.

Young people are not the first to see such aristocrats.

In fact, most of the nobles he has seen are like this.

A set of mouths, a set of officers.

The essence is still to be in a high position, and enjoy it all the time.

Any of their words and actions are meant to make themselves climb higher and climb faster.

As for stopping?


Desire, hope, is the bottomless abyss.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

Even more terrible is...

Around the abyss, there are some inexplicable presences that quietly observe you.

Young people don't want to be such people.

Therefore, when he meditated on the slogan of "Mist", he gently knocked on the carriage behind him.

The voice is not big, but the young people are sure that the ambassador will be able to hear it.


Handed over to the messenger.

If fighting, his first charge is ahead.

If you talk, the brothers and sisters behind the team are more suitable than him.

just now?

He only needs to be quiet and ready.

The change in the heart made Rogette's breath change a little.

The moment before it was like a lazy bear.

At this time, it is ready to go, and the preparers will stand up.

Such changes have caused the attention of the old Marquis.

But immediately, the old Marquis shook his head.

It’s not surprising that a younger man is a big man in a big place like Sika. It’s strange that there is nothing in it.

"Unfortunately, a person can't change anything at all."

The old Marquis thought so calmly.

The team is getting closer.

In the end, it stopped.

Sika led the team and faced the elite of the Temple of War.

The royal escorts have already flashed aside, and the civilians and businessmen who enter and leave the city gates are far away. Some of the most valuable aristocrats on the wall are looking forward to them.

There is a cruel expectation on the faces of each of them.

They are looking forward to blood flow.

They are looking forward to the corpse.

They are looking forward to a **** dance.


It’s not them who die, isn’t it?

In the carriage, the baroness instinctively prayed to the ‘fog’.

She didn't know what she could do to help Simon at this time.

So, there is only prayer left.

After the dagger of the evil spirit smiled, he pushed the door and went down.

It showed a warm smile to the people in the same trade.

It took a step and slowly walked toward the elite of the Temple of War.

"People are the most contradictory creatures."

"They are weak."

"But brave."

"They are heroic."

"But killing again."

"They are kind."

"But it is tyrannical."

"They are pity."

"But it is selfish."

"They are admirable, but they are lonely and helpless. They have many advantages and shortcomings. But what does this count?"

"They are people."

"They are like this. They need to grow. My Lord is willing to carry everything and watch them grow."

"The sorcerer Bishop Simon has seen the lords of the Temple of War."

The upper evil spirit raised his hands and folded them in front of him. One hand extended two fingers, one hand extended five fingers, and made a number seven, and then bowed slightly.

This number naturally has its meaning.

It does not forget the nickname of Boss: 2567.

Therefore, this etiquette is a metaphor for its Boss.

As for 6?

Everyone who salutes represents 6.

After all, the number 6 is blessed by itself.

This is the knowledge it got from Boss. It always thought it was amazing. A common number has so many meanings.

What impressed him the most was ‘shun’.

6 actually represents the blessing of such a blessing, it is difficult to understand, fortunately, it does not need to understand, just need to remember.

Just like this time, it thinks that it is very 6, and the rest of the people call it 666, it is about to start its performance.

Simon’s first appearance of the ‘fog’ bishop.

It is to make this moment, as epic, remembered.

Therefore, when faced with the elite warrior of the War Temple, which is silently pulling out the long sword, it still smiles, without any panic, and will not give back one step.

On the contrary, it has taken a step forward.

"Killing, can't solve everything."

It says like this.

The gentle words are enough to make the people around you hear clearly.

The Warrior Warrior in front of him was looking at the commander. After receiving the acquiescence, he did not hesitate to pierce the sword in his hand into the chest of the evil spirit.


The blade is sharp.

Cut muscles and bones like butter.

A sword is worn straight, leaving only the hilt.

Behind him, the blood spattered and rolled down the soil.

The civilians and businessmen who have been watching here are exclaimed one by one.

The aristocrats on the wall showed a smile.

Soon to start?


This is the first one!

They are them right away!

The nobility on the wall looked at the team of Sika and their team, and they looked forward to the blood flowing into the river.

Although such a wish is no different from the old Marquis, but the old Marquis at this time is a brow, he stares at the evil spirit, or accurately the smile of the evil spirit.

That kind of smile is absolutely impossible to appear on a person who is dying.

The next moment, when the upper evil spirit held the hand of the warrior warrior and pulled out the long sword, the old Marquis frowned more tightly.

Is this similar to the ability to die?

As the most high-level existence of Aitantin, the old Marquis has seen too many secret techniques.

Some are born.

Some are practiced.

Others were cast in awesome ways.

But no matter what kind of thing, it is impossible to do the same as the evil spirits.

