The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1822: make up

Chapter 1822 Compensation

When the Viscount Litle came to the lower seven-ring shantytown, it was more than 9 am.

The ‘fog’ believers in the shantytown have already started a busy day.

Although there is enough material and there is no need to go to work, cleaning up the ruins, cremation of the body and building fortifications requires a lot of manpower.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the winter in Hokuriku has always been cold, so you don't have to worry about the corruption of the body and the plague that followed.

But for the worries of friends and relatives, people here are still doing everything as fast as possible.

Therefore, when the Viscount Litle came, he saw a scene of busyness.

Of course, there are guard posts.

Because the heirs of the royal family of Aitandin and the heirs of the snakes are one person.

The relationship between the serpent's heirs and the 'fog' church is so shallow that the guards who clearly have the meaning of 'monitoring' have become a true protection.

Together with the patrols and guard posts of the confidant church itself, the guards here are not weak.

As a military leave, Little is almost subconsciously assessing how to attack this place with the fastest speed and the least cost if it is an enemy.

This slightly aggressive look was quickly discovered.

"Hey, you'd better take back that look."

A young man with a strong brown bear, carrying a huge double-edged tomahawk, quietly appeared next to Little's carriage and said.

Until the young man spoke, Litle was shocked to see the other party's arrival, and immediately gaze.

He began to look at each other.

When he saw the other person's body shape, he quickly locked the other person.


One of the backbones of the 'Mist' church.

“Does your own strength match the ‘fog’ magic?”

The count of Littlel’s heart speculated that there was a kind smile on his face.

"Hello, I am the Viscount Litle, is the Bishop of Simon here?"

Originally because of the narrow eyes, it looks very much like the fox's Viscount is more and more like this time, but the eagle hook nose is more obvious, like a fox with an eagle.

Looking at this appearance of the Viscount, Rogette frowned.

Young people don't like foxes. When they are hunting, they are always stolen by these bad things. Even if they are hidden in trees, they will be bitten off the ropes.

Therefore, the young people said very rudely.

"The bishop is not there."

In the face of a blunt tone, Littlel's Viscount was not angry at all.

"What about Mr. Sivarka?"

He smiled.

"What do you want to do?"

The contact inquiry has aroused the vigilance of young people.

"Reassured, I am not malicious."

"My reputation is not good, but it is not bad."

"Similarly, no one can pretend to be me, and the soldiers behind you can prove my identity."

As the Viscount Litle said, he walked over to the carriage and pointed to the Aitante soldiers who were not far away.

Rogette looked at the soldier who was saluting to Little, and his brow wrinkled.

It is not doubt.

With the identity of the heir to the royal family of Colin, the soldiers here can almost be regarded as their own, and no need to doubt anything.

He frowned because of the people in front of him.

He knew the reputation of Viscount Little.

When the time comes, the respected Baroness informed them as much as possible that they need to pay attention to in Fort Aitenburg.

Among them, the viscount is on the list.

Of course, more important is the reminder of Sivarka.

‘Be careful with the old school, they may not be good! ’

Sivarka recounted his own encounters and the old-fashioned habitual means of doing things. He said that it was exaggerated to use whatever means. After all, the other side also wanted the face of the nobility.

But to say that there is morality, pay attention to the rules of the knight?

That's really a joke.

Ghosts don't believe.

Young people want to drive the other away.

However, he did not do this when he thought of the instructions of the bishop when he left.

"You wait a moment."

The young man said coldly and turned to the camp.

In this more and more perfect camp, Sivarka is changing the frostbite to Ellie.

"Recovery is good!"

Looking at the small hand on the small hand to dissipate most of the appearance, Siwarka could not help but smile, in order to make Alice recover better, he bought the most expensive frostbite.

It now seems to be the choice to take.

"It will take about two or three days to recover."

"You must not touch cold water for Elli in these two days."

Sivarka squats.

"But I need to help everyone!"

"I don't have the strength to clean up the ruins, but I can wash the dishes, boil water, and don't touch the cold water..."

