The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1842: Chess pieces.

Chapter 1842. Chess.

Destiny is like a river.

This is a description.

In fact, it is similar.

Qin Ran had used a help from a goddess who was in charge of the destiny, and had a slight peek into the river of destiny.

Although it is a glimpse of the leopard, it is enough to impress Qin Ran.

It is really shocking to mix the time and space with the coincidence of the ‘the present.’

Even if Qin Ran has been vigilant, it is the same.

You hate it.

But does not mean that it does not exist.

Does not mean that it is not good.

It is like death.

Everyone fears death, but who can escape death?

Even if you are struggling.

In the end, it is still difficult to escape.

For example: the female hunting demon who was imprisoned for many years.

Qin Ran, who is thinking about the ‘hacker’ plan, was stopped by the old hunter.

"The honey bait has passed away."

Edson mourned the news of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran a glimpse.

He is not very familiar with the hunter demon.

But it is very concerned.

Not only because the other party is a rare female hunting demon, but also because the other party has won the title.

Coupled with Edson's relationship, Qin Ran has always maintained the initial vigilance against each other.

This kind of vigilance is not malicious.

Just getting used to it.

As time goes by, such vigilance will naturally weaken.

Even if the fire is ignited, it has divinity.

But Qin Ran's energy is still not endless.

He can't pay attention to everything.

Can only be the focus of selection.

Similarly, this sudden death is naturally one of the priorities.

Again, Qin Ran’s vigilance was caused.

But on the face, Qin Ran remained surprised.

"how come?"

"Is the previous state not already stable?"

Qin Ran asked.

"After she was rescued, the state has not been very good, even those court doctors are only conservative treatment, which is a drop in the bucket for honey bait."

"If you can be a few years earlier..."

Said, the old hunter can not say, he lowered his head.

On the side, Horuf walked over and patted the shoulders of his friends.

"She is very strong."

"She loves to laugh."

"She said that a smile can make people strong."

"Take your tears away, do you want her to close her eyes?"

Horuf whispered.

Then, the retired hunter went to all the demon hunters, and he looked around and raised his voice.

"We need to send a good friend with a funeral."

"just now……"

"Let's get ready."

In the words, the retired old hunter can't help but choked.

Then he also lowered his head and walked back.

"It's a big wind."

He reluctantly said to Qin Ran.

Even the nose and tears are mixed together.


"it's very windy."

Qin Ran nodded and looked at a group of demon hunters who were crying in the wind.

The close minister beside him also expressed his grief properly.

Just right.

Because death is too common for people who make a living in the court.

However, this time, but when he is acting.

"His Royal Highness needs me to come forward and prepare for it?"

The nearest minister gestured to his own Highness.

"To prepare for everything."

Qin Ran said this.

"Yes, Your Highness."

As soon as he was close, he quickly left, and soon, some of the things needed for the funeral of the Hokuriku began to appear in the camp.

Coffins, garlands and drinks are the foundation.

Gold and silver jewelry is only available to wealthy people.

After asking about Edson, the near minister did not use these, the demon hunter did not need gold and silver jewelry.

The hunter needs a weapon.

A silver dagger is enough.

In the midst of busyness, Qin Ran went to the old hunting demon to ask.

“Can I go see the honey bait?”

"of course."

The old hunter did not refuse and picked up the tent.

Qin Ran went in.

At this time, the flowers have been dotted with the whole tent. The honey bait is lying in the coffin. The plain white clothes are worn on the demon hunter. A shawl is covered on the face of the honey bait, blocking the face. The face of the corpse.

A half-height metal shelf stands in front of the coffin and the candle on the top makes the entire tent brighter.

Qin Ran did not move the body.

Just look at it.

From the outside, the other party is really dead.

No breathing, no heat.


For Qin Ran, death has long been more than just a physical matter.

There is also a soul!

To put it simply, the soul and the flesh are dying at the same time, and it is dead.

The general soul cannot escape the eyes of Qin Ran.

In the perspective of [Tracking], everything will be complete.

And in front of you?

everything is normal.

