The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1800: Sunset

Chapter 1800, the setting sun.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the entire Fort Aitinburg is warm and mellow.

Only at this time will the people of Hokuriku pick up thick scarves and feel the wind.

Of course, in the city, if it is in the wilderness, the wind at this time will still make people feel uncomfortable.

Bohr pushed open the window for ventilation.

Put on a dress - this is that he prepared for himself in advance, fit, decent, never lose face, and does not appear to be swaying, in order to complete the main task, how to prepare in advance can not be overemphasized.

The bodyguard Ash on the side also changed clothes.

It is the traditional knight suit of Hokuriku.

Concisely based.

The shackles around the waist can carry long swords and short swords, and the shackles of weapons such as epee are also left behind.

However, Ash's axe gun is a bit too heavy.

These hang-ups are completely unusable and can only be left in your hands.

Moreover, the knight suit made him breathless, and the subconscious bodyguard pulled the neckline.


Bohr shouted directly before his bodyguard raised his hand.

Looking at the innocent bodyguard, Bohr had to explain it again.

"We are going to the king's party!"

“The meter is a very important one!”

"This is very important to me. I don't allow any mistakes, understand?"

In the final emphasis, Bohr has become very serious.


In the face of such a serious employer, Ash scratched his head and finally agreed.

Bool sighed and patted the shoulders of his bodyguard.

He does not want to do this either.

But as he said, this banquet is really important to him.

It is not only about the success or failure of this main task, but also about his future development.

He no longer wants to be as powerless as he used to be.

This time there are 2567, unable to help him.

That is luck.

It is really lucky.

He is extremely grateful.

Can it be next time?

Can he still have such luck next time?

The answer is obvious.

Therefore, he needs strength.

And the need for strength, it is the color of the main task of the completion of this copy of the world.


Bohr took a deep breath and adjusted his mind.

He knew that he was too stressed and was out of order.


It is a matter of life and death, who can really be indifferent.

Sitting there, Boer looked down on the side and silently picked up his eyes as if he were asleep Qin Ren.

"I am afraid there is only this one."

Bohr sighed at the bottom of his heart.

The more he touched, the deeper his feelings were.

At first he thought that he had only distanced himself from the other side because of the ‘Witches’, but now he doesn’t think so.

Because, he is very clear, even if he and the other party are on the same starting line, he is too much.

If you don't say anything else, you can think calmly at any time, that is, he can't do it.

Especially in the world of continuous, high-intensity copy!

"Is this the first few copies of the other party?"

"The third? Or the fourth?"

Bohr guessed.

As a former senior, Boer wants to live better. He did not choose the final time period to make a copy of the world, but chose a compromise treatment. After a full rest and strengthening himself, he started. It is rumored that if the passive completion of the work into the replica world in the final period of time, but it will encounter inexplicable influence.

Although no one has confirmed it, many people believe this.

Therefore, everyone chooses this way.

Few people will take the initiative to enter the copy world in advance, especially this continuous entry into the copy world.

The test is not only the strength of one person, but more of the spirit and physical strength.

The intricate copy world, sometimes the main task without a clue, is extremely costly.

It’s ok.

If it strikes continuously...

I am afraid I will be finished soon.

Once again, I felt Perl, and couldn’t help but sigh again, and sensed Bohr’s sight. Qin Ran opened his eyes and looked at Bohr.

There are no inquiries in the eyes, only indifferent.

But this kind of lightness makes Boer feel pressure.

He raised his hands with anger, then he cried out.

"I just wonder if you are not tired?"

"Not physical."

"It is spiritual."

He asked.

“Thinking about good food can alleviate it.”

After Qin Ran thought about it, he replied.

"What a wonderful thing?"


"It really can alleviate fatigue."

Boer nodded, instinctively want to recall the good things, but the thought was the humiliation and anger after he was plundered by the 'witches'. Suddenly, Bohr breathed.

Damn ‘Women’!

He cursed at the bottom of his heart.

