The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1794: Confrontation

Chapter 1794 confrontation

The collision of the metal sword and the ground echoed like the Hong Zhong Da Lu in front of the gate of Aitinburg.

Everyone is blindly watching the body of the evil spirits on the ground.

This is... what are you doing?


Why did he do this?

Is it just to prevent the young man from being embarrassed?

This, this is too much.

Both sides are enemies!

Where are the people considered for the enemy?


Absolutely impossible!

The chaotic thoughts poured into the minds of everyone present, whether they were shocked, confused or unbelievable, and their eyes were firmly locked in the bodies of the evil spirits.

Including, the captain of the young man.

In fact, the captain was also extremely shocked.

However, the captain's reaction was extremely fast.


The long sword is squirted, and one layer belongs to the glory of the **** of war, and then the sword is like the wind.

During the breathing, the body of the upper evil spirit was shattered.

Since you want to find death!

Then I will fulfill you!

The captain sneered at the bottom of his heart.

Enough life experience and countless missions and a firm belief in God of War are enough to make this captain a hard-hearted one.

He won't care about anything.

I don't think much more.

All he needs is obeying the orders of the priests and carrying out the will of the **** of war: killing the enemies in front of him.

Even if this enemy seems to be immortal... the same is true.

He is very clear that the so-called immortality is just an illusion!

No one is not dead except the **** of war!

As long as it breaks through to a certain extent, the so-called immortality is a joke.

It happens that there is such a secret in the Temple of War.

With his swordsmanship, even if some evils are killed, it is impossible to revive!

In this regard, the captain is very confident.

Therefore, he turned and took the sword back.

He looked at the young players behind him and wrinkled his unconscious brows.

Gino is a young man he is very optimistic about.

Born innocently, talent is outstanding.

Only a little training is required to be a qualified deacon with a knife. Even after some experience, it is the choice of the priest.


Still too young!

Bewildered by the illusion in front of you!

The captain sighed in the bottom of his heart.

"Gino is not going to be..."

The captain was prepared to persuade his young team members, but he saw the young players who had been sluggish and looked at him with horror.

Moreover, the same is true of the people around.

Immediately, the long-awaited captain, taking a step forward, turned back to be a sword.

This is a complete battle instinct.

When there is someone behind you, the forward line must be pursued, and turning back a sword will have a miraculous effect.

Even if you can't seriously hurt the other party, you will disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm and take the initiative.

However, the captain’s sword was lost.

No one is chasing after him.

Or to be precise, the evil spirit of the resurrection is standing in the same place and looking at him with a smile.

If it is in peacetime, such a scene will be very embarrassing, but this time the captain looked at the evil spirit standing in front of himself, there is no such feeling, he is only left with horror!

how is this possible? !

Why did the blessing sword with magical skills not work?

The doubts in my heart did not make the captain have any hesitation.

He waved the sword again, and at the same time, the name of God of War sounded in his mouth.

"My Lord makes my sword sharper!"

"My Lord makes my will stronger!"

"The will of my Lord is the direction that my sword is pointing!"

In the high voice, the captain’s long sword once again blessed the glory of the **** of war, and once again cut the upper evil spirit into pieces.

More broken than before.

Then, he widened his eyes and looked at the fragments of the body in front of him, once again condensing and reborn from the radiance of white.

Still as clean as new.

Still smile is gentle.

never change.

It will not change.

It is like the sun rising every day, no matter what you do, it is shining on you, giving you light and warmth.

Everyone looked at the evil spirits at the moment, and the inexplicable thoughts raised from the bottom of my heart.

Is this the 'fog' church?

The old Marquis took a deep breath.

He was also shocked by this continuous resurrection.

Obviously, the means of 'resurrection' in front of him exceeds any one he knows.

And, more importantly,...

The people around have thoroughly remembered the ‘fog’ church!

Look at those eyes.

Both shocked and unbelievable, but more is yearning!

That's right!

Just yearning for it!

The old Marquis can be sure of such a look.

Because he has seen it in the eyes of too many people.

He can be sure that as long as this non-resurrection ‘resurrection’ is beckoning to these fools and fools, these people will squat and pity there.


The fog is completely more dangerous than the God of War and the Ms.

Need to curb them!

The old Marquis subconsciously thought of the 'fog' church believers in the seven-ring shantytown.

Maybe, it should be started in advance.

Thinking of the original arrangement of the cards to be used, the old Marquis could not help but raise his eyes.

If you can, he really doesn't want to use this hole.


Not working now!

The old Marquis quickly denied his thoughts.

Because such a card, there is only one chance to use.

No need for a critical moment, it is too wasteful!

And now, far less than the crucial moment.

As for being discovered?

‘Mid’ is a good god.

