The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1799: Waiting for dark

Chapter 1799, etc.

Sivarka returned to the shanty town of the Lower Seventh Ring with a frostbite.

When he smeared the wounds for Elli, Sika City entered the city and crossed the gates and guards. The Sika City and the slums entered the shantytown.

Irene has already waited there.

Rogette and the missionaries of the 'Mist' church immediately stepped forward.

She and they all got the will of their own.

With the ‘fog’ purpose, everything has become better.

After a brief exchange, the shantytown set a position that was reserved for the new lord, while the missionaries went to the civilians and began to contact the brothers and sisters from Aitenburg.

The rest of the people are cooking and cooking.

Food is always the best way to bring people closer.

When a bowl of steaming food appeared in front of people, the good relationship became more and more eager.

Siwarka carried the food and looked at the vegetables and meat inside. He did not hesitate and quickly finished eating.

When Ellie picked up and gave him a bowl, Sivarka waved his hand and gestured to wait, then stood up and quietly walked toward the evil spirit.


Sivarka is a greeting.

"Hello, Mr. Sivarka."

The upper evil spirit returns.

The other party does not believe in 'fog', and he can be sure of this.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to call ‘Mr.’.

What's more, the identity of the other party is somewhat sensitive.

Deacon of the Dark Temple of the Temple of War.

Of course, the upper evil spirit is definitely not afraid.

It just worried that the other party could not bring more information to it and its own Boss.

Regarding the ‘transformation’ last night, its Boss was extremely concerned.

And it doesn't think it will be an accident.

Therefore, the upper evil spirits maintain their friendliness.

"Some things, I want to talk to you."

Sivarka lowered the voice.

"follow me."

After the upper elder spirit indulged, he pointed to the carriage of the baroness not far away.

When the upper evil spirits and Sivarka boarded the carriage, Rogette naturally stood outside the carriage, such as a bearish and majestic young man, forming an extraordinary deterrent.

The same is also attracting people's attention.

Many people who are paying attention to this place are all blinking.

Wearing a thick coat, the Baroness shook her head slightly.

“Aitenburg is as cloudless as ever.”

She sighed.

Some things don't need to be studied in depth. Just look at it and you will know.

However, the soon Baroness was attracted to the little girl who was in the crowd.

The other party is mature like a small adult.

Next to the campfire, a little girl with a face similar to that of the previous little girl was sitting there with her hands on her chin, looking at the place and waiting quietly.

The eyes are clear and simple.

"Is it a sister?"

With the doubts in her heart, she couldn't help but step forward, bent down and asked with a smile: "Hello, I am Irene Sika."

"I am Ellie."

"That is my sister Irene."

Ellie showed a pure smile and answered.

"Oh, my name is Irene."

The baroness seems to have been infected by such a smile, so sit down and talk to the little girl.

After watching the baroness of Ai Li’s Sivarka, she couldn’t help but mention the heart. However, after discovering that the Baroness did not have any malicious intentions, he immediately relieved.

Turning his head and looking at his superior evil spirits, Sivarka shrugged.

“Ellie is very cute and very kind, attracting people like me who are so complicated.”

He has nothing to hide.

One is obvious.

Second, for the sake of the later conversation, he believed that he was open and honest.

"The more you are in the dark, the more you look forward to the light, especially when you have been exposed to light."

The upper evil spirit slowly said.

When I said this sentence, it couldn't help but think of my own vacation. The expression immediately became touching and deep, and the sense of rendering almost made Sivalka resonate immediately.


“I used to fantasize that I was a mercenary.”

"Freedom, even if it is dangerous."

"But now..."

"I only hope that I am a guard, quietly staying beside Ali, watching her grow up."

"So, I have something to tell you."

Sivarka’s expression was serious.

“The ‘the dark hall’ has been collecting evil ‘residues’, and they are using these ‘residues’ to resurrect the sins of the past – in a way that must be loyal to the ‘God of War’.”

