The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1816: Next game

Chapter 1816, the next game

Sean's curled mouth quickly became smooth, but the brow wrinkled again.

"What are you doing at Gino?!"

The singer snorted, the knight went in, and shut the door.

Although the two deacons behind him are worthy of reassurance, the lesser the next thing, the better.

After all, the sanctuary is not only for launching a ‘dark’ to cope with the shacks of the lower seven rings where a large number of infidels gather. So simple, the sect requires a more targeted layout.

For example: the famous sisters.

and also……

The traitor of Sivarka!

The traitor must die!

This is the resolution of the Holy Sepulchre!

However, it is impossible to sacrifice a ‘dark’ for this purpose.

Even this is related to the majesty of the ‘God of War’.

However, with the news coming, the top of the sanctuary has changed.

From the initial 'monitoring' to the current 'assassination'!

The sanctuary quickly changed the order, and then thought of the accidental death of Etolin, the knight’s heart was a little uneasy.

He always felt that something important was hidden in it.

But he can't catch it.

To this end, he transferred the recent events in Aitinburg.

Then, a few key people are listed.

Corribo, Rudes, Gersac.

Cul Walton and the other's father, and the six-year-old.

Edson, Simon, Colin.

Three groups, nine people.

Everything that happened recently is closely related to these nine people.

Of course, the last character, the Cavaliers began with the writing of Irene Sika, the new lord of the Sika collar, but after just receiving the news in the palace, he changed to Colin.

Similarly, the goal of the sanctuary is also the ‘Holy.’

A heir-like heir-like bag and a heir who was raised by the hunter-hunter are completely different.

The Cavaliers understood the change in the goal of the sanctuary.

Because, he never thought that the sixth world actually really kept his son so deep.

When I think about the "black disaster" of the year, the change of the Aidin royal family, the knight long really wants to go to the palace to kill Aitantin VI.

Even dare to unite with the ‘hunter’s man to conspire to deal with His Majesty.

More importantly, these sorcerers have succeeded!

Really damn!

With the obsession in his heart, he informed his thoughts about the upper level of the sanctuary, and then he was sent here.

The upper level of the sanctuary handed the task to him.

He gave him great authority.

At this moment, he is not only able to mobilize the Knights of the Apostles in the Cathedral, but also to mobilize all the Darks he knows.

But the Cavaliers did not do this.

In his opinion, the assassination is still not to be a big fan.

Therefore, he needs Gino.

A ‘明子’ that covers the assassination of ‘暗子’.

With the attraction of the other side, the 'dark son' can play a greater role, and this guy who is obviously confused by the 'infidels' will inevitably attract the attention of the 'pagans'. It is really good. But the bait.

If not, how could he come here?

Such a guy who is not determined enough, the firearm is the best destination for the other party.

At the bottom of my heart, I was disdainful of killing, but the face of the knight, who was so sad and sad, came to Gino.

"This is just a test!"


“This is just a test to see if you can be alone!”

With a disappointing voice, Ginnor looked up.

The young man’s face is still confused.

The Cavaliers did not have any dodge in their eyes, and they looked straight at each other.

"We are not only facing the monsters of the claws, but also the words full of temptation."

"The latter is more terrible than the former when we go ahead."

"It will make your body weak and make your sword rust."

"As a person who is optimistic, each one must accept the test just... and Gino has failed."

The Cavaliers sighed.


"I failed?"

“Just all tested?”

The young man muttered to himself, and then, as if he was alive again, he stood up and grabbed the knight’s arm and shouted excitedly: "Captain Sean, give me a chance! Give me another chance!"

The strength of the palm, the words of excitement, let the Cavaliers understand that the young people in front of them are still so simple and innocent.

Young people who have never seen the dark side will never grow up.

Thinking of this famous saying in the sanctuary, Sean smiled at the bottom of his heart.

He doesn't care if he is cheating.

He only cares if he completes the task.

As for guilt?

The first time, there is.

Later, I gradually got used to it and forgot it.

An orphan with no talent, what else to remember?

The thoughts in my heart made the Cavaliers more calm and calm.

"I can give you another chance!"

"Remember, this is the last chance!"

"If you fail again..."

"You will lose everything."

The Cavaliers said solemnly.

"I understand."

The young man also answered with solemnity.


"follow me."

