The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 905: River

Chapter 905 River

Glowing like a mist.

But with the power that can't be ignored by Qin.

Compared with the aura of the gods in the temple area and the gaze of the former gods, Qin Ran, who is bathed in the brilliance of the thorns, is another feeling.

He seems to have seen a river.

There are countless branches, rushing, but you can't see the river of origin and end.

And he is also in this river.

Not in the most trunk position.

Just on the branch of the branch.

It is better than the place on the side of the branch.

Qin Ran standing here, the subconscious will take a step.

However, as soon as he moved, a wave was hit and he was pulled into the river.

Throughout the process, he did not have a bit of resistance.

Even if he struggled as hard as he could.

Hey, hey!

Qin Ran’s ear seemed to echo the sound of water.

He himself felt as if he felt the touch of water.

In the next moment, he returned to the hall of the Temple of Thorns again, and a voice echoed in the ear.

"Would you like to be my knight?"

The sound is light, and the volume itself is not very high.

The majesty and mystery contained in the voice, but the high priests, the main sacrifices, and the older priests on the side fell to the ground.

Qin Ran quickly converges on the discomfort that preceded the illusion, and respectfully performed a knight.

"of course."

Qin Ran answered seriously.

"I will give you an honor that matches your strength and will give you the reward you deserve."

The sound in the glory sounded again.

Then, the light dissipated and the sound disappeared.

However, Qin Ran has new tips on the retina -

[Get the favor of Winnipeg! 】

[Winnessa's favor: In the face of fate, Ms. Thorny's favor will have unexpected benefits. Of course, it will not make you unfavorable, but it will make your luck better than usual. 】

(Note 1: Winnie's favor will only be effective in this world, and will disappear after leaving the world.)

(Note 2: When you return to the world again, Winnie's favor will reappear)


“Have a little luck?”

Qin Ran looked at [the favor of Winnipeg].

He did not think that Winnipeg's reward would be this.

What I didn't even think of was that Winisa could affect one's luck.

“The derivative of ‘fate’?”


"What I saw before will be the river of destiny?"

“Why can't you start and end?”

"There are those tributaries, how can they be?"

Qin Ran subconsciously guessed.

The river of destiny runs through the trajectory of one's life.

There is a starting point and a focus.

This is illustrated in detail in Nicole's collection, Astrology and Destiny Track.

Not the same as what he saw.

This makes Qin Ran slightly confused.

However, Qin Ran did not express doubts.

I smiled as I looked at the high priest, the main sacrifice, and the older priest.

"Ryan Knight."

The older priest first bowed.

Although he is far older than Qin Ran, the position of the priest is one level lower than that of the Cavaliers.

"Ryan Knight."

The high priest and the main sacrifice also called Qin Ran with a smile, and looked with enthusiasm that he did not have.

Undoubtedly, after accepting the honors and rewards given by Ms. Thorn, they have already regarded Qin Ren as their own.

Therefore, the following topics have not concealed Qin Ran.

"Under that mediation, the war between Ms. Winissa and Cancunton has temporarily stopped, but it is far from over."

"We need to be on guard against them all the time."

The high priest spoke first.

In this regard, no one opposed the people present.

Everyone understands that after the previous battles, the new hatreds and old hates have been added together, and the Temple of Thorns and the Temple of Wealth are already incompatible.

It’s not a strange thing to break out a new war at any time.

"I think we should take the initiative!"

"When the Knights of their army were destroyed, they broke their temples in one fell swoop!"

Still the main sacrifice of the middle-aged is significantly more radical than the older priest.

"Barry, is this your idea?"

"still is?"

The high priest asked.

The words are not finished, but everyone understands what it means.

If it is really the idea of ​​Ms. Winissa, then there is nothing to say, it must be to continue the war.

"Ms. Winissa did not drop more will, but I can feel Ms. Winissa's indignation about the war and the one!"

"That is a little biased!"

"It is the war that the other party provoked, but there is no punishment after the failure. This is really impossible to say!"

As the main sacrifice to communicate with the gods, you can feel the true thoughts of the gods more than others.


The high priest sighed and nodded, looking at Qin Ran and the older priest who did not say a word.

"Ryan, Edson, do you have any thoughts?"

"Here, you can speak freely."

"Our temple of thorns is not as harsh as a temple of sin."

The high priest said with a smile.

After Qin Ran and the older priest looked at each other, Qin Ran immediately made a gesture of asking.

The education received from childhood has made Qin Ran not compete with an elder.

What's more, there is no conflict between the two sides.

"The high priest, the main sacrifice, the knight."

"My insights have made me unable to make constructive suggestions to you at a decisive level. I can only explain what I think needs to be done from my perspective: pension!"

"Death knights, deacons, priests, they deserve to be honored and belonged to themselves."

This is what the older priest once again said after a trip.

As the other party said, it is seen from the perspective of the priest.


"Ryan, what do you think?"

After the high priest and the main sacrifice nodded, the gaze once again looked at Qin Ran.

Different from before, this time the words clearly have the meaning of the exam.

The appointment of Ms. Winissa is sacred and cannot be modified.

However, as the high priest and the main sacrifice of Ms. Winissa, it is obligatory to make this appointment more accurate.

Simply put, Qin Ran needs to prove his ability.

If it can't be proved, Qin Ran is still the Cavaliers, but the person who manages the Knights will have another candidate.

"My opinion is to add the Knights."

“Choose outstanding complements from the reliable people to the Knights.”

Qin Ran slowly said.

When such words were spoken, the face of the high priest, the main sacrifice, and the older priest suddenly showed a disappointing look.

In the middle of the law, there is no bright spot.

Even, it can be said that as long as ordinary people can think of this.

Qin Ran swept over the three people and continued: "And then..."

The deliberately elongated syllable immediately attracted the attention of the three.

"Play my strengths!"

When the three people focused their attention on themselves, Qin Ran said one word at a time.

What is Ryan's specialty?

Three people at a glance.

Then, the eyes of the three men lit up at the same time.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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