There are no traces.

It is an ordinary farewell ceremony for the dead.

The only difference is that in the sky at the moment, the ‘God of War’ ‘the catastrophic lady’ is intertwined and twisted, and the Thunder is ringing from time to time.

"It is a farewell ceremony."

"May you rest in peace."

After Qin Ran finished speaking, he walked out of the tent.

At this time, the upper evil spirits have appeared outside the tent.

After the evil spirits appearing as the bishop of Simon and Qin Ran nodded to each other, they went in.

As the nominal person in charge of the camp, it must be presented.

After a while, the upper evil spirit came out.

"His Royal Highness, I need to ask you some things, do you have time?"

The upper evil spirit asked.

"of course."

"Go to my tent."

Qin Ran answered like this.

Very normal conversation, no one will doubt.

Especially after the sight is attracted by the ‘honey silk’.

In the tent.

“Is it too clever to be Boss?”

"Is Bohr just left, she is dead?"

"She must have a problem."

"And, she is also... woman!"

Once in the tent, under the guardianship of the evil dogs and guards, the upper evil spirits boldly said their thoughts.

Especially in the word 'woman', the upper evil spirit aggravated the voice.


"Whoever is so coincidental, everyone will pay attention."

“More fully, it’s all after we’ve discovered the real purpose of the hacker’s bastard.”

Qin Ran nodded.

The evil spirit is not a fool. After a slight glimpse, it reacts.

"You mean she is also being used?"

"Use her death to attract our attention, then, the woman to do what she really wants to accomplish?"

The evil spirits speak to themselves.

"Do not."

"If it is me, I must not only do this."

"I have to mobilize the power that can be mobilized around me to deal with me."

“It’s just like what we did before.”

Qin Ran shook his head with certainty.

"She wants to tear us down?"


"She can only rely on the demon hunter, and now the demon hunter is with us unless..."

As he spoke, what the upper evil spirit thought of.

"Unless we moved her ‘corpse’.”

"This will make the Demon Hunter suspicion, let her use the Demon Hunter to bite us."

"But if we don't move her corpse, we will let her look for opportunities and be quick and powerful."

Qin Ran said that he took a deep breath.

"It’s really awkward!"

"So, she gave us another way: killing ‘God of War’!”

"Scrapping ‘God of War’?”

The upper evil spirits glimpse.


"She has been in the camp. Although I made some arrangements, I believe she can sense my current changes."

"Bol's departure is not a condition that touches her 'death'."

"I have a 'divineness'."

"She can't let me continue to be strong."

"So, she has to force me to make a choice, is to 'turn over' my own layout and her adventure, or to kill the weak 'God of War' to gain more divinity, and to fight with her. ”

Qin Ran nodded and his body slowly sat on the sofa.

He adjusted slightly to let himself sit up straight in a more comfortable posture.

Then, the corner of the mouth is tilted and continues.

"And the hacker's **** must have anticipated such a situation, so I will be 'introduced' into this copy world!"

"The copy world that I entered with Mimosa before was the 'bridge' that entered here. In order to ensure that I am 100% involved, he also put 'Bol' as a 'bait' and put it here as a ' target'."

"And, that guy left me with quite a few tips to make me as prepared as possible."

"It's a jerk!"

Qin Ran sighed.

He finally knew the true purpose of the hacker.

Not too late.

When he began to have divinity, Qin Ran had already had corresponding speculation.

Very simple.

When ‘gluttony’ transformed energy, Qin couldn’t help but divergent thinking.

‘The hacker’ will not expect such a scene.

The answer is: Yes.

The ‘hacker’ may not be able to accurately predict the whole process.

However, the results are unchanged.

That is, he will definitely get ‘divineness’ here!

The situation of this copy and his practice of maximizing profits are doomed to do so.

Then the problem has arisen!

Will ‘hacker’ be a ‘anti-enemy’?

will not!

The answer is equally certain.

Under what circumstances will the ‘hacker’ do this?

Nature is facing a more horrible enemy.

In the category of Qin Ran's cognition, no one else except the ‘who’ will be treated as a hacker.

