The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1797: Come to

Chapter 1797 is coming

Looking down, this abundant God of War will look at the knee of the arrow.


He has no idea when he is in the middle of the arrow.

More importantly...

How does ‘fog’ know where his weakness lies?

Doubt and unbelief appear and solidify on the face of this abundant God of War.

When the 'plague', which represents ‘failure’, broke out, this solidified God of War will collapse...


It is like a glass falling on the ground.

A crisp sound, all over the place.

Waiting for a long time, the ‘gluttony’ mouth was swept away and swallowed into the belly.

‘Lazy’ spoiled at the younger brother who was gorging himself, yawning subconsciously, and then he began to squat in the swelled temple.

Although the dragons and screams created by ‘arrogance’ have obscured the arrows, the real difficulty is to find out the weakness of the will of the gods.

The only good news is that the brother's guess is correct.

In the confrontation with the ‘Mr. Disaster,’ God of War has a clear weakness towards the ‘disease’ ‘plague’.

Even... flaws!

Otherwise, the 'black disaster' will not erupt, and it will not continue until the so-called 'Mr.

‘Lazy’ doesn’t know who is the first to discover the flaws of God of War.

But when the two sides are hostile, they must be used.

However, even with his brother's guess, he is exhausted.

"The rest is handed over to you."

‘lazy’ said such words to ‘arrogant’, and fell directly into a deep sleep, and the buzzing sounds.

The slightly invisible corner of the mouth was tilted, and the ‘arrogant’ grabbed the lazy, holding the back neck of the ‘gluttony’, and a flash disappeared.

There are also knights and sea water that disappear together.


Perceived the final change in the body, Qin Ran slowly opened his eyes.

He picked up the handkerchief on the table and wiped the saliva of the corners of his mouth and palms. It used to be gravy and oil stains. After he licked it, he left a little saliva.

Does it meet the table manners?

Qin Ran's etiquette is: no waste.


Everything is simple.

Qin Ran stood up from the chair and stretched slightly.

"It was a good breakfast."

Qin Ran commented like this.

At this moment, the lightning in the dark clouds near the gates of the city of Aitenburg has dispersed.

The ‘God of War’ has receded.

Or to be precise, the ‘God of War’ was shocked.

Just scared.

Not scared.

The other party should now be more skeptical that a so-called 'half-god' has the ability to be similar to the 'Ms. Evangelion'. So, will the two have a relationship?

Qin Ran affirmed that the other party who had been confronted with the ‘Ms. Evangelion’ had already become suspicious.

And this is what he wants.

"Thank you, Gersac."

Qin Qu, who is still in the mind of the memory of Golsack, can’t help but say it.

The member of the ‘quiet night retreat’ not only brought him a substantial trophy, but also the memory and planning of the other party, which is a decisive weight for Qin Ran.

From the memory of the other party, Qin Ran confirmed not only the weakness of the 'God of War' in the 'black disaster', but also the disease and plague.

There is more information.

For example: those members who are tied to the South.

and also……

The origin of ‘Mr.

"It's more complicated than you think."

“What role do you play in the hacker?”

Qin Ran thought silently.

He knows that the other party must play a key role in it.


He is still not sure who the other party is.

However, the scope of the candidate has shrunk.

After all, ‘key Mr.’ is obvious, isn’t it?


Great city.

The sun was shining, and the prestige blew through the Lydele Bridge, shaking the tip of the hacker.

Dressed like a newcomer's hacker, standing on the bridgehead, squinting, feeling the comfort of the wind, the comfort of the sun, the hidden face, and the silence that can't be said.

He likes this atmosphere very much.

Otherwise, it will not pick the place to be seen as a meeting.

After a few minutes, ‘hacker’ opened his eyes.

He looked at the river under the bridge and everything was restored to what he should be.

The smile hung on the face.

The calculations are hidden in the bottom of my heart.

There is a look in the eyes.

After a little rest.

He is back again.

Under the bridge, the river is rushing and creaking.

‘hacker’, he turned and looked at the people who came.

"Although there is a systematic cover, you should not laugh, because it reminds me of the weasel."

The comers are similar to the ‘hacker’ newcomers, but the breath is like a sword with the same stalk, not only cold, but also sharp, and the indifferent tone is even more hostile.

