The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1128: Light And Darkness Are In Conflict [Third Update]

No matter which world it is in, space magic is one of the most complex magics.

Completely different from the game, in Azeroth, the [Flash Technique] that can instantly transfer oneself over short distances is a trick that only great magicians can master, and the continuous use of [Flash Technique] is a trick that only space masters can play.

As for the [Portal], only a magician who specializes in space magic can build it, and this process usually requires the help of others.

In the official history of Warcraft, the famous Jaina is a very rare genius, but even she became famous in Dalaran because of her pioneering [Group Teleportation Technique].

Gul'dan wanted to build a portal from Draenor to Azeroth, and he spent countless Draenei lives as a source of energy, plus the Asgardian Medi possessed by Sargeras, the Lord of the Burning Legion. Wen's help was the only way to succeed - both Gul'dan and Medivh are the most capable and powerful spellcasters in their respective worlds.

And it is not easy for the detective to establish a teleportation matrix from Shattrath to Auchindoun and teleport a building from Auchindoun here.

Establishing a teleportation matrix requires not only magic power, but also the most critical thing is enough time.

In this short period of time, any interference with a scale that exceeds the limit will destroy the establishment of the transmission matrix.

This is why Oakington has to equip this spy plane with a small team of "bodyguards".

However, what Ye Ting and Yrel did not expect was that they sent this "bodyguard team" to Shattrath too early. When these "bodyguards" saw that the people of Shattrath were about to be massacred, , couldn't help but take action in advance.

Although the result was that they killed a large number of orcs and protected the civilians, this also directly led to their excessive consumption.

When the time came for the probe to deploy the teleportation matrix as planned, these "bodyguards" were almost exhausted, and most of their strength to protect the probe had been lost.

But even so, the "bodyguard" team did not give up.

The mission's problems stem from their mistakes, and they are determined to make up for it with their own lives.

As a result, this group of scarred warriors mustered up their remaining courage and risked their lives to defend the reconnaissance plane and the teleportation matrix and fought against the orcs in front of them.

Its tragic and heroic momentum caused the orcs' offensive to stagnate.

However, although most of the orcs are just brave men, there are also people of insight among them.

After witnessing the establishment of the teleportation matrix, some of the orcs had long felt that something was wrong, so while urging the orcs to attack, some warlocks took action.

Another meteorite passed through the dark sky and fell in front of the gap, even killing several orcs.

In the meteorite, a hellfire stood up slowly, and then rushed straight in the direction of the teleportation matrix, not caring about the draenei and many orcs blocking him.

Many orcs were trampled and burned to death by this indifferent hellfire.

The viciousness of the orc warlock is evident.

But the draenei had no chance to worry about the orcs, because after a moment, the huge amounts of hellfire were approaching them.

The two defensive officers tried to get closer, but were knocked away by Hellfire with a wave of his hand.

The pursuers tried to get closer, but faced with a body burning with fel flames, and the shield had long since lost power, they had no chance to get close.

Facing this terrifying demon, almost no one in the scarred team can stand up to it.

Seeing that Hellfire was about to approach the teleportation matrix, someone finally stepped forward.

This time, two priests stepped forward - one of them was a soul priest (shadow priest). It just so happens that one of them controls the Holy Light, and the other controls the Shadow.

Although the "Tao of Balance" expounds the unity of Holy Light and Shadow, which has eased the relationship between Holy Light Priests and Shadow Priests a lot, the inertia of years of hostility still makes them often unable to deal with them.

In most cases, a Holy Light Priest and a Shadow Priest would always have a few quarrels together, or even stay away from each other until they die.

The same goes for the relationship between the two priests in the Vanguard Squad.

But this time, the Holy Light Priest actually helped the Shadow Priest, who was more seriously injured, and the other party did not stop him, which was rare.

The two weak spellcasters, who were seriously injured, actually supported each other and walked step by step towards the behemoth in front of them.

It seemed like sending someone to death.

Seeing this tragic scene, the Draenei civilians in the rear couldn't help but shed tears of emotion and sadness.

On the battlefield, the two priests who supported each other walked slowly but firmly step by step towards the behemoth running in front of them. The chaotic evil energy and the high temperature of the sulfur breath almost rushed towards their faces.

