The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 822 Wei Hill’S Invitation [Fourth Update]

Not to mention what Nitocris thought about Ye Ting.

After lunch, Ye Ting and the female pharaoh temporarily separated, and then a palace maid found Ye Ting.

"Lord Thoth, Lord Wei Hill of Upper Egypt wants to see you." The palace lady said to Ye Ting straight to the point, looking at Ye Ting with some pity in her eyes.

It seems that as someone close to the female pharaoh, Ye Ting being targeted by Wei Hill means that he is doomed.

You know, as the Vi Hill of Upper Egypt today, he can be said to be more powerful than one person and more than ten thousand people. Even because Nitocris is a puppet, this man is considered the most powerful person in Egypt today.

As a position similar to that of prime minister, Victor Hill was basically the only person in the military power's grasp who could rival him in terms of power. The only person who could rival him in terms of power was Victor Hill of Lower Egypt.

"187" However, generally speaking, Upper Egypt is more prosperous than Lower Egypt, and the vigil in Upper Egypt is more powerful than the vigil in Lower Egypt.

After all, in terms of the area of ​​oasis suitable for human survival, Upper Egypt is larger than Lower Egypt - Upper Egypt includes part of the Nile Delta, and the Nile branches are prosperous in the delta, so the land nourished by the river is naturally larger.

What's more, when Upper and Lower Egypt were unified, it was the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt who conquered Lower Egypt.

In short, compared to the most powerful man in Egypt today, in the eyes of the palace maid, Ye Ting is nothing.

Although Ye Ting has extraordinary appearance, strong body, extraordinary conversation and profound wisdom, he is so fascinating to the ladies in court, but in the face of power, all this is like nothing.

"Ve Hill in Upper Egypt, I remember Nito introduced me to him in the morning. He seemed to be a middle-aged man with a goatee, or a bald fat man? By the way, what was his name? No matter what, it wasn't him anyway. If she's an important person, just go see her and have some fun.

Thinking this, Ye Ting followed the palace maid and walked out of the palace with an indifferent expression.

Although Ye Ting's memory is not impenetrable, his memory will passively block things he doesn't care about.

After all, not everyone is qualified to be remembered by Ye Ting.

Ye Ting was called away by Wei Hill from Upper Egypt, and the news soon reached Nitocris' ears.

" could this happen?" The female pharaoh was a little flustered. "I had clearly rejected them this morning, so why did they still take Thoth away from me? Besides, Thoth is obviously so smart. Man, why did you just go away with him obediently? Doesn't he know how powerful those people are?"

"May! Major! De!"

"I know, I know Thoth is very strong," the female pharaoh said to Medjed, "but the army of Memphis and the Pharaoh's forbidden army are all in their hands, and there are also priests in the temple who are the same as them. My friend, no matter how strong he is, facing so many enemies will still be a headache."

"Major! Major! Jay!! Majorde!"

" that so? Is he really just a little worse than Master Mejed? How is that possible? It's incredible that there are mortals who can compare with a god like Lord Mejed.


Medjed blushed a little, probably because he had just boasted in front of the believers.

In short, Medjed's comfort made Nitocris feel a little more at ease.

"Since Master Majed has said it, I will just believe that man... What a disgusting man. He actually wants me, the pharaoh, to worry about him. It is really disrespectful."

Nitocris was worried about Ye Ting, but Ye Ting followed the palace maid all the way out of the palace and came to a big house near the palace.

Although this place is not as grand and luxurious as the palace, it is more gorgeous and luxurious than the palace.

Even for Nitocris, the place where she lives is simpler than the house in front of her: there are gold utensils everywhere, and even the slaves wear leather clothes with gold ornaments everywhere. There are colorfully dyed blankets and curtains, and there are exquisite reliefs and colorful paintings everywhere on the walls.

If it weren't for the fact that the royal palace in Egypt was originally a rare architectural wonder, coupled with the accumulation of thousands of years, perhaps this place would be more like a royal palace.

This is currently the home of the most powerful person in Egypt.

Sure enough, such an official is not a competent guy. At first glance, he looks like the kind of corrupt person [like a character in "Scraping the Landlord".

With this in mind, Ye Ting, led by a slave, came all the way to a lobby...

Here, he finally met the real owner.

That was not a middle-aged man with a goatee, nor a fat man with a bald head, but an old man with a neat snow-white beard who even looked a little shriveled.

At the moment, the old man was half-lying on a soft cushion. The tables in front of him were filled with all kinds of fruits and delicacies. There were three or four female slaves wearing gorgeous gold jewelry serving him beside him.

And further down, two rows of tall, round-waisted guards stood naked, holding various weapons.

As if he didn't care about Ye Ting's arrival, the old man slowly ate a date under the service of the slave girl, and then looked down.

"You're finally here," the old man said in a condescending and casual tone, "your name...forget it, that's not important, let me just say this, I am the one who really controls this country now. , I asked you to come here today because I have something to tell you."

Before Ye Ting could say anything, the old man continued to talk to himself.

"You should have been with the queen for two days... What a lucky guy. You have to be lucky that you have a good skin, so you are lucky enough to taste the most wonderful treasure of this country. ——But I want to tell you, that is not something you can get your hands on, your good skin is useless in the face of real power!"

That's what he said, but Ye Ting clearly saw jealousy in the old man's eyes.

"What's that look in your eyes?" The old man seemed to be irritated, and he threatened more bluntly, "In short, even if you have the favor of that powerless female pharaoh, you are just meat on our chopping board, as long as you I think I can take away your life at any time——You know, only true power can dominate everything."

Seemingly interpreting Ye Ting's disdainful expression as being frightened, the old man looked a little proud and then continued.

"However, if you want to live, I have a chance to give you: since you can stand beside His Highness the Pharaoh, then she should trust you, and I will give you a bottle of medicine.

Tonight, you are to put this medicine into Pharaoh's dinner, and someone will tell you how to do it!"

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