The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 823 Murderous Intent [1St Update]

This Wei Hill has a good plan.

Although they have been coveting this female pharaoh for a long time due to the original power of Nitocris, they have been unable to take action.

But Ye Ting's appearance allowed them to find a flaw.

Through this person who was close to the female pharaoh, they were able to put potions with special effects into her food.

Although the Pharaoh was wary of other people, even the palace maids, she must have been unguarded against this "favorite" - after all, their intimacy today was not artificial. With Nitocris's level of loyalty, she would not You can do this with anyone who has not entered your heart.

It's a pity that Wei Hill has considered so much, but only missed one thing.

In other words, he didn't consider one thing at all, which was Ye Ting's own will.

No, maybe he has considered this, but in a completely wrong direction:

"As a foreign traveler and bard, you have no property and no place to stay in this country." Wei Hill said seductively, "11Although you have been favored by the female pharaoh, she She is just a puppet. What else can she give you besides temporary favor? But I am different - I am the one with real power. As long as you obey me, I will reward you with countless gold. Although you lost the female pharaoh, these..."

As he spoke, he patted the female slaves beside him, and these women immediately made seductive gestures in cooperation.

At this time, Ye Ting discovered that all of his female slaves looked a bit like Nitocris in appearance, and they were also similar to female magicians.

It seems that this Wei Hill has been coveting Nitocris for a long time, and since he couldn't get it, he asked these ordinary women to dress up like her as a substitute.


Ye Ting thinks so.

Seeing these female slaves dressed as female pharaohs, Ye Ting couldn't help but feel that something that belonged to him had been desecrated.

It was a disgusting feeling similar to someone's hand-printing of your girlfriend's photo.

The original indifference to the Wei Hill in front of him, and even the feeling of being as interested as a cat playing with a mouse, has completely turned into a pure murderous intention.

At this moment, he really wanted to kill this disgusting man in front of him.

He is obviously very old, but he still dares to think this way about his Nito and do such disgusting things. It is really disrespectful to be an old man. To not die in old age is to be a thief!

But Wei Hill didn't notice it at all and kept chattering there.

"You can't earn these wealth and beauties in your lifetime, but now you have a chance to get them - as long as you cooperate with me, but if you refuse, the result will be death."

As he spoke, he pointed to the strong guards below.

However, at this time, he realized that the guards in front of him had already drawn their weapons and pointed in Ye Ting's direction vigilantly. At the same time, they were preparing for war, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

What he didn't notice was that cold sweat had formed on their foreheads and their calves were trembling slightly.

"What...what's going on? What are you doing?"

Although Wei Hill was surprised by his subordinate's reaction, he immediately set his sights on Ye Ting.

Wei Hill keenly attributed the source of the anomaly to the bard who was brought and originally considered "useless" by him.

Perhaps, this guy from the East does have some tricks up his sleeve.

He wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Ye Ting.

"Have you said enough?"

Ye Ting's voice was very cold, like ice. Even the powerful Wei Hill couldn't help but shudder when he heard it.

"You actually blasphemed Nitocris to this extent——You are guilty of an unpardonable crime!"

Following his words, pure murderous intent immediately enveloped Wei Hill, just like it enveloped his thugs before.

However, Hill is luckier than the thugs... or is he unlucky?

Because what the thugs felt was only the aftermath, but Wei Hill could completely feel the real killing intent from Ye Ting.

The terrifying killing intent made his whole body feel as cold as if he was in the polar regions. His eyes were filled with terrifying mountains of corpses and seas of blood, as if there were countless electric souls telling his ears how terrible the people in front of him were.

At the moment, Wei Hill couldn't even feel his body.

He wanted to scream, curse, or even turn around and run away.

But he can't do anything.

Ye Ting's mental power was so powerful. The pure murderous intention generated by such mental power only instantly defeated the Upper Egypt vigilante Hill who controlled most of Egypt.

You know, in the world of Harry Potter, he personally killed Voldemort and suppressed countless Death Eaters. In the world of Song of Ice and Fire, he was also considered a religious leader of a powerful country, causing endless wars. In World of Warcraft, he was even more As the nemesis of the orcs, he led the alliance's troops to fight everywhere, and was led by trolls and orcs to become a Death God-like existence.

How could a mere prime minister of Egypt, a conspirator who had never even fought in a war, bear such a murderous intention?

Although Wei Hill's reaction was very unbearable, he still led a party after all and was not an ordinary person. Therefore, although he had been defeated by the killing intent, he had not yet been completely swallowed up.

But the female slave next to him was miserable.

They were only affected by Ye Ting's murderous intention on Wei Hill, but the aftermath made them almost completely crazy. Some of them were completely incontinent, their bodies limp and limp on the ground, and some were crying and crying like crazy people. Laughing, screaming loudly, the scene was very chaotic.


Originally, Ye Ting really wanted to kill Wei Hill.

But thinking of Nitocris's desire to take revenge personally, he still let Wei Hill go in the end.

After the murderous intention subsided, Wei Hill began to breathe heavily like a person who had been drowned for a long time and was finally rescued.

It was only then that he realized that he had been incontinent for a long time between his legs. The yellow and white areas were a mess, and the stinky smell was floating everywhere.

But he didn't have time to feel sick anymore.

The miserable state of the female slaves around him frightened him.

Although Ye Ting's killing intent just now made him almost faint, he managed to survive until the end.

The same cannot be said for these female slaves. Their characters are too weak and obedient, so they are swallowed up in an instant when faced with the aftermath of murderous intent, and the price is to fall into madness.

This damage to their consciousness is permanent, and even if the murderous intention disappears, they will not be able to recover.

Seeing the crazy and stupid people around him, and listening to their chaotic screams and murmurs, Wei Hill felt a shudder.

"You...what are you...?"

He could never believe that the person in front of him was just a bard from a foreign country - whose bard could have such terrifying murderous intention.

That kind of murderous intention can only be produced by sacrificing the blood of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people. .

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