The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1824: Hurry in life

Chapter 1824 Life is in a hurry

Is there anything that is more than happy to be happy?

Naturally, while everything is going well, there are still unexpected gains.

Just like Qin Ran at the moment.

The shot of the Temple of War was as expected in Qin Ran.

Even the other party will choose the general means, he knows one or two.

after all……

He had a reliable follower and helped him understand the other's entire plan, but the Viscount Litle was an unexpected surprise.

Qin Ran did not think that the Temple of War would choose the Viscount of Little as the target of disguise.

This is really good news for him.

If he came to the priest of Little, it would be too conspicuous.

But if the war temple is shot...

Everything is interesting.

Thinking of this, Qin Ran directly issued a new order to the upper evil spirit.

‘Find the real Viscount of Little. ’

No more orders.

Qin Ran knows that the evil spirits will understand what they mean.

As for how to find the Viscount of Little?

The vision that [tracking] has brought him has just locked in where the fake Viscount of Litle comes from, and the real Viscount of Little will be there.

Because the counterfeit goods have no more time to settle the Viscount of Little.

As for the vacant Litle?

The other party’s plot is not just a killing.

Or to be precise, only he is killed, and then traded as a chip and the Viscount of Little.

If he is dead.

How angry is Itindin VI who lost his heir?

What will happen to the ‘snake’ who lost the heir?

At that time, the Viscount of Little, there was no choice at all.

Do you explain?

Sometimes, if the explanation is useful, there will not be so many kills.

The human heart is complex and cannot be directly viewed.

Therefore, when facing the enemy, Qin Ran always likes to deal with it in the most direct way.

The long sword wiped Qin Ran’s body.

A glimmer of light shines on the sword.

The glaring light makes the people around them close their eyes.

Dozens of swordsmanships burst straight out of the blade, completely cutting the ground of the stone within five meters of the surrounding area into pieces, but did not hurt the Qinran, even the sword in the field of counterfeit goods, even Qin Ran's figure can not be found.

Only left -

Hey, hey!

A snake is like a prelude to the appearance of death.

The air flow appeared and spun out of the air, and it was shrouded in the body of the counterfeit goods.


The clothes were torn at the first time, followed by flesh and blood, as if an invisible snake in the void was biting each other.

This kind of ruthless feeling makes the counterfeit goods cry out.


The screams are high, but they stop.

A foot hidden in the airflow, pointing directly on the other's head.


In the muffled sound, the fake goods swayed like a drunkard. After a few steps, it fell to the ground.

The scarlet blood is mixed with crushed brain flowers that flow out of the nostrils, pierced ears, and eyes.

When he died, the counterfeit goods were wide open.

He admitted that he underestimated the strength of the serpent heirs.

Can you just smile in the eyes of the snake heir?

At the time of his death, the counterfeit goods looked at his ‘Mingko’. Then he saw the smile in Gino’s eyes, which was a kind of happy, revengeful smile.

It's him? !

It was he who leaked my plan!

Counterfeit goods want to hold up the body and make a loud noise.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the darkness will come forever.

The counterfeit goods did not sound.

"His Royal Highness? Your Highness?"

"Are you okay?"

Monte, who had just been thrown out by Qin Ran, ran back at this time.

When he saw that Qin Ran was safe and sound, the near-minister was relieved. Then, the near-minister was eager to see the remaining entourage and guards of the Viscount Litle.

"Catch them!"

"I want to live!"

Although the near minister could not wait to make these **** into bolognese, he had to think more about his own interests.

Maybe this is an opportunity?

The near minister is thinking.

Rogette, who had already checked the body, confirmed his own guess.

The other party is really not the Viscount of Little.


Sivarka accurately named the other party.

The clerk of the ancestral hall of the former war temple was frowned.

He thought of some bad rumors about the Temple of War.

Holy Sepulchre!

Must be the sanctuary!

Then, Shivalkaman looked worried about Qin Ran.

Qinran, who was indifferent, went to the side of the body and picked up the sword in the other hand. He turned and walked toward the temporary station of the 'Mist' church.

There is neither a command nor a more representation.

Everyone present at the scene looked at each other.

No one knows the thoughts of this Aitante, the serpent heir.

Should you be assassinated, shouldn’t you be angry?

How could it be so calm?

Everyone is guessing.

The upper evil spirits who know everything are busy.

