The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 801: Going forward

Chapter 801 goes one step forward

Everything is as Elinda Kerry said, and the arrangement here is entirely for the 'royal family' of the Nick Dynasty.

When those secret texts illuminate and form a squad, Qin Ran's [Heart of Convergence] option for [Summoning the Desire of the Beast] becomes gray and cannot be used.

Even the [Transformed Demon] is also in the normal and unusable state.

[The thorn of the saint] Although there is no change, Qin Ran can also feel the sense of stagnation.

For a moment, the three extreme forces in his body were suppressed to an extreme.

Moreover, the arrangement of the other party is not only the case.

Equipment skills such as summoning "Snake Spirit" [White Wolf Spirit] are also limited.

But the corresponding one is the extra activity of [Dawn Knight Knight Forging].

During the breathing, Qin Ran seems to think that the power of the morning will be poured out of the body.

And this is not an illusion!

On his retina, the system's tips are clearly written -

[In the strong positive energy area, the player decides to start...]

[Having a talented ‘watcher’, the character of the ‘Watcher. Immunity is critical’ is higher than the positive energy judgment! 】

[The player is suffering from normal non-fatal damage! 】


[In the area of ​​strong positive energy, the power of the sword of the morning +1...]

[In the area of ​​strong positive energy, the power of the sword of the morning +1...]

[The sword of the morning sword determines that the attack reaches I! 】

[Dawn of the sword to determine the speed of instant! 】

[The sword of the morning is determined to consume 150% of physical strength! 】


Originally, it needed to accumulate power for 3 seconds, consume 600 physical strength, and pulled out a 15-meter-long, and determined that the attack was a very strong level of lightsaber's sword.

At this moment, there have been earth-shaking changes -


The sword that tempered with gentleness and tenacity, but with sharp edges, appeared like this out of thin air. The "Wang beast" Hydra, which has greed, gluttony, laziness, anger, and jealousy, has a sinister atmosphere. Was punctured belly!

There are no obstacles.

There is no slight delay.

It's as simple as a hot knife cutting a butter block.

And that Jianfeng did not stop!

Pointing at the crescent moon that is white and cold!

The crescent moon is shaking again and again, and the darkness surrounds it as if it is coming again at night.

It was only for less than a second, and it was gone at night!



Because, it is welcoming the dawn!

It represents the dawn of the sun, the dawn of the day!


Like the natural enemies between cats and rats!

After a few months of tremors, the crescent moon quickly became dull.

Jianfeng continues to move forward!

The morning sun may be weak, perhaps not dazzling.

But it is brilliant enough!

Because, it goes nowhere!

In the heart of Elinda Kerry, there is an unprecedented sense of crisis!

I did not continue to turn around, but instinctively chose the secret!


Jianfeng flashed past.

In the unmatched, ruined posture, I passed through Amyda Kerry.

In the next moment, Amida Kerry, who should have been a sword and two halves, became a five-headed snake.


This head belongs to Amyda Kerry, who has just been split into two.

"Hey! Hey!"

The Hydra made a terrible embarrassment.

The broken body is uncontrolled to roll back and forth on the ground.

The sword front of the sword of the morning is still moving forward until it breaks into the opposite wall.

Behind the wall of this chamber is the mountain wall.

Once the mountains, the mountains and hills at the moment.

But this did not affect its thickness.

Even, because of the passage of time, the more people care, the more stones and dirt accumulate, it is thicker than when it was originally a mountain.

But on this thick mountain wall, a smooth cut appeared.

The lingering night wind blows in from the incision.

A touch of starlight, sparkling.

Wear it!

It’s actually worn!

After seeing the incision, Amyda Kerry, who had just escaped, suddenly changed his face.

This time, it is no longer high and high, and the dignity is being provoked.

Instead, I feel the changes that life is threatened with.

Not only was Amida Kerry feeling surprised, but Qin Ran, who took out this sword, was also extremely surprised in the bottom of my heart.

The "Dawn of the Sword", which was originally limited in length, not only completely deviated from the so-called "length" limit, but also like a sword-like flight, and this power...

"I-level power?"

"No, I am afraid I will be close to the next level?"

Qin Ran looked at the looming night sky outside the wall, silently guessing at the bottom of his heart.

Then, Qin Ran felt the emptiness inside the body.

That is the aftereffect of rapid physical exertion.

After Qin Ran repeatedly gasped for several times, it eased this state.

This state is uncomfortable, but compared with the powerful sword in front of you, the physical strength consumed is not worth mentioning.

Qin Ran looked up and looked at Ali Linda Kerry, who was watching him in the distance. He lifted his foot and kicked it on the five-headed snake that rolled in front of him.


Half of the snake, which is still in the early ten meters, was kicked out of the pit.

The heavy fall is on the body of the beast that is flying fast.

Blood splashes, snakes and scorpions.


“Why can you use this power?”

Amida Kerry stunned Qin Ran.

Her words are full of incomprehensible.

It’s not pretending, it’s really hard to understand.

If it is not really seen, she would not have thought that the 'royal family' could use this diametrically opposite force.

Of course, counterattacks are also necessary.

Ameda Kerry, who has seen the enhanced version of the "Sword of the Morning", has already made Qin Ran a great enemy.

Some secret means have begun to be used.

With the palm behind his back, his fingers trembled.

A little transparent, odorless powder began to scatter in the air.

At the same time, Emmy Kerry’s face has become more and more eager and incomprehensible.

It is exactly what I wait for Qin Ran to answer.

However, the next moment, the look on the face of Amyda Kerry froze, and the fingers that were moving quietly were still behind.

What did she see?

The brilliance of white flashed in the hands of Qin Ran.

Not a terrible sword.

But it made her feel more fearful.

Because, in that white radiance, she released colorless and odorless toxins that became clearly visible.


Qinran’s palms were lifted again and these toxins were quickly expelled.


Qin Ran raised his palm again, and the warm glory fell on Qin Ran's body.

The tiny scars left before are healed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Amyda Kerry's eyes involuntarily widened a few laps, and it looked like a demon who climbed out of the abyss and turned into an angel.

Her chest. 膛 膛 起 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

After two or three seconds, only one sentence was spit out.

"Holy, Paladin!"

PS second more~

Fat dragon feels unbroken! It is a normal chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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