The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1843: different

Chapter 1843 is different

The flames rolled and the heat wave was empty.

The appearance of the foggy giant instantly attracted the battle in the sky.

Even if the ‘God of War’ murderous gaze does not require [tracking] vision, Qin Ran can clearly feel it, and the chilly and deep breath of ‘Mr.

The former is a **** feeling filled with rust.

The latter is a sense of rigidity like a mechanical.

At this moment, Qin Ran felt that he was standing in a workshop full of chronology and full of dead bodies.


This feeling is alive!

Qin Ran’s eyes have changed.

The huge foggy body faded.

Some subtle changes are perceived by him.

That is the subtlety of the ontology.

It seems that muscles, bones, and blood are being replaced by other things.




The three divinities begin to cross and form a new ontology.

Then he stood in a workshop with such an ontology.

There was a black machine in front of him, and there was scarlet blood under his feet. The machinery kept running and made a loud noise, but the sound was quickly replaced by trembling and mourning.

Or to be precise, in those machines, the sound is emitted instead of the sound of the machine itself.

The battle is thunderous.

The seismic layers are stacked and seem to tear the sky.

The mourning sounds are as if you want to get into your body and tear your soul.

Hey, hey!

In the sound of the armor rubbing, a small giant with a height of three meters bypassed the black machine and appeared in Qin Ran's field of vision.

The other's face is hidden behind the armor, revealing only the size of the bulb.

The sarcasm in the eyes is like the essence.

"Not self-reliant!"

The other side has such an evaluation.

There is no doubt that this is the ‘God of War’.

The ‘God of War’ in the true sense of the body is revealed.

And ‘Mr.

In the shadow corner of the factory, a group of constantly squirming darkness is looking at Qin Ran with 'eyes'.

The eyes are scarlet and sharp.

Looking at it gives you a feeling of tingling.

The outer shell of the foggy giant has completely lost its function here, leaving only the body of Qin Ran, and the ‘devil's inflammation’ in his hand.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not have any panic.

‘God of War’ and ‘Mr.’s have been fighting more than once.

But it did not cause any damage to Aitandin.

This is incredible in itself.

Be aware that fighting close to the gods can destroy a city, not to mention the true ‘God’!

It may be exaggerated to say that it is ruining the earth.

But destroying the country and destroying the country is a fact.

Can Aitantine not happen.

Therefore, Qin Ran guessed that the battle between the two sides must be in ‘other places’.


He did not expect that it would be a huge factory workshop.

Moreover, this factory floor is completely incompatible with the Aitantine style.

On the contrary, there are some feelings left in ancient times.

"The next step?"

Qin Ran whispered to himself.

no doubt.

There are more clues here.

It can even be said that the existence of this is a hint in itself.

This should be the legacy of the hacker.

Although it may not be made by ‘hackers’, there are enough ‘tips’ here!





As for who made it here?

Can be considered by the hacker, except for the ‘Women’, Qin Ran couldn’t think of anyone else.

And why did the witch make it here?

Nature is for ‘power’!

To be precise, it is to inherit ‘power’!

Qin Ran's eyes looked at the darkness in the shadows, and his perception could not glimpse such darkness, but the scarlet eyes were enough for him to confirm the outline of the other.

Without any hesitation, the devil's inflammation waved out.

It is not against the ‘Mr.


‘God of War’!


After the completion of the accumulative power, under the support of the blood and the "destruction" of the divine nature, the devil's inflammation of the VI order is thrown out.

‘God of War’ sneered and completed an effective dodge.

"The attack track is so obvious!"

"You are a little mouse with an exposed head!"

"Let me tell you what is..."

‘God of War’ roared.

He is not a fool.

After seeing the body of Qin Ran, the recent series of things, the ‘God of War’, instantly understood.

Everything is the ghost of the guy in front of me.

He is deceived!

He is supreme and deceived by a demigod.

It is simply unforgivable.

Therefore, He is prepared to smash the Qin dynasty.

Only the words have not been finished, the devil's inflammation that has already flown out flies back again, at a faster speed than before.