Then, looked up and shrugged at Qin Ran.

"It seems that it is useless to me."

"I only think that life is gray."

Bohr laughed at himself.

"Think of it, you can't help it."

"He still waits for you to go back and drink."

As an ally at this stage, Qin Ran reminded the other party.

He doesn't want any problems with his allies' mental state, especially in a world full of evils, which is slightly affected, which may affect the entire situation.

“I can’t be lawless?”

Thinking of the man who was oppressed in the harvest pub, Boer’s mouth couldn’t help but rise up.

This time it is not self-deprecating, but a smile from the heart.

He doesn't know how a person can have a character that is lawless.

But he likes to be friends with people of that character.


It is good to have such a friend.

"I have to go back and ask for a cup."

"Within 10 points, pick him up."

Bohr said vaguely about the ‘10 points’.

This is the habit of the player.

"It is estimated that only ale or ordinary Yadi is not."

"You know, Rachel is not a general heart."

“Although the winemaking technology is really good.”

Qin Ran stood up and stood up, stretched his waist and took the coat hanging on the hanger behind the door of the room.

Bohr turned his head and looked out the window.

A group of carriages was slowly escorted by the guards. The eagle badge representing the royal family on the carriage door bloomed in the sun.


When Qin Ran came out from the ‘radish’ hotel, the nearest minister who once had the will of Aitandin VI appeared again.

The other party is still wearing red loose dress with Phnom Penh, and the face is still rubbed with a layer of powder, even the smile that reveals to Qin Ran is exactly the same charming.

Natural, yellow and black teeth are no exception.


"I need to bring two followers."

Qin Ran pointed to Boer and Ash.

The two immediately came over.

This is what I said before, and the two accompanied by Qin Ran’s entourage.

For the two, this is the most appropriate identity.

"Of course, this is what it should be."

"As a Sir Alex, you naturally have to bring your own followers."

The near minister smiled and said, he bowed to Bohr and Ash, and he did not care about the two.

Perhaps some aspects are not perfect, but as a close minister of the royal family, this is absolutely perfect in terms of etiquette. There is nothing arrogant, and there will be no low-level mistakes.

For example: this time to the ‘radish’ hotel, although it was only to meet Qin Ran, but the near minister brought two carriages, which is obviously an estimate.

Going to the carriage, the close minister opened the door and sang again.


Qin Ran stepped onto the carriage and watched Boer and Ashton board a carriage. The closeman turned to the front seat of the driver.

With the order of the near minister, the royal carriage began to slowly enter the upper seven rings.

This is not the first time that Qin Ran saw the Upper Seven Rings of Aitinburg, but it was the first time that he saw it in a more leisurely manner.

The buildings on one side of the road are row upon row, each with a small garden and terrace.

And there are some buildings with signboards, and flower beds are set up outside the garden.

From the outside, it looks colorful and extraordinarily attractive.

These are the shops on the Seventh Ring.

Qin Ran has paid attention to several of them.

Of course, not because they are beautifully dressed.

But because the smell of food floated inside is quite good.

Passing through the seventh bad, the carriage entered the sixth ring.

The road here is more spacious, and the residential area is more restrained. Even the shops can't be confirmed from the outside, and the root ivy occupies the window.

From the outside, it is hard to see anything.

Intimacy has always been demanded by people, especially those who have status.

After entering the fifth ring, it completely changed into a noble area.

People with all kinds of knights live here.

According to the size of the house to determine the level of identity.

In the central location, there is a grand theatre, and there will be opera performances at festivals.

Of course, there are other programs on weekdays - far more expensive than the opera performances, which the average person can't afford.

Although the Fourth Ring and the Third Ring also have a noble residence, the real one is the military camp.

The carriage turned into the military camp avenue, all the way up.

In the vision of Qin Ran, I immediately saw a building.

No, the palace.


Temple of War!

There is no need to confirm anything, and it is not necessary to rely on the style of the building to confirm. In Qin Ran's [tracking] vision, the aura of ‘God of War’ is almost unstoppable.