Although his own Boss has already informed it about the scope, it is a densely populated and well-built building in Aitinburg. It is not a simple matter to find someone in such a place.

Fortunately, it is fast enough.

After walking through the void and passing over more than 20 houses, the evil spirits found the Viscount of Little in the basement of a house.

The status of the Viscount of Little at this time is not good.

There were many injuries on the body. Although it was bandaged, it still smashed blood.

The other person's face was pale and his forehead was hot.

The evil spirit appeared in front of the other side, and the Viscount Litle seemed to be a little aware, but he did not even have the power to move a finger, even the eyelids could not open.

The upper evil spirit could not help but shook his head and sighed.

It can be easily discerned that the Viscount was ambushed by at least four people, but it was an arrow that made the Viscount lose his mobility.

Poisonous arrow.

It is also because of this arrow that the viscount will become a prisoner and become so bad.

"My Lord heard ‘message’.”

"My Lord heard ‘doubt’.”

"I am following the will of my Lord."

"Remove ‘love’ for you.”

"To answer your doubts."

The upper evil spirit slowly said with the image of Simon.

The sound is gentle and full of love for life.

It stretched out its fingers and a white glow shrouded the Viscount of Little.


The coldness is permeated in the body.

Little had never thought that he would die in this situation.

Yes, die.

He smelled the breath of death.

The sword wound and the knife wound are not heavy, but the skin is traumatic, but the poisonous arrow has begun to destroy his vitality.

Maybe it won't take long, I am a dead body.

Litle thought about it.

Fear and despair naturally rise from the bottom of my heart.

Who can not be afraid of death?

Little does not know.

However, he is afraid of death.

However, what makes him even more frightened is that his death turned out to be such an obscurity.

What does that guy do with me?

Fear filled with despair, and Little began thinking at the last moment of his life.

Naturally, he thought of the person who had changed into his appearance.


He thought of what his family would encounter because of his death.

I also thought of the decisiveness and sorrow of the majesty.

There is also the Temple of War!

That's right, the Temple of War!

Filial hatred spread from the heart of Little.

Although the previous ambush made him feel surprised, the ambush was careful enough to hide his true skills, but he still found that the **** were there.

Temple of War!

In connection with what happened last night, Little quickly inferred the cause and effect.

The Temple of War does not allow the appearance of a powerful royal family.

Especially the royal family with many entanglements with the demon hunter, it is not.

And he?

However, it is the pool fish that is caught.


Not willing!

It rose, but it quickly disappeared.

Little knew that these were useless. He did not see the situation and fell into the situation in front of him. He could not blame others.

Death has become the only choice.

Cold is like a flood of water.

Little is struggling again, but more is powerless.

Just as he was about to give up, there was a vague voice in his ear.

The sound is blurred, but with warmth.

That cold is gone.

In this warmth, he unconsciously began to recall his life.

When he was sixteen years old, he walked past Aitinburg and passed by with the girl wearing a linen shirt.

He thought that when he was twenty, he had to marry a woman who had never met before for the benefit of the family.

He thought of twenty-two years old, in order to meet the trend of the upper class of Aitenburg, he began to have two QR.

He thought of twenty-three years old, and the woman discovered the contempt and sarcasm of his beginning to store the QR.

He thought of the age of twenty-five, the woman’s depression after moving back to the family’s old house.

He thought of the hardships he had when he took the QR child back to the family when he was thirty.

He thought of thirty-three years old...

Life is like a lantern.

Whirring and turning.


They all become illusory.

He feels the warmth.

He seems to have returned to the age of sixteen.

He saw the girl wearing a linen shirt again.

He burst into tears unconsciously.

He stopped his steps unconsciously.

He opened his mouth and asked.

"Hello, I am Little, can I know you?"

Courteous greetings.

no answer.

Only the smile of the girl.

In the sun, so bright.

Litton looked at it.

He found out what his previous pursuit was for?

Why did you find out what you want until now?

next moment!

Litley opened his eyes.

He saw the evil spirit standing in front of him.

"Is everything a dream?"

Little whispered.

"Is it a good dream?"

The upper evil spirit asked.

"Good dream?"

"Yes, it is the best dream I have ever done."

"My heart seems to be... alive."

Litle said, rubbing the tears in the corners of his eyes, struggling to climb up, kneeling in front of the evil spirits, and never before, said: "Little has seen the bishop."

(End of this chapter)

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