The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1129 Recovering Shattrath [First Update]

The collision of holy light and shadow, and the sacrifice of the two priests, cleared the defense line that had been filled by the enemy again.

The hellfire that could threaten the teleportation matrix was also destroyed instantly.

But the situation of the remaining people was not much better.

Because there are too many orcs.

From joining the battlefield to now, this team has killed hundreds of enemies.

But they also paid their own price.

At the moment, there were only a few Draenei who could barely stand up and stood in front of the teleportation matrix.

The armor all over the body of the Draenei defender had been shattered in the fierce battle, and the energy stored in it had been exhausted long ago, and he could not even maintain a shield.

To make matters worse, he himself had already been seriously injured. The most serious wound was on his face--that quick and hard knife caused him to lose an eye.

His condition was so bad that he could hardly fight anymore.

In front of him were thousands of troops.

Even so, he still firmly raised the battle ax in his hand.

He did this simple action with such difficulty, but the orcs couldn't help but take two steps back when they saw it.

In the battle just now, the power and heroism of these "super soldiers" shocked them all. The fighting power of one against ten, and the determination to protect the things behind them even at the risk of their lives, made these cold-blooded and crazy warriors feel a trace of fear in their hearts.

However, when he realized the weakness of the remaining 740 warriors and realized that it was impossible for him to recreate the terrible destruction just now, the green tide immediately surged towards him.

The sweeping army did not make the lonely warrior blink at all. He just clenched the battle ax in his hand and calmly waited for the enemy to approach.

Or, wait for your own death.

However, just as the terrifying green army was about to reach him, the teleportation matrix that had been maintained for several minutes behind the warrior finally changed.

The huge "black hole" shining with arcane light suddenly shrank, and where it originally existed, a huge amount of blue-violet energy appeared in its place.

Then, the phantom gradually turned from virtual to real, and a huge crystal that was several meters high and floating in the air appeared in the void.

This crystal seems to be naturally formed and irregular, but the crystal is surrounded by a golden ring, and countless beautiful mantras are engraved on the ring. At the same time, it exudes purple brilliance from the art.

The orcs and draenei of Shattrath have never seen crystal structures like this.

That was designed by Ye Ting and was the core building of the "Balance Faction" Draenei - the Crystal Tower.

The core of the crystal tower is a huge amount of energy field crystal. Its main function is to store and transmit energy and maintain a huge amount of energy field. In the energy (bbcj) field, all the Delaney weapons and buildings designed by Ye Ting are Can draw energy from it.

Now, with the appearance of the crystal tower, the armor of the Draenei warriors that had long been exhausted finally received support and restarted instantly.

But this was not enough to defend him against the many orcs in front of him.

The next moment, the real purpose of building the Crystal Tower was finally revealed.

Beside the Draenei warriors, one after another light pillars appeared instantly, and the light pillars gradually lined up, almost forming a long "defense line"

In the pillar of light, one after another Draenei warriors, defenders, and rangers wearing the same armor as him appeared and descended on the battlefield.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of light pillars descended, but there were still light pillars appearing continuously behind.

These warriors, these fresh troops all held weapons in their hands and had bright eyes. They were not surprised when they saw the charging orcs. They seemed to be ready to join this war.

Another function of the crystal is to provide jump coordinates and power them. With the power of the crystal tower, the Draenei in Auchindoun can deliver a large number of people to places where the crystal tower is at any time.

This is the tactic of Yrel and Ye Ting, this is the purpose of sending the vanguard team with all their efforts, and this is the reason why the vanguard team fought to the last man.

Facing the demons blocking the way, the draenei used large-scale jumping tactics that the tribe had never imagined. In order to defend Shattrath, this technology was hastily used even in the experimental stage.

Facts have proved that they succeeded.

The teleportation continued, and after the draenei, many larger light pillars appeared. What followed these light pillars were not the draenei in armor, but huge giants that looked like centaurs or insects. Mechanical unit, Immortal.

The appearance of reinforcements shocked the Horde side, but the Draenei people of Shattrath were extremely surprised.

But the orcs' charge will not stop because of the appearance of reinforcements.

Not to be outdone, the Draenei took the initiative to attack before the orcs came close.

This time, the soul priests took the lead. They released spells such as [Shadow Arrow], [Mind Flap], and [Psychic Explosion] near the tall ogres among the orcs, because compared to the orcs, these ogres were more vulnerable to Their threat is greater, and their resistance to these spells is less.

When the terrifying shadow energy burst out, countless ogres and orcs fell into madness. They screamed and rolled, trying to escape the irresistible pain.

When the soul priests were exhausted, they retreated and could only do so much.

Next, there was a crazy charge by the soldiers.

Whether they are warriors, defenders who possess the power of the Holy Light, shadow knights, or even trackers, they are all like orcs, shouting "for the holy Kayla" and taking the initiative to charge.

Behind them, the Immortals also advanced while firing artillery fire towards the enemy's rear like moving turrets.

The seemingly powerful wolf cavalry disappeared in the blink of an eye in the artillery fire. How could the ogres who were crazy because of the shadow spell resist the powerful war hammer? Some orcs were blown up by the immortal's light cannon before they could reach the front line and wield their weapons. into smash!

The survivors of the vanguard team who had restored some shields did not retreat due to the arrival of reinforcements, and have been fighting side by side with their comrades from the source.

Originally, the orcs and the draenei of Shattrath thought that the vanguard team was already considered the elite of the Auchindoun draenei. However, when the two sides fought hand-to-hand, they realized that such power was not expected of every Auchindoun draenei. All draenei have:

The fearless warriors relied on the power of the energy shield to trade lives with their opponents time and time again, but the opponent's life could only be exchanged for the weakening of the energy shield;

The holy lights of the Paladins are connected together, inspiring the courage of their comrades, and the shining holy light also burns the eyes of the opponents;

The attacks of the Shadow Knights are extremely sharp, and the aftermath of just waving the Blade can weaken the enemy:

The trackers appearing from the shadows caused the orcs to lose their lives without even seeing the killer;

And every time the astrologer can make a group of orcs feel the lightning strike again...

But the orcs are not a real mob. They are bloodthirsty, warlike, and crazy. Since there is no way to escape, the only option is to fight hard: the violent orcs can also tear apart the bodies of the draenei. As the defensive shield is shattered and burst, the bodies of the draenei are also destroyed by the crazy orcs. torn into pieces….

But the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides was so great that the number of orcs was completely unable to make up for this gap.

Only a few draenei were killed, and more of them slaughtered the orcs without any damage.

The orcs were inexplicably suppressed by the sudden appearance of the army and were retreating steadily. The gap in the city wall they originally occupied was even at risk of changing hands.

These barbaric guys didn't know that the outcome of the war was already determined at this point.

Different from the battles between courage and glory in the past, what is unfolding before them now is the crushing of ignorance by technology, and the conquest of barbarism by civilization.

Shattrath, which was nearly conquered, was about to be recaptured. .

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