The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1798: The warmth of Sivarka

Chapter 1798 The warmth of Sivarka

Sivarka brought together several more robust civilians.

"We can't believe them."

"Before the arrival of the church's compatriots, we can only rely on ourselves."

Sivarka pointed to the guards who were outside the shantytown and said the voice.

"Mr. Sivarka, what are we going to do?"

The leader of the civilians also whispered inquiries.

The performance of Sivarka last night, these people are all in the eyes, except for the two saviors, Siwarka is already the most trusted person of these civilians.

Coupled with the identity of the Shivalka mercenary, it is more convincing.

As for the guards of Aitenburg?

Did not appear last night.

It is now.

Only the indifference and hostility are left to welcome them.

Even children know that these people are unreliable.

"We need to arrange patrols and guard posts."

"We will find a way to weapon."

“Have you ever studied swordsmanship or fighting?”

Asked Sivarka.

Seeing that everyone was shaking his head, Siwarka did not have any disappointment. This was all expected. He asked again: "Is it going to be a general meeting?"


This time everyone nodded.

"That's good!"

"Now follow my group."

"You have several patrols, four shifts, and several of you are fixed guards..."

Sivarka is carefully arranged.

He swears that he was not so careful when he was a mercenary.

But he did not have any complaints.


When you are warmed up once, the feeling is really great.

He does not want to lose such warmth.

He almost lost last night.

He is afraid.

He is afraid.

He is almost desperate.

Fortunately, everything is lost.

Is there anything better than this?

Nature is always going on.

Keep it warm.

The guardian is so warm.

Whoever dares to move the warmth of his heart, he will let anyone be completely cold.

After arranging the patrols and guard posts, Sivarka glanced at the guards, and the coldness in his eyes flashed.

It is said to be a guardian shantytown, but the formation of these people is completely guarded!

Take the people here as a prisoner!

"Dirty people."

The heart of Sivarka silently thought.

What happened last night was weird and sudden.

Until now, the Temple of War is silent.

There is no real statement in the royal family.

If there is no greasy inside, Sivalka said nothing.

Therefore, he needs the civilians here to protect himself.

The best thing is to leave quickly.

Because, he can't guarantee whether these people will fall into danger again.

Bait is a good thing.

In particular, the bait that can be reused is extremely popular.

"I hope people who are 'fog' come early."

Sivarka thought, but already planned to contact the old demon hunter.

Compared with the younger one, the two sides have a ‘friendly’ contact after all.

Of course, more importantly, the young one is really scary.

Not only the strength of the show, but also the kind of breath, although there is no real sense of facing the atmosphere, but looking at each other, Siwarka can not help the knees soft.

He swears that even if he is a timid Sivarka, he can really feel like this, that is, in the face of the ‘God of War’ statue in the ‘God of War.’

At the thought of this, Sivarka once again expressed shock at the "snakes" among the demon hunters.

He knows something about the 'snake party'.

After the ‘black disaster’, the wolf-hunter demon was almost completely annihilated for decades, and only recently appeared because of the slumbering of the slumbering nights.

Not to mention the other person's forbearance is really terrible like a snake.

Just the strength of a young man is enough to make everyone guess.

He did not think that this young man could truly compare to the 'God of War.'

After all, it was just a statue.

But that young man is not alone!

What is the other party's companion?

Sheep are in groups.

The tiger is alone.

How can a weak guy be around a powerful guy?

A young man is so strong, how strong is the other teacher?

You know, according to the tradition of the demon hunter, those who are really old but not dead are the most terrible and most taboo, because they are not only experienced, but also strong, and ... not afraid of death!

Yes, it is not afraid of death!

They are more willing to die on the battlefield than when they die on the bed.

In the face of such an enemy, anyone must have a headache.

"I am afraid that because of this, will the people in the dark hall be silent?"

"There is that kind of change..."

"It's faster than I thought."

"It’s a lot of autumn!"

Sivarka sighed.

"Sighing will drive away good luck and greet bad luck!"

The tender female voice rang behind her, and Ali came over with a cup of hot water.

"Thank you."

"This is a famous saying!"

Sivarka bent down and smiled and took it.

There are many famous sayings in Hokuriku, but no one but the children will believe it. In Aitinburg, even the children will not believe such words.

"My mother told me, my mother said to be strong."

Ellie answered very seriously.

In the morning sun, the little girl stood in front of her face, and her face seemed to be reflecting light.

In the big eyes, it should be full of innocence and simplicity, but this time with grief.


Sivarka whispered.

If he comes early, maybe these will not happen.

How can things that can be changed in the past?

He can only cherish the present and change the future.

at least!

Ali's fate, he wants to change.

The little girl reached out to the palm of her hand and placed it on the frowned brow of Sivarka. The bruised little hand carefully extended the index and middle fingers and slowly flattened it.

The pustules on the knuckles, with the force of the fingers, collapse and follow the knuckles.