Ellie’s little face emerged as a dilemma.

The eyes of Sivarka are filled with pity and love.

If he has a daughter, he will never let his daughter do such a job.

Do not!

He already has a daughter.

But if the daughter wants to do this...

As a father, he is unconditionally supported, even if it is in tears.

"That Ali is careful."

"I will go to the market to buy a pair of gloves for a while."

"The kind that can touch the water."

Sivarka touched Ellie’s head.

"But my mother said that she can't ask others at will..."

"I am not someone else!"

"It is Ellie, you saved me, you are my savior."

"I replied that Ellie is right."

Sivarka said with a smile, then, pointing to the distance, continued: "Ellie to help, everyone is waiting for you."

"it is good."

The little girl nodded and rushed to the West Walka with a smile.

Looking at the back of her daughter's disappearance, Sivarka turned around and looked at Rogette.

"what happened?"

Asked Sivarka.

"What a nice kid!"

The young man was so admired, and then he began to face the suspicion, vigilance and hostility of an old father.

"What do you want?"

Sivarka licked his teeth and asked in a deep voice.

"Do not misunderstand!"

"I am just a simple compliment!"

"And, Sivalka, you are too nervous, not everyone..."

"The estrus boar should be smashed."

Sivarka interrupted Rogette’s words and said coldly.

Looking at Sivarka's serious look, the young people felt silent for those boys who might be rewarded by Ellie. It is very difficult to know that they want to pass this level of Sivarka.

However, this is not his business.

"It's old school."

"The priest of Littlel came in person."

The young man is very wise to say the topic.

"What is expected."

When Sivarka said this, he walked outside the camp.

When he knew that Aitinburg and the snake heir were a person, he knew that the old school could not sit still.

The virtues of those nobles, he knows clearly.

"What are we going to do?"

The young man asked.

"Give it to me."

"The bishop has already told me about the direction of the matter."

"As for the rest, I will complete it."

Said Sivarka.

The young man did not say anything at once.

First, for the love and respect of Simon Bishop, let him completely obey the orders of the Bishop of Simon.

Second, the young people speculated that this was the test of the Bishop's adults to Sivarka.

Although Sivarka has already stated that he wants to join the ‘fog’ church, the identity of the other party is troublesome. At that time, the bishop did not refuse and did not agree.

Obviously, I am waiting for Sivarka to pass this test.

Therefore, the young man immediately stepped behind and went to the side of Sivarka.

He needs to observe the whole process.

At the same time, it is necessary to protect the Sivarka.

Although the nobleman just looked annoying, but also very strong.

Without the blessing of His Majesty, he is hard to be the opponent of the other side.

Can you have the blessing of your Majesty?

He can kill each other with one hand.

Seeing Rogette's changes, Sivarka did not say anything.

This is justified.

If he wants Enron's enthusiasm from the ‘God Temple’ to the “Mist” church, he must show his ability. Otherwise, why is he protected?

If it is normal, it will be considered, he can not go to the border, incognito lived.

But with Ellie?

He will go all out.


The Viscount Litle standing outside the camp suddenly felt a bit cold.

Looking up at the still bright sunshine, the old-fashioned aristocrat could not help but shook his head.

The winter in Hokuriku is really terrible.

Even in Aitinburg is no exception.

These years, I used to go to the South for the winter, and he has already begun to get used to the winter in the north.

What a **** new order!

The old-fashioned aristocrat could not help but frown at the thought of the new order of his majesty.

You know, from the beginning to the beginning of the winter in the South, he has already invested more than half of his entire family in that warm place. Farms, mines, hand workshops, etc. are all industries he is willing to do.

Not only him, but also Valentin.

Even the small and medium-sized aristocrats behind him are like this.

Once the war in the south...

He can imagine what their investment will look like.

Therefore, this new order is not simply a matter of 'noble glory' and 'land', but also about the survival of each of their families.

these are……

Absolutely not able to give in!

For a moment, the eyes of the Viscount of Littlel became sharp and sharp.

