The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 397: Mission To Stormwind City

Different from the game, there are actually no portals between the main cities of Azeroth.

In fact, in Azeroth, the number of magicians who can use portals is quite small, and these magicians who can use portals basically have high magician levels.

Even in Dalaran, where magicians gather, the number of great magicians is quite small. Each great magician has a respected status. Who would bother to open a portal for others?

In any case, magicians are considered rare professions in Azeroth. Compared to the popularity of professions such as warriors, thieves, and rangers, magicians are completely rare in Azeroth, and their rarity is much higher than that of priests.

Not to mention, the stability of the portal depends on the user's mastery of magic, and most magicians who can use the portal create portals that are not stable. In other words, if you casually pass through these magician portals, except for those magicians who are originally proficient in space magic, others will most likely be transported to a place completely opposite to their destination - it is even possible Lost in the star realm due to the chaos of space.

In fact, even in Dalaran, after a while there will be accidents where magicians get lost in the astral world due to mistakes in using the portal.

In comparison, the magic in the Harry Potter world is much more advanced in the development of space.

Although it is difficult to learn the phantom magic, which is used for personal movement and can even bring one or two other people with you, it is much simpler than the portal - most adult necromancers can learn it after a period of training.

Compared with portals, portkeys are more convenient to manufacture and maintain, and there are basically no transmission errors. In this regard, the Ministry of Magic even had to legislate and set up an office to prevent the misuse of portkeys.

Not to mention the Floo Network, which has become so popular that it has become one of the daily necessities in every necromancer family, completely defeating the portal.

This is why, in the original plot, Jaina was regarded as a genius magician by Dalaran because of her group teleportation skills.

From this point of view, Ye Ting, who has mastered the space magic of Otherworld, may be able to make a fortune just by relying on space magic.

However, for Ye Ting, who was on a mission to the Kingdom of Stormwind as an envoy from Dalaran, it didn't matter whether there was a portal or not.

For him, instead of using the portal to appear directly in Stormwind City, it is better to use traditional land transportation, so that he can appreciate the customs and customs of Azeroth along the way.

In this way, he rode the carriage all the way through the Hillsbrad hills, crossed the Arathi Highlands where Thoradin's Wall stood, and passed the Sador Bridge that connected the two continents.

Then we passed through the vibrant wetlands, passed through Loch Modan, the food-producing base of the Dwarfs with its majestic boulder dam, passed through the deserted land filled with dust, passed through the burning plains full of scorched earth, passed through the Redridge Mountains full of red fertile soil, and finally Entering the vast Elwynn Forest.

Through the forest, Ye came to Stormwind City.

The whole trip took two months.

Everyone in the Stormwind Kingdom gave a warm welcome to the arrival of Ye Ting, the envoy of Dalaran.

The human kingdoms of Azeroth are similar to the Middle Ages in Europe on Earth. The knight culture here is quite popular. The royal family and nobles are either born as knights or have great respect for knights.

On the contrary, they have an inherent prejudice against magicians, thinking that they are mysterious, withdrawn and incomprehensible.

However, the King of Stormwind Kingdom, Lois Wrynn I, is different. He himself has basic goodwill toward Magician. This is not only due to his original kindness and wisdom, but also because he and Medivh have been friends since childhood. The two of them, together with the current leader of the Royal Knights, Master Anduin Lothar, have been die-hards since childhood.

Therefore, compared to other kings and nobles, he understands magicians better, understands their power, and pays more attention to the power of magicians.

Not to mention, Dalaran at the moment was the only one among the human nations in Lordaeron to give them positive feedback.

The other kingdoms all regarded the warnings and requests for help from the Kingdom of Stormwind as a joke.

However, the entire Stormwind Kingdom knew its own misfortune. Under the attack of the orcs, the Sunshine Forest, Western Wilderness, and southern Redridge Mountains once fell into the hands of the orc tribes. The human people were displaced, and the nobles also lost a lot of property.

Although the troops of the Kingdom of Stormwind, led by Anduin Lothar, have repelled the vanguard of the orcs and driven them back to the Black Swamp, they all believe that these orcs will come back sooner or later.

When the time comes, they don't know whether the Stormwind Kingdom's army alone can stop the orc army.

Now, Dalaran seems to have become their only possible reinforcement.

In such an emergency situation, the Kingdom of Storm gave a grand welcome to the envoy Ye Ting.

King Lois Wrynn I personally summoned Ye Ting in the meeting hall of the palace.

Surrounded by guards and attendants, Ye Ting walked onto the red carpet into the meeting hall.

Entering the meeting hall, you can see King Lois sitting on the throne in the center.

King Lois is estimated to be forty or fifty years old. He wears a gorgeous dress and a golden crown. He has a kind and gentle look, which makes it easy for him to gain the closeness and trust of others.

In the original work, he can also be regarded as a wise king.

Sitting next to him was his queen, but he did not see Prince Varian Wrynn, who was still a child.

The nobles and ministers of Stormwind Kingdom were lined up on both sides. One of them, a man wearing gorgeous heavy armor and with extraordinary momentum, attracted Ye Ting's attention.

In his opinion, although there were many warriors among the nobles present who could go on the battlefield, the strongest one among them still belonged to this man.

Ye Ting was bored by the cumbersome etiquette of the nobles, but now he could only follow the local customs and barely went through the ceremony of meeting the envoy.

Fortunately, he did not need to perform most of the things himself. Dalaran sent two magician apprentices to assist him to handle it. He himself just barely nodded to King Lois as a salute.

Due to Dalaran's transcendent status and the special nature of Magician, these quite rude behaviors in the eyes of the nobles did not arouse anyone's dissatisfaction in person.

Perhaps sensing Ye Ting's impatience with etiquette, King Lois understandingly simplified the remaining red tape and quickly got to the point.

The servants pushed over a large table and spread out a large map on the table. (Zhao Ma Zhao Bu)

And the man just now - Anduin Lothar, the leader and current commander of the Royal Knights of the Kingdom of Stormwind, began to explain the current situation to Ye Ting.

In short, the losses in the Kingdom of Stormwind were much heavier than imagined. It is estimated that this year's autumn harvest will be greatly affected, and the orcs have not been truly defeated. Now they are hiding in the black swamp, which has been destroyed. Shrouded in thick fog, we don't know where they come from, how many troops they have, or how much food and fodder they have, but I believe they must be planning a new offensive. However, in the battle to resist the orc attack, our army suffered very serious casualties, and I don’t know if the Kingdom of Stormwind can withstand their next attack.”

At this point, the atmosphere in the entire hall became sad.

The picture shows Stormwind City in the movie, which is much larger than in the game and is more in line with the original setting.

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