The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 906: change

Chapter 906 Changes

What is Ryan's specialty?


No doubt the answer.

As the leader of ‘Greenstone’, the biggest killer of Navier City, Ryan was once the ‘King of Killer’ in the city of Navija.

Especially after today, the reputation of ‘King of the Killer’ will become even more veritable.

Those who once hold only doubts will also shut up.

Unless they want to personally teach the ‘King of the Killer’ to the strength of an enemy.

As long as you are a normal brain, you will not do this.

With such strength, if you are going to the priests and deacons of the Temple of Wealth...

No one can escape!

If it leads to the high priest and the main sacrifice of the Temple of Wealth?

That is even better, with their cooperation, enough to kill those bastards!

The high priest, the main priest, and the older priest almost instantly understood the key.

The high priest and the older priest showed a smile.

The younger main sacrifice is the slap in the face of Qin Ran’s shoulder.

But this time, the main sacrifice did not care.

For this main sacrifice, what is more exciting than the weakening of the Temple of Wealth?

Even if you directly kill the other priest and deacon, it is worth doing.

As for the means of despicable and cruel?

What is it about him!

No matter how the temple is weakened, as long as the purpose is achieved, it is a good and commendable way.

"Ryan, the people at the Temple of Wealth can do it, but can't shoot the wealthy women's communication."

The high priest apparently thought more and glared at Qin Ran.

"Can't you shoot a general communicator?"

"I originally intended to bloodstain the believers of Ms. Fortune in the entire city of Navija."

Qin Ran raised his eyebrows as if he was joking.

Looking at Qin Ran's appearance, the elder priest had a cold heart.

Despite the time compensation for Qin Ran’s contact, Edson believes that Qin Ran is not a joke at this time, and such jokes, in other people’s words, naturally have nothing to say from Qin Ran’s mouth, but enough The back of the person is cold.

Because other people's jokes are a joke.

But from the mouth of Qin Ran, the king of the murderer, it is the passage of countless lives.

The main sacrifice appreciated the attitude of Qin Ran.

"The general communicator is not able to move, it is the rule between the temples, but the other guys..."

"Kill innocent!"

Did not wait for the main sacrifice to finish, Qin Ran said coldly.


When the three words were exported, it seemed as if there was a cold wind in the hall.

The cold wind whistling, like the mourning of the soul, making people shudder.

The elder priest involuntarily shuddered.

The main sacrifice is a smile.

At this moment, the main sacrifice looked at Qin Ran in front of him, and inexplicably felt more and more pleasing to the eye.


"Ryan, let go!"

"I will stand behind you!"

The main sacrifice said aloud.

Without reservation, this main sacrifice shows his attitude.

This made the big priest frown and wanted to say something, but eventually chose silence.

After a detailed discussion, Qin Ran boarded the carriage and came to leave the temple of thorns.

Looking at the carriage that was far away, the main sacrifice was full of smiles, but the high priest frowned.

"Barry, we shouldn't..."

"What should not be?"

"We shouldn't do it, other temples are doing it, and we are obeying the ancient rules, but we are considered alien!"

"Ms. Winissa is falling and a clown-like woman is standing on the lady's head!"

"And, they are aggressive and want to get more from us!"

"I can't continue to endure!"

"I can live with my own suffering, but I can't stand Ms. Winissa's insults anymore - the former, the present, the future, anyone who dares to insult Ms. Winnesa, I must let them pay the blood. At the cost, only blood can wash the insult!"

"Even if it is God!"

"I want to drag them down the altar!"

The main sacrifice interrupted the words of the high priest and said with a voice.

The powerful words echoed in the ear of the high priest, and looked at the old friends who were shining under the light of the hall. The high priest seemed to know each other for the first time.


The high priest stared at the main sacrifice.

The latter does not let the pace

The two men looked at each other for ten seconds.

Then the high priest smiled.

"Old friend, you became the main sacrifice ten years ago. You have been sticking to the rules for ten years, maintaining a steady posture and helping me deal with everything in an orderly manner."

"But now it seems that you have been cooperating with me, is taking care of the face of my old guy!"

The high priest said, turning his head and looking at the statue of Ms. Winissa.

"Not just you, Ms. Winissa is also!"

"The kind lady, can't bear my embarrassing ridiculous worm..."

"But my poor pity's self-esteem, how can Miss Winissa be important?"

The high priest sighed long.

The old face began to become more determined than ever.

"Slotto, you?"

The main sacrifice is a glimpse.

"We need to change!"

"We have paid the price of blood for us, and the change is imminent!"

"Although it will have many difficulties, what can we count for us who are trying to test our fate?"

"I have only discovered until now that I have forgotten the teachings of 'thorns'!"

The high priest spoke a meal and looked at the main sacrifice.

Two years of friends, almost unanimously said: "The hardships of fate are like thorns, but we need to... 劈 斩 sharp!"

The sound is loud.

And, never go ahead.

There is no more fanaticism on the faces of the two, but there is a dedication that cannot be ignored!

That is to let go of everything, only the only attachment!

Such attachment is terrible.

Because, with such attachments they will be desperate!

Such a person is called a hero among mortals.

But in churches and temples, people are more willing to honor them as ... martyrs.


As the high priest and main sacrifice of the temple of thorns.

There is no doubt about the belief of Ms. Thorn.

Therefore, Ms. Thorn is willing to put her leisure eyes on them.

Therefore, Ms. Thorne saw everything.

She saw the change of believers.

Unconsciously, such changes will affect her.

Although this is a slow process.

However, the change has already appeared.


In the void of nothingness, Tiki, who climbed in front of a gate, slowly opened his eyes.

"It's really tired."

"The stinky boy still dared to suspect that I deducted him, really..."

Tickey gave a sigh of relief and his mouth was full of complaints.

Suddenly, Tiki laughed and thought of something.

On the fat cat's face, there was a slightly treacherous smile.

"I have already told you that cats are not vengeful, because all hatred is reported."

Laughter sounded in the chaos of this corpse, and it seemed to be extravagant.

Ketchi was completely unconscious. When he thought of a happy place, he couldn't help but roll back and forth on the ground, and even twisted his belly.

But the moment of happiness is always short-lived. When she notices the fluctuations in the distance, Tiki stands up and the fat belly is immediately dragged to the ground.


"It's faster than expected!"

"I really think of me as the easiest point to break!"

Tiki's fat cat's face showed a frowning look.

Can be replaced by sputum.

Then, Tiki lifted the cat's claw and a sharp claw tip popped out of the palm of the hand.

Then, the cat's claws fell.


A kilometer long, tearing the cracks of the sky, split the void chaos in front of you.

The unstable chaos of the void immediately formed a turbulent flow.

In the distance, an army with a huge number of millions has just appeared, and it has been turned into a powder in the emptiness of the void.

Perceived the disappearing volatility, Tiki yawned lazily, climbed to the ground, closed his eyes, and the cat tail glimpsed.

"This ground is really hard."

"I miss my cat litter."

"Damn, I really want to eat small fish."

"There is also a fried string of wooden scorpion."

"Bastard, how long will it be?"

"I want to go back to the West Coast!"

“Don't anyone find my recipe?”

"I clearly put it at your fingertips!"


The muttering sound of a nightmare looms in the wilderness.

PS second more~

I really want to go to the string...


(End of this chapter)

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