Ye Ting was confused when he heard that Aegwin's child was a daughter.

This news really caught him off guard.

Obviously in the real history, the great magician who inherited the position of his mother Asgardian was a bearded man who held a chicken leg staff, liked to wear purple robes, and liked to turn into a crow and make alarmist statements everywhere.

As a result, when I got here, I turned into a little girl.

"It's because of Aegwynn and the Parliament of Tirisfal." Ysera added, "Maybe it's because Aegwynn being an Asgardian completely does not meet their requirements. The Parliament of Tirisfal has no idea whether to allow women to become Asgardians. With deep doubts. Some of them even believe that women are too emotional and can easily lose control when they master powerful powers far beyond their own abilities. Therefore, in order not to arouse the resentment of the Council, Medivh has disguised himself as a man since he was a child and was treated as a boy. keep...……"

"I see." Ye Ting nodded and continued to ask "863", so what does your pretty excellent body mean?"

What Alexthassa just said about them helping Aegwynn give birth to a child, although it sounds ridiculous, does not make him angry, so why do they look like they have made a mistake?

He was keenly aware that the problem should lie with the father's body.

Sure enough, Alex Taza's answer did not disappoint him - or in other words, it did make him dumbfounded.

"That... the father's body refers to... you..." the Red Dragon Queen said hesitantly.

Yes, the incomparable "father body" mentioned by the three guardian dragons refers to Ye Ting himself.

In the eyes of the three dragon daughters, their father is the best male in the world.

Therefore, when they considered the father of Aegwynn's child, they immediately thought of him.

Anyway, as his daughters, although Ye Ting did not leave them any serious genetic samples, they still secretly kept some souvenirs such as hair.

"In other words... Medivh... No, it should be Medivh, my... daughter?"

Ye Ting still couldn't adapt to the sudden appearance of such a cheap daughter. "No, that's not entirely true. After all, according to our technology, the male parent only exists to make the child's genes complete, but she shouldn't inherit many of your characteristics..."

Faced with Ye Ting's question, Alex Tasa whispered.

As a Life-Binder who controls the power of life, Lexthassa is the main person in charge of research and operation in this matter.

They helped their father "create" a daughter. Such a coquettish operation seemed ridiculous to them now when they think about it.

"Yeah..." Ye Ting sighed, "But at least she still has some kind of fate with me, so I can't ignore her."

"What happened to her?"

The three female dragons asked curiously.

Seeing that Ye Ting did not pursue the matter above, they decisively changed the subject.

"Yes." Ye Ting said, "You should all know that as long as demons are not killed in the Twisting Nether, no matter how they die, their souls will return to the Twisting Nether and be reborn."

The three dragons nodded.

"In terms of controlling the soul, the demons are indeed better than us," Ye Ting sighed. "In fact, although you and Aegwynn killed Sargeras, the leader of the Burning Legion, he did not really die, and even he None of the souls returned to the Twisting Nether, but were hidden within Aegwynn.


"How can it be?"

"We didn't find him?"

The three of them were shocked after hearing this. Their biggest rival had actually been hidden in their friend's body for hundreds of years. They shuddered when they thought of this.

You don't need to think about it to know that Sargeras must have his conspiracy, otherwise he would have returned to the Twisting Nether and been reborn. Death once with no strength left is nothing to him.

"So, is the soul of Sargeras still in Aegwynn's body? Now that she has lost most of her mana, we should be able to easily subdue her." Talonissia said impatiently.

"No, no need." Ye Ting shook his head. "There is no big use in subduing her now, because Sargeras has already left her body."

"Then where did he go?" Ysera asked subconsciously.

Suddenly, she thought of Ye Ting's initial question.

"Is it difficult for him to hide in Medivh's body?"

"You guessed it right." Ye Ting nodded with an ugly expression.

Alex Tassa immediately understood something: "No wonder Aegwynn always complained to me that her child's personality was sometimes cheerful and sometimes gloomy. She even thought Medivh was schizophrenic. I also told her at the time that maybe it was because Medivh had been dressing up as a man for a long time. , caused by being too depressed, it turns out..."

"Yes, this symptom of schizophrenia is that the souls of Medivh and Sargeras take turns controlling the body. Although Sargeras cannot control Aegwynn, who already has a complete personality, he has been hiding in Medivh since he was born. Wen's body, so it has a great influence on her body..."

Ye Ting continued to explain.

"So, what are we waiting for? We have to stop Sargeras before he implements his conspiracy!" Talonisia said angrily.

"It's too late." Ye Ting shook his head, and then told them the information he knew about the Dark Portal.

"The devil's minions actually invaded Azeroth again?" The three dragon kings became even more angry, and they looked at Ye Ting.

"Tell me, Father, what do you need us to do? We can definitely drive them back to their hometown before they gain a foothold in Azeroth!" Alexstrasza said loudly.

"We can even counterattack Draenor and wipe out these guys!" Talonisia's words were even more murderous.

Ysera nodded in agreement.

However, facing their invitation to fight, Ye Ting just waved his hand.

"No, no need. There is no need to trouble your Dragon Legion to deal with the orcs."

He explained carefully: "Actually, the combat effectiveness of the orcs is not worth mentioning to you. The mortal coalition can completely deal with it. However, considering that there will be greater crises and disasters in the future, it is necessary for them to use the orcs to do this." A preview - only external pressure can make the tribes who have fallen into long-lasting peace wake up from their dreams and grow up enough to protect Azerra.

"And you," he said instead, "I will start to deal with Medivh's 5.7 matter. When the time comes, you will also need to take action to deal with Sargeras. You just wait for my signal."

"I understand, Father." The three Dragons nodded and said cleverly, "We will obey your arrangement."

"Now you know how to pretend to be good." Hearing their answers, Ye Ting suddenly smiled coldly, "Don't think you can get away with it, my daughter actually secretly used my hair as a sample to create another daughter for me. ?I haven’t settled this matter with you yet.”

Ye Ting said this and rushed towards them.

The battle between the dragon-slaying knight and the female dragon begins again.

This time it's one versus three.

The picture shows Mai Diwen. Mai Diwen’s female form is more difficult to find.

Also, I won’t make the character look like a girl casually. .

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