The knight said that he turned and walked out. He was very confident. He did not find it. Just as he turned around, the face of a serious young man became gloomy.


"It's the same as that voice!"

"I have been abandoned!"

"If it doesn't need me... I will be executed."

The young man clenched his fists.

The nails penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The pain spread and spread, making him feel that he almost suffocated.

But he did not stop, but walked behind the knight.


I want to survive.


"Cough, cough."

Holding the evil spirit from the Aitantine royal ruby, he coughed a few times.

It hasn't been spoken in that sinister tone for a long time, especially in the place of the cathedral, it is really frightening, if it is not for Boss, it will not come here.


“The limitations of ‘God of War’ are bigger than you think!”


"Hey, the South!"

What the upper evil spirits thought of, the eyes of the unbearable eyes showed joy.

The situation at hand has finally changed from passive to active.


Nature is the time when it is the time to perform again.

Mastering the initiative is not enough!

Boss wants a complete victory!

It must work for it!

Returning to the palace from the underground at a very high speed. In the small chamber, when the evil spirit appeared, it became the crowned Aitantin VI. The tall figure and the brilliant eyes, the old-looking face, This time there was even a feeling of radiance.

When the upper evil spirits pushed open the small chamber, the surrounding royal guards clearly discovered the changes in their majesty.

Everyone is happy, no accidents.

A father who is looking forward to his son’s return finally sees his son’s return, and after a good rest, it’s strange to not be radiant.

As for the more intense atmosphere?

For the royal guards, it is even better!

How many years have they not seen their own posture?

It is so great!

Feel the emotions of the members of the royal **** team. The upper evil spirits secretly nodded and asked directly.


"His Royal Highness goes to the Seventh Ring..."

The members of the Royal Guards said truthfully.

The upper evil spirit listened with no expression, and after the members of the royal **** had finished speaking, this was told.

"Let Monte come to see me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The royal **** hurried away.

About five minutes later, Monte appeared in front of the evil spirits.

"His Majesty."

Near the court, greetings.

"what happened?"

The upper evil spirit asked without a head, but the nearest minister knew what his Majesty asked.

Is there anything more important than that of His Highness?

"It’s the ‘quiet night retreat’. They inadvertently offended their Highness, so they want to have a peace talk to dispel the misunderstanding.”

The near minister truthfully reported.

"Quiet night secrets?"

"They are not such good speakers."

"What happened to Aitinburg after I took a break last night?"

The upper evil spirit asked.

“The fire broke out at the Ettoline tailor shop. The old tailor died. At the same time, the body of the ‘Queen Night Secret Society’ was found on the scene.”

“According to what we learned, the old tailor is a sabre priest. The strength is quite good. It should be the same as the ‘quiet night retreat’.”

Near the court.


"Oh, Monte, some things are not as simple as you think."

"He is not just a tailor, a dark child."

The upper evil spirit chuckled.

Suddenly, Monte was shaking.

More than just tailoring and darkness?

It must have other identities!

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that His Majesty will actually say this to me.

I never told me this before.

Is it because...His Royal Highness?

The near minister thought, subconsciously looked at the upper evil spirit.

"You should know something about it."

"Because of a lot of trivial things, Colin needs your help."

The upper evil spirit said, turned and returned to the small chamber.

An excited Monte looked at the back of Aitante VI, and took a few deep breaths, and then walked in.

The door closed again.

The royal guards guarded here.

The secret agents are all around.

Everything is like a barrel-like defense, so that the flies can't fly in.

Anyone who sees such a defense will think subconsciously: safety.

But often it is the safest place, the most dangerous place.

Because the world knows its safety.

I will always stare at it.

Pay attention to every move here.

Almost ten minutes later, the news that Monte entered the small chamber reached the cathedral.

The knight, who is doing the final preparation, is frowning.

Monte is not an easy person.

The other person is like a mouse and a fox.

And it can make the other person feel excited, and it is because of the thing of Atolin...

After a moment of indulging, he went straight to the prayer room of the cathedral.

As soon as he entered the prayer room, the knight, he cut his own palm. When the blood flowed out, he pressed directly to one side and hid in the secret array of wood grain.

This is the contact method that can only be used in an emergency.

Sean has never used it.

But this time, he thinks it should be used.

"what's up?"

A chilly sound sounded.

"I think there is a problem with Etolin!"

The Cavaliers replied with a slap in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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