The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 820: The Fake Bard [Second Update]

When he got up early in the morning, Ye Ting refused the good morning bite service from the palace ladies.

This made the maids very sad.

They wanted nothing more than to get closer to such a handsome, strong and elegant boy.

Compared with those princes and nobles who are either old or fat, Ye Ting is more handsome and stronger, but compared to the rude and stupid palace guards, Ye Ting is more elegant and smart than them. Such a man is their ideal man. target.

These perverts stared at Ye Ting's chest, waist and butt and drooled, not just once or twice.

Although women in ancient Egypt were not as chaotic as the ancient Greeks and Romans, their openness was not low either.

The ancient Egyptians regarded "adultery" as a sin, but they did not care about women's chastity. This also means that compared with today's people who sell dogs at the expense of others, "play casually before marriage and remain chaste after marriage" is regarded as the norm by the public. The concept of the lighthouse nation, the ancient Egyptians were the civilization that truly followed this path.

And this also led to the fact that ancient Egyptian women were quite liberal when it came to the word sex. This kind of custom naturally affected the ladies in the palace after the pharaoh no longer had power.

It's a pity that Ye Ting was determined from the beginning. What he wants to pick in this country are only the most beautiful flowers of the high mountains240.

He was not interested in anyone except Nitocris, the most beautiful brown beauty.

Not interested at least for now.

After washing up, had breakfast. Ye Ting met Nitocris again.

This morning, Nitocris will routinely summon the Egyptian vigilante and ministers.

Although she is still a puppet queen and has no control over actual political rights, such regular meetings are an Egyptian tradition and the format still needs to be followed.

When meeting with the ministers, perhaps to show off her power or to express intimacy, Nitocris naturally took Ye Ting with her.

"That is today's Sivir. He turns out to be a descendant of xxx, a relative of his..."

"This is the great general of Egypt. He is in charge of the armies of Upper and Lower Egypt..."

"This is your Excellency, he..."

"Hey, I'm introducing my enemy to you. Are you listening carefully?"

Before the regular meeting began, Nitocris on the throne introduced Ye Ting to the Egyptian ministers one by one, who were also her biggest enemies and the people she considered her opponents. (bbee)

However, to Ye Ting, these guys are just ordinary mortals and are not worthy of being his opponents, so he doesn't care much about their intelligence plans.

This attitude naturally made Nitocris jealous.

In fact, although Nitocris is not a magician, she is also a very powerful rune master. As a magical caster, her level is quite high, and she can be considered a strong person.

The mortal ministers are not looked down upon by Ye Ting, but Nitocris regards them as their formidable enemies. This also indirectly illustrates the limitations of divine spellcasters compared to magicians.

It is quite difficult for a magician to learn and control magic, and the requirements for ability are also very high.

However, the magician's power belongs entirely to himself and can be used at will. No matter where it is used, there is no need to worry about being abandoned by magic.

But divine spellcasters are different.

As long as a divine spellcaster is pious enough, anyone can do it well, and the ability required is not higher than that of a magician.

However, its limitations are quite large - all because of the gods.

Divine spell casters, such as priests, priests, rune masters, etc., have their power sourced from gods, so their application of divine spells must comply with the requirements of the gods, and they do not just do whatever they want.

This is also the reason why, although Nitocris is very strong, there is nothing she can do against the ministers.

At the same time that Ye Ting and Nitocris were communicating, the Egyptian ministers were talking about their close bodies and intimate whispers.

They talked to each other, trying to get information about the exotic young man who suddenly appeared and was favored by the Pharaoh.

Ye Ting seemed to have a very close relationship with Nitocris, and would even make some small moves that only people close to him would do, which made these ministers worried and jealous.

Because from the time she succeeded to the throne to now, Nitocris has not had much affection for any man.

Perhaps because as the queen of the previous generation of pharaohs, in order to maintain the face of the late Melaran II, Nitocris was quite clean and self-sufficient in matters between men and women.

There is no evidence that this female pharaoh has or ever had any lovers.

However, her behavior made these Egyptian ministers, who regarded her as a puppet, covet her more.

After all, although they worked together to oust the Pharaoh of Egypt and gain real power in Egypt, who wouldn't want to go one step further in the face of power?

Although the Pharaoh has lost power, it is also because of the temporary abuses caused by the weakness of Pharaoh Pepi in the past. It is Egypt's long-standing tradition to hold power through the judiciary.

Therefore, in the eyes of ministers, today's Nitocris is a stepping stone to further progress.

Especially those ministers who expect themselves, or their sons and juniors, to attract Nito Corinth, become a prince, or even usurp the throne.

In addition, Nitocris's beauty, which surpasses all of Egypt, is also one of the reasons why ministers covet her. The appearance inherited from the gods is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

"Who is that guy? Why is he favored by His Majesty?"

A minister couldn't wait to find a palace maid and asked her.

In the past when the Pharaoh was "Heaven", such collusion between foreign ministers and internal servants was naturally a serious crime worthy of death.

But now that the Pharaoh's power is on the wane, faced with such a face-to-face betrayal, Nitocris can't even punish the palace maid too much - the most she can do is drive her out of the palace.

The maids came to the minister obediently and answered the questions very quickly.

"He claims to be a traveler from a foreign country and is also an excellent musician. Yesterday he was teaching His Highness the Pharaoh how to use foreign instruments.

Perhaps it was because Ye Ting refused to go further with them without hesitation, so the palace maid had no psychological pressure to betray him.

As a result, the ministers suddenly realized that they naturally equated Ye Ting with that kind of superficial bard.

After all, such people exist everywhere in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, who rely on their appearance and talent to win the favor of high-ranking ladies.

Most people will preconceptions about things they are unfamiliar with and dislike, and think they are fake.

But after identifying Ye Ting as a bard, things became much simpler. Find an opportunity to expose him. Then kill him or at least deport him. This is not difficult for the Egyptian ministers who think highly of themselves.

At least these guys don't think it's difficult.

And among them, some even have more ideas. .

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