Even though this battle between spiritual bodies took place in the Emerald Dream, Ye Ting still felt tired after the battle.

There is no way, who made his opponents be three Dragon Queens?

However, this kind of hard work is still worthwhile, at least Talonisia and Alexthasa have achieved their long-cherished wish.

Before leaving, Ye Ting reminded the three female dragons carefully.

"After you go back, be careful about the Dragon Soul. Neltharion may make a fuss about it and use the hands of the orcs from these alien planets to master the Dragon Soul and then control you.

Especially you, Lex Tassa. Since Neltharion fell into Deathwing, his body can no longer bear the huge amounts of energy in his body. Even his spouse Sinestra cannot mate with him like this. Now , if he wants to revive the Black Dragon Legion, the only one he can count on is you. "

Hearing Ye Ting's words, Alex Tasa couldn't help but blush, but still nodded to express understanding.

In fact, Alex Tassa, who has the power of life, is indeed the best mother. In the original history, Deathwing conspired to let the orcs obtain the Dragon Soul, and the orcs took the opportunity to use the Dragon Soul to control Alex Tassa. In order to coerce the Red Dragon Legion to work for them, the alliance composed of humans, high elves and dwarfs suffered huge amounts of losses on the battlefield. Even Dalaran was destroyed by the red dragon's dragon flames.

Lex Tassa 11 was reduced to an egg-laying machine in the hands of the orcs until several teams of mortal races rescued her.

Because of this experience, coupled with Lex's character appearance in her mortal form, many players in World of Warcraft have wild imaginations about Lex's experience in the hands of the orcs, and therefore gave her the title of rbq.

Now that Ye Ting is here, how could he let Alex Tasa suffer such a fate?

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Talonisia.

"Talonisia, you are the only one among your sisters who is not controlled by the Dragon Soul," he looked into her eyes and said seriously, "I hope that during this period, you can try your best to be with your sisters. Stay together, protect them, and prevent anything bad from happening... I don't want any of you to encounter an accident.

"Don't worry, I will." Talonisia also replied seriously.

"One last thing." Ye Ting glanced at them respectively, and then said: "If you meet me in the outside world in the future, you should pretend to be seeing me for the first time. Don't call me 'Father', just call me directly." My name here is: 'Sandy Lever', and I don't want those guys to know about our relationship."

"You mean... the ancient god?" The smart guardian Dragon understood immediately.

"Yes, at least until we deal with these guys, we can't recognize each other... If you need anything, see you in the Emerald Dream.

After everything was explained, the four finally separated.

The guardian dragons also have their own responsibilities, so their next meeting may take a long time.

However, no one is dissatisfied with this. After all, as Ye Ting said, this era is troubled, countless chaos is coming, and there is no time for them to enjoy peace.

However, time is not a luxury for either Dragon or Ye Ting. Their life span is enough to ensure that they have enough time to enjoy the time with each other.

Anyway, there is a long way to go.

...After the three guardian dragons left, Ye Ting's life in the Violet Castle returned to the original two points and one line.

Get up early in the morning, go to the library, read books for the day, and go back to the room to sleep in the middle of the night.

This kind of life lasted for more than half a year, and he finally learned all the magic that could be learned in the library.

Most of the other more advanced or partial magics are the unique skills of certain people, or are secrets that are not passed down, or can only be learned at a certain price.

However, at least for Ye Ting, this knowledge of magic is enough for the time being.

As for shapeshifting magic, thanks to Ye Ting's selfless teaching and widespread dissemination, it has been widely recognized by magicians throughout the human kingdoms. Even the high elves of Quel'Thalas expressed this opinion. Out of curiosity, Kael'thas mentioned privately that the Silver Moon Council in Quel'Thalas had begun discussing whether to invite Ye Ting, the founder of shapeshifting magic, with the purpose of inviting him to Quel'thas. Silvermoon City, the capital of Larth, teaches the secrets of shapeshifting magic. ,

By the way, the Silver Moon Council is the ruling body of the High Elf Kingdom Quel'Thalas. It is composed of the seven greatest noble lords of the High Elves. However, at the same time, the Sunstrider royal family of the High Elves also has certain powers. This It can be regarded as an alien version of a constitutional monarch.

Moreover, these seven noble lords are all magicians——Magicians have a special status in Quel'Thalas. However, due to the high concentration of magic brought by bathing in the Sunwell all year round, almost every high elf They can all do magic.

Now, Ye Ting plans to suspend his studies and officially intervene in the world's affairs.

Originally a great magician, Ye Ting was qualified to build his own magic tower in Dalaran, but this required sufficient financial and material resources.

Definitely, if Ye Ting is willing to take the easy way out, the collection of three Guardian Dragons is enough for him to build as many magic towers as he wants, but in order not to expose the connection between them, he had to give up such a convenient option.

Therefore, before building the magic tower, he must find ways to obtain sufficient financial resources.

Magician is indeed a costly profession.

So, for Ye Ting, traveling around the mainland and building up his strength is indeed an urgent matter.

It just so happened that in the past few days, news came from the human kingdom far south of the Eastern Kingdom Continent - the Kingdom of Storm - which is also the core kingdom of future humans in the original plot - that the army of the Feng Kingdom defeated an army in the Redridge Mountains. An army composed of green humanoid races. These humanoid races are similar in stature to trolls, but are stronger and have long fangs. After their failure, they retreated into the Dark Swamp and sealed it with thick fog.

The Kingdom of Storm 423 believes that these strong and barbaric aliens will definitely come back, and hopes that the countries in the continent of Lordaeron can provide them with support to fight against the aliens.

However, because the Kingdom of Stormwind is too far away from the other countries in the continent of Lordaeron, and because the Kingdom of Stormwind has been pursuing isolationism for a long time, there is no one to help.

The leaders of various countries regarded these news as jokes, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which was most likely to come to help, was deterred by roadside news from a Stormwind noble: "King Lois's so-called war is just a civil strife.

The Kingdom of Stormwind has become a lonely boat on the sea, and now it has to face the stormy waves alone.

However, here in Dalaran, Ye Ting offered to serve as an envoy of Dalaran and go to the Kingdom of Stormwind to conduct on-site inspections to determine the real situation.

Most magicians in Dalaran feel that Ye Ting's request is completely unnecessary - there is no need for Dalaran to pay so much attention to the internal affairs of other human countries.

However, in their opinion, given Ye Ting's age, it is understandable that he would like to find an opportunity to visit distant Dalaran. Coupled with Ye Ting's status as a magician, the Kirin Tor Council finally agreed to his request, and also secretly gave him the task of contacting Khadgar, investigating Medivh's magician tower, and Kayla Zan - after all, Kayla Zan Just near Stormwind City.

For Ye Ting, the second task was completely delivered to his doorstep, which just gave him a reason to intervene in the incident involving Medivh.

In this way, Ye Ting embarked on his journey. .

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