Sivarka’s heart trembled.

Damn it!

How do I forget this!

Keeping this bent position, Sivarka made the smile on his face not change.

"It’s flat, just look at it."

Ellie laughed.

"Ellie is waiting for me."

"I will be back soon!"

Said Sivarka, returning the cup to Ellie, and pointing to Irene in the distance.

Compared to her sister, Irene has matured a lot.

Moreover, after going through the last night's ‘God’s, there is more to say that there is no unclear atmosphere. It seems that it is really watched by a great existence, and people look daunting.

This is a lucky one.

At least, there will be no accidents when he leaves briefly.

After receiving an affirmative reply from Irene, Sivarka went out of the shantytown and ran to the business district of Central Third Ring Road.

The frostbite medicine is sold in the lower five rings, but the effect is general. Not only does it take a long time, but it also brings pain to the wound when it is applied. The frostbite medicine that really relieves the pain is only found in the big shop of the Third Ring Road.

Stepping fast, Sivalka, who passed through the lower seven rings, suddenly frowned.

Someone is following him!

In the mercenary career, he learned to track and counter-track.

After becoming the so-called knife deacon, he has a more keen sense of being seen and tracked.

You don't need too much, and the eyes of the heart sweep over him, and he can detect it.

Just as he was at the moment, the hair of Sivarka’s neck was erected.

"who is it?"

"The dark man?"

"Is it still a royal family?"

Sivarka guessed.

The former, according to his understanding, this time should have no time to manage him.

And the latter?

You should not do it before you know the strength of the ‘fog’ church.

Then there is left...

When the mind turned, Shivalka flashed and entered the alley behind the shop. He did not dodge, and stood there quietly.

If he guesses accurately, the other party is not directly malicious.

Dodge is useless if he guesses wrong.

The other party is obviously prepared.

Step on and step on.

About ten seconds, a deliberate footstep sounded.

The dark cotton robes, cotton caps, and the bibs made of rabbit skin, a person who is no different from most pedestrians appeared in the vision of Sivarka.

The other side looked at Sivarka standing there and was a glimpse, then laughed.

"Good morning, Dean Swarka."

The other party accurately refers to the name and position of Sivarka, so that he knows everything.

There is no doubt that the other party is expected to take the initiative in this conversation.

And Sivarka is relieved.

He guessed it.

These people are not directly malicious.

Then the initiative is naturally his!

"Good morning, are you the Count of Valentin? Or the viscount of the Count of Little?"

"Or who I don't know?"

Sivarka asked bluntly.

A breath of stagnation.

The surname of Valentine, from Aitante II, is one of the representative figures of the traditional aristocracy. It is not only famous in the world, but also has many private soldiers.

Littel’s surname is later, and it appeared in the eyes of the Hokuriku people when Aitante IV was born, but it was enough for people to remember, because each of the family’s owners is a famous general, not only Strong in itself and excellent in combat command.

And these two surnames have one thing in common.

Old school!

The old school against the ‘New Deal’ of Aitante VI!

"You are much smarter than the information."

"I hope that in the next conversation, you are still smart."

The person who was exposed to identity was not annoyed, but the feeling of arrogance made Sivalka very uncomfortable.

Of course, more is because Sivarka knows what the other party is for.

What else besides the civilians sheltered by the 'Mist' church in the shack area of ​​the Lower Seven Rings?

The king gave ‘protection’.

The old school that started to oppose the king naturally has to take a kick.

"Not that I am smart and not smart."

"But I can't do anything."

Sivarka shrugged his shoulders.

"But the news we got is different. You have a good relationship with Irene and Ellie, and Irene has become a direct dialogue with the 'fog', so you only need to maintain the current relationship, of course. As a transaction, we are willing to give you..."

The people came and said, they did not find that Sivarka’s eyes were completely cold.


Suddenly, the continuous thunder at the gate interrupted the words of the coming.

"Damn, the madman of the Temple of War, is it going to make trouble so soon?"

Obviously, knowing what people are turning around and whispering cursing.

The other party did not pay attention to the body behind, step by step close to Sivarka.


A touch of cold passed over the neck.

The man licked his neck and turned incredulously to look at Sivarka.

He didn't understand why Sivarka dared to shoot.

He has already mentioned Irene and Ellie sisters.

Shouldn’t Sivalka be more vocal?

Isn't the relationship between Sivarka and the two sisters not so good?

Siwarka indifference wiped the blood of the dagger on the other's cotton gown.

"Do you really think you can control everything?"

"No wonder that the person doesn't put you in the eye."

"Even if the basic situation is not clear, I will take the lead, but it will be dead!"

Speaking of such words, Sivarka looked at the direction of the city gate, although he forced himself to calm down, but the body of Sivarka could not help but tremble with excitement.

‘Mid’ has won!

The situation is completely open!

(End of this chapter)

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