The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1815: Gino

Chapter 1815 Gino

“Is it unfair?”


“Why don’t you choose to resist?”

The whispers in the ears suddenly began, the voices were high and low, and the young people became paralyzed. The last warning sign rising from the bottom of the heart caused the young people to raise their hands and lie on their ears, but the sound was like silk. The sound of silk, straight into the heart of young people.

The belief that young people have just broken has no way to stop such invasion.

Just a moment later, the face of the young man began to twitch and twist.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

"This is not what I want!"

The young man is screaming.

When I turned over, I stood up.

He has to rush to the door.

He wants... help!

At this time, young people can't think of anything other than asking for help.


The palm of the hand pushed hard to the door, and the door did not move.

Was it locked?

The young man glimpsed, and then he began to knock **** the door.

Hey, hey!

"help me!"

"help me!"

The young man is screaming.

Such a voice was naturally heard by two deacons outside the door, but the two deacons were unmoved.

They are coming to 'guard' each other, not to 'rescue' each other.

As for the other party's life and death?

They don't care.

After all, it’s just a traitor who was tempted by pagans.


When the horse-drawn carriage of Valentine entered the outer courtyard of the cathedral, the sun had risen completely.

The sun is reflected in the crystal, making the entire cathedral sacred.

Valentine is not the first time to see such a sight.

Every time I see it, he is admired from the bottom of his heart.

"It's so rich!"

"If you change these crystals to Kimpton, how much?"

"At least a million?"

"If I can load my castle treasure..."

I thought that this Valentine would not dare to think about it anymore.

After all, it is the cathedral of God of War. He can't be too arrogant.

At the very least, be sure to respect at least.

Even the ones he just thought of can be sent to the firearms in the eyes of most people.


If you are not found, it is not a mistake!

With his own belief, Valentin walked into the cathedral under the guidance of a deacon.

Many people in the huge church have begun to pray here.

Not all clergy.

On the contrary, most of them are nobles like Valentine.

After the prayers are completed, each nobleman will go to the front of the church, where the donation box is placed, and the already prepared Kimpton will be put in.

More than a full pocket.

There are also three or five.

Valentine chose ten Kimpton.

In fact, if he can, he doesn't want to give a copper.

Unfortunately, there is no way.

He has to do this.

Because he can't make himself too conspicuous.

After doing all this, Valentine began to talk to other nobles, his eyes were looking around.

He wants to find the target person.

According to the news he got, the other party is likely to appear in the confessional room, but the confessional room he can see is open, and it is empty.

“Is it duty?”

After the idea came out, Valentine shook his head.

The target's duty and training time, he has already carried it down, it is absolutely impossible to go to duty and training at this time, the identity of the other ordinary church knight, has long been doomed to the other party's ordinary.

It is precisely because of this that he is assured that the other side is here, as a counter to the sixth world.

He believes that they have found a great price for each other.

Sixth will never cost such a big price.

Even VI did not know the existence of the other party.

As for the Temple of War?

It is even more impossible to know.

Every year, there are ‘orphans’ who are sent to the same place for education and training.

The goal's talent is not outstanding, and it will not attract the attention of the upper level of the church.

"But where did the people go?"

Valentine thought about it.

At the same time, I began to consider whether to bring the target back.

Every time this is too much trouble.

Only the persuasion of allies played a role again.

‘Our sire is far stronger than it looks. ’

‘That kind of power is not just from power, but...’

'power! ’

When he thought of his ally's ‘power’, he couldn’t help but twist his neck.

As one of the traditional great aristocrats, he also knows about the rumors of the Aidin royal family.

In particular, a few of them made him sleepy.

Maybe there is a mist bomb.

But who can guarantee that it is fake?

"What a damn!"

Valentine could not help but cursing in the bottom of his heart.

"Country Valentin, do you have any troubles?"

With such a voice, Sean, the ninth captain of the Apostolic Knights, came over.

The captain of the Cavaliers with a secret identity, with a gentle smile, an armor, and a heroic, very attractive to the ladies around the eyes, ladies.

"It's nothing."

"Just because of some news last night."

Valentin's bloated face, just the right kind of resentment.

"Is it because of the new Highness?"

"Snake... It’s really unexpected."

The Cavaliers captain sighed.

"Is it true or not? I don't know yet?"

Valentin snorted.

"These things have been judged by the Sixth World, and we don't have to worry about it."

"The Earl, I wish you a happy day, I still have something, I need to leave."

Captain Cavalier said this.


Valentine nodded again and again, then watched the other party leave, and then he returned to his own carriage.

When the carriage left the cathedral, the indignant grand aristocrat who had been showing his face suddenly gloomy.

What is the identity of the Cavaliers, the big aristocrat is aware of some.

Although not comprehensive enough, it is enough for Valentine to understand what he should do.

"What did the Temple of War find?"

"Will not!"

"This is impossible for anyone else to know!"

The big aristocrat guessed.

The bottom of my heart gives me hints, but the big aristocrat always feels scared, as if something is going to happen.


"Let's go back."

Valentin told the driver.


Sean walked in the military camp of the Temple of War.

The guards and knights along the way bowed to the knight.

Until the two ‘the dark hall’ deacons stood outside the room.

"grown ups."

Two secret deacons bowed to the ceremony.

"Open the door."

Sean told him.

A dark deacon turned and opened the door. After the bright sunlight came in, everything in the room became unobstructed, naturally including the young knight Gino.

Looking at the young, sullen, wilful young man, Sean couldn't help but look at his mouth—everything was in his expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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