"Do not worry, I am not malicious."


"I won't find you directly."

The ‘hacker’ did not listen to the other’s opinions, continued to smile, and even a smile appeared in the voice.

"Oh, failed?"

The other party was sneer.


The ‘hacker’ is very generous.

"I said that she is unique."

"It was impossible for someone to surpass her."

"It's the same now."

"As for the future?"

"Less likely."

The other party said with great certainty that the indifference in the tone gradually disappeared and the voice became high and enthusiasm.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"You are right."

"What are you going to do?"

Asked ‘hacker’.

The other party did not answer, even, did not speak again, so he sneered and left.

The ‘hacker’ did not ask, and did not stop the other.

Just look at each other and leave.

Until the other's back disappeared, he turned and continued to look at the river under the bridge.

"It's still so arrogant!"


"I don't know if I can see it the next time."

"I hope the river is not too cold..."

In his own words, ‘hacker’ jumped down.


As the rushing river tumbling, it took away the hacker.

And in the next moment -


In the sound of flying like a mosquito, the whole Liddell Bridge was turned into powder.

The wind blew and the powder drifted.

The whole bridge seems to have never appeared before.

Only the mechanical law enforcers who were late were sending out angry roars.


The dark clouds are low and make people feel depressed, but there is no forced person who is thunderous.

People looked up at the dark cloud and there were many speculations in their hearts.

And at this time -


The captain of the elite of the Temple of War, vomiting blood fell to the ground.

Not only the captain, the warrior warriors who prayed together, were all soft on the ground.

Or like their captain, the mouth is vomiting blood, or the seven holes are bleeding, and the breath is weak.

With the body of mortals, bear the 'will of God', even if it is trained for a long time, it is impossible to be safe and sound.

This is a qualitative change.

No one can bear it.

Not everyone is an upright evil spirit that is almost immortal.

The old Marquis raised his hand.

Suddenly, the surrounding royal escorts went up and began to look at the injuries of these elite warriors, and a carriage quickly drove out of the city gate corridor.

When all the subordinates were carried into the carriage, the captain thanked the old Marquis.

"Thank you for the Marquis of Wharton."

The captain sincerely thanked him.

Perhaps the people in front of us are not sincere believers in the God of War, but the actions of the other party have kept the Temple of War in the last part of the face, which is enough to thank.

"This is what I should do."

The old Marquis smiled in response.

On both sides of the scene, no matter who fell, he will rescue.

This is a decision that has already been made.

It is also the command of His Majesty.

He knows how to do it.


The 'fog' was unexpectedly strong.

The well-known old Marquis can be distinguished. After the temptations that have just passed the nerves twice, it should be true.

Under such a premise, the 'fog' still shows toughness, and can actually counter such an attack!

“The strategy for ‘fog’ has been slightly adjusted.”

“Those ‘fog’ believers in the Seventh Ring are worthy of better treatment.”

"and also……"

The old Marquis in thought looked at the misty land.

In fact, not only the old Marquis, but also the sight of the people in the place looked at the thick fog, including the captain of the Temple of War, which needs to be helped by people.

They all expect to see the state of the ‘fog’ church, and infer some things.

And in the eyes of everyone looking forward to.

The mist is slowly drifting away.

When the inside of the 'fog' church was exposed, everyone watching it was one of them, especially the captain of the Temple of War.


"This is impossible!"


This is simply not possible!

Everyone who saw the appearance of the "fog" church at this moment raised such an idea from the bottom of his heart.

No injuries.

Even the clothes are as clean as new.

Even the smile of the bishop 'Simon' has not changed.

Mild, like the sun.

Look at the crowds of the war gods who vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Is it...

Is ‘fog’ stronger than ‘God of War’? !

Such an idea appeared involuntarily in the hearts of the onlookers.

Even the old Marquis couldn’t help but think so.

However, the quick reason has the upper hand.

"The one who was plagued by the disaster has put too much energy into it and can't fully deal with the enemy!"


“The ‘fog’ is worth more than the imagination.”

After the old Marquis quickly disguised his heartfelt surprise, he walked slowly to the upper evil spirit.

"Bishop of Simon."