‘God of War’ snorted.

The huge figure disappears like a phantom.

Not speed.

It is a kind of ability that is similar to a momentary movement.

But just when He reappeared, it happened to hit the devil's inflammation.


The flames roared and the sky rose.

The ‘God of War’ caught in the flames is arrogant.

He confirmed that he had escaped the attack of Qin Ran.

Whether it is the first time or the second time.

Be aware that this is different from the material world.

If you dodge it, you must have avoided it.

Even the same attack with the 'tracking' attribute is the same.


One of the other gods is higher than Him.

But is this possible?

A half god!

How is it possible that divinity is higher than Him?

The guess at the bottom of the heart made the ‘God of War’ struggling, and the attack that was filled with ‘destructive’ divinity began to expel the devil’s inflammation.


The three great demonic flames hit the body of ‘God of War’ in no particular order.

boom! Bang!

The devil's inflammation burned again.

At this time, Qin Ran was carefully observing the ‘Ms.

In the same way, ‘Mr. Evangelion’ did not fight back.

It seems to be also observing Qin Ran, a sudden intruder.

Or say...

He did not know that the Qin in front of the attack was good.

Or attack the original goal.

"It’s more sluggish and rigid than you think."

Qin Ran’s heart was dark, and then he raised his hand again.


The three groups of demon's inflammation once again burst into the ‘God of War’.

Although it was quickly “expelled”, the speed of the birth of ‘Devil's inflammation’ far exceeded the imagination of ‘God of War’.

In the following period of time, the entire workshop was caught in a cycle of 'deportation' and 'burning'.

After more than a dozen times, the anger of ‘God of War’ was angered.

"You this mouse!"

"Don't think that with such a means, you can win the battle with me!"

"I will tell you what is the difference in strength!"

"You are a 'weak little guy'!"

The ‘God of War’ roared and began to charge the Qin Ran regardless of disregard.

Qin Ran made a dodge.

Move the footsteps.

A rhythm of the rules of the world.

It seems that the dodge of Qin Ran is not the body, but a certain kind of sky.

"Does the change of divinity here?"

Qin Ran guessed.

‘God of War’ wiped Qin Ran’s body and then stopped.

Because of the position of Qin Ran before, this time, not far from the front of the God of War is the 'Ms. Evangelion', although the 'God of War' stopped, but the 'Ms. Eruption' saw the imposing 'God of War' .

Without any hesitation, ‘Mr.


"You crazy woman, stop!"

"The real enemy is not me!"

‘God of War’ shouted.

However, the ‘Mr. Evangelion’ is still a battle regardless.

Qin Ran did not shoot again.

He looked at the two ‘gods’ of the battle.


The breath of the two ‘God’ battles during the battle made Qin Ran have a more intuitive judgment.

It is a simple ‘destruction’ god.

Just, the direction is different.

One party is obsessed with ‘fight’ and uses its own body and weapons to kill each other.

The other is the plague of the 'disease' category.

Qin Ran, who owns the [Plough Knight Forging], is very convinced of this judgment.

In the same way, he also really felt that the difference here.

There is not much ‘technique’.

It is a hard touch.

Whoever is divine is powerful and can win.

Of course, in the case of the same 'body'.

Qin Ran didn't know because it was special, or because the two really didn't have 'techniques', but he was not used to this kind of fighting.

Except for the first time to use the 'divine' battle.

There are also fighting habits that have been developed from time to time.


All this is good for him.

He arranged more than one backhand.

Looking at the ‘God of War’ ‘fighting geek’, which is obviously higher than his own ‘destruction’ divinity, Qin Ran once again retreats back, and the ‘trick’’ sacredness is launched, and the figure is so hidden.


‘Pride’ has no intention of stealth, so it’s so bright and straight toward the ‘God Temple’.


"You are His Royal Highness Colin?!"

The members of the ‘the dark hall’ guarding the ‘the Temple of War’ shouted ‘arrogant’.

Then, they are somewhat uncertain about the status of ‘arrogant’.

As the heir to Aitandin and the snakes, Qin Ran’s portrait has long been devolved by various forces, and everyone should remember such a face.