Full of anger.

There is also a hint of blood and smell.

Obviously, yesterday’s ‘transformation’ to just ‘frightened’ made the once-Falling God’s gods raging.

"Even if the avatar is affected?"

The point of attention of Qin Ran is on the other side.

He wondered if he could expand the results tonight.

As for the body of God of War?

Qin Ran looked up and swept away with the vision of [Tracking].

In the sky above Aitinburg, two horrible breaths are squatting.

As he saw it for the first time.

But there are some differences.

Both horrible breaths have become more "smart".

There is no doubt that the recent changes in Aitenburg have given other thoughts to these two existences.

This is naturally good news for Qin Ran.

Water is not enough, how to fish?

However, the degree still needs to be grasped.

Slightly changed the sitting position, Qin Ran hand knocked on the table, quietly thinking.

The carriage continues on.

Passing through the cloister on the side of the Temple of War, they finally reached the palace.

The palace is not big, and it is not golden enough. Apart from standing guards in front of the two teams, it is impossible to see that this will be a royal palace.

In fact, from the point of view of the moment, everyone will see the Temple of War at first sight, not the palace.

But at this time, the ceremonies that the two teams of guards blew were deafening.

Qin Ran could not help but smile.

"Wang Quan? Theocracy?"

He whispered to his heart.

If it is a waste, it does not mind the arrangement of the Temple of War, but if it is a majestic king, it will be unbearable.

Even if you can't stand it for a while, you can't endure it forever.

This is the case with Aitandin VI.

The other party's various strategies seem to be aimed at the old aristocrats, but in Qin Ran's view it is aimed at the Temple of War.

After all, almost all of the old aristocrats believe in God of War.


The lord of Sika City.

That's right, it is the Viscount of Sika who died.

Qin Ran participated in the death of the other party, but in Qin Ran's view, it was the layout of the king.

Just like the ‘transformation’ last night.

Whispering in the ear.

Evil everywhere.

and also……

‘black disaster’!

Don't forget it!

After the ‘black disaster’, the evil is becoming more and more!

Although there are evils before the ‘black disaster’, it’s just a little bit!

And more importantly -

Before the ‘black disaster’, the God of War was a big one!

Don't say anything about 'Mr.

There is only one **** in the entire Northland!

Can it be after the 'black disaster'?

Not only is the ‘Mr. Evangelion’ appearing, but the ‘God of War’ divides the entire belief in Hokuriku into two, and the multitude of evils makes the Temple of War more exhausted.

Then contact the king's life and attitude, something becomes obvious.

Therefore, Qin Ran took Boer.

He wants to test the role of the other party in the 'black disaster'.

It is a monarch who has endured the will of the unexpectedly deceased father.

It is also a hero who plays a disgraceful role for his own benefit.

The former, Qin Ran has nothing to say.

the latter?

He will not do anything extra.

He just acted in the style of the demon hunter.

After all, the wolf-hunter demon is almost completely destroyed in the 'black disaster'.

As a snake-hunting demon, he thinks that it is necessary to get back to justice. If you find some ‘secret’ words in the process of getting back to justice, it would be better.

"Take the world's people 'chess.'"

“What else is better than the ‘King’!”

"‘hacker, are you right?”

In the self-speaking of the heart, the carriage door was opened by the nearest minister.

"We are here, Sir Alex."

The minister said respectfully.

And when Qin Ran stepped down the carriage -



The louder sounds came from the ceremonies in the hands of the guards lined up in two rows.

Qin Ran was in front, and Boer and Ash were passing through the red-gold carpet in the middle of the guard.

In the palace, on a terrace.

A few figures stood there.

The young one stared at Qin Ran, and he whispered in his mouth.

"is it him?"

"it's him!"

The nearby waiter said very positively.

Suddenly, the young one bite his teeth and clenched his fists, his eyes seeming to have a fire.

(End of this chapter)

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