“In the beginning they were very successful and made great progress.”

"A few strange things have happened recently."

“Those evil ‘residues’ gave birth to their own thoughts... or they themselves were doing a disguise.”

When Sivarka said the word 'disguise', his brow was wrinkled.

He does not understand why the evil of ‘death’ can be disguised.

Moreover, there is still my own thoughts.

"The world's great wonders."

“Not to mention what you know is ‘evil’!”

"They are contrary to common sense, and naturally they cannot be judged by common sense."

The upper evil spirit said.


“But this is an opportunity for the ‘fog’ church.”

"According to the news I got, the "Dark Church" suffered heavy casualties last night, and the Temple of War was also traumatized - otherwise, today at the gate, there is not a team of war gods."

"We should take down the Temple of War now!"

Nodded, Sivarka began to express his purpose.

"Take the Temple of War?"

The upper evil spirit laughed.

It can't do such a stupid thing.

It is now a good time for ‘God of War’ and ‘Mr. 厄厄’ to fight and confront each other, and their own Boss can develop steadily. If you directly attack the Temple of War, the situation will change dramatically.

At least, ‘God of War’ will no longer be such a temptation.

Even if it has just been stunned, this time, it will be mad revenge.

The upper evil spirit has such a grasp.

As for the ‘Ms.

The opponents who are heavily restricted may not be able to replace the position of 'fog'.


"The "Mist" has already repelled the 'God of War'!"

“What else do you need to worry about?”

“Is it a disaster?”

"His situation is very special, enough for us to completely devour everything left by ‘God of War’ and then face Him.”

Unable to understand the deeper inner feelings of Sivarka, looking at the evil spirits.

The upper evil spirit did not directly answer each other.

It just glimpsed after glance at the other side.

"Your message, whisper from the ear?"


Sivarka nodded.

The upper evil spirit laughed again.

Looking at the smile of the evil spirit, Sivalka gave a slight glimpse, if he realized it.

However, I can't grasp the key point.


Edson called two carriages, and put the stupid Tantek and the slumbering scorpion's honey bait into the car, and looked at Qin Ran at the car.

The keen old hunter found a little difference in Qin Ran.

Very weak.

But it does exist.

But what exactly is it, the old hunter is not clear.

“Colin, who represents ‘strong’, is a good name.”

"Your teacher will be proud of himself."

The old hunter devil sighed.

Qin Ran did not correct the mistakes in the words of the old hunter.

Not to explain anything

He just raised his head slightly and moved his eyes, saying that he had heard the words of the old hunter.

“Have anyone ever said that your cold look is very attractive to the little girl?”


"Do you know why?"

"Because you are surrounded by old men like me."

"You should understand everything that young people should experience - this is good for your strength, at least, it will make you more tough."

The old hunting devil swears and talks about Qin Ran.

As an age-old demon hunter, Edson is understandable.

However, Qin Ran is not used to it.

He was more accustomed to Edson's vigilant and cautious appearance.

Rather than at the moment, it is like the old drunk in the pub facing the shackles and ridicules of the young people who are not deeply involved.

“Do you know why my teacher can live to be a hundred years old and still healthy?”

Qin Ran said coldly.


The old demon glimpse, then, very seriously asked.

A hundred-year-old demon hunter is worthy of respect for any hunter.

Not only because of the other party's age, but also because of the other party's possible achievements.

According to the rules of the demon hunter, after completing the ‘grass’ trial, you will be able to hunt ‘evil’.

Under normal circumstances, it is about 18 or 9 years old.

In other words, the teacher of the other party has a hunting career of 80 years.

What a precious experience this is!

If you can ask the other party to cultivate a new ‘seedling’...

Unconsciously, the old hunter is full of expectations.

"Because he has never been idle."

After Qin Ran finished, he turned back and returned to the radish hotel.

The old hunter demon looked at the closed hotel door and returned to God after a few seconds.

"It's really not cute young people!"

The old hunting devil groaned in his mouth.

