The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1801: Sunset.

Chapter 1801. Sunset.

The sight of anger was first felt by Qin Ran.

However, Qin Ran did not care.

When he came, he had all kinds of guesses.


That's one of them.

It is still the easiest to deal with.

If it is really quiet, he will be more vigilant.

"I can't stand it so quickly..."

"Sure enough, the pressure you face is bigger than you think!"

Qin Ran thought about it, the face was quiet, and slowly passed through the two guards in accordance with the previous steps, and entered the palace of Aitantin.

As seen from the outside, the palace in front of you does not have the luxury of imagination.

Even worse than the average aristocratic manor.

Just like the old Marquis's mansion.

They are very restrained.

It can even be said that the royal palace style of Aitante VI affects those who are truly close.

It’s a good thing, it’s a happy one, and it’s not too much to put it here.

Qin Ran, who walked up the steps, entered the corridor, the smooth slate floor, there were no tapestries and oil paintings on the two sides of the wall, but the decorative hanging two armor, the iron chain candlestick hanging from the ceiling, one arm thickness The candles made the entire corridor bright, and along the corridor, dozens of steps away, they entered the hall of the palace.

Compared with the shabbyness of the corridor, there is finally a feeling of conformity with the palace.

The red-golden dragonfly, hanging along the wall, is now smashed by a pure gold rope on a wall pillar inlaid with a silver candlestick. The exposed rock wall has a warm feeling in the candlelight.

A sheet of oak is placed in a hall in a hall.

It has already been filled with food.

Some sofa chairs are placed around the hall, which is obviously used for people to chat.

Why not put it together?

Naturally, because each identity has a circle of identity, it is not the same.

This is especially true among the nobility.

"Gregory, you are waiting here."

“The banquet will take a while to get started.”

“The food here is free to use, and you can choose the sofa at will.”

The close minister said this.

After seeing Qin Ran nod, the close minister quickly walked toward the small door on one side - the hall is just the place where everyone gathers, and it is definitely not the place where the king discusses things.

In fact, each king's chamber is the core of a palace.

However, as a guest, Qin Ran is not eligible to enter.

Moreover, Qin Ran is also not interested in there.

He was very clear about what the Aidin VI was planning.

Even, it is possible to roughly guess what the other party will say at the Chamber of Deputies and his close friends at the moment.

But is that important?

Those meaningless words, not yet the food on the table is worth looking forward to.

That piece of barbecue, fat and thin, looks very good.

Qin Ran quietly commented, and quickly walked to the table.

Bohr who has been behind Qin Ran has been embarrassed.

The short-term contact has already made him understand the love of the 'devil of inflammation'.

He has no comment on this.

Because, he also likes it.


He does not have a 'devil of inflammation' to eat.

The appetite that looks like a bottomless pit is unmatched.

However, Boer never thought about it. After coming to the palace, the 'devil of inflammation' is still my own way.

Maybe... just take a little bit?

Bohr guessed, and lifted his bodyguard Ash.

In the face of his own bodyguards, Bohr sighed softly.

The ‘Devil of Fire’ dare to do this because of the strength of that person.

And what about them?

Really dare, it is estimated that it will die very badly?

After all, that Aitantine VI is not a benevolent Lord.

The king who built the royal palace with his own palace is destined not to be linked to ‘benevolent’.

To know that at the time of Aitante V, the palace is not like this.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the entire Fort Aitin.

Sunrise, sunset.

The sun will shine in.

When the wind blows over, it will blow a unique voice, as if it is singing.

During the thunderstorm, the raindrops on the crystal glass were the opening of a grand opera.

The beauty of the night sky is as you look up.

For his own main task, Boer has done a lot of work. He has collected many works of writing depicting Aitinburg. The most described by the poets is the royal palace of Aitantin.

Some even described it as a 'pear pearl' of Aitenburg.


With the power of Aitending VI, the 'Pearl Pearl' has long since disappeared.

The rest is a 'steel bullet'!

Not only sturdy, but also hidden.

At least, Bohr has discovered more than one whistle.

These dark whistle... No, the king’s agent is not only staring at the outside, but also staring inside.

Bohr can guarantee that as long as there is a little wind and the wind, these secret agents will swarm out and solve all the troubles.

"I hope everything goes smoothly tonight..."

Bohr secretly prayed, but the words of prayer have not been finished yet, and they can no longer say it.

Because the food that is filled with the table has disappeared by about one-half at this time.


Is it just full?

Boer looked at Qin Ran, who was able to continue to eat in an orderly manner, and could not help but smile.

Because he saw several people coming here.

In a way that is not good.

"The trouble is coming."

Bohr sighed softly.

However, he did not forget his current identity.

Or to be precise, he remembers his dealings with Qin Ran.

When the few people were about to disturb Qin Ran, Bohr and Ash stood in front of these people.

"Step aside!"

The younger of several people screamed directly.

The young man is dressed in Chinese clothes, and the temperament is accompanied by the arrogance and sorrow of the superiors, but the anger of the other party makes the other person's more handsome face become awkward.

"Your, I am sorry."

"We are the followers and guards of Colin."

Boer called the young man by his name and showed his identity.


The young man seems to have heard something funny. He opened his arms first and then looked around.

Suddenly, people who followed your young man opened their mouths and sneered.

"Ha ha ha!"

"Jun Yee? I really laughed at me!"

"Do you know where it is?"

"Do you know who this is?"

The man next to the young man asked with a big smile.

"do not know."

Bohr answered honestly.

"This is the son of His Majesty Aitin VI."

"It is the heir to Hokuriku!"

"It is also the king of the future Aitantin!"

The introduction of the young people by the side made the brow frown.

The clothing and temperament of the other party made him know that the identity of the young man was not simple, but he did not expect that the other party would be a prince or, to be precise, the only son of Aitandin VI.