But the gods are not omnipotent, not to mention the fact that ‘God of War’ and ‘Mr.

If it is not for the sake of the overall situation, he has more ways to screw up the so-called two big... No, it should be said that it is two big and one small church.

The bottom card is not allowed to be used.

The old Marquis was not upset.

One way can't be used, then it's better.

Look at the confrontational ‘God of War’ ‘fog’.

The old Marquis quietly gestured behind him, the royal spy hidden in the crowd, captured the gesture in the first time, and he immediately shouted exclaimed: "Ignore the blade, this is the 'fog' 冕The gift of the next?"

In a quiet field, such exclamations were immediately spread throughout the audience.

The captain who was in shock, reacted quickly.

Not afraid of the blade!

Then, what about the rest?

For example... flame!

Thinking of this, the captain had a sword in his right hand and a black ball in the size of a pigeon egg in his left hand.

The next moment, the black ball went straight to the upper evil spirits.

The black ball has not yet fallen on the body.

The upper evil spirit has already guessed something from the strong emotions radiated from the captain.


Burning flames!

However, it does not mean to dodge.

If it is the original, it is naturally afraid of the flames.

But with its continuous promotion, after reaching the second stage, in the face of the deadly flame attack, it only needs to bear 60% of the damage, which is really nothing for it with [speed regeneration].

It is precisely because of this that it can resist the blessing of the **** of war that has just been attached to the sword front.

Of course, it hurts.

However, for Boss, everything is worth it.

And in order to proceed smoothly after the plan.

The flames in front of us are, in some ways, what they want and need.


The black ball is on the body of the evil spirit.


The deflagration of the flames skyrocketed.

The flames swallowed up the body of the evil spirits.

do you died?

The captain stared at the flames.

The same is true for everyone else.

But this does not include members of the 'Mist' church.

They looked at the flames of the sky, and each one was calm.

How can the flames hurt the bishops of the ‘fog’ church.

They have not forgotten their teachings -

‘Fire and flame are the weapons of my Lord. ’

‘I’m also the skill I need to learn to use. ’


The old Marquis, who has been observing the ‘fog’ church, looked at these people’s expressions and could not help but frown. Then, suddenly, the old Marquis’s eyelids were a hop.

He saw the 'God' emblem on the chest of the people of these 'fog' churches.

It is a gold coin with a number of 7, burning!

A bad hunch rises from the heart of the old Marquis.

next moment--

"The Lord of Supreme!"

"I will listen to your teachings, I will follow your will, despise your greatness, hold your name, will shine in the world, and everything we give you..."

The voice of prayer came from the flames.

The upper evil spirit slowly stepped out of the flames.

This time, the civilians began to succumb to the ground.

Continuous, unbelievable phenomena impact their reason.

Some of them are not strong enough, and they are naturally captured by the upper evil spirits, and then they are the focus of the upper evil spirits.

Not all.

Only a few are needed.

People are blindly obedient.

When someone takes the lead, everything will be simple.

After all, this is the essence of man.

As a result, the evil spirits were not expected. When the first person affected by it fell, the crowd seemed to be a domino, and the chain effect began.

Groups of people began to stumble.

All are businessmen and civilians.

Soldiers and nobles are still hesitating.

The captain was a sudden change in his face.

He understood what the situation in front of him represented.

‘Mist’ is shaking the foundation of the ‘God Temple’!

"You will be punished!"

The captain shouted loudly.

Then, on one knee, he lowered his head and kneeled his forehead in front of his forehead and prayed in a low voice.

Behind him, except for the young man, all the elite warriors of the Temple of War prayed in exactly the same way.

Suddenly, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

In this dark cloud, lightning flashes.

A thunder of light is like a huge silver-white snake, beginning to interspersed.

Looking at this scene, the upper evil spirit smiled.

I finally waited for this moment.

It clasped his hands together and slowly stumbled.

The "fog" church believers who have always looked calm have also stumbled together, including Rogette, a bear-like young man who struggled to make his kneeling position less awkward, but the huge height made him stand out.

However, no one paid attention to this young man at this time.

They are all attracted by the prayers in front of them.

Because, in this prayer, a mist suddenly came from all directions.

Qin Ren, who had a sense of heart, put down the biscuits that touched honey and butter in his hands. He took out the "Mist of the Mist" from his arms.

The upper evil spirit has already set up a stage for him.

Next, it is natural to watch his performance.

‘The Lord of the Mist’, debut!

PS Feilong said that after the end of the code, the indulgence was excessive, eating eight kinds of cakes, drinking wine, eating steak, eating a pot of pork ribs, and eating a bowl of mutton soup, and eating it all morning... and then Today, it is sluggish, the stomach is uncomfortable, and the teeth start to hurt again. So much, sorry to say...

(End of this chapter)

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