However, the next moment, it turned into a smile.

He saw Rogette returning, and Sivarka appeared in the field of vision.

"Good morning, Lord Sivarka."

The Viscount Litle said that he would go up two steps and be greeted to show sincerity.

There are not many Sivalkas, nor are they flattered. It seems that they have seen an ordinary friend. They came over and smiled and said: "His Excellency, good morning."

"I am sorry, Lord Sivarka."

"What happened yesterday caused you to have an unnecessary misunderstanding."

"Today I am coming with sincerity."

Said, Viscount Lear pointed to the carriage.

The driver immediately opened the door.

Suddenly, Sivarka and Rogette looked at each other.

A golden radiance shines on the two.

For a while, the two talents returned to normal.

Sivalka doesn't need to count, just need to glance at the box, you can know that there are two thousand Kimpton in this box.

In the aristocracy, in addition to the strong, top grade, the Kimpton box is constant.

It seems that only this way can show their differences.

Faced with two thousand Kimpton, if you meet Ellie, Sivalka will be heart-warming.

And now?

Certainly not enough.

Not just the mission of the Bishop of Simon.

and also……

He wants to raise a daughter!

That is very expensive!

As for Rogette?

Even more, I didn’t even look at it.

Even when it was just in the golden light, the young people clasped the axe and worried about someone attacking.

When the crew of Littel watched the door, he kept observing the expressions of the two men. When he saw the inaction of the two men, the old-fashioned aristocratic heart could not help sinking.

At the same time as the people who are suffering from Valentin’s work are unfavorable, they smile and point to the carriage.

"His Sivarka, I have found two good antiquities before, are you interested in enjoying it?"

Asked the Viscount Litle.

"of course."

"However, two are too few."

"If you have a little more, it will be better."

Sivalka nodded, and without the invitation of the Viscount of Little, he strode to the carriage.

The order of the Bishop of Simon is ‘slaughter sheep’!

What kind of politeness does he have to be?

Don't let the other person feel distressed, he is a younger brother.

Looking at the self-walking to the carriage, Sivalka, who looked at everything in the carriage, smiled on the face of Littlel's face, but his heart was screaming.

The attitude of the other party has already indicated everything.

If you want to let yesterday's things come out, you have to bleed.

He did not want.

Yes, no.

Because the other person is standing behind him, someone they don't want to be able to provoke.

The identity of Aitandin and the successor of the snakes is really terrible.

Although they still have a backhand...

It may not move, or it will not move.

The bottom card is the best in your hand.

Going out, there really is no room for turning.

The bottom of my heart comforts myself.

But then the words of Sivarka, but almost let the Viscount Litle pull out the sword and hacked each other.

"This carriage is good."

"The things inside are not bad."

"There are two carriages and things inside, two more!"

The West Valka winds lightly said.

Although I can't wait to slash Sivarka, the Viscount Litle is still trying to maintain aristocratic demeanor.

"is it?"

"Two more cars?"

"Okay, I will send it to you at noon."

Viscount Littlel said with a smile.

Seeing the Viscount of Little, he agreed to it, and Sivarka was clearly glimpsed.


To be less!

His heart is full of anger, but it is not appropriate to repent after this time.

Therefore, it can only be, nodded with remorse.

Viscount Little had seen such annoyance and remorse.

His hand has pinched the hilt.

Can't hack him!

Can't hack him!

Can't hack him!

The priest of Little, who has been warning himself to keep smiling, is bleeding at the bottom of his heart.

As a hereditary aristocrat, the Little family is naturally rich, but after almost all of them have invested in the South, after taking out these things, they really want to go bankrupt.

However, as long as the heir is temporarily stabilized.

after that?

The Viscount Litle sneered.

With this in mind, the Viscount of Little, who did not want to stay for a long time, will board the carriage and leave.

At this time, Rogette, who had remained silent, was directly in front of the door.

"this is ours."

The young man said righteously.

Viscount Little:...

(End of this chapter)

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