The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1817: Take turns

Chapter 1817 takes turns

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

The icy sound is getting colder and colder.

An obvious anger is especially evident.

Sean’s forehead sweated slightly.

The combination of the pressure of the superiors and the strength of the strong, let Sean completely breathless, but the Cavaliers still bite their teeth and nodded.

"When, of course!"

The Cavaliers want to make themselves more arrogant, but under the pressure of the other party, the sound is involuntarily trembling.

“Etolin is a loyal and reliable guard.”

"He gave birth to the territory for my lord before he was born."

"After his death, he must also enter the kingdom of my Lord and be sheltered."

The cold voice, without any ups and downs in the tone, repeats the facts that everyone in ‘God Temple’ knows.

Sean understands what the other party means.

Therefore, when the other party's voice fell, he immediately said.

"I am willing to confront Lord Etolin."

"If I am mistaken."

"I am willing to pay any price."

After that, Sean fell to the ground on one knee.

He showed his resolution in words and actions.

The cold voice, no more words.

Begin to stand in the shadows and pray to your Lord.

As one of the two pivotal bishops above the fifteen bishops, Motor is the most deserved top of the 'God of War' and the most trusted and favored by the God of War.

No need for repeated processes and priests, just meditation, and Motor can be connected to ‘God of War’.

This time is no exception.

"Motor, what happened?"

When the loud voice sounded, Motor walked straight in the shadows.

"My great Lord, something happened that I can't decide."

"It's about your believer Aitlin!"

"Your other believer Sean thinks he has a problem, but he died last night and we need your ruling!"

Motor told the truth.

Then, waiting for the reply of the **** he believed.

It was not the first time that Motor asked ‘God of War’ to make a ruling.

Therefore, he quickly found that something was wrong.

Time... a bit long.

Before, every time there was no more than three interest rates.

This time, it has already passed.

Is it...

Really have a problem? !

Motor’s heart glimpsed.

If Etolin is really having problems...

Almost instantaneously, many thoughts poured into the heart of the Privy Bishop.

Because, Motto is very aware of the importance of Aitolin.

As a dark priest at the priestly level of the Sabre, Etolin's position in the sanctuary is not low, and he has almost mastered more than 50% of the dark in Aitenburg.

These include, but are not limited to, the true identity of these dark people, the identity of the cover, and so on.

If there is a problem with Etolin, then the system of the ruins in Aitinburg will have problems.

Anxiously filled in the heart of Motto.

However, the Privy Bishop did not urge his ‘God’.

As believers, the faithful faith allows the Privy Bishop to trust his ‘God’ completely and unconditionally.

Everything that ‘God’ says is what he needs to obey.

Everything that ‘God’ says is what he needs to spread.

Time passes by one second and one second.

After about a minute, Morton’s mind resounded the loud voice.

"Aitlin has a problem."

"Sean is right."

"You need to ask in detail about the process of Sean."


Motor answered.

When the vast breath left the bottom of his heart, Mortor stood up and he looked at Sean in the confession room. This is a special structure, not just the ordinary mechanical chamber, but also the blessing of the mystery. .

Standing here, people in the confession room are absolutely impossible to see people here.

The people here can observe the people in the confession room.

Just like the literal meaning.

Three hundred and sixty degrees, all-round, no observation of dead ends.

Such observations are so useful for specially trained people.

They can easily find out whether confessional indoors are hidden or deceiving.

Motor is one of the best.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry.

Instead, quietly watching Sean at the moment.

He expects to find more from it.

However, what disappoints Motor is that although Sean in front of him has a hint of embarrassment, this embarrassment comes only from the unknown, not the true meaning of hiding.

"what have you found?"

Observing the unobtained Motor opening asks.

"It is because of the news from the palace."

Sean replied.

"The news of the palace?"

Motor asked.

As the only Privy Bishop in the North, Motto's work is very cumbersome. His most important task is to sign his name on the files after the screening.

Therefore, he did not know the news that was just delivered.

As for everything?

Sorry, unless it is ‘God of War’, or Muror does not think anyone can do it.

After all, ‘God of War’ is omnipotent.

Standing there, Motto listened to Sean's retelling.

The cold look is more serious.

"Seal this message."

"No one can look at it without my permission."

Motor directly ordered.


Sean replied, and my heart is a joy.

He knew that he was right this time.

The fate is like this. No one knows when, will you favor you, and what do you need? It is always ready.

Just like him.

If it wasn't for his keen gaze, how could he notice Aitlin?

How can this be used as an opportunity to get the upper level of appreciation?

Sean’s belief in ‘God of War’ is firm.

Also firm is an up heart.

He hopes that he is closer to his Majesty.

To this end, he is constantly working hard.

This time, he seized the opportunity.

A team leader is not enough.

Sabre priest?

Not enough.

At least one of the bishops will enable him to better feel the glory of his majesty.

In order to achieve this goal faster, Sean said his plan in the next two minutes.

"Colin must die!"

"Of course, you can't die in our hands."

"At least on the surface."

Motor quietly listened to such a plan.

The ‘Staying Night Secrets Association’ voluntarily contacted the 'Snake Party’, and the ‘Snake Party’ representative was the heir to the successor of Aitandin VI, who had already read the expedited document before.

In this regard, Motor does not object.

A powerful royal family is not good for the ‘the Temple of War.’

"Do as you want!"

When Motor said, he left the darkroom.

He needs to report everything to the God of War.



At noon, there was a clear sky and a thunder, and the people of Aitenburg were shocked.

People are looking up.

When I saw the big sun, I muttered one by one.

The civilians do not know what happened.

Or, almost everyone does not know what happened.

Those who have a little knowledge, only know that this is the expression of the anger of the God of War.

Why is it angry?

They don't know.

Qin Ran knows.

Therefore, a smile appeared on his mouth.

I have to say that the upper evil spirits are getting better and better!

Maybe after the things here are over, can you give them a vacation?

Well, an hour... No, ten minutes is a good choice.

When the carriage was running smoothly, Qin Ran leaned on the soft cushion and took the tea in front of him. After a slight sip, he made a decision.

Then he looked out the window.


I need to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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