The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1795: One god... three to eat?

Chapter 1795 One God... Three Eat?

Looking at the evil spirits who started praying and the ‘fog’ church, the captain of the Temple of War did not have any accidents.

When war is inevitable, it is natural to destroy each other with all the most direct means.

For a church with a god, nothing is more direct than the gods themselves!


We are sure to win!

Recalling the record of the gods he believed in, the captain’s heart quickly settled down.

The reason why ‘God of War’ is called the God of War is that it is more because the original ‘God of War’ is militant and can win the opponent’s honor.

According to the records of the Temple of War, the God of War had fought the twelve giants who ravaged the earth, killed them, and formed their own throne with the other's bones.

Then, go to the ocean to kill six sea monsters, and embellish their tentacles next to the throne.

In the end, after hunting the three giant eagle in the air, he made his feathers and claws into a kingdom, and he became He.

These are all legends about ‘God of War’.

It is true or false, and it is difficult to verify it now.

However, one thing is true.

‘God of War’ can be a good war.

And, the strength is strong.

Before the emergence of the ‘Ms. Evangelion’, it was the only belief in Hokuriku.

Therefore, the captain has reason to believe.

They will win.

The ‘fog’ church will surely fall!

After all, the ‘fog’ church is just a small church that has just emerged.

The only thing that can make a difference is the battle against evil in Sika City.

And that kind of battle is not in the eyes of ‘God of War’.

Even some of the upper priests can easily kill the evil that is only the degree of ‘falling’.

In fact, it is not just the captain thinking this way.

The people around you think so.

The power of ‘God of War’ has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even the emergence of the ‘Mr. Evangelion’ does not really reverse this point. At most, it is the court’s resistance.

Unfortunately, this bishop is an adult!

The people around me look at the evil spirits in the upper eye, and the eyes are shy.

And paying attention to all this, the old Marquis is unable to smile.

This is what he wants to see.

Whether the ‘God of War’ is still strong or the ‘fog’ church is a sudden rise, as long as the two sides confront each other and fight, his purpose is achieved.

He and his majesty need two churches that are attacking each other instead of being friendly.

Because, only in this way can the real power of the royal power rise.

Royal authority?


After the old Marquis sneered at the bottom of his heart, his eyes looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

There, countless thunders have condensed.

Then he looked at the ground.

The strong fog, completely hiding the figure of the ‘fog’ church, standing here, completely unable to see a trace.

Thunder VS fog?

The old Marquis converges on the smile of his mouth and looks serious.

Although the purpose has been reached, the old Marquis still does not mind observing the strength of his opponent.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

He understands this truth.

And in the expectation of the old Marquis -


A thunder took the lead.


Qin Ran, who is concerned about the changes in the field, used the [Mist of the Mist] to reply to the evil spirits without hesitation, and gave the upper evil spirits [Blessing].

The crimson light flashed away on the evil spirits.

Perceived by the increase in bloodthirsty blessings, the upper evil spirits jumped into the air by the cover of the fog, and directly greeted the lightning.

The lightning is accurate and the shackles are on the evil spirits.

But the upper evil spirit did not feel any harm at all.

After being promoted to the second stage, the character of the evil spirit of the upper evil spirit not only immunizes all physical damage, but also only takes 60% of the energy damage, and when the bloodthirsty blessing is obtained, the power increases by 105%. The damage is reduced by 60%, and you can absorb the blood of the enemy and supplement your life's characteristics.

After the two are subtracted, the evil spirit at the moment almost ignores any energy attack.

But this does not mean that the evil spirits will not die.

Because, in this Thunder, there is the will of the ‘God of War’!

This is a pure spiritual attack!



With a sharp mental attack, it instantly invaded into the body of the evil spirit.

Suddenly, the evil spirits trembled.

Being invaded into the body by a strange will is definitely not a wonderful experience.

Even if it is prepared, it will make the upper evil spirits painful and distorted.

And the will is unrelenting, and He wants to tear the soul of the upper evil spirit.


In the body of the evil spirits, this will not find the soul that belongs to the upper evil spirit!

What He found was: another kind of power that was so thick and incredible.

The power of the contract!

This God of War will have a glimpse.

Feeling the vast contraction power like the Xinghai, he almost thought that he saw the gods who had the ‘contract’ of the priesthood. Otherwise, where did so come from so many contractual forces?

Is it difficult to get a contract signed?

Who would be so bored and sign so many contracts?

Does the contract cost no money?

The doubts in my heart made this God of War somewhat awkward, and He did not know what to do.

However, right away, this will will follow the instinct.

The soul of the target is covered by a layer of contract.

He found where he was.

You can contract another one, but there is no cover.

It is simply Guangming Avenue.

Without hesitation, this will rushed along this road.

Since the target ontology cannot be destroyed, destroy the contractual goal of the other party!

Such a vast contractual force only needs to destroy one of them, and the other will certainly suffer the catastrophe!

This God of War will be convinced.

As to whether it will be a trap?

This God of War will not care at all.

That guy is confronting him.

And who, besides that guy, will be his opponent?

Even if it is the norm, the guy is just a matter of time that he needs to kill, but now it is only a special environment, so that the other party seems to be comparable to him.

Therefore, as the only **** in Hokuriku, God of War is proud.

This pride naturally continues into the will of the God of War.

and so……

When this will comes to a wilderness, he is lost.

He looked at the grass in front of him, filled with dark, chaotic wilderness, and could not believe that it would be the soul.

I am afraid that any normal soul will be lonely and go crazy here?

Or is it that the other side of the contract is a madman?

Otherwise, it is impossible to use so many contracts.

The guess at the bottom of my heart does not hinder the action of this God of War.

