The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 821: Court Conflict And Learning Ability [Third Update]

For the Egyptian ministers, Ye Ting's appearance next to Nitocris was quite a surprise.

Therefore, at the political meeting, these ministers did not focus on government affairs at all. Instead, they focused on telling Nitocris that people like Ye Ting were just liars in appearance, and that a truly qualified pharaoh was not To favor such a sensationalist who is only good at uncanny skills and tricks - that is the work of a foolish king who has subjugated his country.

In the past, when Nitocris had to succumb to the power of the ministers, she would basically agree to their requests - as if they were human beings.

However, this time, the female pharaoh changed her past weakness and strongly refuted the opinions of the ministers, insisting on keeping Ye Ting by her side.

The changes in Nitocris shocked the ministers.

For a long time, this female pharaoh's "sensibleness", or weakness, has been the most appreciated object by the ministers.

Because even though they had the actual power in Egypt, the prestige of the Pharaoh was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and most Egyptians still believed that the Pharaoh was the descendant of God in the mortal world.

Before the Pharaoh's status in the hearts of the Egyptians could be completely changed, it was still necessary for them to maintain the Pharaoh's existence.

This leads to the fact that if they want to gain power, they must maintain an obedient puppet pharaoh.

This is also the reason why they chose the "weak" Nitocris as Pharaoh instead of her other brothers.

However, now that Nitocris suddenly "turned against" Ye Ting, it was hard for them to do anything with her.

After all, they couldn't just kill the pharaoh and replace him with someone more obedient.

"Forget it, forget it, he's just a musician."

"When a woman reaches that age, it is normal for her to admire Shaoai when she is young.

"He's just a bard anyway, and he can't rebel."

"At worst, we'll find a way to kill this man when the time comes."

With this idea in mind, the ministers finally compromised on the surface.

They did not directly tell Nitocris to ask Ye Ting to leave her, but it was unknown what conspiracy they had behind the scenes.

And Nitocris, as if she was not the one who resisted just now, continued to act as a qualified human skin seal in the subsequent political discussions.

The end of the political discussion was the same as in the past, accompanied by a harmonious atmosphere.

But only those present realized that there was an undercurrent between Nitocris and the ministers.

After the discussion, Ye Ting and Nitocris stayed in the female pharaoh's study as they did last night, but contrary to last night, this time Nitocris was responsible for teaching Ye Ting the knowledge of Egyptian runes and spells. .

The one who was listening was naturally the little patron saint of Nitocris, God Medjed.

During the teaching process, the two of them would use magical techniques from time to time to let Ye Ting feel the corresponding power in person.

And what kind of person is Ye Ting?

Although Nitocris is also considered a powerful spell caster, her knowledge reserve and insight are far inferior to Ye Ting's.

Not to mention the difference in knowledge requirements between divine spellcasters and arcane spellcasters, just speaking of Ye Ting himself, no one among the legendary magicians can match him in terms of his knowledge and understanding of magic.

Although it took decades from the time he learned magic to becoming a legendary magician - compared to him, some genius magicians can become legends much faster.

But Ye Ting is different.

Because, even if other magicians become legends, they have only reached the legendary level of attainment in certain magic.

But Ye Ting, as a legendary magician, will span three worlds, and all the magic categories he masters have reached the legendary level.

What does this mean?

Ordinary legendary magicians who want to cast legendary spells must prepare materials in advance, prepare rituals, spend a lot of time and energy, and then use them after a long spell.

But for Ye Ting, legendary spells are just like ordinary spells that can be used after a short preparation. Even large-scale legendary spells just make him spend a little more time.

After all, as a mortal, he performed the "Ascension Ceremony" to help Hecate - or the original Pandora - become the highest-level god under the creation gods, "the God of Magic, the Magician". The existence of God and the Goddess of the Demonic Network.

Although there are some tricks and cannot be copied at all, it is enough to prove Ye Ting's accomplishments as a magician.

What kind of magic has he not seen? What kind of magic theory has he not studied?

…Please give me flowers…………

He learned Egyptian runes and spells much faster than Nitocris learned magic.

In just one morning, Ye Ting understood most of the basic principles of rune magic.

According to this progress, I am afraid that within two days, Nitocris will have nothing to teach him - if it were not for his belief in the Egyptian gods, Ye Ting would probably be able to use the gods soon.

In short, at the end of the morning, Ye Ting successfully made Nitocris doubt life - just like Nitocris made the high priest who taught her magical skills doubt life when she was a child.

Originally, Nitocris thought that she was already a rare genius in terms of magic.

This is what the priests throughout Egypt attested to over the years.

In terms of divine magic, especially rune magic, no one in Egypt could match her.

If it weren't for the fact that as a pharaoh, her magic could not attack the ministers at will, Nitocris would never have been elected as the female pharaoh.

And this ability is also the reason why she can guarantee her chastity despite the covetousness of these evil-minded ministers.

It's a pity that Nitocris has now met Ye Ting, who can be called a genius among geniuses.

Unparalleled ability coupled with unparalleled accumulation eventually created a "monster" like Ye Ting.

"I even have some doubts about where you came from as the God of Wisdom." After the teaching, Nitocris commented to Ye Ting, "Tell me the truth, Thoth."

Are you really not the God of Wisdom from a foreign land, or her divine son?"

"Major! Major!" God Major Major also looked serious and nodded in agreement.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm not," Ye Ting said half-jokingly, "otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make the goddess of wisdom fall in love with me."

"Eh? Thoth actually wants to have an affair with a god?" Nitocris was surprised by Ye Ting's remarks.

"Why, can't it?" Ye Ting thought for a moment and explained, "Maybe it's not like this in Egypt, but in our place, it's normal for gods and humans to love each other.

"Hey, is that so?" Ye Ting's words seemed to make Nitocris a little disappointed.

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