It is rumored that when Aitantine I was founded in the country, in order to unify the whole of the North and kill him, such behavior was cursed by the witches of the North.

‘Your country will collapse in an instant! ’

‘Your blood will stop! ’

‘All of you will only become a icing on the cake for others! ’


The content of the curse is roughly like this.

However, all people do not think that the curse has taken effect.

Because the original Aitantine I had the refuge of the ‘God of War’.

However, the reduction in the number of children is true.

No matter how hard Etindin I worked, he had only one son, that is, Aitantin II, II, and III. It has not changed until Aitante VI.

Therefore, some people think that the witch's curse has taken effect.

At least part of it took effect.

Of course, this was transmitted after the ‘God of War’ could be destroyed by the ‘Ms. Evangelion’, and no one dared to say such a thing before.

There is not much to know about Bohr.

But he knows that as a prince of a country, His Royal Highness is not qualified.

The other party has neither the grace of being the heir to Aitandin VI nor the corresponding city.

"Step aside!"

The young heirs spoke again.

If Bohr is really an aboriginal, this time will definitely flash aside, but unfortunately, Bohr is not.

He glanced at the young man in front of him and shook his head slightly.

For the main task, he promised to deal with Qin Ran, then, this time must be observed.

Moreover, he believes that what happened here will soon be transmitted to the ear of Aidin VI.

To put it simply, it only takes a moment to wait until the arrival of Aitante VI.

As for the hatred of His Royal Highness Prince?

Bohr is not worried at all.

He only came for the main task in front of him, and he was not a real aboriginal. He had so many awes for a prince.

However, what Bohr expected was that in his field of vision, the secret agents of the king who were staring at it did not even have one person to act, as if they were optimistic and stood in the shadows.

Is there any other communication channel that I don't know?

Bohr’s speculation.

The young people in front of them can't wait.

He raised his hand and the people around him surrounded Bohr and Ash.

Bohr looked at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran did not have any reaction.

He is using a clip to pick up a cut lamb chops and smash it up.

No need for words or eye contact, the behavior of Qin Ren is enough to let Bohr understand what he should do.

Without any hesitation, Bohr raised his hand is a punch.

He is very restrained and does not use hidden weapons.

Ash saw Boer shot and immediately raised his fist.

Ash was very fond of his own axe gun. However, the axe gun and the sword that was carried by him were temporarily taken away by the nearest minister before entering the palace.


The people in front of Bohr’s eyes fell.

Although not good at freehand fighting, it does not mean that Boer will not.

At least the people in front of you can't help but Boer.

And Ash is more violent.

A huge pair of fists, like a windmill, swept the surrounding opponents. When Boer knocked down his second opponent, Ash had swept away the remaining opponents.

Then, the bodyguard stared fiercely at the young prince.

For Ash, a simple person, no matter who he is, he only knows that he and his boss and Colin are a group, and the people in front of him are malicious to Colin.

Then this person is the enemy!

The enemy, we must beat him!


The young prince seems to be somewhat unresponsive.

He is confident in his followers.

Not only because these followers have quite good combat power, but also because these followers are carefully selected by him.

He never thought that these carefully selected followers were knocked down in a few breaths.

The young prince returned to God until Ash came towards him.

"what would you like?!"

Reluctantly resisting no retreat, the prince of the prince was scornful and resentful.

"I need to……"

"We are not malicious."

"It is your trouble to find our lord first."

Bohr stopped Ash, he said first.

At this time, Bohr finally found out that something was wrong.

If the former King's secret agents were indifferent, they could also explain that the secret agents had communication methods that they did not know, and now that these secret agents have not responded, it is worth pondering.

Is that sire...

It seems that I thought of something, and Bohr was shocked.

However, he will be amazed at the hardships of the heart, just use words to make oneself innocent.

This kind of discourse, Bohr said is justified.

Because this is the truth!

At the same time, Bohr's brain began to turn rapidly.

He didn't know why Aitandin VI suddenly targeted 2567, and it was still good before.

But he knows that it must be controlled in a 'balanced' ring.

It can not only guarantee the safety of one's own side, but also does not really mean tearing his face with Aitante VI.

Here is Aitinburg!

It’s too bad to tear the face with Aitante VI!

A worse guess is that you are tumbling in the mind of Bohr -

Is it that Aitantine VI really has a relationship with ‘hacker’?

It’s just pretending to be a sneak peek.

If this is the case...

The heart of Bohr could not help.

At this time, Qin Ran finished the last snack on the table.

It is a dessert like a chicken cake.

Milk, butter and sugar are also added.

The palate is silky and sweet, and it feels like eating pudding. The only pity is that the fire is not enough to make the chicken cake less flexible.

In fact, not only chicken cakes, but also some food on the table.

However, Qin Ran is used to it.

It is not a mimosa craft.

It is very good to be able to do this.

I really want to eat the food you make.

Qin Ran thought about it and turned to the young prince.

Seeing that Qin Ran came, Bohr and Ash naturally retreated to one side. When Qin Ran passed, the two naturally stood behind Qin Ran.


In the face of Qin Ran coming, the young prince couldn't help but tremble.

He didn't know why he was shaking.

Just think that the people in front of you are terrible.

It is clear that there is no such a tall guard, but he has a feeling of suffocation, as if a mountain fell from the sky, so that he could not breathe.

"I warn you!"

"I am..."


Fighting for the strength of the whole body, the prince shouted loudly.

However, before the words of the prince were finished, Qin Ran raised his foot and squatted on the other's face.

In the muffled sound, the other side flew into the rock wall of the hall, like a hanged picture, and after stopping for two seconds, the other party slowly slipped down.

The **** blood spilled from the dry head.

(End of this chapter)

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