The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 800: broken!

Chapter 800 is broken!

The king is on the horizon!

In the four words, Elinda Kerry’s eyes are shining.

The multicolored and deep entanglements are intertwined, and the phantom of the first layer appears on the mixed body of the 'emperor' and the 'witches'.

It was a five-headed snake bathed in the moonlight.

The moonlight is pale and cold.

The colors of the snake heads are different, but they are all incomparable. They are like a dagger-like tooth, a black-purple snake letter, and the endlessness.

Five pairs, ten narrow snake eyes, with greed, gluttony, laziness, anger, jealousy, almost the same as the original sin.

However, it is slightly sluggish and lacks freshness and agility.

It’s just that Elinda Kerry doesn’t care.

She raised her arms and seemed to welcome her own time.

The earth is in harmony with her, and it keeps shaking.

The spiral staircase, which was originally bottomless, collapsed rapidly in the vibration of the earth, turning the position of Qin Ran into a large pit edge with a diameter of several kilometers.

Then, from the point of the big pit, there was a huge shadow, approaching the ground at a very fast speed.

Qin Ran, who was trapped by thousands of lightsabers, looked at the shadow with a slight wrinkle.

Distance and darkness did not stop his sight.

Qin Ran can clearly see what the shadow is!

Desire to see the beast!

A body that is huge enough to have a diameter of a kilometer range.

But this huge desire. The beast of hope has no life, no more empty shells, or ... only the body!

But even with only the corpse, the remnant breath made the hydra of the five-headed snake that appeared on Elinda Kerry uneasy.

Even, there is a fear of it.

Feeling this change, Elinda Kerry gave a dissatisfied buzz.

Suddenly, the pale, cold and crooked moon shines.

The five-headed phantom, quiet immediately.

"Your ancestors are always like this, even if they are dead, they are not safe!"

"It's just a little bit of 'heritage'!"

Elinda Kerry taunted.

In her mouth, the ‘emperor’ seems to be worthless.

But Qin Ran saw the greed of greed from the eyes of the other side.

Obviously, for the ‘the emperor’s legacy’, the other party is far from caring.

Similarly, Qin Ran will not ignore the 'emperor's legacy'.

He looked at the lightsaber around and quickly turned his mind.

"I advise you not to do anything stupid!"

"My arrangement here is entirely for the blood and ability of your 'royal family'. You are sealed with all the power, and you are better than ordinary people. If you touch these lightsabers slightly, you will have to die. The land!"

"Oh obedient!"

"At least you can live longer!"

Elinda Kerry seems to have guessed what Qin Ran wants to do and can't help but laugh.

Like the words of persuasion, it is very determined.

Elinda Kerry is too aware of these ‘kings’.

Not only Qin Ran, Zeka Kerry and Ai Jia, she has also been exposed to other, older ‘王族’.

Perhaps there are sinister in personality, some are irritating and irritating, some are cautious and suspicious, but there is no difference in essence. They are all selfish, arrogant, cherish their own lives, and ignore the lives of others.

Therefore, when Elinda Kerry saw that Qin Ran ignored the sharpness of thousands of lightsabers and launched an assault, she was a one-man.

However, a sardonic smile appeared immediately.

"If I want to die like this, then I will be perfect... um?!"

Elinda Kerry’s words were stunned when they hadn’t finished talking. Their eyes were surprised and looked at Qin Ran, who raised his arms to block his body and slammed his head.

She used the lightsaber made by the Faction, and easily pierced the cloak [Dark Crow Feather], but it was not so effective in the face of the Exceptional Defense level.

Hey, hey!

The lightsaber is broken into pieces like glass.

These spots floated around Qin Ran's body, and with the rapid movement of Qin Ran, it was unstoppable to fall on Qin Ran's skin.

Just like a Martian, these spots burn the skin of Qin Ran.

That's it!

Far from reaching the point where Elinda Kerry imagined the pain to be intolerable.


For the hardness of Qin Ran's armor, Elinda Kerry has an estimate. The lightsaber can't break the defense. She had expected it, but she didn't care.

Because the true power of the lightsaber is these scattered light spots.

Every light spot is a deadly poison to the 'royal family'.

She once experimented on a certain 'role', only need two or three tablets to let the other party completely collapse, and then a few more, the other party has no breath.

But Qin Qin has been contaminated with at least tens of hundreds of tablets.

Why is it okay?

Maybe the steel-like will can restrain and endure the pain, but hurt?

Even the powerful 'royal family' can't bear such damage because of its physical condition!

Subconsciously, Elinda Kerry began to mobilize the power of the squad.

The lightsaber is like a rainstorm, thinking about Qin Rang from all directions.

But still useless!

Even the traces of burning spots on the skin of Qin Ran naked and exposed, did not stop Qin Ran thinking of the footsteps of Elinda Kerry.

One step, one step further.

The distance between the two sides is constantly drawing closer.

As I looked closer, Elinda Kerry’s face changed.

No panic, no fear.

All that is there is an anger.

She believes that her dignity has been provoked.

This is unforgivable!

Anyone who dares to do this will be smashed!


The moon on the top of Elinda Kerry once again shines.

It is pale and cold.

But there is a glare.

The bigger change is the five-headed snake!

The illusory feeling is replaced by reality!

Slowly escaping from Elinda Kerry, it is like flying cotton, but this cotton wool has risen in the wind.

Breathing, it becomes a monster that is not inferior to the size of the snake spirit.

The five snake heads looked at Qin Ran in a condescending posture.

Then, ignoring the power of the lightsaber, they rushed together.

No need for more skills, one of the huge Shekous, one bit will be swallowed up by Qin Ran surrounded by light spots.

The five-headed snake that swallowed Qin Ran quickly set off a snake array, and five heads of different colors jerked their own light.

Greed, gluttony, laziness, anger, and jealousy of the five evils seem to be storms, rising from the top of the five heads.

Qi Qi’s attack on Qin Ran, who fell into the snake’s belly.

"How can you fight against the power of the ‘king beast’?


“This is not just the power of the ‘king beast’, but also the power of the ‘witch’!”

"Can the king beast catalyzed by the power of the "Witches" be said to be strong?"

Elinda Kerry looked at her own ‘王兽’ Hydra and said to herself.

When the words fell, she stopped paying attention and turned to look at the 'heritage'.

This is what she really cares about!

As for Qin Ran?


Elinda Kerry is very determined.

But at the moment when Elinda Kerry turned around -


A huge explosion appeared.

The fierce wind is wrapped in a gentle but tenacious atmosphere.


A touch of white brilliance.

Not dazzling, not glaring, it appeared.

It is also like the dawn of dawn.

It is the first light to break through the darkest moments between heaven and earth.

It marks a new beginning.

It is taken as hope.

It is called...

Morning Sword!

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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