Even many people have been seen with Qin Ran.

The ‘arrogance’ that is almost exactly the same as Qin Ran will naturally be regarded as Qin Ran.

However, the temperament is not consistent.

Qin Ran wants to be more indifferent.

But unless it is a really familiar person, it is difficult to tell.

This is the case with the guards in front of you.

He is not quite sure.

Can not really be uncertain.

And ‘arrogance’ doesn’t have so much thought.

Stride forward.

The black flame began to drift away.

When the flames that burned the soul touched the members of the dark hall of the ‘God Temple, they immediately ignited.


These sorrowful and ruthless ‘the secret members’ have fallen to the ground.

They are all caught in the illusion that they are extremely frightened.

That is what they don't want to experience in their lifetime.

The ‘arrogant’ disdain looked at these guys who were popular through the so-called ‘God’ name. They didn’t have any long stays and continued to move forward.

He can feel that his strength has once again become stronger.

It seems to be because of the sacredness of the elder brother.

But ‘arrogant’ did not go into the bottom.

Because, in the ‘arrogance’ view.

All this is okay.

Otherwise how can he be his brother.

Similarly, those who are in front of the brothers’ road should die.

It’s really shameless to block the way of your brother!

‘Pride’ stepped into the cathedral.

The line of sight jumped over Motor and looked at the statue of the ‘God of War’.

"It will be you!"

The Privy Bishop stared at his eyes and looked at the ‘arrogance’ incredulously.

However, he found some differences, but it didn't matter.

Even ‘arrogance’ is not Qin.

He will definitely think so.

Because only in this way can we recover the loss and re-establish the glory of ‘God of War’.

Even, to some extent...

Really great!

Aitantin royal family!

Snake pie!

Will no longer exist!

"Let's get it, Colin's Highness!"

The Privy Bishop said that he went to ‘arrogance’.

The shallow radiance appeared on the bishop.

A fine sword, pointing to ‘arrogance’.

‘Pride’ did not look at it, the huge black giant sword appeared out of thin air, and then, straight down.

Dragons and Tigers!

A faint dragon shadow is skyrocketing.

The illusory tiger's illusion is falling from the sky.

"You don't want to be obsessed!"

Mortor said, the figure dissipated in disappointment, and so through the dragon and tiger virtual shadow appeared behind the ‘arrogant’, the fine sword did not enter the back of the ‘arrogant’.

One hit worked.

A glimpse of Motor.

Immediately, the Privy Bishop who thought of something changed.

He looked up.

I saw that the shadow of the dragon and tiger that had been saved turned the direction and went straight to the statue of the 战 God of War.

"Do not!"

Motor shouted loudly.

However, there is no possibility of a change.



That hidden, inside the alley that was deliberately avoided.

‘lazy’ made a silent yawn.

He is waiting silently.

In that sense of drowsiness, ‘lazy’ really wants to fall asleep and sleep, even if there is no bed.

He is really too sleepy.

The calculations just made him exhausted again.

"The enemy of my brother is really too much trouble."

‘Lazy’ thinking about the bottom of my heart, but my eyes are looking at the alley.

There was a figure there.

Wearing a large robe, covering the appearance of the figure.

‘lazy’ does not mean to dodge.

Because, in front of the other party, ‘lazy’ knows that his dodge is useless with the play of children.

Instead of hiding, it is better to stand up and stand up.

"good evening."

Greeting each other, ‘lazy’ yawns are played again.

The other side silently looked at 'lazy'.

Then, just go straight to the temple of the ‘Mr.

‘lazy’ has no use to stop.

On the contrary, I also made a gesture of asking.

Faced with such a gesture, the other party has stopped indulging.

"what have you done?"

The voice was hoarse and low, as if it were the friction of sandpaper.

As the night wind blows, the other's hood is slightly offset, revealing the face of the corpse.

"I didn't do anything."

"Honey bait silk."

"Do not!"

"It should be the ‘Witch’ talent pair.”

The ‘lazy’ smile responded.

(End of this chapter)

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