But none of them showed fear.

Then, they stopped.

The Holy Light Priest on the left stretched out his left hand, and the Shadow Priest on the right stretched out his right hand.

In his left hand, a strong and dazzling holy light condensed, and in his right hand, a deep shadow seemed to swallow everything.

This is the last area of ​​strength that the two of them have tried their best to condense.

At the moment, the two priests who had fought for their whole lives stood together as if they were one person.

Then, the holy light and the shadow overlapped.

"This is--the end of the way of Holy Light/Shadow!!!"

A heroic voice sounded, and these were their last lines.

According to the Tao of Balance, the end of the Holy Light is the Shadow, and the end of the Shadow is the Holy Light. The Holy Light and the Shadow complement each other and are two sides of the world.

So what would you get if the energy of Holy Light and Shadow merged into one?

As the two people's powers blended, they felt that their spiritual connection with each other became closer. Both of them could hear each other's innermost thoughts, as if they were the same person0

At this time, they happened to be thinking about the same thing:

The two priests still remembered that when they were listening to Yrel's preaching, this commander with both light and darkness once said this issue.

"What was the answer you heard at that time?"

Their consciousness was blurred, and the two priests could hardly recall anything.

I think at the beginning, they priests felt that Yrel was too young and could not possibly speak any profound truth at all. So when Yrel announced that he would teach them and preach to them, many people deliberately did not go. .

They still remember that the young commander almost cried.

But I didn't cry in the end.

"What a pity, I didn't see the commander's expression asking for his nose..." the shadow priest sighed.

The Holy Light Priest sneered inwardly, but he had to admit that he also wanted to see that expression.

"Because it would be interesting for such a powerful guy to cry."

Yes, these priests finally fully recognized Yrel's power, just as they recognized Yrel's way of balance. This young man's wisdom is beyond their reach.

In the palms of the two people, the energy that merged into one became more surging and unstable.

"..So, if the energy of Holy Light and Shadow merge into one, what will you get?"

I asked this question again deep in my heart.

The two of them thought and thought, and finally came up with the answer.

And the serious look on the Commander's face when he mentioned that answer.

What is the answer?

"In addition to being mutually reinforcing, the power of Holy Light and Shadow also has another side, which is absolute mutual restraint.

The commander’s serious warning seemed to have rang in my ears just yesterday:

"So if the energy of Holy Light and Shadow are combined into one, all you will get is destruction!"

"It's destruction." The shadow priest nodded.

"Then, let's destroy it. Destroy all the guys who try to harm the Delaney family!" The Holy Light Priest had a rare and ferocious thought.

"Then, let's destroy...

This was the last moment of consciousness for the two of them.

Because, in the next second, the highly integrated holy light and shadow energy suddenly produced shocking changes.

At that moment, destruction came.

The space was distorted, and the atmosphere was shattered. All flesh and blood, all rocks, all steel, everything turned into powder in the face of destruction.

The same goes for Light Priests and Shadow Priests.

(Okay Zhao) The hyperspace personal life-support device could not save their lives under such a destructive distortion. They originally, along with any armor and attachments on their bodies, were torn, twisted, and swallowed by the destruction.

Sharing the same fate as them were the huge amounts of hellfire in front of them, as well as all the unlucky orcs approaching them nearby.

On the contrary, their comrades-in-arms were either killed long ago, or were beaten away by the hellfire, or were far away and survived.

The violent destruction lasted only a second before disappearing.

But everyone was stunned by the terrifying lethality.

Because, with the two priests as the core, everything within a few meters turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Huge amounts of Hellfire had been killed long ago, leaving only a small part of the body. The body was as if a large arc-shaped pit had been dug out by a sharp arc-shaped shovel. The incision was extremely smooth, which showed that the power of destruction was completely destroyed.

A hemispherical crater also appeared on the ground, as well as the orc corpses just sitting on the edge of the crater, all with a smooth cut.

The conflicting power of light and darkness is so terrifying!

How about the monthly ticket collector? The flowers are not yet green.

The bell of creation is beautiful, and the yin and yang are cut off at dusk. .

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