However, the corner of the mouth is unbearable.

At that moment, he seemed to be back to the hunter of the demon hunter, drinking, chatting and joking with everyone.

Although a short moment, it is enough to make the old hunting demon relish.

"Hold on."

"Everything will be re-established again!"

The old demon whispered to himself, then told the driver to go down the seventh ring.

Although it has been determined that the manor outside the town of Aitinburg is a new base, but this requires a transition, the 'radish' inn is obviously inappropriate, the surrounding is too complicated, too suitable for the surveillance of others, far from being almost razed The shanty town on the flat is suitable.


He still needs to confirm something about ‘fog’.

The wolf faction has been lingering.

The snakes are absolutely not able to repeat the same mistakes.

As an elder, he thinks that he needs some things.

Thinking of this, the old hunter began to adjust his mood.

Hide the little laughter in my heart.

The vigilant and cautious old hunting demon appeared again.


"Are you sure to take me to the king's dinner?"

Sitting in 203, who is worrying about the funds, he looked at Qin Ran with surprise.

Then, Bohr, who quickly thought of something, immediately stood up.

"Thank you, Colin."

"What do I need to pay?"

Bohr asked very simply.

Everyone is a player. It doesn't need so many virtual sets. The transaction of clear price tag is the mainstream of a huge city. Asking directly, not wasting everyone's time is the best.

"I need to confirm something about that guy."

"There may be danger."

"But I will do my best to keep you safe."

Qin Ran said frankly.

That guy is a hacker.

Bohr knows clearly.

He didn't know how he got involved in the battle between the two big men, but he knew that the ‘flame devil’ in front of him was more trustworthy than the famous hacker.

Although with the word 'devil', the other party is okay.

If you give a promise, you will definitely reach it.

Looking at the ‘hacker’?

Pit people are almost the instinct of each other.

"it is good!"

Bohr nodded without hesitation.

His choices are not many.

The main line task has been forcing him, and from the ‘transformation’ last night, the difficulty of his money collection has shown a rising trend.

To find more money in the near future, it is almost impossible to get a 'knight'.

But if you follow Qin Ran's side, it is different.

The enthusiasm of Qin Ran by Aitandin VI is obvious to all. As long as he stands next to Qin Ran, he will naturally receive certain preferential treatment.

It is not impossible to get a title at a low price.

Even getting a knight directly is a very high probability.

"Then you are ready."

"At night, we are going to attend the dinner."

"Bring Ash up too."

After Qin Ran paused, he mentioned the name of the bodyguard.

Bohr’s nod.

I am afraid it will be more dangerous than he imagined!

With such thoughts in mind, Bohr began to prepare.

It’s seven or eight hours away from the dark.

He must speed up.


Also prepared, there is Hollera.

However, it is different from Bohr.

Holleka is methodical, with a mentor's arrangement, everything becomes logical, but the tension, expectation and excitement in the bottom of my heart are not at all.

Sitting in the office of 'Quiet Night Town' Milne, Holleka adjusted himself with breathing.

When Milne came in, Holleka had completely controlled his emotions.

"Is what you said true?"

"Is the proposal for the ‘Members’ Meeting passed?”

Milne didn't ask Hallerka why he entered his office without his consent.

He is already used to it.

He is very clear about his identity.

A so-called 'field supervisor' cannot compare with the existence of the ‘undead.’

What's more, there is a ‘Member of Parliament’ behind the other side.


"The Carl's strategy is very effective."

Holleka pushed everything to Karkar.

"It’s not a round of Carl!"

Milne’s face was amazed, but his heart was screaming.

Damn guy!

It’s going to be bad for me!


Must make up!

Otherwise everything will be lost!

Milne turned his heart, and then suddenly he found Hollerka staring at him.

The bottom of my heart suddenly tightened.

Milne was asking for a quiet face.

"What is it, Hollera?"

"It's nothing."

"Wait for the dark...use your head."

(End of this chapter)

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