Even the rumored 'quiet night retreat' is the hardest to practice.

This mystery also takes time.

Are there other secrets in it?

The old Marquis guessed.

Similarly, the young warrior with the sword is also guessing.

As the elite of the Temple of War, this young warrior has already obtained the title of deacon, and he has independently performed the task of sweeping away the evils. Therefore, after experiencing the initial surprise, he quickly calmed down.

In the face of the evil spirits holding his hand and returning the sword to him again, the young soldier sneered again and again.

Such a means, he saw more than once when he wiped out ‘evil’.

Can't have any panic.

Be calm!

Be calm!

Panic will only make you lose your judgment.

Moreover, the fear that comes with it is the worst.

Because, it will make your long sword ‘rusting’ blunt.

Therefore, in the moment when the upper evil spirit released his hand, the young soldier immediately waved his sword.


This time, it is no longer a straight stab.

But, hey!

A sword beheaded.

The head fell to the ground.

The body also fell to the ground.


The young warrior was relieved.

He has seen the undead monster, he is very aware of the weakness of these monsters.

The skull is the most direct and obvious.

As long as you can beheaded, you can basically get rid of it.

Without exception!

A long sword in the hand.

After the blood is shaken, the young warrior will take the sword back to the sheath.

But at the moment when he reversed the long sword, the target of the separation of the corpse was actually standing up.

The body is full of blood stains and smudges.

But the smile on the other side is still gentle.

Suddenly, there was a sigh of relief around.

Whether it was the civilians around, the merchants, or the aristocrats on the wall, they all looked at this scene with stunned eyes, and the big mouth couldn’t stop making a meaningless voice.

If you say the first sword, they can still understand that it is a bit of a thorn.

But the second sword of the dagger, the person who should have died, stood up again, but it made them somewhat incomprehensible.

Some civilians even trembled and fell to the ground.

The merchants are calling the guards in front of them.

After seeing each other, the nobles looked again at the young warrior who was horrified and retreated.

It seems to have noticed the surrounding gaze, the horror on the face of this young warrior quickly turned into shame, and he was annoyed why he had to retreat.

Especially, under the watchful eyes of so many people.

It’s a shame!

The breathing of young people has become so fast and heavy.

His wrist turned over and the long sword in his hand slashed again.

Once again, the upper evil spirit was beheaded.

Moreover, this time, the young man did not stop after beheading. He flicked the sword against the flying head and then the body that fell to the ground.

After a while, the body of the evil spirits has already become a flesh and blood.

Snoring! Snoring!

Continuous, speedy swords, even this trained young warrior can not afford to eat.

He began to take a big breath.

The people who witnessed this scene turned white.

Some people are retching again and again.

Instead, the nobles became excited.

They are ruddy, short of breath, and trembling with their hands and feet, as if they want to dance at any time.

But right away, they are like a duck that has only been caught in the neck, and the excitement in the body dissipates directly, leaving only the horror.

Because, in a warm white radiance, the upper evil spirits appeared again.

Not only has it appeared, but it has also been as clean as new.

The filth before it was gone.

All that is in the white brilliance, highlights the holy robes, and the gentle expression is even more reluctant to give up.

This is the feeling of most people.

It does not include the young warrior who is breathing heavily.

He stared at the evil spirits.

Or to be precise, look at the mild look of the evil spirits.

There has never been a mild change from beginning to end.

Eyes, smile.

Even if it is facing him, the person who has almost smashed his own body has not changed, it is like watching family, brothers and sisters.

"Are you OK?"

The upper evil spirit asked softly.

This sentence is like a thunder beaten in the hearts of young people.

The young warrior whose chest can't keep ups and downs, his eyes appear confused at this moment.

Is the other party an enemy?


But why did I hurt him, and he treated me gently?

Is such a person an enemy?

Unexpectedly, it appears in the hearts of young people.


A big drink rang in my ear.

The young warrior looked in the direction of the voice, that is his captain, the leader of the trip.

This middle-aged man, who is usually very serious, is more and more serious at this time. The face looks like a hard rock.

"Out of the sword!"

The captain of the young man shouted.

"team leader……"

"Out of the sword!"

The young man subconsciously wants to say something, but the words have not been exported, and the captain interrupted.

Suddenly, the young people became overwhelmed.

He doesn't know what to do.

At this time, the upper evil spirit came to the young man. He raised his hand, held the other hand, let the other hand hold the sword, and then...

Passed over its neck.


The skull again landed.

Holding the young man's hands, it also softened and the body fell to the ground again.

The young man was completely stunned.

He looked at the body in front of him, and the hand holding the sword could not help but tremble.


The long sword landed.

(End of this chapter)

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