"Please come with me."

"Your Majesty has arranged for you and the leader of the New Sika Lord."

The old Marquis said while saluting.

And the palm of his hand behind him was a slight gesture.

Immediately, the royal **** sneaked back to the War Temple, a wounded warrior.

The situation has now been divided.

He got the information he wanted most.


Not necessary.

Do it again, it will be over.

The ‘God of War’ ‘Mist’ attack is not broken, and he and his Majesty are most willing to see it.

The upper evil spirit looked at the old Marquis in front of the old fox. If it wasn't because Boss had his own plan, it would definitely kill each other directly.

The strength of such people may not be strong enough, but at some critical moments it cannot be ignored.

After the welcoming, the **** pressed the steps, the team was neat and solemn, and then happened to meet the people of the Temple of War at the gate of the city. If this is a coincidence, it will commit suicide a hundred times.

"My Lord told me that there are my brothers and sisters there."

"I deserve to be with them."

The upper evil spirit pointed to the direction of the squatter area in the seventh ring, and said as gentle as possible.

The residual pain also spreads inside the body.

Obviously, the will of the **** of war is stronger than imagined.

After this time, I must find Boss vacation!

At least three... no, an hour!

I want to bathe in the sun without worry, then eat a steak or lamb chops, preferably the same half of the smell of black pepper, at least so when I am suffering, I can imagine the taste, not As for the compilation, it can't be compiled.

"As you wish!"

The old Marquis did not mean a bit of rebuttal. He first nodded, and then continued: "There was an accidental attack last night. Everything was rebuilding. I will try my best to get supplies. I hope that you will be there before. Be considerate."

"Those **** evil!"

At the end of the day, the old Marquis suddenly cursed in a low voice.

Such a curse does not conform to the identity of the old Marquis, and it seems to be very uncultivated.

But it is enough to explain the anger of the old Marquis.

The next moment, the old Marquis found his fault.

"very sorry."

"I couldn't help myself when I thought about what happened last night."

"Those evils are simply locusts!"

"There is no benefit, it will only bring disaster!"

"Fortunately, the demon hunters have appeared again, blocking them, or they will only be worse."

"Thanks to the Demon Hunter!"

The old Marquis sighed after a dagger that apologized to the evil spirit.

"They are really worthy of praise."

“Whether it is the past, the present, or the future.”

“They always follow their own ideas.”

Know the meaning of the old Marquis in the words of the upper evil spirits.

It does not actively disclose any information related to the demon hunter.

But it will not be clear about the relationship with the demon hunter.

Because, the demon hunter is still an empty shell.

An empty shell that looks like a powerful one.

It needs to make the demon hunter look stronger, so ambiguity becomes the main means.

Of course, it doesn't take long.

After tonight, everything will change.

The old Marquis took a look at the evil spirits and did not get the corresponding information, which made him not surprised, but he once again confirmed that the demon hunter had a superficial relationship with the ‘fog’ church.

With this, it is enough.

As for the hunter-gather with the relationship between ‘fog’ is a snake or a wolf?

Is it important?

Not important!

Snakes, wolves, are all hunting hunters!

It is all that can help him and his majesty!

Thinking of this, the old Marquis spoke again.

"Tonight, His Majesty has a banquet in the palace to welcome the arrival of the new lord of Sika."

"I hope you can join together."

"Of course, Baron Colin was also invited."

The old Marquis looked forward to watching the evil spirits.

"I will arrive on time."

The upper evil spirit is guaranteed.

The old Marquis, who had received a satisfactory reply, smiled. He took the horse again and walked side by side with the evil spirits into the city gate corridor. The team from the Sika collar slowly followed.

The civilians and businessmen around them watched the team.

The eyes are full of excitement and yearning.

Even the aristocrats who stood on the wall were flashing their eyes.

Compared to civilians and businessmen, these nobles have more ideas.

Moreover, they do not mind the action.

Therefore, the night of Aitinburg, once again lively.

This time is destined to be different from the night.

No killings and blood donations.

But there are more undercurrents.

On the far horizon, a strange figure from the south appears one after another.

After they looked at each other, they sneaked into Fort Aitin.

A bigger stage than last night was set up.

(End of this chapter)

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