The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1823: thorn

Chapter 1823 thorn

When Qin Ran returned to the temporary residence of the 'Fog' church in the Lower Seven Rings in a carriage, he noticed the decorated carriage at first sight.

The merchant's carriage is more practical and practical.

The carriage of the nobles must show their identity.

Therefore, the two are completely different.

As for ordinary people?


For ordinary people, walking is the best choice.

"His Royal Highness is the carriage of the Little family."

Monte station to Qin Ran, whispered.

There is not much explanation about the Little family, but there is a point in the look.

The Litle family, who is the leader of the old-fashioned aristocracy, has always resisted the attitude of the royal family. Even this has been modified. The real argument is that it is hostile.

Of course, everything is in the dark.

Where people can't see it, the undercurrent is soaring.

in the sun?

Still a thriving.

Whether it is Aitantin VI or the old aristocrats, they need such an illusion for their own interests.

However, if it can be done once and for all, Aitantin VI or the old-fashioned aristocrats must not mind tearing this illusion.

Where is the biggest flaw in Aitante VI?

Nature is the cousin of Colin next to him.

Therefore, the next moment, the nearest minister stunned against the royal **** behind him.

These members of the **** immediately approached a few steps in a quiet manner.

However, unlike the close ministers, these **** members are not looking at the carriage.

But looking behind you?

There, the three carriages are slowly approaching.

After a while, the first carriage stopped.

Changed a dress, but the equally expensive Viscount of Litle walked down.

Clothing is one of the most important criteria for judging whether a nobleman is noble or not.

As one of the traditional aristocrats, the Viscount Litle not only wants to dress in luxury, but also wears different costumes in the same field and at different times.

However, such changes are not seen most of the time.

Because nobles like the Viscounts of Little have all have the so-called 'family costumes', such as Litle, most of them are red, the corners are embroidered with gold shirts, and the pants are It is mainly made of pure black, only different in some details. The only difference is the badge on the gold button.

The same is true of the Aidin royal family, the largest aristocrat.

But the role played by Qin Ran is an exception.

He is still a snake-like heir, and he is still dressed like a demon hunter. For Qin Ran, the first one is comfortable unless it is necessary.

It is even better if you can move easily.

And this made the eyes of the Viscount of Littlel a little different.

It seems to be scornful.

But, right away, this contempt is gone.

"Good afternoon, Lord Colin."

The other side walked quickly, with a slightly bent back, and then, after standing straight, the old-fashioned aristocrat simply pointed at the carriage behind him and said: "Two of them are I give to Sivar. The card’s compensation, of course, also includes the one behind you.”

Said, the visor paused and looked at Rogette who came out.

"Take the blessing of the young man."

"I rarely walked for an hour in Aitante Dingbao."

"Sunshine and cold winds make me remember."

Can't hear any hate.

There is no anger either.

It seems to be describing other people's things.

However, the other's eyes were cold and abnormal at this time.

That is the leak of killing.

Rogette, who was watched, took his own battle axe.

Young people from the North will never be afraid of fighting, and will not be afraid of challenges.

Even if the other party is strong, it is the same.

Not fighting the strong, only knowing the bully is not the tradition of the cold winter.

They are happy to go to the strong to fight.

Even if you die, it is the same.

At this moment, Rogette is ready for this.

The people around me also guessed the thoughts of young people.

No one will stop it.

If the weak challenge the strong, it will not be stopped, but unexpectedly, the murder of the viscount is fleeting, and the next moment becomes a gentle smile.

"You did a good job."

"I am looking forward to your final growth."

Said the Viscount Litle.

A pair of elders face the appearance of the younger generation.

The young man looked at Litle in front of him in a strange way. If it wasn't the same face as the memory, he would really think that he had encountered a fake Little.

The viscount in front of him and what he saw in the morning seemed a little different.

The nearest minister is more and more vigilant staring at the eagle fox.

Because of the slender eyes and the eagle's nose, the Viscount Little is called the eagle fox.

Of course, such a title is with a thick nickname.

The fox, on behalf of the cockroach.

It is the goal that Aitantine people are most willing to hunt.

Hunting a fox in the fall is seen as a symbol of intelligence and wealth.

The eagle owl represents the mighty.

Being able to tame an eagle can often be respected by people. Even in the presence of a fire, a person who can tame an eagle can still get a considerable reward.

After all, under the fire, it can only be dead, not alive.

Then the problem is coming.

What would be tamed with the ‘Eagle Fox’?

Nature is a rare honor.

And who tamed the eagle fox?

Nature is the martyrdom of Aitending VI.

Even the nearest minister guessed that the title of ‘Eagle Fox’ was released by his own sire.

To stimulate the Viscount in front of you.


The other party is not only embarrassed, but also very calm.

It is the enemy of His Royal Highness!

Immediately brought into the close minister of the role of the Minister of the Guardian, began to think about how to get rid of this old-school leader who is likely to become the biggest trouble of His Royal Highness.

But before that the near-minister thought of anything, the surrounding royal guards suddenly moved.

The fire was lifted and pointed in one direction.

"Who? Come out!"

The captain of the royal **** sipped low there.

"Don't shoot."

"Yes, it is me."

In a slightly weak voice, a young man came out.

Seeing this young man who came out, everyone in the room was a frown.

Not only because the young people in front of them are ragged, but also because the faces of the other side are full of sorrow, confusion, and even a kind of despair.

Of course, what's more important is that this young man, who is present, almost always knows.

At the gate of the city before, the interception of the ‘Mist’ church by the Temple of War made the ‘Mist’ church’s momentum rise, but also made a young man famous.


The apologetic knight of the Temple of War!

This young man became the talk of the recent Aidinburg tea after dinner.

Naturally, it won't be a good word.

Therefore, the people present were quickly stretched their brows.

They guessed the reason for the look on the other side's face, and also guessed the other party's intentions.

In fact, everything is as they expected.

"Excuse me, is Simon Bishop?"

The young man asked.

The fire of the members of the royal escorts was all put down, and the near minister and Rogette could not help but relax.

At this time, beyond everyone's expectations, the Viscount Litle pulled out the long sword and pointed it at Qin Ran.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Qin Ran is still the same.

He looked at the Viscount Litle holding the sword, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

PSSorry, the fat dragon burger is eating too much, the stomach is not comfortable, it is even late!

(End of this chapter)

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