He began to use his own power to stir the world.

Although it is a mad world, it will be stronger than the soul world of the average person, but compared with Him, it is nothing.

Even if it is the so-called "fog" soul world, He will not have any worry.

On the contrary, he is eager to do this.

The demigod is very strong.

Far more than mortal.

But what does it compare to the real god?

Therefore, this God of War will begin to spin wildly and release its power.

Only a few seconds later, this will find something wrong.

The sturdy and extraordinary here.

Far more than the extent that the demigod can reach.


The will of the God of War, which is being thought of, seems to have sensed something and raised the head subconsciously.

I saw a huge palm, composed entirely of flames, descending from the sky.

His last consciousness was that he was photographed in the ground and heard his own broken voice.


Qin Ran chewed the bones.

This is a specially selected small row, almost every piece is rich in meat fat, and the fat and thin phase is mixed with tiny brittle bones, just like the treasure hidden under the ground.

When the gravy broke out on the tip of the tongue, the crispness of the chewing of the big mouth made Qin Ran could not help but admire.

The simplest cooking is the best to make the most delicious food.

No more condiments are needed.

No extra work is required.

In this regard, the gluttony that is chewing the will of the **** of war has nodded.

He is very much in favor of his brother.

Just like in the past.

There was a soft snoring in his mouth.

‘Overeating’ expresses its own mood.

Today is really great for the ‘gluttony’ of the will to eat this kind of **** for the first time.

No need to work hard, no words, food is so sent to the mouth, what better than this ‘feeding’?

Naturally, this food is delicious.

The 'God of War' is like the most delicious soup.

Not only mellow, but also clear and mellow, not greasy at all.

At the moment, the more mellow 'God of Will' has become the bone marrow in the big bones, which preserves the original tenderness of the bone marrow and the unique taste of the meat. It only needs to **** and slick. Just entered the mouth completely.

When the front tone disappeared and the rear tone began to permeate, the 'God of War' became crispy and tender, as if it were a large squid on the iron plate, brushed on one side, brushed on both sides, and finally garnished with sesame seeds. Peanuts are broken, and at the entrance, the 'gluttony' is indulged.

"Yes, is there still?"

‘Overeating’ **** saliva and stammers.

"and also."

Qin Ran said with certainty.

The plain will lose a will, and the ‘God of War’ will not be so good.

Just as Qin Ran thought, when the first will disappeared, in the sky outside the gates of the city of Aitenburg, the dark clouds rolled more and more intensely. The next moment, the three lightnings almost fell in no particular order.

The upper evil spirit is like a lightning rod, and it has caught three lightning bolts.

Then, the whole body twitches.

It also wants to look calm and innocent.

But it hurts too much.

It can resist the sound, it is the biggest limit.

After the three war gods entered the body of the evil spirits, there was no stop, and they immediately came to the deserted wilderness along the power of the ‘contract.’

Compared to before, this time the three gods of war will stand back to back, facing outwards, and scanning around.

They don't know what happened before.

But they know that there is weirdness here.

A little carelessness will follow the footsteps.

Therefore, even if they are stirring here and wishing to break the strange world of souls here, they all have considerable room.

It only uses the power that is half the strength of the previous will, and the rest of the power is used to guard and defend.

And doing this naturally has an effect!

When the wilderness in front of the eyes began to vibrate, the three gods of war were almost indiscriminate to find a figure in the depths of the wilderness.

The next moment, like a teleport, the three wills of God of War appeared in front of this figure.

This is a knight sitting cross-legged.

The armor of the whole body faces the sea and looks at the ebb and flow.

Even the will of the three gods of war did not affect the knight.

He didn't move, he didn't even lift his head.

The three-way Ares will be the biggest force in the body, and issued its most powerful attack.

Long sword!

Long shot!


Three different weapons, in the way of instant meaning, appeared in the hands of the three wills of God, and then they attacked the knight.

The long sword stabbed the throat.

The long gun stabbed the lower abdomen.

The tomahawk is head down.

Knight's armor?

The three war gods will see it.

But they do not believe that this modern armor can withstand the weapons that they have made.

They believe that this armor will be crushed by them along with each other.


The attack of the three God of War will also fall on the figure of the knight.


The three of them smashed together.

The will once again dissipated.

The ‘gluttony’ waiting for a long time made a cheer, like the wind, smashing the smashed will of the **** of war into the mouth, chewing it with a big mouth.

In general, ‘gluttony’ is not used to chewing.

But there are exceptions!

For example: food is delicious enough!

Qin Ran felt the power of the rapid growth of the body, without any unaccustomed.

He has already adapted to this growth mode.

Don't hate this way.

Just as he doesn't hate to heat the breakfast slightly.

An exquisite charcoal stove appeared on the desk in front of you.

Originally used as a warm charcoal stove, it returned to its most original role. The exquisite porcelain plate was placed on a charcoal stove. Qinran put some cold little light on it and added a little soup.

At the high temperature of the charcoal fire, after a dozen breaths, the soup rolls over.

Hey, hey.

The boiling broth invades into the small row again.

The scent that belongs to the food is diffused in the study.

Qin Ran smiled and put a few of the sausages in a plate.

Then he waited quietly.

The food has become more palatable.

as well as……

The next attack of God of War.

There is no doubt that the two defeats made the God of War cautious.

Although the thunder of the dark clouds continued, there was no more lightning.

God of War is constantly accumulating strength.

He did not find the problem.

But He knows that as long as there is enough power, it can eliminate all problems.

This was the case before.

Now is no exception!


In the deafening sound, under the glare of brilliance, there are more than a dozen meters of lightning filled with devastating atmosphere, and the head is squatting on the evil spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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