Similarly, ‘hackers’ have already given their own tips.


A person who is closely related to the 'witch'.

Not only with the 'Women's Seal', but also the guardian of the past.

Most importantly, Bohr used to 'disappear'.

Qin Ran used the word ‘disappearing’.

Bohr used ‘sleeping’.

The two are different.

Bohr did not lie.

Sleeping is the state that Bohr thinks.

But what is the real fact?

Bohr did not know.

Other people don't know.

In addition to Qin Ran.

When I learned that the 'Witch's Seal' can rely on killing and gaining some of the other's attributes, Qin Ran is guessing what it would be like if the witch killed someone who had the 'Witch Mark'.

Get more?

Still getting all?

Of course, when Lenovo’s 'Witch's Imprint' appeared in a strange picture, Qin Ran surely had a harsh condition when he killed a man who had a 'Witch Mark'.

However, there is one thing that remains the same!

That is death!

Because ordinary people who have the ‘Women’s Seal’ have experienced each other’s ability to gain some of their attributes.

The conditions have become more demanding.

Death is the foundation.

More conditions will appear.

So, Bohr is dead!

That is to say, when Bohr said that he was 'sleeping' because of the witch, the process of awakening again was actually a process of resurrection.

A process of being resurrected by ‘hackers’.

Of course, such a 'resurrection' is not complete.

It can only be 'intercept a section'.

Or, ‘hacker’ needs to 'intercept this paragraph’.


In the period of ‘Bol’ there was the existence of ‘Witches’!

The ‘who’ who once disappeared into a huge city.

During this time period.

In this copy of the world.

It is real.

Qin Ran did not know what kind of way ‘hacker’ used, only revived Boer, and used what kind of method to “cheat” a huge city, causing the situation at hand.

But the purpose of the other party is obviously no doubt.

The other party wants him to kill the ‘Witch’ in ‘this time period’.

In fact, you don't have to hope.

At this moment, he is already the nail of the ‘Witch’ and the thorn in the flesh.

Even if the ‘Women’ doesn’t understand too much during this time.

Because he has plundered the other's resources.

Moreover, these are quite critical resources under the deliberate selection of ‘hackers’.

For example: [The Lord of the Mist] absorbed by him.

For example: resources in the South.

What happens if he does not enter this copy world, just Bohr enters?

Everything is obvious.

All of this will be a 'witch'.


Sitting in the sofa, Qin Ran vomited heavily.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"If we want to kill the "God of War", we need to prepare as soon as possible."

"The majority of the believers have been lost, and under the attack of the ‘Ms.’, He can’t last long.”

As the leader of the layout of everything, the evil spirits are really reluctant to ‘overturn’ the situation at hand. Naturally, it is thinking about **** ‘God of War’.

"Who said that I want to kill him?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Not what you said..."

"The fool will follow the enemy's ideas."

"But we can make a dilemma..."

"Then I will not choose!"

"What about you?"

"I am at the table!"

After Qin Ran finished, he got up and walked out.

The fog began to condense.

During the breath, the fog will cover the entire Fort Aitin.

"go away!"

"This is not the place where you fight!"

"go away!"

"This is my guardian!"

Under the night sky, like a thunderous roar, it sounded from the thick fog.

next moment!

In the air, a giant made up entirely of fog, stand up.

In the hands of the giants, the raging flames rise to the sky.

The hot air is blowing in all directions.

The glare of the glare shines on the sky at night.

The people of Aitenburg have looked at the giant who was blazed by the flames, and many of them subconsciously fell to the ground, not to mention the believers of the ‘fog’.

They have already begun to pray.

Therefore, no one noticed that the three figures left the camp.

They are proud of their faces, a yawn, and a swallowing mouth.

The former went straight to the Temple of War.

The latter one is to go to the temple of the ‘failure lady’ hidden in the alley.

The last one was confused.

"Food, canteen... wrong, it is the palace."

In the low voice, the last one took back the steps towards the canteen and began to adjust the direction.

(End of this chapter)

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